This new room is about 20' long by 15' wide. To the south and west lies another fireplace, and directly across from the door are two overstuffed armchairs. The covers of both have been torn or cut, and the stuffied pulled out, but the wooden frames are still intact. Lying admidst the dirty stuffing is an 8' long animal, like a snake covered in fur, with four paws with long, needle-like claws. (Weasel).
It takes exception to being disturbed and charges at Tamoko.
Tamoko is on the floor, allowing Yoshimo a clear shot, which he takes. It hits the weasel and Minsc hits it a more than solid blow with his sword a moment later, but it is still up. It throws itself at Minsc, hitting for 8 damage. Yoshimo, now too close to it to fire, hits it a moment later with his katana for another 4 and finally kills the maddened weasel.
"Boo is too young to avenge me," Minsc observes, feeling very weakened by the evil creature's bite. For him, that was saying a lot, for he was strong. Strong and huge!
It seemed the weasel had poisoned the big oaf as well. It was always such, large muscles were not of import when they belonged to those with tiny intellect. Such was life as Edwin had seen it, at least the parties average IQ would gain a few points.
Xan sighs and puts his head in his hands. "Our only source of divine healing is currently bleeding to death. Our party is fighting amongst itself. We are in an abandoned house full of diseased vermin. Unless any of you were wealthy enough to purchase healing potions I fear our deaths are even more certain. It is time for a retreat."
Edwin is knocked off his feet (quite literally) by Minsc's bitchslap. He feels the sensation of falling and knocks his head on a wall as he goes down. Edwin swears he can hear birds chirping and fluttering in circles around his head, which seems to be spinning as well. (4 points temp damage- literally knocked silly). He feels drunk and disoriented.
"Pray? All the prayers in the world will not turn this vermin-infested house of filth into a fit place to recover from wounds."
A faint smile plays around Xan's lips as Edwin falls to the ground - the first smile you're likely to have seen from him, and (he would maintain) probably the last.
It takes exception to being disturbed and charges at Tamoko.
OOC: big announcment
OOC: 100 likes!
Yoshimo stoops to see to Tamoko. Is she breathing or did the weasel do her in?
A faint smile plays around Xan's lips as Edwin falls to the ground - the first smile you're likely to have seen from him, and (he would maintain) probably the last.