Outside my comfort zone playthrough

So, I maybe looking to do another play through of the BG series, but the only way I can possible survive this is if I can do none comfort play through. Meaning I need some tips and ideas on team choices and a class to play.
Charname; ultimately all I ever play is DD and Wild mage, since I'm strongly magic bias. So logic would state I should be melee/physical focused. I originally was looking at cleric, but they fall too close to arcane caster in play; so right now I'm leaning towards either paladin or blackguard.
I also am looking at thief and assassin, but for the love of nocturnal, I can never seem to get hide in shadows to work or to even stay concealed, even when I separate away from my party in the long run.
I'm also on the boat about druid, I kind of want to run around as a freaking werewolf, but unfortunately people don't attack me on sight like I wish the would.
I'm still avoiding multi/duel classing, pure class 4 lyfe.
Npc I'm trying to avoid.
Imeon (maybe not, I can't just rid myself of little sis.)
These are usually my most used npc.
Charname; ultimately all I ever play is DD and Wild mage, since I'm strongly magic bias. So logic would state I should be melee/physical focused. I originally was looking at cleric, but they fall too close to arcane caster in play; so right now I'm leaning towards either paladin or blackguard.
I also am looking at thief and assassin, but for the love of nocturnal, I can never seem to get hide in shadows to work or to even stay concealed, even when I separate away from my party in the long run.
I'm also on the boat about druid, I kind of want to run around as a freaking werewolf, but unfortunately people don't attack me on sight like I wish the would.
I'm still avoiding multi/duel classing, pure class 4 lyfe.
Npc I'm trying to avoid.
Imeon (maybe not, I can't just rid myself of little sis.)
These are usually my most used npc.
If you almost never play anything besides Dragon Disciple or Wild Mage and want to get away from that, then I'd recommend an unkitted Paladin, Ranger, or Fighter. They're about as far as you can get from a mage, and they'll stay that way. If you don't have much experience playing fighters, the higher versatility of the unkitted classes would probably be more interesting.
You might also consider changing up your weapon use and spell patterns. Changing broad trends in tactics can actually be a much bigger change of pace than a change in class or party makeup.
Thanks for the reply, the thing with hide in shadows is that it seems like my on party pulls me out of it. I've done it in rooms by myself, let the character walk out of the room, onto the room where everyone else was (no one facing the door) and I fail it.even when I succeed, it fails 2 seconds later.
I wasn't looking at fighter/barbarian because just purely melee bores me.berserker may work since berserker mode is even MORE of a gamble than wild surge to me. I was looking at ranger also mostly to be a Archer, If I wanted to go that route that is.
I really don't know how much more I can change up my spell patterns. I've played through the game many ways as a mage.
Pure nuke invoker
Literally tried a pure summoner
A red fire dragon ( throne of bhaal was a itch)
Master of illusiion
Pure cc/disabled not a single damage spell, not even chromatic orb or magic missile.
Wait...wait...wait... Only Minsc will randomly attack things when berserking? T...than why even call it a berserker?
Somethings just should never be said >.>
Wouldn't a no mage run only work in bg,1 anyways
While the fighter's methods (1. Find ass. 2. Beat it.) may appear simple, getting to that conclusion involves a lot of planning, thinking and strategy, particularly if you forgoe the usual crutch of magical protections and create a fighter heavy party that succeeds through co-ordination, rotation, re-inforcement and environmental awareness. Fighters also have exclusive access to some of the sweetest gear in faerun, awesome benefits that come with weapon expertise, and I think they might have better overall saving throws than any other class, which can be modified by a certain red and blue potion which I am convinced is proof that there is a greater deity and that she wants us to be happy.
Take it from me, a random and faceless person on the internet, and someone who finds magery to be boring and tedious and little more than click upon clicks, and who thinks mages are cowardly sissies who hide behind friends and stoneskins. Discover the world of the BG Trilogy's very underrated aspects of battlefield awareness, management, flanking and entrapment. Become a regular George S. Patton today!
Take a gamble and play a pure unkitted fighter, with no innate abilities or protections. Become DragonKing Hammershield Stonefist the First, Facilitator of Arterial Ruptures, Inductee to Vahalla, Disciple of Crom On the Mountain, Beater of Asses Supreme.
Face off against all of faerun with little more than your ovarian/testicular fortitude. What could be more heroic?
Fighters are survivors; Mages are diers! Sign up now.
P.S. In honour of this thread topic I'm now going to try my first playthrough of SCS BG2 with an all caster party, chucking spells at which I am nearly useless. I'm sure nothing will go wrong.
My new self-gimp is to forbid spell duplication and limit resting.
Basically, any particular Mage/Cleric can only have one casting of any particular spell at any time... Combined with a realistic approach to resting (once per day with additional rests only after *major* battles), this forces me into using new combinations of spells/abilities... rather than just falling back on the same tried-and-tested formulae.
Also, a thief is much more than a pure hiding in shadows. Take a Bounty Hunter, for example. Use traps to the max. For good ideas about thieves, check https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/43573/best-race-for-bounty-hunter-elf-or-halfling.
Both those threads are very inspiring in the sense that when I'm reading posts there I'm beginning to want to create my own thief or wizard slayer and make a new run.
Since then I discovered that: defensive/utility mages are fun (I rolled an elven non-specialist mage and rolled his first 2 spells: shield and colour spray), bards are playable, as are all the available party members including those that are in Baldur's Gate city, you can go without a thief until chapter 5 and going to each areas in different order changes the game immensely. There are so many possibilities that the game won't ever become boring.
BH never really interested me as much is assassin or pure thief really. I mean shoot, when. I made a theif I spent more time trying to rob people blind, and was wishing it was a little bit more like TES, where I would just still stuff for the sake of stealing.
Rping a kleptomaniac is fun.