"The stench of evil," Minsc answered for Xan. He hoped that particular stink was no longer on Edwin, especially after their words of yesterday, but Boo would need to remain vigilant. Otherwise, Minsc's large boots would be liberally applied to the backside of Edwin.
"The creatures seem to be vulnerable to fire. If we could find some way to set the corpse alight without risking contact with the grubs or setting the house ablaze it would be ideal. Kivan, if we wrapped a burning rag around an arrowhead would you be able to hit the corpse from a distance? Does anyone have any oil or alchemist's fire?"
"Magic is not so impressive?" Impressive was a big word that told others that Minsc was smart. "Make impressive magic fire," he told Edwin. After all, the man-witch went on and on about his powers and how great he was. Great, as in good at magic, not great as in huge. Minsc was huge. Edwin Man-Witch was... not so huge.
"Well, Edwin, are you willing to get within 15 feet of a grub-infested corpse? Given the charitable attitude of self-sacrifice we've all come to know from you, I have barely any hope at all."
"The creatures seem to be vulnerable to fire. If we could find some way to set the corpse alight without risking contact with the grubs or setting the house ablaze it would be ideal. Kivan, if we wrapped a burning rag around an arrowhead would you be able to hit the corpse from a distance? Does anyone have any oil or alchemist's fire?"
Tamoko skillfully fashions a harness from her rope that effectively ties Kivan to Minsc's back. "If two heads are better than one, Minsc...think of the posibilities..."
Unfortunately as Kivan attempts to remove himself form Minsc, a running knot loops around his neck and starts to choke him, only releasing the pressure as he stops attempting to free himself.
Ah, and here I thought Minsc was all for helping the injured and whatnot. Whatever, I won't dispute him leaving poor lame Kivan to whatever foul creatures might come across him.
"Quiet, Evil. The beady eyes of my hamster are upon you." Only Boo was hiding at the moment, his stomach full of nut. Still, Space Hamsters did not need to look at you to see you. It was difficult to understand for those that did not speak to Boo, so he didn't try to explain.
You, Minsc, could be one of my goddess' pets...were it not for your steadfast loyalty to your rodent, and I suppose idiocy. The scars that traverse your body...mhm. Perhaps you should take a nap?
OOC: Ah, so tempted to cast all my evil spells on the party and never on the monsters.
"If two heads are better than one, Minsc...think of the posibilities..."
"I think I'd rather walk."
How far is it back to town to find a healer? Maybe Kivan should just go get cured of his affliction then come back.
OOC: Hehehe.
OOC: Ah, so tempted to cast all my evil spells on the party and never on the monsters.