In addition to these kits not being present, Shadow Mystic, Animist, Elementalist. I just noticed that the Lupin has gone away in the latest release (was in prior release).
Aren't we going back to simply calling it "shapeshifter?"
I don't think those kits are "not present," I think you just can't see them. What game are you playing? Have you tried scrolling down in the kit window?
I can confirm the both the elementalist and the lupinist are here (I remember specifically seeing them last time I created a character, which takes me about 2h every time because of you now )
Besides, just wanted to tell you about a small bug, might already have been reported but I don't really wanna read these 10 pages of new content Anyway, in my fresh new install of your mod (uninstalled the previous version you sent me by PM and reinstalled everything), it appears that the Zealot of Ilmater doesn't get the "Fury" special ability he should, but instead they get the Burning fury (or whatever it is called) of the Zealot of Kossuth. Made a quick test, looks like there is no other such bug on the other kits, and the Zealot of Kossuth does get the right "fury"
I went to BG2EE and tried a Desert Druid. Two questions. 1) How does the basalisk paralyzing gaze work? I don't see a special ability for it. 2) Are archers suppose to get +18 to hit the basalisk? The goblin archers in Irenicus dungeon chewed up the basalisk.
NOTE: In BG2EE I see the Lupinist, Elementalist, and Shadow Mystic.
There is an ungenerous saying that “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” I teach English ESL, that’s my superpower, and I’m sod all useful at most other things, so in order to pay you back just a little for the joy you have brought to this community, I have taken a very close look at your grammar, punctuation, etc. in Faith and Powers v.063b, though I probably missed something. I realize you're most likely perfectly capable of seeing these errors and that they simply reflect the enormous scope of the undertaking. I have not played most of the kits, so any notes on implementation in the actual game are provided only if I happened to take the kit past character creation (currently only the Lupinist).
My game, for purposes of tracking down errors: A vanilla BG2ee v.2.3 install from the Beamdog installer, with Faiths and Powers v.0.63b as the only addition. I went with Install option 2 for the sake of ease of use.
GENERAL NOTES: Sphere access listings for most kits end with a comma (“Life, Water, Vigor,” ) instead of a period. The mod is very inconsistent in terms of capitalizations of alignments, spells, and kit names. See e.g. the Cleric of Ilmater. Some spells-as-special abilites are not capitalized, others are.
RANGERS: Dwarves, Gnomes, Half-Orcs, and Halflings do not get to choose a Ranger kit AT ALL, at least with Install Option 2 - EDIT; but they get to choose a kit just fine with Install Option 1.
Initial Ranger/Scout description screen: “.. and are adept *and wielding”: -> at “They have very *little magical abilities”: -> limited
Elven Archer: I got two (!) identical kits here, one in place of the regular non-elven Archer (the very first kit on the list), and one inserted between Mage Hunter and Forest Ranger.
All [Terrain] Ranger kits: Capitalize the first word in the description (invariably “this” or “these”) Barbarian Ranger: There is no description of his Enraged state. Jungle Ranger: There’s a concord error in the kit description: “These tools, ………………, *helps”
Champion of Kelemvor: “Undead creatures are an anathema” – lose the article “an”.
Champion of Azuth: Kit description unfinished. “Immune to Hold, and Charm spells”. Lose the comma or insert one more immunity after the comma. Wizard’s Bane: insert “an” before Dispel Magic. Lose the apostrophe in “*Inquisitor’s” under Restrictions. There are TWO sections called Restrictions. The Champion of Azuth is referred to as a Champion of Moradin at the end of the last section.
Champion of Helm: Kit description unfinished. Put a period after “vs” -> “vs.” under Heightened Awareness. “Weilded” -> “wielded” under EVERWATCH SWORD.
Champion of Talos: Storm Smite: “inflects” -> inflicts”
Champion of Moradin: No kit description. “Weilded” -> “wielded”
Champion of the Red Knight: No kit description.
Zealots in general: Should immunities be capitalized, given that they are specific spell effects? (“immune to charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind”) Also, capitalize Fury throughout the kit descriptions (“May use the Frenzy ability once per day.”
Zealot of Talos: a) there is a line in this kit (but not in any other kits) that says, “Frenzy does not stack with with haste or similar effects” (sic, no period, no capitalization of Haste). Should this line be added to every Zealot kit, or removed from the Talos kit? b) Eye of the Storm: “At 8th level, *he body crackles”
Zealot of Kossuth: Kit description unfinished. “elemental plane of fire” should be capitalized as a place name like it used to be in PnP AD&D books. Also, there’s a tangled mess in the description of Burning Frenzy: “At 4thlevel, he they get can cast”. Capitalize “fireshield (red)”
Zealot of Garagos: “Drawn to *the frenzy of battle”: -> definite article missing. Capitalize “children of blood” in the Fury special ability.
Zealot of Ilmater: “Companions take on the spirit of Ilmater, and *is able to”. Concord error. “The Companion takes on the spirit of Ilmater, and is able to”, or, ““The Companion takes on the spirit of Ilmater, and are able to”. I’d go for the first option, since the rest of the kit is described in the singular; except in the very next line, “they gain”, so make that a third person singular, too.
Zealot of Sune: Kit description unfinished. Capitalize spell references in the Passionate Reference special ability: Charm Person, Dire Charm, Dominated. Put a period after “Dominated.”
Zealot of Mystra: Kit description unfinished. Also, a concord error in the description of the special ability: “Weaverager are”. Also, decide if you want the special ability to reflect the third person singular or the plural, because you go back and forth between them. Also, write “30% percent magic resistance”, not “magic resistance 30%.” Capitalize “Zealot of Mystra” under Restrictions.
Zealot of Eilistraee: “Flury” under Bladedance -> “flurry”
Zealot of Corellon Larethian: “evles” -> “elves” in the kit description. “Vassal’s” -> “Vassals” in the special ability section. Choose between the third person singular and the plural in the special ability section.
