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Raising Charname - Minimal Reload Thread (BG1-SoD-BG2 Spoilers)



  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH, thank you for the compliment. I'm feeling a bit embarrassed by your praise, but you're lawful good, so I assume that you're speaking the truth and not exaggerating.
    I had a good teacher, you know ?.

    I looked up "werewolf island", didn't know what you meant. Then I saw that it was that quest with Balduran's ship.
    I don't remember the exact dialogue, that was before Durlag's Tower, but I had decided against the quest for paladin roleplaying reasons. I don't remember exactly, but something was off about Mendas and his offer, and I think Calahan warned us, too.

    I don't know if I'm missing something important there, but I'd rather continue with the main quest now. Well, not right now. I'll continue in a day or two, to enjoy my lucky victories a bit longer, before I allow the game to throw something frustrating at me again. ?
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited June 2019
    @Arvia , you're fine to skip it. It's an independent adventure that is part of the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack. You only need to do it if your goal is a completionist run. Like I said, it's pretty dangerous in its climax fight. It's also a big adventure. It takes a few hours at least to play through.

    Getting it started involves getting a map from Baldur's Gate, which will be a lot harder to do now that the Flaming Fist are hostile, but not impossible, if you change your mind.

    I've never really thought about it from the paladin's point of view. The people holding the map attack on sight as soon as you enter the building, if I'm remembering correctly, so I think it may be possible to roleplay that you just wanted to inquire about it, and then had to defend yourself.

    Anyway, it's a completely optional adventure. It can end your run if you can't beat the final boss there, because once you go, you're stuck until you beat it. No temple resources are available. If somebody dies, you're in trouble without reloading. I skip it most of the time.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH, I'm going to skip it. As I said, there was something off about Mendas' dialogue in Ulgoth's Beard, when he ranted against the Merchant League. I don't remember exactly, but I think it also made me cast Detect Evil and he pinged.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    The people holding the map don't attack on sight; there is an entirely peaceful resolution to that part. It does require lies to pull off, so it's questionable from a paladin point of view.

    And yes, there's something off about Mendas. He's lying to you about several things, and he won't be happy if you return from the island with what he asked for.
  • kansasbarbariankansasbarbarian Member Posts: 206
    Great job on completing Durlags tower. The therella son Dalton was standing on the ledge alive where you killed the demon knight. He is easy to miss if you don't explore the whole room . I gave up on my paladin run as I could not break my old habits of looting everything and killing everyone who sassed me.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    Very short update: I went back to Durlag's Tower immediately when I read that.

    Thank the gods, he was still standing there. Although it doesn't make any sense that he survived the fight against the mirror likenesses *and* nobody spotted him and nothing hit him during our fight with the demon knight and his mirror fiends. It's a round room without any place to hide.

    Sigh. Maybe "Dalton" is just the family name, and his first name is actually "Everett".
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited June 2019
    You're very close to the end! (the mod situation with Winski sounds quite silly - without that mod you just go through - I never even imagined there could be something there)

    Don't give up! You're literally 3 (or even 2) fights off from the end of the game!
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @JuliusBorisov , I won't give up, I just feel sad and cheated because things were going well and then something so stupid happened. I hate reputation 10 for a paladin, and it was so unnecessary.
    Okay, in the end, it's not the number of reloads that counts. Only, now I have 2 reloads more *and* still reputation 10.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    An implementation of the reputation mechanic is far from ideal. You can donate to the church to bring it back to 18 - just check the needed amounts of money.

    Even with those mechanic problems, you still managed to nearly complete the game with a relatively low amount of reloads, which is a testament to your ability and decision-making. The fact you are playing on mobile makes it all even more impressive.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @JuliusBorisov , thank you for trying to improve my mood ?. I'm probably overreacting, I know. It will be different tomorrow.
    See, I didn't even think about buying back reputation because it was never necessary.

    Btw I'm not playing on mobile, it's a tablet with 10 inch screen, big enough to see everything, and the controls are almost equal to PC, it's easy to handle. The only difficulty is that you can't use keys for quick commands, and to tap the tiny pixels for hidden easter egg items.
    The controls in NWN:EE are much more complicated on touch screen.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2019
    Update on my problem: It's really a bug.

    The demon should have killed Winski and then attacked us. Knowing that gives me a little peace of mind. I will still count the two reloads of course, because they happened, but I will keep them separate in my mind because they were because of a bug in NPC Project.

