*Branwen smiles softly as she listens to the bard sing and play, the words somehow reminding her of her brief childhood spent in Seawolf...she prays to Tempus to protect the group, and for new spells to strengthen and heal them for the coming trials* lvl 1: remove fear, bless, 2x cure light wounds lvl 2: aid, barkskin, 2x draw upon holy might lvl 3: holy smite, 2x cure medium wounds lvl 4: 2x lesser restoration lvl 5: mass cure
Edwin wants to be around, but he kind of lost his head... During your rest, you see a truly huge spider walk across the ceiling, and disappear into the darkness. Later, you hear fiendish giggling, as 8 decayed-looking humans walk out of the shadows to attack. Party wins initiative.
At last, something to occupy my mind... *charges right towards them, making sure that no one is between me and the evil*
STRAHD! Let them rest in peace, these unsavory acts of villainy are beneath you. Corrupt the living if you wish, they at least can fight you, but the dead should lay in eternal rest.
*oh yes, and I attack.. with my sword, I know. shocking*
Garrick says a quick prayer to Oghma and fires his wand of wonder towards the enemy furthest away from the party. Maybe he should have tried with Tymora instead.
Branwen will attack the nearest Edwin-ghoul with her hammer. If Ajantis' turning does not work she will attempt to try to turn them the next round she is able to.
Branwen will attack the nearest Edwin-ghoul with her hammer. If Ajantis' turning does not work she will attempt to try to turn them the next round she is able to.
@Delvarian On the bright side, if Keldorn became a fallen Paladin, like we think he did via decapitating Edwin's corpse, Edwin would be very happy indeed.
Keldorn charges forward, trips over the edge of a pew and falls down (rolled a 1). Kivan dashes into combat and misses. Valygar misses. Cernd casts Barkskin. Ajantis tries to turn the zombies... it should happen easily at his level, but he fails... Branwen smashes the nearest zombie in the face, but it doesn't go down. Skie fires an arrow and lops off one of the Zombie's arms. But instead of falling off or decaying, it hops up on its "fingers" and continues scuttling towards you... Garrick points his wand at the enemy... which shoots a single gem out of its tip. Despite the size of the gem, it appears to cause no damage. Xzar casts Hold Undead... the undead save. Aerie casts Bless *best guess here from GM*. Irina hits one zombie for 3.
The Undead move closer. One claws Garrick for 2. Keldorn is clawed for 14, then 8. Garrick takes another 16, as does the downed Paladin.
New levels and hit points- Keldorn, Level 7, 53 hit points, Kivan, Level 8, 75 hp, Valygar, Level 6, 36 hit points, Cernd Level 9, 65 hp, Ajantis Level 7, 63 hit points, Branwen, Level 9 69 hp, Aerie, Level 6/7 26 hit points, Skie Level 5, 19 hit points, Garrick, Level 7, 24 hit points, Xzar Level 6, 24 hit points.
Next round, Undead win initiative. (No, they are not standard zombies, thank you for noticing!). One lashes out at Skie for 7. Another hits Ajantis for 5. Keldorn, still a prone Paladin (not fallen, not yet), takes another 14. Garrick takes another 2, and Keldorn takes another 16. (Ouch!). Keldorn is down to 23 hit points, Garrick is at 22, and Skie is at 12.
Good guess, LadyRhian. I was waiting to rest until after I got my levels restored. Good thing, too. Okay, now that everyone is blessed, I'll turn undead.
OOC Sorry for the slow updates. 'Tis finals at two of my three schools, and next week is finals at the last of the three. Things here are a mite chaotic. My next spells will be Flame Arrow, followed by as many casts as Melf's Acid Arrow as I have left, I think 3, but I'm not sure. If Aerie is seriously injured and near death, she will cast Sanctuary on herself and attempt to leave the battle, retreating to the previous room.
OOC: @jhart1018 Oh, is that why there are so many students in the library again. I thought my shiny new citation builder convinced them that libraries are cool
IC: Branwen, don't you understand Tempus can't reach us here... Neither can Helm, none of our Gods see us... We are alone... We must find a new way... Yes, I see it now. Gertruda may have to wait longer than I hoped.
*swings with all his might at the zombie nearest Skie*
"Get away from me". Garrick cast mirror image and will follow up with colour spray. By the way, is my ghost armor and the strength I cast on Branwen earlier still working?
*mumbling* "If at first you don't succeed, try harder next time..."
ooc "Modder buld push babi out of nest. If babi buld fli, good fol babi. If babi buld fall on glound, klack head and get eten by kat, then babi buld niid to do bettel next time" Sorry about the spelling but it's a quote.
@lackmund (Just interpreting for you) "Mother bird pushes baby out of the nest. If the baby flies, good for baby. If baby bird falls to the ground, cracks it's head and gets eaten by a cat, then then baby bird needs to do better next time."
"I seem to recall a quote from a famous philosopher by the name of Homer. He said, 'If at first you don't succeed, give up. You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.'"
lvl 1: remove fear, bless, 2x cure light wounds
lvl 2: aid, barkskin, 2x draw upon holy might
lvl 3: holy smite, 2x cure medium wounds
lvl 4: 2x lesser restoration
lvl 5: mass cure
Xzar casts Hold Undead.
STRAHD! Let them rest in peace, these unsavory acts of villainy are beneath you. Corrupt the living if you wish, they at least can fight you, but the dead should lay in eternal rest.
*oh yes, and I attack.. with my sword, I know. shocking*
I cast barkskin, and then draw my blade, finding the new mage's glee at seeing the shambling creatures... unsettling.
The Undead move closer. One claws Garrick for 2. Keldorn is clawed for 14, then 8. Garrick takes another 16, as does the downed Paladin.
New levels and hit points- Keldorn, Level 7, 53 hit points, Kivan, Level 8, 75 hp, Valygar, Level 6, 36 hit points, Cernd Level 9, 65 hp, Ajantis Level 7, 63 hit points, Branwen, Level 9 69 hp, Aerie, Level 6/7 26 hit points, Skie Level 5, 19 hit points, Garrick, Level 7, 24 hit points, Xzar Level 6, 24 hit points.
Whatever God controls this foul temple, shield me and I shall strike down these beasts in your name!
OOC Sorry for the slow updates. 'Tis finals at two of my three schools, and next week is finals at the last of the three. Things here are a mite chaotic. My next spells will be Flame Arrow, followed by as many casts as Melf's Acid Arrow as I have left, I think 3, but I'm not sure. If Aerie is seriously injured and near death, she will cast Sanctuary on herself and attempt to leave the battle, retreating to the previous room.
IC: Branwen, don't you understand Tempus can't reach us here... Neither can Helm, none of our Gods see us... We are alone... We must find a new way... Yes, I see it now. Gertruda may have to wait longer than I hoped.
*swings with all his might at the zombie nearest Skie*
I will attack the "zombie(s)" that are targeting Keldorn. Still dual wielding as before.
@Branwen Use the holy relic Iriana has for your turning attempt, it has some power over Strahd and his minions!