Zealot of Gruumsh: “gaining a +2 to strength while frenzy” -> “while frenzied”
Clerics in General: The distinctions between Clerics, Priests, and Acolytes (and the Ur-Priest, but there’s just one) are not made clear on the initial selection screen (unlike, say, the Ranger screen which outlines Rangers and Scouts).
Cleric of Kelemvor: Kit description is unfinished. Swap “the doomguide is protected as if with SPELL X OR Y” for “is protected by”, as it appears to be a permanent spell. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, etc.
Cleric of Tempus: “like the berserkers enrage” -> Berserker’s Enrage
Cleric of Loviatar: Capitalize Loviatar in line 2. Also, you switch back and forth between the female and male pronouns, unlike in other kits, where you use the gender-indeterminate “they” a lot.
Cleric of Talos: Kit description unfinished.
Cleric of Cyric: Kit description unfinished.
Acolyte of Ilmater: Kit description unfinished.
Acolyte of Sune: “ones” -> “one’s” and “othere” -> “others” in the kit description. “permenant” -> “permanent” under special abilities. “Hartwarder” under Restrictions.
Acolyte of Tempus: “weilding” -> wielding
Priest of Mystra: “cast’s” -> “casts”
Acolyte of Mask: “they gains” -> they gain”
Acolyte of Moander: Kit description unfinished. “Moander, is thought to be dead. “ Lose the comma. Restrictions are given twice, one references the Shar kit instead.
Acolyte of Beshaba: “else she is likey” -> likely, and "that she her ego" -> her ego, and "misfortune. he can cast" -> He
Druids in General: Capitalize the first letter in the descriptions of the various druids’ animal forms: “In ABC form, the XYZ druid…”
Forest Druid, ferret form: “the targets strength” -> target’s Mountain Druid, rat form: “the targets strength” -> target’s Desert Druid, hare form: “the targets strength” -> target’s Desert Druid, Basilisk form, “the druid mat attack” -> may attack Arctic Druid, hare form: “the targets strength” -> target’s
Lupinist, description: “can *all forth” -> call. Also, the Beast Claw special ability does not have an icon in-game, just a blank slate (though it works just fine, it seems)
Elementalist: lose the comma in “may control any elemental, at will”
1) It does not have an icon in-game, just a blank slate under Special Abilities.
2) The Beast Claw ability does add +1 APR, but actually raises THACO by two, and does not add exceptional strength (18/72) as the spell description says. Perhaps there is an unintended interaction with the Lupinist's bonus (Infection) ability that is supposed to further enhance the Beast Claw?
Example: In a game unmodded except for Faiths&Powers, my level 19, 18-strength Lupinist (created from scratch in Throne of Bhaal as a sandbox experiment) goes from BASE THAC0 7/main hand THAC0 1 to BASE THAC0 7/main hand THAC0 3 when he activates the Beast Claw, and his Strength remains 18, no exceptional strength. In fact, activating the Beast Claw while wearing a strength-boosting item (in this case the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength) cancels the Belt and just sets strength to the original 18.
3) Activating the Beast Claw while in Werewolf shape deprecates the enormous Constitution bonus! My Lupinist goes from Con 24 (Werewolf Lord) to his original Con 16! In addition, Beast Claw while shapechanged raises THAC0 by three points and the werewolf lord's damage goes from 2d6 +5 for proficiencies, +9 for Strength to 2d3+1, +9 for Strength IF HE DID NOT REMOVE HIS EQUIPPED WEAPON PRIOR TO CASTING BEAST CLAW WHILE SHAPECHANGED. Perhaps this is to do with lack of proficiency in unarmed combat?
I see part of the issue with the Basalisk. 1) The return to normal form special ability is labeled Shapeshift: wolf form. 2) The paralyzing gaze is there, but labeled as Shapeshift: Natural form.
Also, there is no option to shapeshift other than Basalisk. Why can I not choose the Leopard or Hare anymore?
EDIT: The elementalist special ability that is suppose to allow to charm elementals says it +1 Caster Level (Priest Spells) and does not allow me to select anything to charm. I don't see a special ability for selecting my daily element specialty.
The spell Spike Growth says it has a range of Visual Range of Caster. However, it only casts on self which puts the caster in the middle of the growth.
(My game, for purposes of tracking down errors: A vanilla BG2ee v.2.3 install from the Beamdog installer, with Faiths and Powers v.0.63b as the only addition. I went with Install option 2 for the sake of ease of use.)
Acolyte of Beshaba
The Acolyte of Beshaba gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
Misfortune special ability: does not have an icon.
Misfire special ability: is not defined in the kit description. It's a new spell acc. to the Readme, so a reference to that would do the trick ("as per the 5th level spell of that name", for instance).
Doom special ability: Is not named Doom in my game at least, but this: "If you were the better choice, you would have the position! You were denied it fairly, not for any conspirational reason! Now you have made a personal claim of this against [CHARNAME]."
(Personal note: I want to play an Acolyte of Beshaba SO BADLY - I dunno, the class, its features, and its spheres just speak to me. I'd be BFFs with Xan, and put him in BG2, too, with's mod. Talk about co-dependence. Xan: "I'm so miserable." Doommaster: "Yeah, that was me. Onward to futility." Xan: Be still, my beating heart.")
Acolyte of Moander: The Acolyte of Moander gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
Acolyte of Shar: Acolyte of Shar gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
I bow before your cleverness. I had not noticed that there are race-specific multi-class kits. ZOMG. Here are my notes.
Druid of Silvanus, under restrictions: “may …. can.” Choose a verb, these two mean different things.
Cleric of Cyric: The kit says cleric/thieves may be Clerics of Cyric, but I get the option when I roll a half-orc or a gnome fighter/cleric, yet I don’t get the option with a half-orc or gnome cleric/thief…..
Elves: Get no multi-class kits at all.
