[v1.91] Artemius_I's House Rule Tweaks

This mod originally began as one small dialogue convenience tweak. Then it grew to a few dialogue tweaks. Then a rule tweak. Then a few more tweaks. Eventually, it grew into a full-fledged tweak pack of its own, and continues to grow to this day. This pack includes tweaks for dialogue, rules, stats, graphics, animations and any other things that my experiments find some success with.New racial enemies?
Better shapeshifting?
A buff to Sword and Shield style?
Whether you're looking for something in particular or just trying to shake things up a little, my house rule tweaks may have something that will interest you.
Post edited by TheArtisan on
Please move this to General Modding as it covers more than just BG:EE now.
All of this.
I hope it's still possible to install the old components without including the new components?
Every component is installed individually.
Spell A: apply an on-hit effect that casts spell B
Spell B: apply an effect that removes spell A targeted on self
I also have an as of yet unused spell that does ‘apply effect on x number of attacks/once per x attacks’ that I have plans for.
This component should be installed after any mods that add new monk kits or quarterstaves in order for them to be included in the patching process.
PS: That armor could really reappear in BG2EE.
It's a default feature now. I'll find some suitable place to throw it in for BG2.
Btw, thanks for the mod collection - this is great!
Bad coding, fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.