@jhart1018 Alora would like to ask Keldorn is he would be interested in trading his Cloak of Elvenkind for a Ring of Regeneration?
I am pleased by this offer, and would gladly make this trade. I am hoping that perhaps one of the other plates would be available? I have:
Potion of Fire Resistance - I'd like to keep this Sword +2 (Black Dragon Slayer) - also worth keeping Tome of Clear Thought - I have no need and will gladly hand it away for the good of the party Scroll of Protection from Petrification - also will give away Ring of Spell Turning - too useful for a front line to not have. How long does the effect stay on? Can I active in the morning and when attacked 4 hours later, will it still do the nine levels of spell reflect? Wand of Wonder - Please, someone better can use this Potion of Healing - I need not this, a little one can use it more than I Splint Mail +3 - fancy, but it's not plate.
I see now that I'm a Paladin of Torm, an Inquistor, most excellent. At level 9 I have one spell before wisdom bonuses (I assume Paladins get cleric wisdom bonus, that would be +2 1st level spells for 16 wisdom, and 1 level 2 spell.) Please correct me if I'm wrong (again, first Paladin.) I've got 2 dispel magics and 2 true sights, but no lay on hands. For my three spells, cure light wounds x 1, protection from evil x 2.
Was it Branwen who has the +3 shield? I'd like to use that if at all possible, that along with my sword will do well. If anyone has a mace/hammer available and not wanted, I'd also be interested.
@Evinfuilt Inquisitors don't get spells. You have True Seeing and Dispel Magic at your level x 2 instead, so you dispel as a level 18 caster. You also get no lay on hands if I'm not mistaken.
Awesome, so I'm done trading. Here are my final items, I'm assuming when something says "sword" I can make it whatever type I want:
Short Bow +1, 9 Arrows +3, Short Sword +2 Giant Slayer, Short Sword +1 Flametongue, P. Clairvoyance, Figurine of Wondrous Power (Marble Elephant), Ring of Fire Resistance, Ring of Invisibility, Shield +1, Wand of Magic Missiles (94 ch), Bracers of Defense AC 6, Cloak of Protection +3
Branwen will give her shield +3 to keldorn, and steal Skie's shield +1 while Alora has her distracted...she is jealously holding onto her warhammer but has the axe+3 up for grabs...i think Aerie had a mace+1 that i'm not sure if she's using...
She is wielding her warhammer +2, wearing chainmail+2, has the staff of curing tucked in a loop on her back, the medallion of ESP around her neck, and has tucked the oil of slipperiness and scroll of draw on holy might into her pack.
for prepared spells, i think her 16 wisdom gives her 2 bonus 1st and 2nd level spells, bringing her at 9th level to 6 1st, 6 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 4th and 1 5th level...please correct me if i'm wrong...
If this is so, she has prayed to Tempus for the following:
1st: Armor of Faith, Bless(x2), Command Word:Die (x2), Cure Light Wounds 2nd: Chant (x2), Draw Upon Holy Might, Flame Blade, Hold Person, Slow Poison 3rd: Cure Medium Wounds, Holy Smite, Remove Paralysis 4th:Holy Power, Neutralize Poison 5th: Righteous Magic
Reposted from earlier: Aerie dons the bracers of AC 7, the periapt of wound closure, the ring of invisibility (which she offers to loan Alora in the event of a sneaking emergency), and the ring of protection +6 (Woot!). The talisman of pure good is in her pocket. The wand of paralyzation is tucked into her belt alongside the mace +1. The scrolls go into her bag.
She has also read the Tome of Understanding, which has given her a 17 Wisdom score.
I am unsure about how many spells of which variety I have per level, but base spells will be the following: (If I get more, spiffy.)
Cleric: 1. Bless, Cure Light Wounds x 2 2. Chant, Hold Person, Slow Poison 3. Cure Medium Wounds x 2, Holy Smite 4. Defensive Harmony, Cure Serious Wounds
Mage: 1. Identify, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile x 2 2. Mirror Image, Melf's Acid Arrow x 2 3. Flame Arrow x 2, Remove Magic 4. Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility
@Evinfuilt Inquisitors don't get spells. You have True Seeing and Dispel Magic at your level x 2 instead, so you dispel as a level 18 caster. You also get no lay on hands if I'm not mistaken.
How about that, looked it up and damn, I got no spells but dispell, true sight and detect evil. Gear, I see my splint +3 (AC1 i assume), shield +3, sword +2 (black dragon slayer), ring of regen and ring of turning. I'll gladly take the +3 axe, I'm giving my tome and wand to aerie, she seems good and will use them wisely. The scroll of protection against petrification to Branwen.
