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Faiths and Powers: Gods of the Realms (Kitpack and divine caster/spell tweaks)



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  • BuliBuli Member Posts: 23
    Oh, I see. Will the official release happen anytime soon, or it is still unspecified future?
    If it is the latter than I do not mind trying current version of druid/mage. I am more interested in druid spells (prefer them over cleric) than shapeshifting. May as well check it and maybe I will provide some useful feedback. :)

  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Buli said:

    Oh, I see. Will the official release happen anytime soon, or it is still unspecified future?
    If it is the latter than I do not mind trying current version of druid/mage. I am more interested in druid spells (prefer them over cleric) than shapeshifting. May as well check it and maybe I will provide some useful feedback. :)

    I'm holding it back, unfortunately. Life keeps intruding, but I'm making (slow) progress...
  • BuliBuli Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2016
    Well, that is alright. I am happy to play as it is (I always wanted druid/mage multiclass).
    I will most likely replay the game in some months again, as I always do, so do not worry and keep fighting good fight Grammarsalad.

    Edit to avoid double posting: For installation order should I install FnP after other mods (mainly spell mods) but before Might and Guile (revised stats, hp and saving throws only)?
    Also iwdification is still necessary and support for SRv4 is ok?
    Post edited by Buli on
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited January 2016
    I actually got a lot done today. All of the existing cleric/acolyte/incarnate(1) kits are incorporated in the code. A few more steps and I'll have the deity selection a first draft of the deity selection up and working. I'm a bit rusty, so I'm sure I have to squash a lot of bugs in testing first, though...
  • BuliBuli Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2016
    Well,I have small issue and I think I may as well ask.
    It seems after installing other mods (npc mods, quest mods, IRv4, SRv4 and IWDification and bg2tweaks) and FnP the SCS installs extremely slowly. I even checked and it is going slowly while applying kits/proficiencies/scripts. It is going for 4 hours and still not finished. Is anybody else got such an issue? SCS used to install on my pc in less than 2 hours.

    Edit: After 5 hours it has finished. I am unsure if FnP is the reason, but this is only change I made from my usual setup. Although I used different kit packs in the past I never had slowdown. Oh well, maybe it was problem on my side.
    Post edited by Buli on
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    So, I have something that I can test *lots of pain and suffering in my near future*
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited January 2016
    Expanded Cleric Weapon Proficiency 'pip's'

    I'm not sure if we have talked about this, but I would like to expand, a bit, the base cleric's selection of weapon proficiency points. We already have in place expanded usability for clerics to account for different priest favored weapons (e.g. Helmites and their longswords). I think that the 'base' classes should be able to put a 'pip' in a few 'simple' weapon proficiencies other than the standard blunt weapons. Here is the proposed expanded list (with italicized weapons being proposed additions):

    Short Swords

    Short Bow


    As you can see, this adds 6 weapon categories to the cleric, though none of these are the 'big boys' like longswords, axes and such. What do you think?

    Edit: Also proposed is to let multi/dual classes gain pips in any weapon available to all classes. So, for example, a cleric/fighter mutliclass would be able to gain specialization in any weapon. I see no reason to limit these classes based on some obscure rule that was supposedly enforced during the crusades (or whatever)
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  • I like the idea in general, especially the notion that multi/dual-classes shouldn't be restricted in their proficiencies. I'm with subtledoctor in that I hesitate to give away short bow usability to everyone. I can't really articulate a reason for that based on verisimilitude, just a feeling that allowing everyone access to one of the dominant ranged weapon categories might have negative consequences.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    I'm not attached to short bows. Thinking about it, they probably aren't really that 'simple'anyway. No short bows, then
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2016
    Here are some more observations about the Cleric of Grumbar. I know he's from the Frosty Journey mod, but I don't know what exactly is affected by F&P, so I mention it all to be safe:
    • He has both "Stoneskin" (the mage spell) and "Ironskins" (the corresponding druid spell) in his spell book at spell level 4. That's rather redundant... :)
    • "Spike Stones" is in his spell book twice - once at spell level 3, and once at spell level 5. The descriptions are identical - except that the level 5 version says "Level: 5; Sphere: Elemental Earth" whereas the level 3 version says "Level: 4; Sphere: Earth". Is this intended?
    • His "Summon Earth Elemental" special ability is overpowered. The elemental stays for a long time, and seems to be completely immune to the damage that trolls / spiders / cold wights / etc. do. I had to stop myself from exploiting it too much, because it would have made Dragon's Eye much easier than it should be... :)
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  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2016

    are you using SR or some other spell mod?


    The Earth elemental thing is what, an innate ability? If so it's a Frosty Journey issue (and yeah, it sounds OP.)

    Yes, innate ability.

    Actually now that I think about it, Stoneskin and Spike Stones might also be caused by FJ. If a kit mod adds spells by CLAB it will circumvent our sphere system.

    It might be useful to put together some instructions for kit modders then, for how to make their kits play nice with with F&P.