Half-elves: Woodscouts of Mielikki seem very overpowered. Multi-class ranger-cleric with +++++ in bows and no real restriction except perhaps sphere access? Windriders of Shaundakul: The specific benefit (Location) seems to be fluff text rather than a hard and fast rule? Also, does not get Racial Enemy, just a thing saying “According to Geography” during the character generation sequence. Monitor of Azuth: Kit description missing.
Gnomes: Nothing to report here.
Halflings: Under Install Option 2 at least, there are no multi-class kits available for halflings. I would have expected a Tymora kit here.
Not sure whether a bug, but my Battleguard of Tempus, selected as a Fighter/Cleric, cannot reach more than proficiency in any weapon style. Fighter/Clerics always have been able to get specialization in the weapons they have access to, and not getting that is a HUGE nerf (half an attack)
There is an ungenerous saying that “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” I teach English ESL, that’s my superpower, and I’m sod all useful at most other things, so in order to pay you back just a little for the joy you have brought to this community, I have taken a very close look at your grammar, punctuation, etc. in Faith and Powers v.063b, though I probably missed something. I realize you're most likely perfectly capable of seeing these errors and that they simply reflect the enormous scope of the undertaking. I have not played most of the kits, so any notes on implementation in the actual game are provided only if I happened to take the kit past character creation (currently only the Lupinist).
My game, for purposes of tracking down errors: A vanilla BG2ee v.2.3 install from the Beamdog installer, with Faiths and Powers v.0.63b as the only addition. I went with Install option 2 for the sake of ease of use.
GENERAL NOTES: Sphere access listings for most kits end with a comma (“Life, Water, Vigor,” ) instead of a period. The mod is very inconsistent in terms of capitalizations of alignments, spells, and kit names. See e.g. the Cleric of Ilmater. Some spells-as-special abilites are not capitalized, others are.
RANGERS: Dwarves, Gnomes, Half-Orcs, and Halflings do not get to choose a Ranger kit AT ALL, at least with Install Option 2 - EDIT; but they get to choose a kit just fine with Install Option 1.
Initial Ranger/Scout description screen: “.. and are adept *and wielding”: -> at “They have very *little magical abilities”: -> limited
Elven Archer: I got two (!) identical kits here, one in place of the regular non-elven Archer (the very first kit on the list), and one inserted between Mage Hunter and Forest Ranger.
All [Terrain] Ranger kits: Capitalize the first word in the description (invariably “this” or “these”) Barbarian Ranger: There is no description of his Enraged state. Jungle Ranger: There’s a concord error in the kit description: “These tools, ………………, *helps”
Champion of Kelemvor: “Undead creatures are an anathema” – lose the article “an”.
Champion of Azuth: Kit description unfinished. “Immune to Hold, and Charm spells”. Lose the comma or insert one more immunity after the comma. Wizard’s Bane: insert “an” before Dispel Magic. Lose the apostrophe in “*Inquisitor’s” under Restrictions. There are TWO sections called Restrictions. The Champion of Azuth is referred to as a Champion of Moradin at the end of the last section.
Champion of Helm: Kit description unfinished. Put a period after “vs” -> “vs.” under Heightened Awareness. “Weilded” -> “wielded” under EVERWATCH SWORD.
Champion of Talos: Storm Smite: “inflects” -> inflicts”
Champion of Moradin: No kit description. “Weilded” -> “wielded”
Champion of the Red Knight: No kit description.
Zealots in general: Should immunities be capitalized, given that they are specific spell effects? (“immune to charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind”) Also, capitalize Fury throughout the kit descriptions (“May use the Frenzy ability once per day.”
Zealot of Talos: a) there is a line in this kit (but not in any other kits) that says, “Frenzy does not stack with with haste or similar effects” (sic, no period, no capitalization of Haste). Should this line be added to every Zealot kit, or removed from the Talos kit? b) Eye of the Storm: “At 8th level, *he body crackles”
Zealot of Kossuth: Kit description unfinished. “elemental plane of fire” should be capitalized as a place name like it used to be in PnP AD&D books. Also, there’s a tangled mess in the description of Burning Frenzy: “At 4thlevel, he they get can cast”. Capitalize “fireshield (red)”
Zealot of Garagos: “Drawn to *the frenzy of battle”: -> definite article missing. Capitalize “children of blood” in the Fury special ability.
Zealot of Ilmater: “Companions take on the spirit of Ilmater, and *is able to”. Concord error. “The Companion takes on the spirit of Ilmater, and is able to”, or, ““The Companion takes on the spirit of Ilmater, and are able to”. I’d go for the first option, since the rest of the kit is described in the singular; except in the very next line, “they gain”, so make that a third person singular, too.
Zealot of Sune: Kit description unfinished. Capitalize spell references in the Passionate Reference special ability: Charm Person, Dire Charm, Dominated. Put a period after “Dominated.”
Zealot of Mystra: Kit description unfinished. Also, a concord error in the description of the special ability: “Weaverager are”. Also, decide if you want the special ability to reflect the third person singular or the plural, because you go back and forth between them. Also, write “30% percent magic resistance”, not “magic resistance 30%.” Capitalize “Zealot of Mystra” under Restrictions.
Zealot of Eilistraee: “Flury” under Bladedance -> “flurry”
Zealot of Corellon Larethian: “evles” -> “elves” in the kit description. “Vassal’s” -> “Vassals” in the special ability section. Choose between the third person singular and the plural in the special ability section.
Zealot of Gruumsh: “gaining a +2 to strength while frenzy” -> “while frenzied”
Clerics in General: The distinctions between Clerics, Priests, and Acolytes (and the Ur-Priest, but there’s just one) are not made clear on the initial selection screen (unlike, say, the Ranger screen which outlines Rangers and Scouts).
Cleric of Kelemvor: Kit description is unfinished. Swap “the doomguide is protected as if with SPELL X OR Y” for “is protected by”, as it appears to be a permanent spell. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, etc.
Cleric of Tempus: “like the berserkers enrage” -> Berserker’s Enrage
Cleric of Loviatar: Capitalize Loviatar in line 2. Also, you switch back and forth between the female and male pronouns, unlike in other kits, where you use the gender-indeterminate “they” a lot.