Magic Items - Studded Leather +1, Sling of Seeking +2, Dagger +1, +2 vs Creatures Smaller than Man-Sized, Rope of Climbing, P. Healing, Short Sword +2, Boots of Speed, Ring of Warmth, Cloak of Elevenkind (I've taken my sword to be a short sword - hope that is okay)
I've worked out Alora's thief skills (taking the same base as in Tomb of Horrors, adding 60 points for first level and 6X30 for the the next six levels)
Kivan Level 8 S 18/12, D 17, C 14, I 10, W 14, Ch 8 Hit Points 80
Magic Items- Scimitar +2, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, 13 +2 Arrows, Scalemail +2, P. Water Breathing, P. Super Heroism, Scroll Protection from Undead, Pearl of Wisdom (cleric use only) Robe of Useful Items
I don't think @HaHaCharade made any trades before he had to leave so I think your gear is as listed.
Cernd Level 9 S 13, D 9, C 13, I 12, W 18, Ch 15 Hit Points 72
Magic Items- P. Invisibility, Figurine of Wondrous Power (Onyx Dog). P. Cloud Giant Strength, Ring of Protection +3, Periapt of Health, Shield +3, Ring of Fire Resistance, Scimitar +2
And I'll just put my base, and if I get more, then I'd edit it in.
@LadyRhian I'll take Kivan, although, I don't think I can pull off quite the lecherous twist as Awong124. Do I get a favored terrain type and enemy type as a Ranger?
Let's see:
I'll keep all of the equipment, but the pearl of wisdom, since I can't use it, it's available to either cleric.
And I have 1 level 1 spell slot that I will use for entangle.
@bbear If I'm not mistaken Valygar can't wear armor greater than studded leather, as his class is Stalker.
Now now, none of this playing around. We have work to do, evil abounds and I wil not tolerate dissent nor will I tolerate childish behavior.
*starts off campaign by casting detect evil on the group*
It's not that I don't trust all of you, you will just have to earn my trust and respect. The mage there, the one that glows with evil, you will have to work very hard to earn my trust, but redemption is always available for the wicked, none may fall too far from the light not to return. I shall see you return to the light.
And you there, druid, you may not radiate evil, but there is something; off; yes, something off about you. Whatever demon is inside you, do not let it control you, you are its master. If you need help, speak to me at any time, I am here for you.
Now Ajantis, learn, do not be rash just because people follow different Gods, or glow with evil so brightly that you need not waste a spell to detect it. They are with us for a reason, our lives, if not our very souls are at risk in this journey, and that Evil Mage maybe our actual savior.
Oh, and Alora, if you try and put your hand there again I doubt you'll be of much use to this company, I do not keep chocolate on me. Now I do know of a baker down in Amn, that makes a supreme chocolate cake, when we are done here I will be going there to purchase treats for my family, and I will be happy to get you some as well. You will need both hands to enjoy those treats.
Oh, and Alora, if you try and put your hand there again I doubt you'll be of much use to this company, I do not keep chocolate on me. Now I do know of a baker down in Amn, that makes a supreme chocolate cake, when we are done here I will be going there to purchase treats for my family, and I will be happy to get you some as well. You will need both hands to enjoy those treats.
*Whispers to Alora*
"Psst... I think what he means is that if he catches you stealing again, he will chop off your hands himself. That's what they do to thieves where he comes from."
Aerie shoots Skie a dirty look and steps up next to Alora. "Stealing from paladins isn't very smart. I don't think they understand humor, but he did say he'd get you chocolate cake when we get back home from this...place."
Okay, here's the beginning for you. You become aware that you are riding through a cold, dark, misty wood. The only light is thrown by the full moon high above. You don't remember at first how you got here. Slowly, the memories return- of a roadside inn, too much like others you have stayed in- so much so that they all blur together. Sitting around the fire sharing a cold ale when a stranger entered, cloaked in a green so dark that it might have been black. Around him, the fog swirled, dark and clammy, as dark as the fog that surrounds you now. The inn goes quiet- even the noise from your mugs of ale seem muted by the stranger's presence. His voice is thick, and heavily accented. "I have been sent to deliver this message! If you be creatures of honor, you will come to my master's aid at first light. It is not advisable to travel the Svalich Woods at night." He pulls a letter from his tunic and throws it onto the table between you. It is addressed to all of you in beautiful, flowing script.
