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Jaheira's Infidelity



  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    I agree with you that Jaheira doesn't seem like that, although i could make an argument that she's very predisposed to making poor decisions in such a distressful situation (Khalid's death).

    But c'mon, Khalid is the definition of weak, dude's mumbling constantly and afraid of his own shadow. Not to mention totally pussy whipped by Jah.

    Here are some of his quotes:

    "I don’t want to seem c-confrontational, but could you be a little less…well…evil."

    "Cities are always so intimidating, so many people."

    "If...if you wish, but I'm not a very inspiring leader."

    Rest my case.
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    To be honest, his character is a bit of a dichotomy. When you see his avatar and his class, you might think he's pretty badass and not someone you wanna mess around with. But then he opens his mouth, and you see how Jah treats him like a doormat as well. Poorly written and very incongruent, if you ask me. Regarding his fighter stats, pretty sure he is the weakest pure fighter type in the entire saga with those stats and no special abilities, so not much of an argument there.

    You see his will to carry on in the face of adversity, despite every cowardly instinct of his telling him otherwise, as a sign of bravery at its best. But what i see is a man without conviction, doing something he does not want to do only because others tell him to. What you posted from his biography reads as: insecure, daddy issues, validation seeking.

    Khalid is not a real man, he is a dog, like one of those from Animal Farm of Pink Floyd's Animals. Simply a barely useful tool that others use to get their objectives done, only to discard him after the job is completed. Jaheira spent a whole two seconds grieving him before moving on with her life. She probably thought to herself, good riddance.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    Jahiera is a druid. Druids are the incongruous environmentalist party of D&D. That should explain well enough her behavior for your total rpg immersion.
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Aerie: "Shut up, Jaheira! You think he'll be somehow impressed because... because you're so mean? You do nothing but boss people around! No wonder that Khalid was the only man who would marry you!"

    Jaheira: "I warned you before, girl! You know nothing of my Khalid and I will not tolerate your speaking of him!!"

    Aerie: "Or what?! I do know of your Khalid! They say... they say he was a weak man who you bossed around! Well, Charname isn't like that! He isn't!!" See, even Aerie knows what's up, haha. But seriously, do you not see what is happening here Nonnah? Khalid was obviously in an abusive relationship, so he took the easy way out, death by Irenicus' torture. Better than the alternative. Now the cougar is extra mad because she lost her favorite punchbag.

    But on a serious serious note now, Jaheira's bitch fits are not actually about Khalid you see, she's quite a selfish individual, it's all about her and her perceived image. She sees herself as a very strong woman, and Khalid was a choice of hers, maybe not the best one but she'll never admit that. Nevertheless, she will not stand to be mocked by those other bitches regarding one of her choices. And also, she needs to maintain the persona of a loving, caring individual, not the heartless, bossy shrew that she actually is.

    I'm out *drops mic*
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    Yeah I'm pretty sure by now that AlexDeLarge is just projecting his own feeling of weakness and impotency onto Khalid.
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Shit, i've been found out. Was hoping to not be so transparent.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited January 2016

    But on a serious serious note now, Jaheira's bitch fits are not actually about Khalid you see, she's quite a selfish individual, it's all about her and her perceived image. She sees herself as a very strong woman, and Khalid was a choice of hers, maybe not the best one but she'll never admit that. Nevertheless, she will not stand to be mocked by those other bitches regarding one of her choices. And also, she needs to maintain the persona of a loving, caring individual, not the heartless, bossy shrew that she actually is.

    Obvious troll is obvious, but if you ignore the prejudice and macho bullshit, @AlexDeLarge's last comment is actually quite surprisingly insightful. Not necessarely correct though since I'm not sure that behaviour is aligned to Jaheira's alignment, but then again, some of her behavoir isn't really true-neutral anyways.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,744
    Guys, please, let's stay on topic, respect the site rules and not discuss other forumites.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Doesn't Jaheira cheat on Khalid (while he was alive) with Abdel in the novelization? Not that that is anything to go by (avoiding the dreaded c-word here), but it seems more people have had ideas about J's tendencies... Makes you wonder why.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Speaking of the novels, aren't we?
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Biff the Understudy is not such a bad NPC, sure his stats aren't the greatest, but with thought, planning and proper itemization, you can build him to be an effective companion. Plus, his personality accurately describes the average human condition. See? If we try hard enough, we can find a silver lining for anyone.

    Play Khalid all you want, no one stopping you, but don't come here and preach about him being something more than he actually is, some newbie might actually take your word for it and then shed tears of frustration and disappointment later on. In my games, he gets the boot asap every time.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Then they were never loyal in the first place, its one think for the flame of a candle to burn out. But, at least break up with them, just going behind their back and cheating show you never had any love or real respect for them at all.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979

    I agree with you that Jaheira doesn't seem like that, although i could make an argument that she's very predisposed to making poor decisions in such a distressful situation (Khalid's death).

