I had yet another facepalm moment last night. I think this one was my worst. I've been trying hard to get through a no reload run with a kensai dualing to a thief and keep doing something dumb and getting myself killed. This time I was determined to do it right. I created a character who specialises in quarterstaffs and was planning to dual her to a thief at level nine, at which point she was going to switch to throwing daggers until her kensai levels kicked back in. It was all going really well and I had reached eighth level with no problems when I realised I had made a schoolboy error . . .
In my party run I lost the first Evermemory apparently because it was dropped out of my inventory when someone dumped something on me and I had a full inventory. Whatevs, I still got the other one from the Gate but that was a really annoying misplacement.
In my first ever solo run of any BG game ever I decided to pick up BG1... on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty without really knowing what it is. I started looking into it really fast after having "some trouble" killing even one rat for Reevor. I decided to cheese it through though.
EDIT: just a btw question: how do I make topics on this forum? Or don't I just have the option because I'm so new around here?
EDIT: just a btw question: how do I make topics on this forum? Or don't I just have the option because I'm so new around here?
On the top left of the screen there should be a 'New Discussion' button just under your user name. As far as I know you can start new topics as soon as you join.
Has anyone ever taken the device used to kill the Unseeing Eye to the surface by accident?
I certainly have, and my blood ran cold as a result.
I have never done so again.
So what happens....don't leave us in suspense. Or do you just get the usual "you're dead, game over"?
Be good if it was really spectacular, some one time only animation, perhaps the whole party disintegrating (with suitable sound effects) as you are forced to watch.
@UnderstandMouseMagic I don't remember the exact text, but just the shock of suddenly making to the surface and then being forced to watch some text on the screen before my character suddenly dies was absolutely mortifying to me.
Finished dealing with the evil druids in the Underground River and complete all the tasks needed of me by the Coalition and then bolted out of there with an army of hostiles chasing me.
Went to turn in my quest with the druids and realized I forgot to put the acorns in the tree.
Welp, didn't get to turn in that quest for that particular playthrough.
I facepalmed on Neera’s behalf when I loaded up a game the other day. The second it loads, the thrice-damned advanced AI script (that I usually keep turned off) kicks in, Neera tries to cast Stoneskin, wild surges and fireballs the entire party.
You know how in the original games wielding a shield or having an off-hand weapon prevented you from using a 2 handed weapon or any ranged weapons at all (except shield + 1 handed ranged)?
I'm currently on my 4th run of BG1EE back to back and this is the first time I decided to actually check if this is finally possible in EE instead of just being annoyed by it...
And here I thought I had finally nailed my favorite way of making my character down to a tee.
I decided to play a Paladin because I hadn't done that in a while and have had a lot of time to kill recently. Got all the way to the bottom of durlags... get back to Ulgoth's Beard only to realize I had left the dagger on the ground at the bottom of the tower lol. First time since TOTSC released that I had a character below 161,000 XP too lol.
So there I was in my lastest attempt at a No-Reload Run. I was doing great, cruising through Cloakwood at Level 6 and wiping the floor with everything when all of the sudden I accidentally spring a Web Trap.
All of the sudden, 3 Phase Spiders come out of nowhere, I managed to make the split second decision to give Ajantis Spider Bane while everyone is getting held and poisoned. I lose 4 party members and nearly lose Charname. So now here's charname and Ajantis in the middle of Spider Hell with 4 party dead members, full inventories and carrying Chelak around. So I return Chelak to his brother and head to the Friendly Arm to ressurect my entire party sans Ajantis.
I get waylaid twice along the way but manage to outrun my foes, I get to the Friendly Arm and realize I don't have enough gold to ressurect everyone so I put their stuff in a chest and go back to the Cloakwood to get the rest.
So now I have to sell a bunch of stuff to resurrect my party, check my previous saves and painstakingly take an inventory of my inventory to cheat back into existence the stuff my newly resurrected party is supposed to have (sans the Potions and Scrolls which I had because I picked up the cases first). All this took me about an hour and the party about two weeks in game time to recover from.
I'm now in Baldur's Gate and everything is going smoothly, but this was the story of the mother of all facepalms.
@ZaramMaldovar It admittedly holds up better in some locations than others. I'm sure it was just a slapdash explanation for some quirk of the engine you weren't really meant to put much thought into. I wouldn't feel bad about substituting my own reasons if I thought of something better.
You can fix that problem with the Tweaks Mod which gives you options to eliminate class restrictions based on race.
I'm currently playing a Dwarven Barbarian who I'm going to dual into a Mage at the start of Chapter 2 of Shadows of Amn
In my first ever solo run of any BG game ever I decided to pick up BG1... on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty without really knowing what it is. I started looking into it really fast after having "some trouble" killing even one rat for Reevor. I decided to cheese it through though.
EDIT: just a btw question: how do I make topics on this forum? Or don't I just have the option because I'm so new around here?
It's the Tweak Anthology Mod specifically on Gibberlings 3
Glad to be of service.
Now to get back on topic here's one for you:
Has anyone ever taken the device used to kill the Unseeing Eye to the surface by accident?
I certainly have, and my blood ran cold as a result.
I have never done so again.
So what happens....don't leave us in suspense.
Or do you just get the usual "you're dead, game over"?
Be good if it was really spectacular, some one time only animation, perhaps the whole party disintegrating (with suitable sound effects) as you are forced to watch.
I don't remember the exact text, but just the shock of suddenly making to the surface and then being forced to watch some text on the screen before my character suddenly dies was absolutely mortifying to me.
Did you know you can smuggle it out if you use your own familiar to pickpocket yourself
Had to do eveything over from charter 5 onwards
Went to turn in my quest with the druids and realized I forgot to put the acorns in the tree.
Welp, didn't get to turn in that quest for that particular playthrough.
I'm currently on my 4th run of BG1EE back to back and this is the first time I decided to actually check if this is finally possible in EE instead of just being annoyed by it...
And here I thought I had finally nailed my favorite way of making my character down to a tee.
Boy have I got a story for you guys!
So there I was in my lastest attempt at a No-Reload Run. I was doing great, cruising through Cloakwood at Level 6 and wiping the floor with everything when all of the sudden I accidentally spring a Web Trap.
All of the sudden, 3 Phase Spiders come out of nowhere, I managed to make the split second decision to give Ajantis Spider Bane while everyone is getting held and poisoned. I lose 4 party members and nearly lose Charname. So now here's charname and Ajantis in the middle of Spider Hell with 4 party dead members, full inventories and carrying Chelak around. So I return Chelak to his brother and head to the Friendly Arm to ressurect my entire party sans Ajantis.
I get waylaid twice along the way but manage to outrun my foes, I get to the Friendly Arm and realize I don't have enough gold to ressurect everyone so I put their stuff in a chest and go back to the Cloakwood to get the rest.
So now I have to sell a bunch of stuff to resurrect my party, check my previous saves and painstakingly take an inventory of my inventory to cheat back into existence the stuff my newly resurrected party is supposed to have (sans the Potions and Scrolls which I had because I picked up the cases first). All this took me about an hour and the party about two weeks in game time to recover from.
I'm now in Baldur's Gate and everything is going smoothly, but this was the story of the mother of all facepalms.
The rationale is that if you just leave it lying on the ground, passersby will take it, but if you hide it in a container then they won't notice it.
In the middle of the spider infested Cloakwood where the only living soul is a guy mourning his dead brother? I choose to ignore that logic.
The dice gods punished me enough for it both before and after anyway.