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Can the "web" spell be dispelled?

toxintoxin Member Posts: 57
Dispel Magic dispels the individual effect, not the entire (AoE) effect.
Zone of Sweet Air only works on cloud spells.
Am I missing something?
Same question goes for "Teleport Field".
Post edited by toxin on


  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited August 2015
    As far as I know, the only way to get rid of Web before it runs out is to leave the area and come back. I think that works, but I'm not sure.
  • toxintoxin Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2015
    So we have a level 2 spell with a -2 saving throw that cannot be dispelled and renders multiple targets completely immobile and helpless... no, not overpowered at all :wink:
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    To be fair, I don't think enemies cast Zone of Sweet Air anyway.
  • toxintoxin Member Posts: 57
    Doesn't do you much good when you are the recipient :) Also, I'll bet they do cast ZoSA in SCS...
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Stinking Cloud disables for 9 seconds per round on a failed save. Web disables for 6 seconds per round on a failed save. Dispel Magic removes the 9-second and 6-second effect, but not the area effect. This means that Dispel Magic can set a character free just long enough for them to escape the web or cloud. Dispel Magic won't give you immunity to the spell, but it can set you free.

    Web is strong, but I'm not sure it deserves to be called overpowered. It forces a save every round, but the web effect only lasts 6 seconds, and Dispel Magic can in fact release characters. Also, it's not party-friendly, many enemies are immune, it doesn't bypass magic resistance, and it will be blocked by spell level immunities like Minor Globe of Invulnerability or a lich's or rakshasa's immunities.
  • toxintoxin Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2015
    If your fighters are equipped with a free action ring it can be party friendly when you send your warriors to the front (indeed, that is a strategy I like when I get those rings), but I was mainly talking about it being overpowered as a lvl2 spell when used by enemies. Most in your party won't be immune, generally speaking.

    While a successful dispel can set you free, it may be the case that the web area is where you *want* to be (as to not to allow the enemy to cast and/or hurl projectiles at you). I believe there may be also cases where you are slowed or even encumbered (ray of enfeeblement) in a way that doesn't allow you to escape quickly enough (perhaps depending on the topography of the battlefield).

    As for Stinking cloud, its saving throw does not have a -2 penalty and it can be countered absolutely by ZoSA, as opposed to Dispel Magic which may be hopeless against a stronger caster.
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
    The 4th level cleric spell Free Action would help you out here. It should make you immune to Web.
  • toxintoxin Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2015
    So now I have to cast 6 4th level spells (for all my party) to counter a single 2nd level spell... (assuming I can guess that's the right preparation to make for a given battle)
  • zolzol Member Posts: 25
    Chromatic orb is the 1st level spell...
  • toxintoxin Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2015
    Chromatic orb affects only one creature and the save is made with a +6 modifier (which is +8 relative to Web's -2). I will concede that getting fragged by a single 1st level spell due to a bad roll would suck though :smile:
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    There are lots of possibilities. You could Dimension Door over the Web. Or drink a few Potions of Magic Shielding. Or cast a Fly spell to avoid the Web entirely. Or rent a hover bike.
  • woowoovoodoowoowoovoodoo Member Posts: 150
    SCS enemies gulp potions of freedom on a daily basis, player can use that tactic too. Though almost all Webs in my games are somehow casted by me (I love double Web as an ultimate disabler) and I usually have 2 or so Free Action spells for melee fighters + item immunities.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @semiticgod Man I miss Dimension Door.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    The pic is from the bioware no-reload thread, by the way ;)
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Goodness, gracious!!
  • woowoovoodoowoowoovoodoo Member Posts: 150
    It's... quite hot.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Nice portraits.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    CaloNord said:

    Fireball should destroy the web. Fireball should also cause the stinking cloud to explode in A FIERY WORLD ENDING CATACLYSM! FIREBALL FIXES EVERYTHING! FIREBALLS FOR ALL!!

    I would fill all my spell book with fireballs and there derivatives.

    Spell Trigger: Fireball, Fireball, Fireball.

    Contingency: See Enemy = Fireball.

    Spell Sequencer: Fireball, Fireball, Fireball.


    I at times, miss the old school looking interface and graphics

  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    edited September 2015
    As do I. I would love the option of a simple interface changing utility that would allow us the select which one we want and allows modders to create new ones without much difficulty on the end users side.

