If you could change npc classes...

What would you change them to?
Valgyar: Wizard slayer
He was a soldier, so the fighter kit makes more sense than a ranger.
His personal quest is about wizard hunting and his dialogue shows his intense distrust of magic. So...why give him wizard spells as a stalker?
Minsc: Barbarian
Better rage, shows his 'berserker lodge' background. He also never struck me as being a trained fighter, and as a ranger he doesn't come across as being especially sneaky. More of a charge in front of the party screaming sort of guy.
Nalia: Sorceress
So she isn't an 'imoen-lite' and will stand out against Edwin/Imoen/Jan. Also explains why a pampered noble who has only ever snuck out to help commoners can hang with proven heroes. I'd have her start with plenty of illusion spells to show how she snuck out. Spells like invisibility, blur, knock, etc.
Cernd: Avenger
No dialogue or quest ever addresses him turning into a werewolf, which is really disappointing. However he is always talking about being called to the land. Seeing as how he gave everything up for the land, the avenger seems to fit him better.
Hexxat: Shadowdancer
Change vampire to shade (human with a blurred image) to show that she is cursed. No clunky vampire issues messing with the story. At the end of her personal quest she can become human and lose her Shadowdancer abilities. Her overall story would remain the same, while using an actual kit and avoiding all the annoying plot issues that her being a Mary Sue causes. Plus it'd make her follow the rest of the EE NPCs in showing off new kits.
Anyways that's it for me? Agree? Disagree? Have more?
Valgyar: Wizard slayer
He was a soldier, so the fighter kit makes more sense than a ranger.
His personal quest is about wizard hunting and his dialogue shows his intense distrust of magic. So...why give him wizard spells as a stalker?
Minsc: Barbarian
Better rage, shows his 'berserker lodge' background. He also never struck me as being a trained fighter, and as a ranger he doesn't come across as being especially sneaky. More of a charge in front of the party screaming sort of guy.
Nalia: Sorceress
So she isn't an 'imoen-lite' and will stand out against Edwin/Imoen/Jan. Also explains why a pampered noble who has only ever snuck out to help commoners can hang with proven heroes. I'd have her start with plenty of illusion spells to show how she snuck out. Spells like invisibility, blur, knock, etc.
Cernd: Avenger
No dialogue or quest ever addresses him turning into a werewolf, which is really disappointing. However he is always talking about being called to the land. Seeing as how he gave everything up for the land, the avenger seems to fit him better.
Hexxat: Shadowdancer
Change vampire to shade (human with a blurred image) to show that she is cursed. No clunky vampire issues messing with the story. At the end of her personal quest she can become human and lose her Shadowdancer abilities. Her overall story would remain the same, while using an actual kit and avoiding all the annoying plot issues that her being a Mary Sue causes. Plus it'd make her follow the rest of the EE NPCs in showing off new kits.
Anyways that's it for me? Agree? Disagree? Have more?
Anomen might start as a fighter and then have his class changed to paladin after he passes his test.
Also that would certainly be interesting for Valgyar. The issue for me is that he'd still rely on spells/scrolls to be really effective, which I feel would go against his character.
If he had enough Mage levels to get stoneskin though, he'd probably be a must take for me. Damn...now I want that playthrough...
Really, the corruption path should be as oblivious as shining daylight.
Nalia: Cavalier
Over are the days about damsels in distress. Better to grow some muscles, kicking some trolls out of her keep and become a duchess herself. That be much better than the current Imoen clone wannabe.
Also, I'd like to link https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/43305/npc-ee-non-player-characters-enhanced-for-everyone/p1 by @subtledoctor - the mod that offers exactly the thing that is discussed here.
As for the @Grum 's options, I agree on all of them, actually. Making Nalia a sorcerer would make her different from Imoen, and would lead to her featuring in a lot more parties than it's been for these 15+ years. A wizard slayer for Valygar seems fitting, considering his dialogues and personality. As for Minsc, the game actually calls him a berserker several times, but a barbarian would really be the best - offering the same weapon proficiency distribution. Hexxat as a shadowdancer is actually an idea I can't understand why it hasn't been made official. And Cernd - yeah, it seems he's going to "avenge" for the kidnapping.
I would very much like if Branwen were given the Cleric of Tempus kit, while Viconia were given the Cleric of Shar kit.
It makes sense with his womanizing personality and he's a little too squishy to me to feel like a genuine fighter, so having him be a fighter/thief seems a bit like false advertising.
Rasaad: Fighter/Thief
Okay, this isn't something I'd actually change, but I think it's interesting as a "what if Rasaad was never taken in by monks and ended up a gladiator as punishment for theft" idea.
I do have one little objection to turning Minsc into a Barbarian, which is that him being a ranger provides an explanation for his ability to understand Boo. It's like he has an animal companion before animal companions were a thing.
I've also had Viconia as a Cleric/Thief before.
I've also switched some of the multi classes to (completed) dual classes and vice-versa... But that's mainly for mechanical reasons rather than flavour.
Keep her as a thief. Have Irenicus take her soul and leave her with you. Have her be the one developing into the slayer. When she transforms she becomes a fighter with insane stats and immunities. Have the reveal of her being a Bhaalspawn come out with this buildup.
You still have the 'rescue Imoen' plot, only without losing her for half the game and without her being super far behind in xp
That would also for me be a hint about what is to come later for both her and yourself.
And I like nalia the sorceres. There would be room for both in a goody goody party.
But yeah...please note it is two gripes: that Imoen is taken out of the party and that when you get her back she is usually really under leveled.
Faldorn - avenger
Garrick - jester
Eldoth - blade
Shar-Teel - barbarian
Minsc - berserker
Coran - archer
Safana - swashbuckler