When Yoshimo hits the stairs, he turns to see if the worms are following him. If not, he pulls his bow and starts shooting them away from Mazzy. "Anyone else who has spells or ranged weapons is welcome to help kill yet more disgusting vermin infesting this place!"
Mazzy lays into the worms with sword and torch. killing and burning as she goes. One of the worms lands on her hand and burrows into the flesh. She knows there is only one cure... and sears her flesh with the torch to kill it before it can burrow into her. She takes six points of damage and is forced to retreat. The other three worms return to the corpse as she flees.
Xan looks ready to vomit. "Those... are Rot Grubs. You were lucky to burn it out. If they land on you, they burrow towards your heart and kill you in a very short period of time. The rot grubs... could have killed him."
Tamoko briefly considers tossing one of her erotic candles at the corpse, remembers the look on Kivan's face earlier, and puts the thought out of mind with a smile.
He smiles at the small-but-fierce halfling. "Tis the least I could do, lady. I fight best from a position of stealth, and I fear I wasn't much use to you back there."
Tamoko is all eyes, fascinated and such. However, she's kinda over bugs and such, so she calmly walks up stairs to join Yoshimo.
Tamoko tosses an unlit candle at the body and then runs upstairs to rest.