    What still annoys me is that I reloaded at all. I panicked at reputation 10 and didn't even think about donating to get it back, because I never had to do that.
    Post edited by Arvia on
  • kansasbarbariankansasbarbarian Member Posts: 206
    Great job. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures. It even got me to try a paladin again. But I am a barbarian at heart. Looking forward to your final push on this run @Arvia.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH , asking for your permission to report the rest from the Thieves' Maze to Sarevok's fight in your thread, although I have taken another two reloads against the "Charname death only" rule.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Arvia , I loved your in-character report. You did so well! I often fail to save Duke Eltan in my runs because I don't have the courage you did to try to get in and out of Flaming Fist headquarters. I succeeded once by taking Imoen alone in with two potions of invisibility I had been saving for just such a scenario, and I managed it once sending Minsc in alone in leather armor and using his by-then high stealth rating.

    I feel awful for you about that bug. NPC Project changes other things throughout the game, too, making it much harder to minimal reload. And that sure was a truly horrible, serious, bug to still be present in the mod after all these years.

    This is an example of why I've sworn off modding in games. Mods have ruined my play experience more times than I can count. I sometimes use a few minor rules changes from the Tweaks pack, but that's about it. My current philosophy is, the less mod use, the better. I will never again install any mods that make major changes in the game content, like NPC Project or SCS.

    I hope maybe after a break you might decide to come back and finish. Maybe try getting to know NWN for a while and try to start having some fun with that. Either way, yours has been a fantastic minimal reload run, and I've really enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Arvia , You don't need my permission. I founded this thread to be very free and "anything goes". I only ask that posters keep an honest count of their reloads.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Arvia , wow, that was exciting to read! You got through the final battle without a reload! You go, girl!

    I love how you're getting so good at tactics and at controlling the battlefield. I don't think any of my fights with Sarevok have ever gone as smoothly as yours wound up going.

    (Question to @JuliusBorisov and/or @semiticgod - Does drinking a potion of Freedom *after* Haste is already active negate the Haste?)

    Since you already know BG2 so well, I'd love to see you take Arvia up against Siege of Dragonspear next. It's a very good expansion pack, and it is loaded with hard ethical decisions for a paladin, since the main villain of it *is* a "paladin".

    Regardless of whatever you decide to do next from here, congratulations on one of the best Baldur's Gate reports I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share all these wonderful run reports with us. :)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Arvia wrote: »
    (At that point my daughter walked in and asked what I was doing while they were watching a movie. I said "I'm killing skeletons." She said "That doesn't make sense. Skeletons are already dead.")
    Brilliant. :smile:

    Congratulations on your BG1 victory, @Arvia! I hope you take your paladin into Siege of Dragonspear and beyond. SoD is a lovely adventure with a lot to offer. Ajantis and Yeslick will not be able to stay in the party past the first dungeon and Imoen will leave entirely, but there are some excellent SoD NPCs that I think you will appreciate. I am especially fond of M'Khiin.

    @BelgarathMTH: Drinking a Potion of Freedom will not dispel haste effect; it will only prevent them as long as the Potion of Freedom lasts. You can have both of them active by simply drinking the Potion of Freedom first.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2019
    Thank you both, @semiticgod and @BelgarathMTH . I have already imported the final save into SoD and will continue after a short break.

    Also, after importing, I have uninstalled BG:EE and then done a clean install without mods for the next time.

    That was really helpful information about the Potion of Freedom and Haste. I thought that Haste wouldn't work if you cast it on people under the effect of the potion, same as when you're wearing a Ring of Free Action.
    Post edited by Arvia on
  • kansasbarbariankansasbarbarian Member Posts: 206
    @Arvia I can't wait to read your SOD run. What new class will you start with in your next BGEE run ?
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @kansasbarbarian , actually I'm thinking about rolling another undead hunter again and trying no-reload after finishing SoD once with this one.

    I'll stick to paladin kits for the moment. When I know the game better, I'll try cleric or mage, because I suck at managing my spellcasters efficiently, and playing one might help to learn. Tried sorcerer once in BG2:EE and didn't like it, gave up after a short time. Cleric would suit me better I think.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2019
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Just in case anyone doesn't know: you can use Irfanview to convert images to JPG's en masse, and the process is remarkably quick and simple. You just open up an image in Irfanview, press "B" for "batch," and it'll let you select an entire folder of screenshots to convert from PNG to JPG. This saved me a lot of time when posting my no-reload runs.

