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Jaheira's Infidelity



  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    I always found it funny how (Western) human values are projected onto fantasy societies that are often anything but human.

    Age in relationships takes on a whole different meaning when you can be hundreds of years old...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2015
    Though in fairness from what I recall a half-elf's lifespan is comparable to that of a humans (though the unsourced wiki's I've looked at suggest in rare cases they can live to be as old as 180). Either way the difference between when they mature and when humans mature is significantly less than say between a human and an elf.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    edited December 2015
    Hey, people do want to romance Imeon, she is literally your sister...
    Post edited by DragonKing on
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    @bengoshi Sounds perfectly reasonable. Could even add a scene to the graveyard where you have an option to give him a burial, or something.
  • johntyljohntyl Member Posts: 397
    But imagine, say, you see your closest loved one dead, no matter if he or she were to be on an experiment table in a dungeon. KEY WORD: Closest Loved One. Not just a companion, a Harper comrade-in-arms, no, but your SPOUSE.
    Even if Jaheira is a druid and she understands the circle of life and death, I find her reaction to Khalid's death just too oh-is-he-dead-there's-nothing-to-be-done incredulous. It's like she doesn't even bother to try.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @bengoshi: I'll make that my head canon until a mod comes out for it.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    edited December 2015
    bengoshi said:

    Maybe there should be mod with a little quest where the party, after a dialogue as soon as Imoen is taken, decides to at least try to resurrect Khalid. They go to a temple (for example, of Lathander), then to another temple, then to another temple, and in each place they're told Khalid can't be resurrected because his body was severly damaged during a big Boom in the starting dungeon.

    This mod could also change first "love talks" a bit, to reflect the Jaheira's sorrow and feelings, instead of a "fearless leader thing". Charname, by choosing the right options, could support Jaheira and give her understanding that there's a life after the death of her husband.

    And thus, Minsc is once again the pack mule of the party, because no one else has the STR score to carry around a dead body...

    (Except maybe Charname, but come on.)
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    Kilivitz said:

    I never understood this mindset about society, a man that's a few decades older than a woman in a relationship is acceptable, but If you reverse that scenario it is suddenly taboo...

    One could write books and books analyzing that, but for the topic here, suffice to say that our civilization is rooted in some screwed up sexist values. Me, I don't think the age difference is a problem at all.

    Our civilisation is rooted in survival, that's all.

  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    I'm not taking the bait. Nope. Not this time.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Hey Minsc, carry this body for a while.

    I sworn to carry Jaheria's burdens.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Dee said:

    I dunno, the mechanics seem pretty cut-and-dry to me:

    A. Raise Dead can only be cast on members of your party
    B. Khalid is not in the party

    A + B = Khalid can't be resurrected.

    Jaheira's been adventuring long enough to know those mechanics (she'd have to, being married to Khalid), so I'd say it's pretty reasonable that she'd understand how futile it would be to try and cast Raise Dead on him. I mean come on, he doesn't even have a foot circle!

    The dead father in Saradush can be rezzed, though...
  • MrNoobyMrNooby Member Posts: 131
    I actually liked the Jaheria romance. I didn't think her mourning period was all that super short, but then again I'm up to around 250 days on my save right now, and I've only just started getting through Bodhi's maze (curse you sidequests!).

    What really frustrates me, is that I feel that a lot of the love talks are just friendship talks really. It annoys me a little that you can only fully complete one, and that you can't complete the others in a non-romantic fashion. I'd love to see such talks with all my party members - it would make me feel more personally invested.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Nimran said:

    The dead father in Saradush can be rezzed, though...

    Yes, but his body wasn't so badly damaged.

    It was an explicit mechanic even in BG1 (assuming Core rules or harder) that a corpse can't be resurrected when too badly damaged (e.g. chunked), and we're explicitly told in the dialogue (when we find Khalid) that Khalid's body is too damaged for resurrection.
  • TheWhitefireTheWhitefire Member Posts: 119
    ^ That was what I was going to say. Also, while it doesn't appear so much in Baldur's Gate (as I think we, as players, rarely go more than a few days without rezzing someone anyways), in AD&D you can't resurrect someone who has been dead past a certain period of time, as the spirit has traveled too far from the body.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    I was aways under the belief that i dnd you couldn't raise someone who didn't want to comeback. I dont know if that is true about all editions, but even if Khalid could be raised, would he know who is even raising him? Far all he could know is that it is irenicus and would refuse to return.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    IIRC, the spirit can sense the alignment (and maybe intentions?) of those performing the spell.
  • Yeah, the spirit gets some information about who's doing the raising, possibly alignment and deity of the caster. I also seem to remember some lore from somewhere (probably the Complete Book of Elves) that stated that the Elven afterlife, Arvandor, is so amazingly wonderful that Elves are much less likely to respond to a resurrection spell unless they have a really really good reason (like, fate-of-the-whole-world-in-the-balance good).
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Maybe deep down she resented Khalid for being so weak and succumbing fast to Jon's torture. Charname, on the other hand, is a total badass. Females always go for the highest value guy they can find, unless they are very low self esteem, which Jaheira isn't. You can also figure she would be very emotionally unstable after such a traumatic event, and she seeks consolation in your arms. Or maybe she's just easy going, lol (druid -> nature girl -> Woodstock hippie). Honestly, if you had a weak sauce nancy partner like Khalid, wouldn't you be very tempted to fool around behind his back?
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  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Haha, funny GIFs. I believe you, but i expected the ones who wouldn't do it to come out and speak their mind. You generally don't advertise this mindset. But from my own personal experience, i met a lot of women who didn't hesitate to cheat on their (i would describe) beta boyfriends. Sometimes they don't even mention they have a hubby, lol.
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