No traps, and the lock clicks open to your careful picking. Inside are papers. Lots and lots of papers. All written in the common tongue and relating to purchases made in the past. "Retort", "Athanor", "Copper Tubing" seem to feature prominently, along with chemicals with almost unpronounceable names.
"Paper cuts are a delight...especially when ministered with a whip...which doesn't really make them paper..cuts..." Tamoko falls into a pleasant daydream.
After a few moments of fiddling, you are able to pop open the compartment. Inside, wrapped in a small silk cloth (a handkerchief?), you find a glass phial containing a watery, rose-colored liquid. When you pop the cork a little, a spicy aroma hits your nostrils.
I will carefully re-wrap the phial in the hanky and roll it into an extra pair of socks before placing it into my pack. I'll ask the wizards about it as soon as they're around/available.
Okay. Same on the door. This 18 by 30' room appears to have been a ballroom or some other sort of space . The hearth here is twice the size of any other you have seen in the house, and the northern part of the room has a door that leads to a weed-choked patio. It has been abandoned so long that the slates are cracked. A pile of refuse is in the south-east corner of the room, but otherwise, the room has been stripped empty.
OOC: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh might as well.
OOC: Too odd that the one desk is untouched and yet only contains papers...there's gotta be something evil inside it!