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Tresset's Choice Tweaks



  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Added a tweak to the Call Lightning spell which makes it usable in any area, including indoors, but lowers its damage output to 2d6+1d6/level to compensate. Lowering the damage was necessary for this change because otherwise it would be far better than Flame Strike at 2 whole levels lower. I made this tweak so that Call Lightning would be much more viable a choice, especially for shamans. I think Call Lightning is a really neat concept for a spell and thought it would be much better this way. This will be especially good for BG2 as something like 90% of the nasty fights take place indoors.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Ok... I have hit the forum's character limit in the OP so I may have to start transferring the descriptions to comments here. If anyone has any advice on what to do about this please let me know!
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Switch to japanese characters :wink:
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    You could use screenshots instead.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Tresset said:

    Ok... I have hit the forum's character limit in the OP so I may have to start transferring the descriptions to comments here. If anyone has any advice on what to do about this please let me know!

    I would use links in the OP (like I did here) for other comments in this thread - you can edit your previous comments to include descriptions there.
  • johntyljohntyl Member Posts: 400
    Do you put all these tweaks in the override folder? Including the .wav files of the original casting sounds?
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Probably bad tweaks, since Grease has become a lot more OP now that you removed its only downside

    Joke aside, great fixes, I installed most of them <3
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    johntyl said:

    Do you put all these tweaks in the override folder? Including the .wav files of the original casting sounds?

    @johntyl Most of them go in the override folder, yes. There are a few of them that use weidu, however.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @Tresset as regards the Bard song, I am wondering if it is coded specifically to the vanilla bard kits or would it also affect those from Song n Silience, whose songs are coded specific to their class. In particular, the dirgesinger's song is broken and has about a 10' radius (if even that). Would you know if it might correct that problem?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited May 2017
    @Zaghoul My mod here only affects the vanilla bard songs available in the EEs, BUT, like I said on your wall, I could easily make ANY bard song have a wider radius, so long as I have access to the mod's files. If you could direct me to where to download the mod you use I could easily make some modifications to the files and give them to you. For a case as specific as with this request I probably should send you the files privately. I also don't like publicly releasing modifications to other's mods.

    Edit: Found it. I will get to work shortly.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    edited May 2017
    Mmm, fixin Dirgesingers. Trying to get me to brush off the ol bone-constructed >:) double bass again that might. :)

    EDIT: I was looking at some of this mods other changes as well. I particularly liked the avenger form fixes, esp. the salamander, that's been needed for a LONG time.

    As to the drow illusions, nice. I thought after runnin with Wilson once, it would be interesting if the bear got the illusion of being a spider, instead of remaining as is. Not sure if that is doable or not though. Not to many bears at that depth but I guess they do have a dog or two running around down there now that I think about it. Still, would look interesting.
    Some nice changes to consider here. :)
    Post edited by Zaghoul on
  • Hi @Tresset, could you add a BG2 version of the Fire Salamander tweak?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Zaghoul said:

    As to the drow illusions, nice. I thought after runnin with Wilson once, it would be interesting if the bear got the illusion of being a spider, instead of remaining as is. Not sure if that is doable or not though. Not to many bears at that depth but I guess they do have a dog or two running around down there now that I think about it. Still, would look interesting.
    Some nice changes to consider here. :)

    OOOHH! That would be sooooo neat! I am going to look into it for a bit and see what I can come up with. Not promising anything at this point...
  • Tresset said:

    At the request of @HalfCelestial I have added a tweak containing my fix for the avenger druid's salamander form which is now compatible with BG2:EE. The fact that I hadn't already done this long ago was honestly an oversight on my part.

    Much appreciated.

  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited November 2018
    This is a hotfix I made to fix an issue with Adalon's drow form illusion in the current version of the game. For some reason the illusion, while making your characters look like elves, no longer changes any of their colors. This means they will most likely look like surface elves wandering around the drow city, yet somehow unnoticed. I have modified the illusion so that it will change skin and hair color so that your party will actually look like drow again. I think this is a better choice than the original behavior because now the illusion no longer overrides all of the equipment and clothing colors of your characters, allowing you to keep using custom clothing colors and the colors of your equipment (Glowing weapons and armor will even glow now!). This fix will not be applied to games in progress that have already received the drow illusion from Adalon.