Cleric of Talos: Kit description unfinished.
Cleric of Cyric: Kit description unfinished.
Acolyte of Ilmater: Kit description unfinished.
Acolyte of Sune: “ones” -> “one’s” and “othere” -> “others” in the kit description. “permenant” -> “permanent” under special abilities. “Hartwarder” under Restrictions.
Acolyte of Tempus: “weilding” -> wielding
Priest of Mystra: “cast’s” -> “casts”
Acolyte of Mask: “they gains” -> they gain”
Acolyte of Moander: Kit description unfinished. “Moander, is thought to be dead. “ Lose the comma. Restrictions are given twice, one references the Shar kit instead.
Acolyte of Beshaba: “else she is likey” -> likely, and "that she her ego" -> her ego, and "misfortune. he can cast" -> He
Druids in General: Capitalize the first letter in the descriptions of the various druids’ animal forms: “In ABC form, the XYZ druid…”
Forest Druid, ferret form: “the targets strength” -> target’s Mountain Druid, rat form: “the targets strength” -> target’s Desert Druid, hare form: “the targets strength” -> target’s Desert Druid, Basilisk form, “the druid mat attack” -> may attack Arctic Druid, hare form: “the targets strength” -> target’s
Lupinist, description: “can *all forth” -> call. Also, the Beast Claw special ability does not have an icon in-game, just a blank slate (though it works just fine, it seems)
Elementalist: lose the comma in “may control any elemental, at will”
1) It does not have an icon in-game, just a blank slate under Special Abilities.
2) The Beast Claw ability does add +1 APR, but actually raises THACO by two, and does not add exceptional strength (18/72) as the spell description says. Perhaps there is an unintended interaction with the Lupinist's bonus (Infection) ability that is supposed to further enhance the Beast Claw?
Example: In a game unmodded except for Faiths&Powers, my level 19, 18-strength Lupinist (created from scratch in Throne of Bhaal as a sandbox experiment) goes from BASE THAC0 7/main hand THAC0 1 to BASE THAC0 7/main hand THAC0 3 when he activates the Beast Claw, and his Strength remains 18, no exceptional strength. In fact, activating the Beast Claw while wearing a strength-boosting item (in this case the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength) cancels the Belt and just sets strength to the original 18.
3) Activating the Beast Claw while in Werewolf shape deprecates the enormous Constitution bonus! My Lupinist goes from Con 24 (Werewolf Lord) to his original Con 16! In addition, Beast Claw while shapechanged raises THAC0 by three points and the werewolf lord's damage goes from 2d6 +5 for proficiencies, +9 for Strength to 2d3+1, +9 for Strength IF HE DID NOT REMOVE HIS EQUIPPED WEAPON PRIOR TO CASTING BEAST CLAW WHILE SHAPECHANGED. Perhaps this is to do with lack of proficiency in unarmed combat?
I bow before your cleverness. I had not noticed that there are race-specific multi-class kits. ZOMG. Here are my notes.
Druid of Silvanus, under restrictions: “may …. can.” Choose a verb, these two mean different things.
Cleric of Cyric: The kit says cleric/thieves may be Clerics of Cyric, but I get the option when I roll a half-orc or a gnome fighter/cleric, yet I don’t get the option with a half-orc or gnome cleric/thief…..
Elves: Get no multi-class kits at all.
Half-elves: Woodscouts of Mielikki seem very overpowered. Multi-class ranger-cleric with +++++ in bows and no real restriction except perhaps sphere access? Windriders of Shaundakul: The specific benefit (Location) seems to be fluff text rather than a hard and fast rule? Also, does not get Racial Enemy, just a thing saying “According to Geography” during the character generation sequence. Monitor of Azuth: Kit description missing.
Gnomes: Nothing to report here.
Halflings: Under Install Option 2 at least, there are no multi-class kits available for halflings. I would have expected a Tymora kit here.
Not sure whether a bug, but my Battleguard of Tempus, selected as a Fighter/Cleric, cannot reach more than proficiency in any weapon style. Fighter/Clerics always have been able to get specialization in the weapons they have access to, and not getting that is a HUGE nerf (half an attack)
(My game, for purposes of tracking down errors: A vanilla BG2ee v.2.3 install from the Beamdog installer, with Faiths and Powers v.0.63b as the only addition. I went with Install option 2 for the sake of ease of use.)
Acolyte of Beshaba
The Acolyte of Beshaba gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
Misfortune special ability: does not have an icon.
Misfire special ability: is not defined in the kit description. It's a new spell acc. to the Readme, so a reference to that would do the trick ("as per the 5th level spell of that name", for instance).
Doom special ability: Is not named Doom in my game at least, but this: "If you were the better choice, you would have the position! You were denied it fairly, not for any conspirational reason! Now you have made a personal claim of this against [CHARNAME]."
(Personal note: I want to play an Acolyte of Beshaba SO BADLY - I dunno, the class, its features, and its spheres just speak to me. I'd be BFFs with Xan, and put him in BG2, too, with's mod. Talk about co-dependence. Xan: "I'm so miserable." Doommaster: "Yeah, that was me. Onward to futility." Xan: Be still, my beating heart.")
Acolyte of Moander: The Acolyte of Moander gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
Acolyte of Shar: Acolyte of Shar gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
Will check these out.
The Shadowstep ability is an aspect of the shadow sphere. I think that spell wasn't properly converted to a priest spell.
(Personal note: I want to play an Acolyte of Beshaba SO BADLY - I dunno, the class, its features, and its spheres just speak to me. I'd be BFFs with Xan, and put him in BG2, too, with's mod. Talk about co-dependence. Xan: "I'm so miserable." Doommaster: "Yeah, that was me. Onward to futility." Xan: Be still, my beating heart.")
Grammersalad and subtledoctor, I was wondering when you think the next update may be ready?
