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Say something nice about beamdog or SOD



  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I do like Glint's comment of "I've done this a million times!", then talk to him again and "I've done this a million and ONE times!"
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    megamike15 wrote: »
    i think i may like glint more then jan

    When people say Bioware = good, Beamdog = bad, I remember my feelings on Jan vs Glint

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Say something nice about Beamdog: I think the music when you are wandering around Adoy's enclave is rather lovely and it reminds me of the music that plays when you are wandering around Easthaven at the start of IWD. Is it the same composer?
  • tedmann12tedmann12 Member Posts: 128
    Currently playing SoD for the first time and love it so far!!! Not far into it but can’t wait to finish and leave a review
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    if anything sod can be seen as beamdog fixing the pacing issues from tob. it does not go to fast and ends when it should.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    megamike15 wrote: »
    if anything sod can be seen as beamdog fixing the pacing issues from tob. it does not go to fast and ends when it should.

    Which is interesting, because it is essentially BG1's equivalent of ToB. I do agree, though. If you can get past a few of the annoying issues, there is some epic stuff in SoD. That siege, for example. That was very impressive. All thing considered, that is probably one of the best battles in the whole series.
  • ToveriJuriToveriJuri Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020
    Well their effort to bring back and make these classic playable on modern platforms is commendable in itself. While I wasn't enthusiastic about some additions there were a few good surprised too. Some of SoD quest and dungeon design was top notch too.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    To be fair, Neera does strike one as a bit of a Goldfish brain. ;)
  • SirBaldurSirBaldur Member Posts: 80
    I bought this a long time ago and never got to it. But after watching some bg3 playthrough and not getting any bg vibe, I turned to this and have been surprisingly thrilled by the great content and production. Got pretty addicted! Really makes me want to play more bg1 also.

    (Sadly, there's a game breaking bug with stealth on android that I posted about, so now I'm stuck)
  • RakhsevRakhsev Member Posts: 11
    SoD is really well balanced economically.

    It's 2021, and it took me a bit more than an hour to install both BG games also with a lot of mods. I nearly took as much time deciding what mods I was going to use. Thanks to Beamdog and modders alike. I wish I had that smooth an experience modding Fallout New Vegas.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Rakhsev wrote: »
    SoD is really well balanced economically.

    It's 2021, and it took me a bit more than an hour to install both BG games also with a lot of mods. I nearly took as much time deciding what mods I was going to use. Thanks to Beamdog and modders alike. I wish I had that smooth an experience modding Fallout New Vegas.

    atlest for me new vegas modding is alot more automated as vortex does everything for me install wise. all i really gotta do is mess with the load order witch is only like 2 things

    1. have all the esms before the final yup esp
    2. the lighting overhaul needs to be last.
  • DyrmazDyrmaz Member Posts: 7
    Thank you, really thank you for loving and expanding the infinity engine.
    Without Beamdogs work my life would miss something!
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    Anybody notice how these games just sip battery on mobile?
  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    Not really, on my phone with SoD I didn't see the battery get drained noticeably faster than with BG1EE or BG2EE and they both last for quite a long time. I could easily play for half a day on end without running out which is fine by me...
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    @LelandGaunt That’s why I said sip not gulp...this is saying something nice.
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