At this point Tamoko has left Maise to completely destroy the mage's robes---they're little more than tatters revealing cat clawed flesh and little else left to the imagination.
Maise has vorpal claws. And goes into frenzy when catnip's about. Space hamsters have nothing on Vorpal claw wielding cats that happen to be foaming at the mouth and rolling about and such.
@LadyRhian haha alright, then Maise was just teasing apart the bottom of his robe---I'll leave Edwin's death to the horde of insects and rodents and whatnot.
Ooc hey all paladins have the right to die first! You know throwing yourself in the path of danger to save innocents is not exactly a healthy lifestyle
OOC: Okay, am I reading this correct. There are Librarians here? (any of them evil?) Just the whole cRPG playing librarians makes me wonder this. Anyone else going to LITA next month?