It's going to be a bit. Heh, I'm trying to derive an 'ought' from an 'is'*, and applying Quine's Web of Belief to the action based model of cognitive dissonance (Bleh. I also have to do things like eat and sleep-- such a waste of time!) so there is little time for Modding. But it won't always be like that. I'm keeping a list of the bugs and they will be squashed.
It would be great to see a gray druid option added to the druid branches. The old 2nd ed gray druid had some interesting abilities, to help in looking after their underground charges. Shapechanging was like reptile, mammal(underground dwelling), or spider. They could control (or maybe charm) slimes, jellies, oozes and the like. I always thought it would be a nice touch to be able to alter a druids charm spell to cover other critters not normally charm-able depending on their branch. Now they cannot even charm spiders.
Might be nice to have a kit that could interact better with myconids, slimes, etc. Perfect for a half-elf(drow).
The new animal companion mod @ulb already has chances for a spider or wyvern companion(and many others) for druids but you may have already made your own companion mod built in to F&P.
It would be great to see a gray druid option added to the druid branches. The old 2nd ed gray druid had some interesting abilities, to help in looking after their underground charges. Shapechanging was like reptile, mammal(underground dwelling), or spider. They could control (or maybe charm) slimes, jellies, oozes and the like. I always thought it would be a nice touch to be able to alter a druids charm spell to cover other critters not normally charm-able depending on their branch. Now they cannot even charm spiders.
Might be nice to have a kit that could interact better with myconids, slimes, etc. Perfect for a half-elf(drow).
The new animal companion mod @ulb already has chances for a spider or wyvern companion(and many others) for druids but you may have already made your own companion mod built in to F&P.
I really like the idea of expanding the charm ability. I didn't realize that it didn't cover giant spiders. In any case, it makes sense to expand it depending on specialty.
Noticed a bug with the heartwarder of sune kit. I don´t get the special charm person ability (Should be starting at level 1, I think).
I do have a question regarding multiclasses. The heartwarder-kit is an acolyte kit. Do the special conditions for acolytes (more spells per level, restrictions regarding armor etc.) also apply when I roll a cleric/thief? And if so, can I expand this train of thought to the other multiclass-kits?
Noticed a bug with the heartwarder of sune kit. I don´t get the special charm person ability (Should be starting at level 1, I think).
K. Thanks
I do have a question regarding multiclasses. The heartwarder-kit is an acolyte kit. Do the special conditions for acolytes (more spells per level, restrictions regarding armor etc.) also apply when I roll a cleric/thief? And if so, can I expand this train of thought to the other multiclass-kits?
It should... And yes, if that mc kit is an acolyte. I don't remember off hand if all cleric/thieves are acolytes .I'm going to add this to the list. I think that they get the armor restriction, but I'm less sure about the extra spell
This mod is amazing. So much flavour. I want to hug it and squeeze it and call it George. I'm never playing another game without it.
I've been playing around with the mod for a while now, creating new characters with a print-out of the Spheres listed in the Readme handy, in order to get a better understanding of the details, and I just wanted to state one more time for the record: This mod is awesome work. I love it so, so much. Thank you!
(argh, stuff happened and the post that was here is now gone. Here's an earlier incarnation of my notes but not everything from the final version could be salvaged. I hope @subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad got a copy before it went poof.)
My game, for purposes of tracking down errors: A vanilla BG2ee v.2.3 install from the Beamdog installer, with Faiths and Powers v.0.63b as the only addition. I went with Install option 2 for the sake of ease of use.
How does Faith and Powers interact with Spell Revisions? Can you install both at the same time? There are some references in the Sphere system in the Readme (“In SR/not in SR”), but what does that mean?
Spells from a sphere to which a caster has Focus access show up at both their regular levels and one level lower (Focus). Is that intentional (more flexibility) or not?
I was confused by the editorial decision behind the organization of spheres in the readme, until I realized that they are paired with their opposite number, which is very clever: Life and Death, Benediction and Destruction, Protection and War, Knowledge and Deception, Thought/Charm and Dread, Vigor and Affliction, Animal and Plant, Earth and Air, Water and Fire, Light and Shadow, and finally Magic on its own (Or Selune, Shar, and Mystra in a group of three, how very appropriate!
Are any kits gender-specific? I don’t want to go through all the combinations just to check.
In my game, during character creation, I note that all references to MAGE have been replaced with ILLUSIONIST, and this applies to all races that can become mages of any kind, including multi-class combinations. Single-classed wizards, upon choosing ILLUSIONIST where it should have said MAGE, are presented with the usual list of wizardly specializations. The first choice, which used to be generalist MAGE, is now ILLUSIONIST (though the actual kit description is that of the generalist mage), followed by the specializations, including ILLUSIONIST (which has the illusionist’s kit description). Also, apparently humans can multi-class now as a result of Faith and Powers?
CLERICS: (Gnome) Cleric of Baravar: His only special ability is not very impressive. He gets Shadowstep a few times per day. Apparently, anyone with access to the Shadow sphere gets Shadowstep 1/day, in addition to specific kit bonuses, which are quite massive for some (Acolyte of Shar comes to mind).
(Dwarf) f/c of Clangeddin: his special ability appears under Spells, not Abilities.
Tempus cleric: cannot instill Rage in others, the effect is visited on the cletic himself (only) even when he targets someone else.
Helm Cleric: Does not gain as many uses of Detect Evil as the kit description says: at level 19, I got 4 of the promised 6. Also, the Protection from Evil special ability does not appear AT ALL.
Zealot of Sune: Only got 2 Frenzy at level 16, he should’ve had 3 (innate, level 10, level 15)
Zealot of Ilmater: Does not gain the Martyr’s Acceptance special ability. Instead, he got Burning Frenzy, which cast a Fireshield (Red), and 127 Resistance to Fire and 50 Resistance to Magical Fire. That’s the ability of the Zealot of Kossuth.