"If you are willing to answer my master's call, follow the West road here some five hours down to the Svalich woods. There, you will find my master in Barovia." Amid the continued, silent stares of the other patrons, the man, his face swarthy and hair dark, goes over to the bartender and gestures at your group. "Fill their glasses well," the gypsy says. "It's obvious their throats are parched." with that, he lays a purse, fat and heavy with coin, on the bar. With a last glance over at you, he leaves.
The letter was dated the day before, the ink still not yet quite dry on the page. The letter was sealed with a crest none of you were familliar with, and none of you have ever heard of the Svalich Woods.
@ LadyRhian I choose lycanthropes as my favored enemy, this being Ravenloft.
OOC: but... that... sense.. .what... ugh. RUN CERND RUN! It's already begun, looks like we already need to put down the new Kivan.
IC: *picks up the letter* Interesting, we are here for a reason after all. He wants to meet us in the light, and that is truly a good sign for a land so dark as this. I will stick with the local beer tonight, there will be no sleep for me in this Tavern. The rest of you can get rest if you wish, though if one of our more silent types is willing to stay awake with me *looks towards Skie* then I will feel more comfortable.
Young lady, you are about the age of my eldest daughter, come sit with me and tell me how you came into this life. Was your father unable to find you a suitable husband, or were you unjustly left on the streets. I feel poorly for those whose parents abandon them to such a difficult life.
Potion of Fire Resistance - I'd like to keep this
Sword +2 (Black Dragon Slayer) - also worth keeping
Tome of Clear Thought - I have no need and will gladly hand it away for the good of the party
Scroll of Protection from Petrification - also will give away
Ring of Spell Turning - too useful for a front line to not have. How long does the effect stay on? Can I active in the morning and when attacked 4 hours later, will it still do the nine levels of spell reflect?
Wand of Wonder - Please, someone better can use this
Potion of Healing - I need not this, a little one can use it more than I
Splint Mail +3 - fancy, but it's not plate.
I see now that I'm a Paladin of Torm, an Inquistor, most excellent. At level 9 I have one spell before wisdom bonuses (I assume Paladins get cleric wisdom bonus, that would be +2 1st level spells for 16 wisdom, and 1 level 2 spell.) Please correct me if I'm wrong (again, first Paladin.) I've got 2 dispel magics and 2 true sights, but no lay on hands. For my three spells, cure light wounds x 1, protection from evil x 2.
Was it Branwen who has the +3 shield? I'd like to use that if at all possible, that along with my sword will do well. If anyone has a mace/hammer available and not wanted, I'd also be interested.
She is wielding her warhammer +2, wearing chainmail+2, has the staff of curing tucked in a loop on her back, the medallion of ESP around her neck, and has tucked the oil of slipperiness and scroll of draw on holy might into her pack.
for prepared spells, i think her 16 wisdom gives her 2 bonus 1st and 2nd level spells, bringing her at 9th level to 6 1st, 6 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 4th and 1 5th level...please correct me if i'm wrong...
If this is so, she has prayed to Tempus for the following:
1st: Armor of Faith, Bless(x2), Command Word:Die (x2), Cure Light Wounds
2nd: Chant (x2), Draw Upon Holy Might, Flame Blade, Hold Person, Slow Poison
3rd: Cure Medium Wounds, Holy Smite, Remove Paralysis
4th:Holy Power, Neutralize Poison
5th: Righteous Magic
She has also read the Tome of Understanding, which has given her a 17 Wisdom score.
I am unsure about how many spells of which variety I have per level, but base spells will be the following:
(If I get more, spiffy.)
1. Bless, Cure Light Wounds x 2
2. Chant, Hold Person, Slow Poison
3. Cure Medium Wounds x 2, Holy Smite
4. Defensive Harmony, Cure Serious Wounds
1. Identify, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile x 2
2. Mirror Image, Melf's Acid Arrow x 2
3. Flame Arrow x 2, Remove Magic
4. Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility
Magic Items - Studded Leather +1, Sling of Seeking +2, Dagger +1, +2 vs Creatures Smaller than Man-Sized, Rope of Climbing, P. Healing, Short Sword +2, Boots of Speed, Ring of Warmth, Cloak of Elevenkind (I've taken my sword to be a short sword - hope that is okay)
I've worked out Alora's thief skills (taking the same base as in Tomb of Horrors, adding 60 points for first level and 6X30 for the the next six levels)
Pick Pockets 80, Open Locks 65, Find/Remove Traps 90, Move Silently 50, Hide 65, Detect Noise 50, Climb Walls 60, Read languages -5
Alora also has a new innate ability: Chocolate Breath. Not sure what effect it has (possibly Cause Nausea in the caster?)