    I've always had a soft spot for spell interactions. Sadly the BG series never did it but there are some that have now! :D I love the idea of being able to throw down a grease spell then set it on fire with a fireball. Or using Fireball to remove webs and gas clouds, with different results. Something like a random damage/radius table for effect would be epic, making the results somewhat unpredictable.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @CaloNord: Some of that could be done in the Infinity Engine, although some such spell combinations would be complicated to implement.

    A Grease spell, for instance, could amplify fire damage by lowering the fire resistance of all creatures within the area of effect. Inherently fire-immune critters, or critters with spell-based 100% fire resistance, would be immune to that effect, or to fire spells in general, so the extra damage wouldn't apply to fire-immune targets.

    Or, you could create mutually exclusive spells. Cold damage spells, for instance, might grant immunity to fire spells for 3 seconds, and vice versa. Earthquake could grant immunity to Web because the shaking breaks apart the webs. Nature's Beauty could dispel invisibility (Spell Revisions already does this, I believe).

    Other spell combinations might be hard to do. Let's say you wanted to make a combination Blade Barrier+Fire Shield spell effect, in which critters close to the caster would suffer both slashing and fire damage every round as well as every time they hit the caster (as opposed to taking slashing damage when nearby, but taking fire damage only when attacking). Assuming I've got this right, you'd have to create eight separate custom spells, which, combined with an edited Blade Barrier and Fire Shield spell, would give you the desired effect if a Cleric/Mage casts both Blade Barrier and Fire Shield:

    Blade Barrier: in addition to its normal effects, also casts Spell 1, Spell 2, and Spell 3.
    Spell 1: grants immunity to spell 3
    Spell 2: grants immunity to spell 5
    Spell 3: casts spell 8
    Spell 4: deals fire and slashing damage to nearby enemies and attackers (the combo itself) and grants immunity to spell 8
    Fire Shield: in addition to its normal effects, also casts Spell 5, Spell 6, and Spell 7.
    Spell 5: grants immunity to spell 7
    Spell 6: grants immunity to spell 1
    Spell 7: casts spell 4
    Spell 8: deals fire and slashing damage to nearby enemies and attackers (the combo itself) and grants immunity to spell 4

    And you could tweak the durations of this effect to make it so that Blade Barrier and Fire Shield would have to be cast one right after the other in order for this to work.

    It's a stupidly complicated process, however, and my formula above may have a flaw in it. But it would allow you to create any number of combination spells with weird new effects.
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    real talk though, by the time you really start encountering web, you should be able to afford a couple potions of freedom and put them on your front-line fighters who will take the most beatings, and just take on whatever it is that you're going against that would be using web (mages or spider traps). Later on you'll find plenty of Free Action based equipment to help you get around the aggravating scenarios concerning Web and the like.

    Finally in BG2, when it becomes more of a problem, you should have a divine caster with at least 2 Free Action spells memorized so you can cast them before a fight. Really Web becomes rather trivial late BG1, and more of a nuisance come BG2.
  • toxintoxin Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2015
    Thanks GF. I'm aware of strategies for battling web, was just saying that IMO it's OP for a lvl2 spell:
    -2 to save
    no way to dispel
    you have to anticipate and protect against it (might be hard with role playing restrictions)
    potions may get expensive if you use them for every party member that may be affected, for each fight where they might be thrown
    You need to waste multiple 4th level spells to protect against it without potions, and the duration isn't that long
    both potion and spell effects can be dispelled (whereas the web cannot be!)

    Again, not saying it's the ultimate spell of all time, just that I feel it's a bit powerful for lvl2.

    But forget that, the thread has gotten much more interesting with all these fireballs :smiley:
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    Technically I think fire magic should destroy it... we actually used a fireball to destroy one in my dnd group but I dunno if the engine could even handle it in the game.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @iavasechui: Makes sense. Unfortunately, the IE system has no opcode for removing the web projectile. It can only remove cloud effects. A Fireball could be rigged to prevent a Web spell from activating for a certain number of rounds, which would keep anything from getting webbed, but the Web spell would still be perfectly visible.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @iavasechui: Makes sense. Unfortunately, the IE system has no opcode for removing the web projectile. It can only remove cloud effects. A Fireball could be rigged to prevent a Web spell from activating for a certain number of rounds, which would keep anything from getting webbed, but the Web spell would still be perfectly visible.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    I'm no modder so this might sound incredably stupid, but can't web be coded so that it is considered a "cloud" yet still retain it's animations etc? Perhaps that would open up options for counters, even though I guess ZoSA would then be able to dispel it, which wouldn't make much sense.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Skatan: There probably is a way of doing that. I'd have to check some things. You could always give ZoSA a new name and description to reflect its new effects.
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