I hate cats!

Oh, my, I never thought I'd say something so horrible in my life. My poor little real life cat looks at me all sad since I told her. What I hate, actually, are Baldur's Gate cats. I'm Chaotic Neutral, and that's the familiar you get with this alignment. I don't know about the others, but cats are worse than useless. They are weak as... well, weak as kitten, and their only advantage is that they are good at hiding in the shadows and scouting. But if you already have a thief with decent stealth in your party (as we all do), that advantage disappears. At that point, they are only good to be micromanaged to stay out of trouble. The moment you forget to micromanage him, he will die on you after just two blows, which will hurt, cripple, and sometimes even kill your main character.
So, as much as I hate saying this, I want to get rid of my cat. Is somebody willing to adopt a lovely cat? Alternatively, can someone tell me how to get rid of the f***** critter without getting the penalty to CON? I certainly accept cheating as a valid solution.
So, as much as I hate saying this, I want to get rid of my cat. Is somebody willing to adopt a lovely cat? Alternatively, can someone tell me how to get rid of the f***** critter without getting the penalty to CON? I certainly accept cheating as a valid solution.
Post edited by Alonso on
1. The cat is a Chaotic Neutral familiar. Either you have made a mistake, or you're using a mod.
2. All the familiars (with the possible exception of the imp which has its own problem) are basically that weak. If anything, I'd say that the cat is among the more useful of the lot. I wouldn't rule the little bugger out just yet, but if you must, you can forcetalk it to place it in your inventory.
And yeah, the main point of familiars is to buff a mage's admittedly horrible HP by sticking it in your back-pack. You're certainly not going to need to worry about it taking up too much space, since a mage rarely needs high enough strength, so they're not going to be holding onto a lot of stuff in the first place.
Thanks you for the advice, I didn't know you could talk to it, let alone store it in your backpack. That solved the problem. I was ready to spend quite a while learning how to do it with EEKeeper.
As for the advantages of the familiar, I guess he might be useful for scouting outside until my thief reaches 100% hide in the shadows. But that advantage doesn't seem to make up for the hassle of micromanaging him every time there's the slightest form of danger around. NO WAY! Cats are the loveliest and more interesting creatures on earth. But I must insist on that last part: "on earth". Outside the earth, in the Forgotten Realms, they tend to be just annoying.
So far as using EE Keeper, I suppose you could just put the familiar into your inventory and change the item. Aside from that, I could probably add something to Keeper—there's a familiar block in the save game that I never bothered with before.
I'm of an opinion that cat lovers are level-headed in their own way: they will love a pet that does not elevate humans as indisputable leaders.
Healthy attitude all around, I say.
I'd have meanwhile a much more stringent attitude in Norway. Their natural forest-feline is under threat from pet mix-breeding that could easily be stopped. (Neuter domestic cats, or do not let out to wonder.)
Given all the similarities, I wonder if I could convince my real life cat to stay in my backpack for a while instead of popping in at the most inconvenient times.
BTW - cats are the best.
It's by far the most painful quest there too...
I heard a saying 'The reason why the pet cats don't do the same to their owners is because they are too small and we are too big. That's the only reason stopping them.'
They are totally cute and playful though.
Especially when starting in BG1 the cat is very usefull as scout (99 in hiding) and has pretty good magic resistance.
The other familiars may have slightly better combat stats, but that doesn't make them viable fighters. Especially with perma death looming over every battle.
Bonus Picture
I speak to them once and put them in my pack, from Candlekeep all the way to the Throne of Bhaal.
Btw cats are not evil
Ferrets, on the other hand? Totally trustworthy!
remove all items from one character, put in rift device or drow gear. have cat or ferret pickpocket, reload until successful. ask for equipment back when you are past game checkpoint.
rift device- ranged harm, works on every creature in the game, no magic resistance, no save...use with project image to kill dragons...
i think gamefaq has several guides on what you can get from pickpocketing...
in fact, you can sell expensive items, and pickpocket all your stuff back...resell, repeat. (fence in the docks only)
one more..cat has 45% pickpocket, ferret 95%...cats are still evil