Zealot of Mystra: Shouldn’t this guy get minor access to the sphere of Magic? I mean, Mystra and all…
Acolyte of Ilmater: The Kit refers to a special ability as Endurance of Ilmater, but the actual description of the special ability calls it the Spirit of Ilmater.
Acolyte of Deneir: The kit does not show up in-game under Install Option 2. He’s just a bog-standard cleric (not an Acolyte) according to the Class tab on the character screen. In-game, I get the option to Choose a Deity (as if I’d gone with Install Option 1), but the kits on offer are six cleric kits (probably due to alignment) and the Ur-priest. I cannot choose the Acolyte of Deneir or any other Acolyte for that matter. Strike that, it showed up just fine in my next game. Huh.
Acolyte (Heartwarder) of Sune: None of her special abilities (Charm Person and Emotion:Hope) show up. She gets three copies of Nature’s Beauty as a seventh level spell, two of which belong to the Elemental sphere and one of which belongs to the Thought sphere. She gets ANOTHER copy of the spell as a sixth level Thought spell (due to Focus access to the Thought sphere).
Shapechange doesn't work for the [TERRAIN] druids
Elementalist: Does not gain the ability to focus on an element. Also does not gain the ability to control an elemental. DOES gain an ability called "+1 caster level (priest)."
Is FnP 0.63b a good version to start another IWD:EE run with?
Also, how up-to-date is the readme currently? I remember when I first play-tested this mod, I had to look at various forum posts and TPA files to find out which archetype/deity combinations are available and what spells they get...
When I get home I will uninstall and re-install the mod to insure there was not a problem with my mod install.
NOTE: In BG2EE I see the Lupinist, Elementalist, and Shadow Mystic.
The Red Pen, v.1.0
Dear @Grammarsalad and @subtledoctor
There is an ungenerous saying that “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” I teach English ESL, that’s my superpower, and I’m sod all useful at most other things, so in order to pay you back just a little for the joy you have brought to this community, I have taken a very close look at your grammar, punctuation, etc. in Faith and Powers v.063b, though I probably missed something. I realize you're most likely perfectly capable of seeing these errors and that they simply reflect the enormous scope of the undertaking. I have not played most of the kits, so any notes on implementation in the actual game are provided only if I happened to take the kit past character creation (currently only the Lupinist).
My game, for purposes of tracking down errors: A vanilla BG2ee v.2.3 install from the Beamdog installer, with Faiths and Powers v.0.63b as the only addition. I went with Install option 2 for the sake of ease of use.
Sphere access listings for most kits end with a comma (“Life, Water, Vigor,” ) instead of a period.
The mod is very inconsistent in terms of capitalizations of alignments, spells, and kit names. See e.g. the Cleric of Ilmater. Some spells-as-special abilites are not capitalized, others are.
Dwarves, Gnomes, Half-Orcs, and Halflings do not get to choose a Ranger kit AT ALL, at least with Install Option 2 - EDIT; but they get to choose a kit just fine with Install Option 1.
Initial Ranger/Scout description screen:
“.. and are adept *and wielding”: -> at
“They have very *little magical abilities”: -> limited
Elven Archer: I got two (!) identical kits here, one in place of the regular non-elven Archer (the very first kit on the list), and one inserted between Mage Hunter and Forest Ranger.
All [Terrain] Ranger kits: Capitalize the first word in the description (invariably “this” or “these”)
Barbarian Ranger: There is no description of his Enraged state.
Jungle Ranger: There’s a concord error in the kit description: “These tools, ………………, *helps”
Champion of Kelemvor: “Undead creatures are an anathema” – lose the article “an”.
Champion of Azuth: Kit description unfinished. “Immune to Hold, and Charm spells”. Lose the comma or insert one more immunity after the comma. Wizard’s Bane: insert “an” before Dispel Magic. Lose the apostrophe in “*Inquisitor’s” under Restrictions. There are TWO sections called Restrictions. The Champion of Azuth is referred to as a Champion of Moradin at the end of the last section.
Champion of Helm: Kit description unfinished. Put a period after “vs” -> “vs.” under Heightened Awareness. “Weilded” -> “wielded” under EVERWATCH SWORD.
Champion of Talos: Storm Smite: “inflects” -> inflicts”
Champion of Moradin: No kit description. “Weilded” -> “wielded”
Champion of the Red Knight: No kit description.
Zealots in general: Should immunities be capitalized, given that they are specific spell effects? (“immune to charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind”) Also, capitalize Fury throughout the kit descriptions (“May use the Frenzy ability once per day.”
Zealot of Talos:
a) there is a line in this kit (but not in any other kits) that says, “Frenzy does not stack with with haste or similar effects” (sic, no period, no capitalization of Haste). Should this line be added to every Zealot kit, or removed from the Talos kit?
b) Eye of the Storm: “At 8th level, *he body crackles”
Zealot of Kossuth: Kit description unfinished. “elemental plane of fire” should be capitalized as a place name like it used to be in PnP AD&D books. Also, there’s a tangled mess in the description of Burning Frenzy: “At 4thlevel, he they get can cast”. Capitalize “fireshield (red)”
Zealot of Garagos: “Drawn to *the frenzy of battle”: -> definite article missing. Capitalize “children of blood” in the Fury special ability.
Zealot of Ilmater: “Companions take on the spirit of Ilmater, and *is able to”. Concord error. “The Companion takes on the spirit of Ilmater, and is able to”, or, ““The Companion takes on the spirit of Ilmater, and are able to”. I’d go for the first option, since the rest of the kit is described in the singular; except in the very next line, “they gain”, so make that a third person singular, too.
Zealot of Sune: Kit description unfinished. Capitalize spell references in the Passionate Reference special ability: Charm Person, Dire Charm, Dominated. Put a period after “Dominated.”
Zealot of Mystra: Kit description unfinished. Also, a concord error in the description of the special ability: “Weaverager are”. Also, decide if you want the special ability to reflect the third person singular or the plural, because you go back and forth between them. Also, write “30% percent magic resistance”, not “magic resistance 30%.” Capitalize “Zealot of Mystra” under Restrictions.