    At the, honestly, quite brilliant suggestion of @Zaghoul, I have updated my drow illusion fix so that when Wilson is in the party he is given the appearance of a sword spider. Note that if you have already entered the heretic monk temple area in any existing save files Wilson will not be affected by the drow illusion because he is, by default, protected from its effect. This can be easily fixed with EEKeeper, however, by removing the two "Protection from Spell [206]" effects from him. Make sure the resources for these effects is listed by EEKeeper as "Drow Change [spin825]" and "Under Norm [spin830]". If you have yet to enter the heretic monk temple area then this step should not be necessary.

    Update: The fix I made for the drow form illusion has been officially incorporated into patch 2.5, with the understandable exception of the effect that disguises Wilson as a spider. Because of this I have removed the version of my fix where Wilson is not changed because it is now obsolete.
    Post edited by Tresset on
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @Tresset Ha! Ya got it workin, great. :) Looking forward to seeing Big Wil's new facelift as he's givin those drow several new ones. B)

    @LavaDelVortel A very nice little tweak to go along with your Wilson Chronicles mod.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    lol genius fix
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited October 2017
    I posted a small update to my Bigger Bard Song tweak. The songs previously had difficulty affecting their targets when the party was in motion. Now the songs should take effect instantly and regardless of whether or not the party is moving. As before I did NOT change the Jester song at all.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Why all that great stuff is not included into BWS fix?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2017
    @Mirandel Because author is not interested to make it happen. Did you expect that mods are added via some kind of "Summon BWS" spell? :wink: But the good news is that you can do it all the mod author's work for him. The bad news is that because of weidu limitations, you need to repeat whole process with every update he make.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @ALIEN, @Mirandel I would maybe be interested in having it included, but I somewhat struggle with weidu. I would love to convert all of this to weidu, at the very least to increase compatibility with other mods.

    If anyone is willing to help me write weidu code for some of my tweaks I would be very grateful, but I won't hold my breath for any such offers. Most of my buddies who have the skills to help me are busy with their own projects.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Ghm, @ALIEN? :) As one of the BWS supporter, coder and modder? Would you do one more incredible thing for the community and create Tresset's Choice Tweaks mod? :)
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308

    these are the important bits (other stuff is great too, but it's more creative additions / cosmetic / subjective)

    1. (major fix) Hexxat Regeneration Script Fix
    2. (major fix) Non-Idiotic Phase Spider Spawns
    3. (restoration) Durlag's Infinite Skeleton Trap
    4. (fix) Avenger Druid Form Fixes
    5. (fix) Time Stop Sound Fix BG1:EE, Time Stop Sound Fix BG2:EE
    6. (fix) Deathbringer Assault Fix
    7. (potential restoration) Actual Werewolf Claws, Not Modified Bear Paws BG1:EE; Actual Werewolf Claws, Not Modified Bear Paws BG2:EE
    8. (restoration/tweak) Bigger Bard Songs
    9. (cosmetic fix) Fixed Grease Sound for Less Sonic Damage Done to Player
    10. (niche fix) Staggered Probabilities Fix BG1:EE; Staggered Probabilities Fix BG2:EE
    11. (partial fix) NRD Contingencies and Sequencers BG1:EE; NRD Contingencies and Sequencers BG2:EE
    12. (fix/tweak) Drow Illusion Fix (bear npc turns into a spider - great!)
    13. (tweak) Korlasz has Bag of Holding (simple and makes the annoying vanilla transition a lot smoother - great!)

    hope you do it :)
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @JuliusBorisov - Out of curiosity, do you know whether fixes from this mod have a ticket on Redmine?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Mirandel said:

    Ghm, @ALIEN? :) As one of the BWS supporter, coder and modder? Would you do one more incredible thing for the community and create Tresset's Choice Tweaks mod? :)

    @Mirandel @bob_veng It wouldn't be a problem to learn new things but my time is very limited those days so I can't commit to yet another project to maintain. Sorry :(
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