The Shipping Thread

No, this thread is not about your local postal service or nautic traveling, it's about the non-canonical relationships between all those colourful characters that roam the Swoardcoast and beyond.
- What are your favourite ships?
- Are there any ships you hate?
- What are your headcanons on them?
- Why do you ship them?
- Anything else on the subject?
Feel free to share any fanart and fics of your ships here as well. (Don't forget to give proper credit.)
PS: Try not to name Charname X ???, that's boring.
Happy ship wars >:D

- What are your favourite ships?
- Are there any ships you hate?
- What are your headcanons on them?
- Why do you ship them?
- Anything else on the subject?
Feel free to share any fanart and fics of your ships here as well. (Don't forget to give proper credit.)
PS: Try not to name Charname X ???, that's boring.
Happy ship wars >:D

- Montaron X Alora - I don't know, I simply love halflings and these two are have so much commedic and cute potential together.
- Hexxat X Viconia - This ship sails itself.
My Crack-ships (ships that make no sense and only exist because they are funny):
- Edwin X Xan - Uhhh ... I have no excuse ...
- Edwin X Minsc - It started as a joke and then became a running gag.
I also ship:
- Havarian X The pointy end of my blade
Irenicus X Bodhi - quite a bloody ship, a representation of real life's marriage
Neera X Kruin - They do a lot of spooning... within the frogs.
Brother Thurm X Greater Basilisk - What?! Don't blame me! They are just taking after their masters, ok?
Also, nice boat.
Kruin is the githyanki 'wild mage' who tries to get the silver sword blade back from you once you return to Athkatla. Here is part of the dialog he has with Neera when you meet him:
Kruin- You know, being a wild mage isn't all it's cracked up to be. My mentor always said "See the spoon, see the spoon." But I only saw frogs.
Neera- The trick is to see the spoon WITHIN the frogs, duh.
Kruin- It was that simple? Ugh. Mentors!
Sarevok X Dorn would have plenty of potential. Though it'd be a rocky relationship in the long run. Two doms are a bad recipe.
Rielev X Irenicus. I apologize for nothing.
Bodhi X Valen. "You have arrived. That is fortunate. I was about to discipline Valen. Eh, perhaps I will anyway; it shows I care."
Captain Haegan X... Actually, let's not go there.
Phaere X Solaufein... Before Phaere had all the love tortured out of her. After that point, the relationship is just sad.
Keldorn X Mazzy. The relationship need not even be physical. Both are deeply goodhearted people with much empathy and shared pain.
Frightened X Yakman!
I mean, he does take great pleassure in serving after all. Either way, hot.
I think I know where you where going with this one *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
Friendships count as well! These two are simply great together, true brothers in arms!
Demogorgon X Saemon Havarian. A match made where they both belong.
Viconia X Alorgoth. Obviously made for one another.
The Hidden X Lady Jysstev. Explains a lot. (But might even be canonical and therefore disqualified from this thread.)
The Hidden X Lord Jysstev. Explains even more, but it's a good thing Lady Jysstev doesn't know about it.
Xzar X Iycanth. "I wanted infravision like the elves ... but 'tis more than just taking their eyes!"
Jaheira X Khalid. They obviously love each other dearly and I enjoy angst a little too much.
Minsc X Aerie. I think it's sweet the way Minsc names Aerie his new witch and they look after each other. He obviously likes and respects her a lot if he's going to do something like that so soon after losing Dynaheir.
Neera X Imoen. They're like best friends and I've always headcanoned Imoen as a lesbian, so it works nicely.
Rasaad X Viconia. Okay, hear me out on this one. I think it could be interesting, since they have banters that suggest they're each trying to persuade the other to convert. We know Viconia can be redeemed and that Rasaad sees her "inner light". Likewise, we know Rasaad is capable of getting really dark and he even says he feels Shar's umbra closing on him at one point, plus he gets super flustered by Viconia sometimes.
Hexxat X Viconia. Because it would be a shame if all that flirting came to nothing.
Sarevok X Dorn. Because it just works.
Solaufein X Happiness. He just deserves nice things, okay?
Xan X Happiness. Nuff said.
If I went into all my broships, we'd be here all day, but I guess I'll name my absolute favourite one.
Minsc & Rasaad. Because Minsc literally offered to take Rasaad with him back to Rashemen and introduce him to everyone as his long-lost brother and Rasaad was basically like "sounds good".
And in the early part of the saga, pretty much every one of my PCs who visits the werewolf island ends up falling head over heels for Delainy.
I could also see Garrick joining Khalid and Jaheira for some hot bi action.
Viconia X Sarevok by Shaydh
Alora X Montaron by Shaydh
Xan X Edwin by ImSoPopfly aka @LadyEibhilinRhett
I'll be leaving now.
More seriously, Skie and Garrick are pretty sweet.
If you mean him getting impaled by it and dying a gruesome death in the process, yes.