Zealot of Eilistraee: “Flury” under Bladedance -> “flurry”
Zealot of Corellon Larethian: “evles” -> “elves” in the kit description. “Vassal’s” -> “Vassals” in the special ability section. Choose between the third person singular and the plural in the special ability section.
Zealot of Gruumsh: “gaining a +2 to strength while frenzy” -> “while frenzied”
Clerics in General: The distinctions between Clerics, Priests, and Acolytes (and the Ur-Priest, but there’s just one) are not made clear on the initial selection screen (unlike, say, the Ranger screen which outlines Rangers and Scouts).
Cleric of Kelemvor: Kit description is unfinished. Swap “the doomguide is protected as if with SPELL X OR Y” for “is protected by”, as it appears to be a permanent spell. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, etc.
Cleric of Tempus: “like the berserkers enrage” -> Berserker’s Enrage
Cleric of Loviatar: Capitalize Loviatar in line 2. Also, you switch back and forth between the female and male pronouns, unlike in other kits, where you use the gender-indeterminate “they” a lot.
Cleric of Talos: Kit description unfinished.
Cleric of Cyric: Kit description unfinished.
Acolyte of Ilmater: Kit description unfinished.
Acolyte of Sune: “ones” -> “one’s” and “othere” -> “others” in the kit description. “permenant” -> “permanent” under special abilities. “Hartwarder” under Restrictions.
Acolyte of Tempus: “weilding” -> wielding
Priest of Mystra: “cast’s” -> “casts”
Acolyte of Mask: “they gains” -> they gain”
Acolyte of Moander: Kit description unfinished. “Moander, is thought to be dead. “ Lose the comma. Restrictions are given twice, one references the Shar kit instead.
Acolyte of Beshaba: “else she is likey” -> likely, and "that she her ego" -> her ego, and "misfortune. he can cast" -> He
Druids in General: Capitalize the first letter in the descriptions of the various druids’ animal forms: “In ABC form, the XYZ druid…”
Forest Druid, ferret form: “the targets strength” -> target’s
Mountain Druid, rat form: “the targets strength” -> target’s
Desert Druid, hare form: “the targets strength” -> target’s
Desert Druid, Basilisk form, “the druid mat attack” -> may attack
Arctic Druid, hare form: “the targets strength” -> target’s
Lupinist, description: “can *all forth” -> call. Also, the Beast Claw special ability does not have an icon in-game, just a blank slate (though it works just fine, it seems)
Elementalist: lose the comma in “may control any elemental, at will”
The Lupinist's Beast Claw feature seems bugged.
1) It does not have an icon in-game, just a blank slate under Special Abilities.
2) The Beast Claw ability does add +1 APR, but actually raises THACO by two, and does not add exceptional strength (18/72) as the spell description says. Perhaps there is an unintended interaction with the Lupinist's bonus (Infection) ability that is supposed to further enhance the Beast Claw?
Example: In a game unmodded except for Faiths&Powers, my level 19, 18-strength Lupinist (created from scratch in Throne of Bhaal as a sandbox experiment) goes from BASE THAC0 7/main hand THAC0 1 to BASE THAC0 7/main hand THAC0 3 when he activates the Beast Claw, and his Strength remains 18, no exceptional strength. In fact, activating the Beast Claw while wearing a strength-boosting item (in this case the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength) cancels the Belt and just sets strength to the original 18.
3) Activating the Beast Claw while in Werewolf shape deprecates the enormous Constitution bonus! My Lupinist goes from Con 24 (Werewolf Lord) to his original Con 16! In addition, Beast Claw while shapechanged raises THAC0 by three points and the werewolf lord's damage goes from 2d6 +5 for proficiencies, +9 for Strength to 2d3+1, +9 for Strength IF HE DID NOT REMOVE HIS EQUIPPED WEAPON PRIOR TO CASTING BEAST CLAW WHILE SHAPECHANGED. Perhaps this is to do with lack of proficiency in unarmed combat?
EDITED for clarity.
1) The return to normal form special ability is labeled Shapeshift: wolf form.
2) The paralyzing gaze is there, but labeled as Shapeshift: Natural form.
Also, there is no option to shapeshift other than Basalisk. Why can I not choose the Leopard or Hare anymore?
EDIT: The elementalist special ability that is suppose to allow to charm elementals says it +1 Caster Level (Priest Spells) and does not allow me to select anything to charm. I don't see a special ability for selecting my daily element specialty.
(My game, for purposes of tracking down errors: A vanilla BG2ee v.2.3 install from the Beamdog installer, with Faiths and Powers v.0.63b as the only addition. I went with Install option 2 for the sake of ease of use.)
Acolyte of Beshaba
The Acolyte of Beshaba gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
Misfortune special ability: does not have an icon.
Misfire special ability: is not defined in the kit description. It's a new spell acc. to the Readme, so a reference to that would do the trick ("as per the 5th level spell of that name", for instance).
Doom special ability: Is not named Doom in my game at least, but this: "If you were the better choice, you would have the position! You were denied it fairly, not for any conspirational reason! Now you have made a personal claim of this against [CHARNAME]."
(Personal note: I want to play an Acolyte of Beshaba SO BADLY - I dunno, the class, its features, and its spheres just speak to me. I'd be BFFs with Xan, and put him in BG2, too, with's mod. Talk about co-dependence. Xan: "I'm so miserable." Doommaster: "Yeah, that was me. Onward to futility." Xan: Be still, my beating heart.")
Acolyte of Moander:
The Acolyte of Moander gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
Acolyte of Shar:
Acolyte of Shar gets the Shadowstep special ability (1 use/day), but this is undocumented in the kit description.
The Red Pen v.1.1 – The OMG Edition
Hi,I bow before your cleverness. I had not noticed that there are race-specific multi-class kits. ZOMG. Here are my notes.
Druid of Silvanus, under restrictions: “may …. can.” Choose a verb, these two mean different things.
