What, in your HUMBLE opinion, would you like to see Beamdog take on next?

- What, in your HUMBLE opinion, would you like to see Beamdog take on next?163 votes
- another BG1:EE expansion  0.61%
- a BG2:EE expansion19.02%
- an IWD1:EE expansion  1.23%
- BG310.43%
- IWD2:EE18.40%
- PST:EE25.15%
- something else25.15%
I think it's time to move on from Baldur's Gate; the saga is complete.
I say keep the EEs the way they are, ( but fix current bugs) and lets see what they can really do, I want to see how well they can put a game together, I would be more opt to purchase a new RPG game from beamdog than another expansion of sorts from an original title
as it is, I have not bought siege of dragonspear, and its not because of all the silliness that came with it, but because I have a hard time with "new" stuff that comes into my old games, but what I would do is, is buy a new RPG that they made, and if they said that they put a lot of love and care into, then I will gladly purchase it
so with that being said, im a bit of a purist, I don't need any more EE stuff, but I would gladly love to see what fresh new things they can come up with though
Alternately, an expansion along the lines of TotSC for BG2:EE or even IWD:EE could be another way to go... still lots of places to see and people to kill in both locations.
Go to 1:19:30.
bonebatsvargouille from PS:T, there's hope we may still see an enhanced Torment edition at some point.NWN3 on a brand new engine and 5e rules, thanks.
Or if there will be more enhanced editions, I hope they would get updated to a modern engine and 5e rules as well.
I vote for a new game like the BG games but completely unrelated to the Bhaalspawn saga and set in some other unused part of the Realms (there are so many interesting places to choose from), using 5e rules and the current timeline, and with strong roleplaying reactivity and high-quality writing.
Please?! Pretty please?!
Yes the engine might be outdated, but something this good still going strong feels like potential to me.
And I am a nostalgic being forever in love with the bhaalspawn saga.
* A new game
In that order.
it seems to me that BG + SOD + SOA + TOB is pretty complete as it stands and we probably don't really need anything more to complete the story. Additional content (new party members in BG2 for example) would be quite welcome.
Other than that, go crazy.
It would be nice, though, if Beamdog made an entirely new game in a new engine.
Create a new lasting legacy. The story of Gorion's Ward isn't the only tale to be told in the Infinity Engine (Yes IWD but not too much story there).
A mix of SoD crossed with BG:EE to start. Beautiful areas with a really good level of detail packed into each one with all the cool little touches (SoD style) - mixed with the exploration and many different areas available in BG1. There should be a ton of recruitable NPCs, appreciate that detail would have to be scaled back on each one - maybe less romance type options.
Keep it low level to begin with - should top out at probably around the 100-200K mark.