    It's not just the spells, it's also the armor usability that we discussed earlier. It turns out that the Cleric of Grumbar is indeed coded to use the Cleric of Lathander usability flag, but I doubt that the kit author intended for that to prevent usage of medium armor.
    So I guess kit modders should be told to stick to the Cleric proficiency flag for "normal" Cleric kits, if they want to have F&P compatibility without surprises?

    F&P has a kit in the druid class, Earth Mystic - instead of being a cleric of Grumbar (do elemental lords have organized clergy??) it is an independent mystic who reveres Grumbar and has spells and abilities relating to Elemental Earth. You might enjoy playing that instead of the FJ kit...

    But then who would turn undead? :P

    Also, pure-class druids have always seemed too squishy and too restricted in their weapon/armor choices to me, so I tend to use them only as Fighter/Druid multiclasses.
    But maybe I should give it a try...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2016
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  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    Does F&P recognize the Fighter/Cleric multiclass kits from Might & Guile? What sphere access do they get?

    F/C Gloryblood of Tempus
    F/C Alaghor of Clangeddin
    F/C Hearthguard of Arvoreen

    I can't find anything in F&P's setup.tra, which is what I've been reading in place of a "readme"... :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2016
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  • BuliBuli Member Posts: 23
    Unfortunately I did not have much time for gaming, but I did manage to advance a little in game and I have few observations about druid/mage:
    1) Is druid/mage supposed to receive divine aid spells? Or it is a bug?
    2)I believe druid/mage should be restricted from using arcane necromancy spells - not only it does not make sense from rp point of view, but it is also gameplay thing, as a "kitted" class he receives bonus mage spells. I think it would be nice balancing act.

    Beyond that I do not have problems with FnP so far.

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  • Brer_RabbitBrer_Rabbit Member Posts: 159
    Aaaand I'm back. I have to remember how to install mods on a phone first, heh.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2016
    How come the latest version from the beta download link no longer has a "beta *.txt" file stating the release number?
    Is it not an official beta release?
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    ineth said:

    How come the latest version from the beta download link no longer has a "beta *.txt" file stating the release number?
    Is it not an official beta release?

    Lol, that's probably my fault. There will be one in the next release
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2016
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    No no, that's my fault. I was actually going to stop updating the beta, since it was meant to test the sphere system, and now we've moved on to adding the deity selection system. But I uploaded a newer beta in order to share it with FailGeek. So what's up now is v.16, I think. It has an early version of the deity selection system, if people want to try it out. (I haven't even tried it out myself, yet!)

    I have tried it enough to conclude that it probably doesn't blow up your computer.

    @subtledoctor Do you mind sending a copy to @Aedan ?
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    @subtledoctor Do you mind sending @SpaceInvader a link as well?

    I want to talk a bit about new spells. Here is a set of descriptions of the new spells that have been creaed so far. If anybody is up for creating unique BAM's for them, please contact me.


    Level: 1
    Sphere: Destruction
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 round/level (max 5)
    Casting Time: 1
    Saving Throw: None
    This spell imbues the caster with pure destructive energy against the caster's enemies. melee attacks inflict an additional 2d6 points of crushing damage for 1 round per level (max 5 rounds at level 5).


    Level: 4
    Sphere: Destruction
    Range: 0
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 1
    Area of Effect: 35-ft. cone with 15-deg. arc
    Saving Throw: Special

    Shout grants the priest tremendous vocal powers, allowing to emit an earsplitting roar from mouth in a cone-shaped area of effect. Any creature within this area is deafened for 9 rounds and suffers 4d6 points of magic damage. A successful Save vs. Spell negates the deafness and reduces the damage by half.

    Level: 2
    Sphere: Destruction
    Range: 25'
    Duration: Instant
    Casting Time: 9
    Area of Effect: One Creature
    Saving Throw: Special

    When the priest cast's this spell, creates a vibrating pulse that increases in intensity in a nearby creature or object that is especially destructive against inorganic, solid constructs like doors and golems. The first round, a living or undead creature takes 2d6 crushing damage unless they save vs. polymorph (in which case, they take half damage and the spell ends). Every round that they do not save, they suffer the amount of damage that they received in the last round, plus an additional 2d6 points of damage for a maximum of 4 rounds. Any round that they do save, they suffer 1/2 damage and the spell ends. The spell ends after 3 rounds.

    When cast on a door or locked container, it undermines the integrity of the object destroying all but the most sturdy or magically protected locks. Against constructs such as golems, and elementals it does double damage, and they cannot save to avoid its effects.

    (hmmm, I'm not sure what I was thinking. This one looks like it needs to be either raised in level, or weakened in power...)