    @EnialusMeliamne , this is the post that I was referring to in the other thread. I hope it works for BMP to JPG, too.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Drinking a Potion of Freedom will not dispel haste effect; it will only prevent them as long as the Potion of Freedom lasts. You can have both of them active by simply drinking the Potion of Freedom first.

    Unfortunately the opposite seems to be true. The Potion of Freedom negated my Boots of Speed, as expected, but when we cast Haste on the party, it didn't work.
    When I just died during the final battle (for another reason) I then tried to cast Haste first and take the Potion of Freedom afterwards, and it worked. Probably useless, if I'm going to get dispelled again anyway, but good to know all the same.

    So, after losing no-reload status, I'm going to write my last report over there and then the second attempt of the final battle with Sarevok here.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Arvia wrote: »
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Drinking a Potion of Freedom will not dispel haste effect; it will only prevent them as long as the Potion of Freedom lasts. You can have both of them active by simply drinking the Potion of Freedom first.

    Unfortunately the opposite seems to be true. The Potion of Freedom negated my Boots of Speed, as expected, but when we cast Haste on the party, it didn't work.
    When I just died during the final battle (for another reason) I then tried to cast Haste first and take the Potion of Freedom afterwards, and it worked. Probably useless, if I'm going to get dispelled again anyway, but good to know all the same.

    So, after losing no-reload status, I'm going to write my last report over there and then the second attempt of the final battle with Sarevok here.

    True. Haste must precede the freedom potions. Condolences but still a great effort, @Arvia!

    Have fun with SoD (I read that's what you're going to do right?)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Arvia: The Boots of Speed are an exception. Oil of Speed/Haste->Potion of Freedom will let you keep both Free Action and haste at the same time, but Free Action will negate and prevent the movement rate bonus from the Boots of Speed, regardless of in which order you drink the potion and equip the boots. This is because the Potion of Freedom and Boots of Speed both modify your movement rate via opcode 126, and the potion also grants immunity to that opcode. Thus, the potion re-sets your movement rate to the normal rate and then prevents the boots (or anything else) from bumping it up.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    semiticgod wrote: »
    @Arvia: The Boots of Speed are an exception. Oil of Speed/Haste->Potion of Freedom will let you keep both Free Action and haste at the same time, but Free Action will negate and prevent the movement rate bonus from the Boots of Speed, regardless of in which order you drink the potion and equip the boots. This is because the Potion of Freedom and Boots of Speed both modify your movement rate via opcode 126, and the potion also grants immunity to that opcode. Thus, the potion re-sets your movement rate to the normal rate and then prevents the boots (or anything else) from bumping it up.

    @semiticgod , thank you for the explanation. Besides, Haste wouldn't have saved me either in the final battle, otherwise I wouldn't have needed another two attempts.
    But from now on I'm going to remember. Cast Haste first, then Potion of Freedom, not the other way. I think it's good that it doesn't work with the Boots of Speed. It's a bit OP to have them stack with Haste already. Almost like Balthazar :smile: .

    @Blackraven , thank you. Yes, I'm currently taking my other paladin through SoD. But I'm robbed of several items because I didn't know who would disappear when. I'm continuing anyway so that I'll know the story.

    I'm playing with Arvia, Undead Hunter level 8, the one from my first BG:EE playthrough.
    I'm in the Dwarven dig site now, on the lower level with lots of undead. I have recruited Minsc and Dynaheir, Corwin, Glint and M'Khiin. No reloads until now, except for the ones from BG, of course.

    Lots of new types of undead, with some nasty skills, especially the Shadowed Souls!
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    @Arvia that area blew me away the first time I played it, what with the atmosphere and new types of undead. I was so happy I had specialized in a blunt weapon.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    Aerakar wrote: »
    @Arvia that area blew me away the first time I played it, what with the atmosphere and new types of undead. I was so happy I had specialized in a blunt weapon.

    Me, too. Even with my Undead Hunter bonuses the Burning Earth didn't do much. I used a morningstar then. And Dynaheir threw many, many fireballs. Without a full party, I would have died multiple times.

    And just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I met new types of trolls, too, and had to carry four corpses to the cleric in the camp...
    The monsters (and enemies in general) in SoD seem to be a lot smarter... for example, when someone gets Held, they suddenly come running and focus on him. Terribly annoying of course, but it makes sense. Not "always hit the one you saw first" anymore.
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