    But c'mon, Khalid is the definition of weak, dude's mumbling constantly and afraid of his own shadow. Not to mention totally pussy whipped by Jah.

    Here are some of his quotes:

    "I don’t want to seem c-confrontational, but could you be a little less…well…evil."

    "Cities are always so intimidating, so many people."

    "If...if you wish, but I'm not a very inspiring leader."

    Rest my case.

    I'm well aware of his quotes, thanks.

    Khalid isn't weak. He has a 15/16/17 in STR/DEX/CON, which is pretty decent for a fighter. Because his father disliked him, he decided to get into fighting, probably as a means to prove himself. Taken straight out of his biography: "He does not say much of his parents, but you get the feeling that his merchant father thought little of him, devoting much more attention to Khalid's half brothers. Khalid thus threw himself into the martial pursuits, studying under members of the city militia." He was successful enough to join the Harpers, and catch the eye of Jaheira.

    It's true that he's nervous, timid, and not fond of violence. Yet despite all of that, he still goes into battle with bandits, orcs, gnolls, undead, sirens, wizards, all the way up to the Iron Throne if you let him. He still willingly puts his life on the line for you and your quest.

    He fights, even when he does not want to, even when he's scared. That's not weakness. To me, that is bravery at its best.
    What is with you people and throwing little numbers all around? Being weak willed, mentally weak, consciously weak and numbers that deal his stats. I don't care if someone is 18 plus w/e in strength, if someone is timid mentally, then they are timid being magically strong doesn't change that. Khalid is weak willed, he could have a wisdom and intelligent score of 19, and he will still be weak willed, that is a CHARACTER TRAIT, not some stat.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    A lot of anger here considering Khalid is a character.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    @DragonKing I didn't just point out his stats, but whatever. I already said I don't consider him weak-willed and that's my opinion. It's different from yours, and that's okay. I've already said my part and I'm not going to argue about it anymore. Because as semiticgod says, he's a freaking fictional character.
  • NybCRNybCR Member Posts: 27

    Khalid was obviously in an abusive relationship, so he took the easy way out, death by Irenicus' torture.

    First, I have to pause at that "obviously" you used there. While that is certainly an interesting interpretation of their relationship, it is hardly the only one - and far from the most obvious one. Just look at their banter, a la BG1:
    Khalid: Must you always be so... so...

    Jaheira: Insufferable?

    Khalid: Yes!

    This kind of playful banter doesn't sound like it comes from a relationship where one is abusive to the other (either physically or emotionally). It sounds like two people who are comfortable enough with one another to engage in some lighthearted ribbing.

    Second, how can you say Khalid "took the easy way out" when he was TORTURED TO DEATH? As if he had a choice in the matter! By that logic, you might as well say people who are beaten to death by their abusers are also "taking the easy way out." Perhaps you didn't mean it that way, but do you see how your comment can come across as seriously offensive?
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Lol, sorry that came off alot more aggressive than it was actually meant to be. Yes he is a fictional character, but talking about them like this is part of the fun of the character. Just because they are fictional, doesn't mean they can't be fascinating or interesting.

    But that's just my take.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520

    Lol, sorry that came off alot more aggressive than it was actually meant to be. Yes he is a fictional character, but talking about them like this is part of the fun of the character. Just because they are fictional, doesn't mean they can't be fascinating or interesting.

    But that's just my take.

    One I wholeheartedly agree with. :)
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    NybCR said:

    Khalid was obviously in an abusive relationship, so he took the easy way out, death by Irenicus' torture.

    Second, how can you say Khalid "took the easy way out" when he was TORTURED TO DEATH? As if he had a choice in the matter! By that logic, you might as well say people who are beaten to death by their abusers are also "taking the easy way out." Perhaps you didn't mean it that way, but do you see how your comment can come across as seriously offensive?
    I was being facetious, my friend.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited January 2016

    I agree on the Jaheria romance having a creep factor

    There is no creep factor. Elves mature (either physically and/or emotionally) at about 120 years at least.
    Which means that an elf could be 500 years old, look young and fall in love with a human in his 30s.

    Now let's add that Jaheira is a half-elf and younger than that. Because half-elves mature faster and don't live as much.

    About the thing people say, that a relationship with Jaheira is forced. It isn't.
    People in real life bounce from one relationship to another so they don't get depressed.

    She saw her husband dead and mutilated. She needed to do something about it emotionally and psychologically so she doesn't go crazy and get depressed.

    Also the leader of the group that has proven himself to be a grown man instead of a boy, spent time with him day and night and helped her, as well as her helping him, is a natural and logical choice.

    She was also added because of her personality. She's a mother figure that players can find attractive.
    Aerie is the weaker cute girl that players would want to take care of.
    And Viconia is the femme fatale, the dangerous and mysterious dark elf woman.

