Which NPC has the most personality?

This might not be your favorite character--just the one you find most interesting, compelling, developed, or in some other way appealing.
- Which NPC has the most personality?37 votes
- Imoen  5.41%
- Sarevok  0.00%
- Jaheira27.03%
- Viconia  8.11%
- Yoshimo10.81%
- Jan16.22%
- Keldorn  8.11%
- Aerie  2.70%
- Edwin  5.41%
- Other (please indicate)16.22%
I voted Jaheira because I find the difficulties in her relationship with the Harpers, played out in her questline, to be quite a compelling story, plus she has some other backstory elements (e.g. Baron Ployer) which also have in-game consequences. Our involvement in her personal story brings it alive to me, more so than in the case of those characters whose personal story is simply told to us without becoming relevant to the action in which we're participating. Also, if the protagonist pursues the romance with Jaheira, then the ups and downs in that additional story seem to me to reflect quite well the turmoil in her life caused by her questline with the Harpers. She thus comes across to me as a pretty believable person - hectoring, heroic, troubled, determined, doubtful, caring ... probably the most realistically complex character I've ever met in a game, with plausible motives and goals and difficulties, rather than a mere one-dimensional caricature.
Nevertheless, there are also other characters for whom I might have voted.
For example, I might have voted for Rasaad if he were included in the poll, since I find his story easily the most gripping of the EE characters. We can see that his motivations and attitudes are somewhat influenced by the events in his questline, he acquires more complexity and nuance as he discovers that life isn't as black-and-white as he originally thought, there's some actual character development over the course of the story. Fine work.
Also, in spite of the fact that most of Jan's story is conveyed by his endless anecdotes which aren't connected to the action, nevertheless the episode which is played out in his personal quest, even though small, suddenly puts the character in a whole different light and makes him seem much more like a "real person" who has a life and feelings behind the scenes of the game. That's quite effective writing.
I'd give Keldorn an honourable mention, too. Even though in many ways he's a stereotype, the writing (and some particularly good voice-acting) manage to convey a fairly strong sense of personality beyond the stereotype - a very dedicated professional, but getting tired and longing to have more time for his family, yet still driven onward by his faith and duty. That's also pretty effective.
Anomen starts off as a boastful jerk, but develops quite significantly. If you succeed in his personal quest, he eventually sees the error of his ways, and tries to develop some humility and be less obnoxious, although he still wouldn't win a popularity contest. There's a little more development if the protagonist is in a romance with Anomen, as the romance story causes him to face some of his issues. So Anomen definitely has personality, albeit a personality which many players clearly don't like. I'm surprised he's not in the poll.
The fact that Aameul and Hethradiah, his two heads, both possess distinct egos makes him win the race with ease. Also, tentacles.
He is pious, righteous, sincere...also racist (against drow), conflicted between duty and family, and has moral struggles. And through it all he's a boss.
Dorn's good too.
I take my hat of for @gallowglass, as I think he/she wrote an excellent summary of many NPC's and I concur wholeheartedly.
I so often saw people complaining about him on every BG-related forum.
"If it makes you *feel* something against or for him, it tells he was good written". I agree with these words by @CrevsDaak from https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/32338/bg1-npc-personas-vs-bg2-npc-personalities and this is why I choose him in this poll.
You must suffer.
He best represents the internal struggles of what would be a very boring archetype (paladin). Compare that to Saerileth and you will understand.
I'm not criticizing the mod, while she may be extremely stereotypical, she is 15 years old after all. It's just that her character doesn't apppeal to me.
I thought about Jaheira but she is way too patronizing to be bearable. It is the kind of person I would have hated. I'd pick Aerie or Anomen over her any day of the week.
also: yoshimo (a pretty developed character imo; also kinda forces you to care about him) and annoyman (most roleplayish and consequential personal quest)
"Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure?"
"Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure?"
"Nature's servant awaits."
"Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure?"
"Nature's servant awaits."
"Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure?"
"Nature's servant awaits."
How annoying is that?
But yes, I agree that Yoshimo has a well-drawn personality, he's a worthy inclusion in the poll.