As for stats:
Ajantis Level 9 S 17, D 18, C 16, I 12, W 13, Ch 17 Hit Points 108
Magic Items- Luckstone, P. Sweet Water, Scroll of Protection from Demons, Shield +4, Plate +3, Broadsword +1 Luckblade
Spell: I think I get only one, so Armor of Faith
I think Kivan is available.
Kivan Level 8 S 18/12, D 17, C 14, I 10, W 14, Ch 8 Hit Points 80
Magic Items- Scimitar +2, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, 13 +2 Arrows, Scalemail +2, P. Water Breathing, P. Super Heroism, Scroll Protection from Undead, Pearl of Wisdom (cleric use only) Robe of Useful Items
I don't think @HaHaCharade made any trades before he had to leave so I think your gear is as listed.
Magic Items- P. Invisibility, Figurine of Wondrous Power (Onyx Dog). P. Cloud Giant Strength, Ring of Protection +3, Periapt of Health, Shield +3, Ring of Fire Resistance, Scimitar +2
And I'll just put my base, and if I get more, then I'd edit it in.
1: Armor of Faith, Entangle, Doom x2,
2. Barkskin x2, Charm Person or Mammel, Flameblade
3. Call Lightning, Cure Disease, Dispel Magic
4. Call Woodland Being, Cure Serious Wounds
5. Insect Plague
@LadyRhian I'll take Kivan, although, I don't think I can pull off quite the lecherous twist as Awong124. Do I get a favored terrain type and enemy type as a Ranger?
Let's see:
I'll keep all of the equipment, but the pearl of wisdom, since I can't use it, it's available to either cleric.
And I have 1 level 1 spell slot that I will use for entangle.
@bbear If I'm not mistaken Valygar can't wear armor greater than studded leather, as his class is Stalker.
*starts off campaign by casting detect evil on the group*
It's not that I don't trust all of you, you will just have to earn my trust and respect. The mage there, the one that glows with evil, you will have to work very hard to earn my trust, but redemption is always available for the wicked, none may fall too far from the light not to return. I shall see you return to the light.
And you there, druid, you may not radiate evil, but there is something; off; yes, something off about you. Whatever demon is inside you, do not let it control you, you are its master. If you need help, speak to me at any time, I am here for you.
Now Ajantis, learn, do not be rash just because people follow different Gods, or glow with evil so brightly that you need not waste a spell to detect it. They are with us for a reason, our lives, if not our very souls are at risk in this journey, and that Evil Mage maybe our actual savior.
Oh, and Alora, if you try and put your hand there again I doubt you'll be of much use to this company, I do not keep chocolate on me. Now I do know of a baker down in Amn, that makes a supreme chocolate cake, when we are done here I will be going there to purchase treats for my family, and I will be happy to get you some as well. You will need both hands to enjoy those treats.
"Psst... I think what he means is that if he catches you stealing again, he will chop off your hands himself. That's what they do to thieves where he comes from."
Whisper to Aerie: do you still have your studded armor? I would like to try on your apparel...ahem.
I believe I get a charm animal spell for 3 levels of the ranger starting at level 1 and a racial enemy.
-Charm Animal X3
-Racial Enemy: Vampires
@Branwen and Aerie
May I recommend any of you memorize remove fear/resist fear? This may come in handy in the setting of Ravenloft...
"If you are willing to answer my master's call, follow the West road here some five hours down to the Svalich woods. There, you will find my master in Barovia." Amid the continued, silent stares of the other patrons, the man, his face swarthy and hair dark, goes over to the bartender and gestures at your group. "Fill their glasses well," the gypsy says. "It's obvious their throats are parched." with that, he lays a purse, fat and heavy with coin, on the bar. With a last glance over at you, he leaves.
The letter was dated the day before, the ink still not yet quite dry on the page. The letter was sealed with a crest none of you were familliar with, and none of you have ever heard of the Svalich Woods.
but... that... sense.. .what... ugh. RUN CERND RUN! It's already begun, looks like we already need to put down the new Kivan.
*picks up the letter*
Interesting, we are here for a reason after all. He wants to meet us in the light, and that is truly a good sign for a land so dark as this. I will stick with the local beer tonight, there will be no sleep for me in this Tavern. The rest of you can get rest if you wish, though if one of our more silent types is willing to stay awake with me *looks towards Skie* then I will feel more comfortable.
Young lady, you are about the age of my eldest daughter, come sit with me and tell me how you came into this life. Was your father unable to find you a suitable husband, or were you unjustly left on the streets. I feel poorly for those whose parents abandon them to such a difficult life.