Cleric of Cyric: The kit says cleric/thieves may be Clerics of Cyric, but I get the option when I roll a half-orc or a gnome fighter/cleric, yet I don’t get the option with a half-orc or gnome cleric/thief…..
Get no multi-class kits at all.
Woodscouts of Mielikki seem very overpowered. Multi-class ranger-cleric with +++++ in bows and no real restriction except perhaps sphere access?
Windriders of Shaundakul: The specific benefit (Location) seems to be fluff text rather than a hard and fast rule? Also, does not get Racial Enemy, just a thing saying “According to Geography” during the character generation sequence.
Monitor of Azuth: Kit description missing.
Nothing to report here.
Under Install Option 2 at least, there are no multi-class kits available for halflings. I would have expected a Tymora kit here.
Very much appreciated! Thank you
Odd. Will look into it.
Thanks again! Indeed...I forget what we did with Arie, but will check
That is definitely a bug... Will check
Will check these out.
The Shadowstep ability is an aspect of the shadow sphere. I think that spell wasn't properly converted to a priest spell.
Oooh, I love that!
Do you mind if I steal that?
I'm conscious of my grammar issues now. (That that)
Might be nice to have a kit that could interact better with myconids, slimes, etc. Perfect for a half-elf(drow).
The new animal companion mod @ulb already has chances for a spider or wyvern companion(and many others) for druids but you may have already made your own companion mod built in to F&P.
Added to the list
I do have a question regarding multiclasses. The heartwarder-kit is an acolyte kit. Do the special conditions for acolytes (more spells per level, restrictions regarding armor etc.) also apply when I roll a cleric/thief? And if so, can I expand this train of thought to the other multiclass-kits?
It should... And yes, if that mc kit is an acolyte. I don't remember off hand if all cleric/thieves are acolytes
.I'm going to add this to the list. I think that they get the armor restriction, but I'm less sure about the extra spell
My game, for purposes of tracking down errors: A vanilla BG2ee v.2.3 install from the Beamdog installer, with Faiths and Powers v.0.63b as the only addition. I went with Install option 2 for the sake of ease of use.
How does Faith and Powers interact with Spell Revisions? Can you install both at the same time? There are some references in the Sphere system in the Readme (“In SR/not in SR”), but what does that mean?
Spells from a sphere to which a caster has Focus access show up at both their regular levels and one level lower (Focus). Is that intentional (more flexibility) or not?
I was confused by the editorial decision behind the organization of spheres in the readme, until I realized that they are paired with their opposite number, which is very clever: Life and Death, Benediction and Destruction, Protection and War, Knowledge and Deception, Thought/Charm and Dread, Vigor and Affliction, Animal and Plant, Earth and Air, Water and Fire, Light and Shadow, and finally Magic on its own (Or Selune, Shar, and Mystra in a group of three, how very appropriate!
Are any kits gender-specific? I don’t want to go through all the combinations just to check.
In my game, during character creation, I note that all references to MAGE have been replaced with ILLUSIONIST, and this applies to all races that can become mages of any kind, including multi-class combinations. Single-classed wizards, upon choosing ILLUSIONIST where it should have said MAGE, are presented with the usual list of wizardly specializations. The first choice, which used to be generalist MAGE, is now ILLUSIONIST (though the actual kit description is that of the generalist mage), followed by the specializations, including ILLUSIONIST (which has the illusionist’s kit description).
Also, apparently humans can multi-class now as a result of Faith and Powers?
(Gnome) Cleric of Baravar: His only special ability is not very impressive. He gets Shadowstep a few times per day. Apparently, anyone with access to the Shadow sphere gets Shadowstep 1/day, in addition to specific kit bonuses, which are quite massive for some (Acolyte of Shar comes to mind).
(Dwarf) f/c of Clangeddin: his special ability appears under Spells, not Abilities.
Tempus cleric: cannot instill Rage in others, the effect is visited on the cletic himself (only) even when he targets someone else.
Helm Cleric: Does not gain as many uses of Detect Evil as the kit description says: at level 19, I got 4 of the promised 6. Also, the Protection from Evil special ability does not appear AT ALL.
Zealot of Sune: Only got 2 Frenzy at level 16, he should’ve had 3 (innate, level 10, level 15)
Zealot of Ilmater: Does not gain the Martyr’s Acceptance special ability. Instead, he got Burning Frenzy, which cast a Fireshield (Red), and 127 Resistance to Fire and 50 Resistance to Magical Fire. That’s the ability of the Zealot of Kossuth.
Zealot of Mystra: Shouldn’t this guy get minor access to the sphere of Magic? I mean, Mystra and all…
Acolyte of Ilmater: The Kit refers to a special ability as Endurance of Ilmater, but the actual description of the special ability calls it the Spirit of Ilmater.
Acolyte of Deneir: The kit does not show up in-game under Install Option 2. He’s just a bog-standard cleric (not an Acolyte) according to the Class tab on the character screen. In-game, I get the option to Choose a Deity (as if I’d gone with Install Option 1), but the kits on offer are six cleric kits (probably due to alignment) and the Ur-priest. I cannot choose the Acolyte of Deneir or any other Acolyte for that matter.
Strike that, it showed up just fine in my next game. Huh.Acolyte (Heartwarder) of Sune: None of her special abilities (Charm Person and Emotion:Hope) show up. She gets three copies of Nature’s Beauty as a seventh level spell, two of which belong to the Elemental sphere and one of which belongs to the Thought sphere. She gets ANOTHER copy of the spell as a sixth level Thought spell (due to Focus access to the Thought sphere).
Shapechange doesn't work for the [TERRAIN] druids
Elementalist: Does not gain the ability to focus on an element. Also does not gain the ability to control an elemental. DOES gain an ability called "+1 caster level (priest)."
Also, how up-to-date is the readme currently? I remember when I first play-tested this mod, I had to look at various forum posts and TPA files to find out which archetype/deity combinations are available and what spells they get...