    As for Khalid, he is a man with low confidence. Confidence is almost always depicted with Charisma. Force of personality. Magnetism. His Charisma is 9.
    It's also why high Charisma means good leadership even mechanics-wise. NPCs won't get into fights as often.
    You have the confidence and strength of personality to put your foot down and get the others in line.

    And to use real-world studies, most women prefer men with confidence and it's usually the number one on the list.
    Khalid was not a man with confidence. Charname is supposed to be.
    (Unless powergamers put his CHA at 3, which in DnD terms, means he/she should be reviled and force others to join him.
    Or be too afraid to even talk to or look at others.)
    Post edited by Archaos on
  • NotabarbiegirlNotabarbiegirl Member Posts: 141
    Oh goody I get to defend my personal opinion. :smiley:

    Background info:
    My Mother was a Cougar when I was young and it creeped me out and embarrassed me when she would hit on guys just barely over the age of consent. Especially if they were just a few years older than I was at the time.

    I am in my mid 40s, 45 to be exact. A few years back I was taking college courses and 4 young 18-19 year old boys were actively flirting and hitting on myself and another classmate in the over 30 category.
    I had to routinely tell them that "it would never happen", that I was not and will not be a cougar, I was and am happily in my relationship, and would Not do anything like that to damage it. The issue became bothersome, and irritating. I reminded them I was literally old enough to be their Momma, and the very idea creeped me out. This went on for the entire Semester. I showed them the photo of my son on my folder and said " when you talk that way to me it is a disturbing as if this little boy is talking that way".

    So, in light of this you can see why cougar behavior is creepy in my book. I know this may not be a popular opinion, but it is mine.

    Therefore @Archaos If I choose to see Jaheria as a BG Cougar, seeing as she was an acting guardian appointed by Gorian and think it is a little creepy, then that is my choice. After all we can choose many aspects in an RPG including Head-cannon. Some can even choose the fan-fictoin of a triad with Jaheria/ Charname /Khalid in BG1, there may even be a mod for that option.

    Have a lovely day :smile:

  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited January 2016

    I apologize if it seemed like arguing with your opinion. I was talking in an objective way.

    Sure, personally, it could be creepy. Just as some might find it creepy romancing a vampire or a half-orc.

    It's that objectively, there's nothing creepy about it. Especially setting-wise as centuries old elves and half-elves get into relationships with 20-30s humans in the Realms.

    It's far more "normal" to romance someone much much older than yourself than a vampire or half-orc, again, setting-wise.

    If we use real-life analogies, sure someone happily married wouldn't be interested in it.
    Though from the perspective of Jaheira, she's a widow and like many RL cougars, she doesn't mind men that are younger.

    I guess Charname proven himself to be a man and not a boy that is barely an adult.
    So she doesn't see him as a young boy she was supposed to protect but as a man that is apparently attractive, at least maturity and personality-wise.
  • NotabarbiegirlNotabarbiegirl Member Posts: 141
    edited January 2016
    We have had this conversation in person a couple of times. :smiley: His game his choice. I still get to pick at him, it is one of my stronger Love languages.

    "There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio: What is sacred? Of what is spirit made? What is worth living for? What is worth dying for? The answer to each is only love."

    Don Juan, Don Juan DeMarco, (1995).

    " Love is the only bow on Life's dark cloud. It is the morning and the evening star. It shines upon the babe, and sheds its radiance on the quiet tomb. It is the mother of art, inspirer of poet, patriot and philosopher. It is the air and light of every heart — builder of every home, kindler of every fire on every hearth. It was the first to dream of immortality. It fills the world with melody — for music is the voice of love. Love is the magician, the enchanter, that changes worthless things to Joy, and makes royal kings and queens of common clay. It is the perfume of that wondrous flower, the heart, and without that sacred passion, that divine swoon, we are less than beasts; but with it, earth is heaven, and we are gods."
    Robert G. Ingersoll, Orthodoxy, Works, Vol. II (1884), p. 420.

    In other words : With all of the trials, fights, pain, suffering, death, and torture the People involved should be allowed to know Love, with out love it seems like a hollow victory
    ( Notabarbiegirl)

    @Mathsorcerer really is not a mod player. He mods the dog snot out of his game on his own, but really does not use others work. If you want a hard slog through an encounter try to persuade him to publish his tweaks.

    I believe It is about choice and I will and do use mods Bless G3 and all of the talent involved.
    Of course I do tend to play a female Charname and want options. I have Gavin Mor for BGEE ( Yea, he has been EE approved) , NPC for BGEE, and Kelsey for BG2EE. Waiting for Gavin to be BG2 EE ready. I have even been known to beta a time or two. :wink: EDIT : I think I should clarify that I have Beta tested mods, seeing as that word is being used in other contexts else-wear :

    I agree about the choices for romanceable NPC/ companions being slim in an unmodded game, before EE especially.

    Post edited by Notabarbiegirl on
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