    Waves of Agony
    Level: 5
    Sphere: Combat
    Range: 35 feet
    Duration: Special, maximum of 3 rounds
    Casting Time: 5
    Area of Effect: One Creature
    Saving Throw: Poison/Death -5 see below

    When the priest casts this spell, points to a single creature within 35 feet. That creature is wracked with pain and must make a save vs death at -5 or be unable to move or act for a full round and they will take 2 points of non-lethal damage per level of the priest (max 30 at level 15). If he saves, he takes half damage and shakes off the spell.
    In the second round, any creature that failed their save must save again or be paralyzed for another round and take the same amount of damage as they took in round one. If they save, they take half damage and shake off the spell.
    In the third round, any creature that has failed both of their previous saves must save again or remain paralyzed for another round and take the same amount of damage again. A creature that makes a successful save will take half damage and is no longer paralyzed.
    The spell ends after three rounds and does not have any affect against creatures that cannot feel pain like golems or undead.

    Nature's Wrath

    Level: 6
    Sphere: Plant
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Casting Time: 6
    Area of Effect: The caster

    With this spell, the priest draws on the power of nature to transform self into a terrible plant-like creature known as a Shambling Mound.

    body becomes incredibly resistant to damage. AC is set at 0, and is 50% resistant to all physical damage. also becomes completely immune to fire and electricity, and only suffers half damage from cold. Additionally, regenerates 6 hit points per round.

    Additionally, is infused with the raw power of nature, gaining a strength of 20, and can make two unarmed attacks per round inflicting 2d8 (+8 from strength) damage, and those struck must make a save vs. breath or be entangled for two rounds.

    These unarmed attacks count as +3 weapons.

    The wrath of nature will not be restrained. The priest is protected by freedom of action while transformed.

    loses the ability to cast spells while transformed.

    Stone Fist

    Level: 3
    Sphere: Elemental (Earth)
    Range: Self
    Duration: 1 Turn
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: The caster

    When the caster completes this spell, hands become blocks of stone. can make melee attacks with these hands inflicting 2d8 points of damage plus strength. In addition, is infused with the power of the earth, and strenght is increased by 2 for the duration of the spell.

    Conjure Water Elemental
    Level: 6
    School: Conjuration
    Sphere: Elemental (Water)
    Range: Medium
    Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
    Casting Time: 1 round
    Area of Effect: Special
    Saving Throw: None

    Upon casting a Conjure Water Elemental spell, the caster opens a special gate to the Elemental Plane of Water, and a water elemental is summoned to the vicinity of the spellcaster. Normally, an elemental with 12 hit dice will be conjured. At fifteenth level and above, however, the caster will be able to summon an elemental with 16 hit dice. The elemental will do the bidding of the caster until it is slain or the duration of the spell runs out. All of the commands given to the elemental are done so telepathically, so there is no time lost due to miscommunication, and it is not necessary to know the language of the summoned creature.

    Water Elemental (12 Hit Dice):
    STR 21, DEX 9, CON 9, INT 9, WIS 9, CHA 9; AL Neutral
    HP 128, AC 2, THAC0 7, Saving Throws 4/6/5/4/7
    2 Attacks Per Round, 4d6+9 Blunt (Fist +3)

    Greater Water Elemental (16 Hit Dice):
    STR 22, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 9, WIS 9, CHA 9; AL Neutral
    HP 168, AC 0, THAC0 3, Saving Throws 3/5/4/3/6
    2 Attacks Per Round, 4d8+10 Blunt (Fist +3)

    Special Qualities (12 & 16 Hit Dice):
    Immune to normal weapons
    Immune to hold, poison, polymorph, sleep, & stun effects
    Slashing, Crushing, Piercing, & Missile Resistance 20%
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    edited January 2016
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  • agb1agb1 Member Posts: 249
    Plant HLA: Spores
    Causes a cloud of spores to burst forth from a location in sight of the caster, inducing uncontrollable allergic reactions in all humanoids within the area of effect.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    Have you coded them all yet? I already have an HLA "Shambling Mound Transformation" spell that could be used for Nature's Wrath. Also, shouldn't a plant-based form be vulnerable to fire?

    (Of course if this is at 6th level, the question is what to do in the sphere of Plant for an HLA... maybe a massive combination of Plant spells: Entangle, plus Spike Growth, plus Shapechange to Shambling Mound (with immunity to the Entangle and Spikes) *plus* summon another Shambling Mound (or two) with similar immunity. And then walk around and mop up the stuck, spiked enemies.)

    Also what are you doing about the water elemental animations? Adding it with the mod? I was going to suggest using Summon Ice Elemental because there is already an ice golem-type .cre animation already in all 3 games (with different names, so we would need 3 versions of the spell).

    I have coded them all. I went with the stats of the shambling mound, and for whatever reason it is immune to fire.

    Oh, we should make that hla a stronger version

    My thinking about the water whenever animation was that, unless I'm mistaken--and I very well may be--one cannot get 6th level priest spells in the bg section of the game. Also, with eet, bgt, and extended animations, even if I'm wrong, it won't be much of a problem (though, i need to make the necessary checks)

    I seem to remember the water sphere being rather thin, so I'll also make a conjure ice elemental.

    And, I like that cloud of spores ability...
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