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Tresset's Choice Tweaks



  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @StummvonBordwehr the unapologetic powergamer :D haha
    (I do it as well, so am not calling any names here)
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Blackraven wrote: »
    @StummvonBordwehr the unapologetic powergamer :D haha
    (I do it as well, so am not calling any names here)

    Don’t worry @Blackraven that’s not name calling - since it’s a badge I wear with pride :)

    I like to play solo with martial types, so potions means a lot to me. And praise to @Tresset for fulfilling wishes here at x-mas time.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Sure. I am usually open to requests, so long as they are easy enough to accomplish with my current level of skill, even if I personally disagree with the concept of the request. This thread is mainly for tweaks that I myself made for use in my own games, hence the name "Tresset's Choice" (though it is also a reference to the "Elminster's Choice Beer" available in some of the game's taverns). I only upload the tweaks I use that I think are the best of what I have to offer. I use other minor things in my games, but I typically don't upload them unless I think they are important, well balanced, or of good quality. Anyway, I never made a thread specifically for requests, so I don't mind people asking for things here.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519

    May we get a compilation of your publicly-released tweaks as a Weidu mod for ease of use?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Endarire wrote: »

    May we get a compilation of your publicly-released tweaks as a Weidu mod for ease of use?

    @Endarire Well, that may be a bit difficult for me. Not impossible, but difficult and time consuming. I will consider it for the future, but I have other ideas on my plate right now.

    It is very important to me that my tweaks are not an all-or-none choice. This way people can pick and choose which ones they like and which ones they don't. I know this is possible with a weidu installer too, but it would be a pain for me to set up. For now this will have to do.

    Besides this, I am noticing some of my tweaks are obsolete now in 2.6, and even that some of them are not needed in 2.5. I should really update the list for this.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited December 2020
    I mentioned Weidu in part because you can have it install various components. For example, you could install one of many options, or all options, or no options, or some options.

    For more info, ask on this Discord:

    or the Gibberlings3 Forum:
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited December 2020
    I (@JuliusBorisov actually) just discovered a critical error in my Disrupting Torch item mod which prevented it from being correctly added to the game where it could be obtained. I have just uploaded a fixed version for this mod. If you have previously installed this mod, you will need to re-download it and re-install it over the bugged version. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Post edited by Tresset on
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  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hotfix for Durlag's Teleport to Chessboard in v2.6.

    I just discovered that patch 2.6 of BG1:EE changed things so that the bottom floors of Durlag's Tower could only be accessed once ever after defeating the four elemental guardians. I am uploading this hofix to make the chessboard teleporter trigger an unlimited number of times upon entering the elemental guardian rooms after they are defeated. This fix is not necessary unless you are playing in the patch 2.6 beta.
  • EclaTriompheEclaTriomphe Member Posts: 4
    Thank you
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    edited February 2021
    Tresset wrote: »
    So without further ado, here is my rebalance of the Poison Weapon ability.

    Thank you so much for this! As far as other mods are concerned, does it matter where in the install order this should go?

    Edit: I guess I'm mainly wondering if it can be safely installed after Tweaks Anthology and SCS.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Back with an observation: I tested this poison fix on a clean 2.5 install of BGEE. With a level 6 blackguard I'm doing 14 points of poison damage on a failed save. If I'm not mistaken, shouldn't that be 15? 1 point per 2 seconds for 6 seconds = 3 points, added to 12 points (1 point per second for 12 seconds). I can confirm that three of those points are of the guaranteed variety, as enemies who make their save experience 3 points of damage.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Tresset wrote: »
    So without further ado, here is my rebalance of the Poison Weapon ability.

    Thank you so much for this! As far as other mods are concerned, does it matter where in the install order this should go?

    Edit: I guess I'm mainly wondering if it can be safely installed after Tweaks Anthology and SCS.

    I would say install order doesn't matter too much for this one, but I am not really an expert on such things. I rarely use other people's mods, especially "megamods" which change a ton of stuff about the game.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I would install it after Tweaks Anthology and SCS.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    Thank you @Tresset for this mod! The scaled damage and saving throw negation in combination address the previous scaling power problem from pre-2016. The current post-2016 saving throw negation I think is insufficient to allow the ability to scale properly, as it significantly reduces the damage potential for higher level characters using the ability because of general better saves available for all enemies as the game progresses.

    The current vanilla approach does not address this sufficiently in my view, weakening the ability significantly in high level play. I think this is often overlooked with poison weapon and your approach addresses this logically. I do look forward to trying it out!

    Also, does the mod change the poison weapon description for both the assassin kit and the blackguard kit?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @Aerakar I changed the description of the ability itself, but not the description of the entire kits as I was a bit nervous about doing that.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Allow Stacking Potions.

    This is a fix which completely reverses the change made to all potions in patch I am not sure why, but the devs decided to make a hard nerf to all potions in the games which prevents them from stacking with themselves, i.e. potions of the same kind. Install this and you can once again stack potions with themselves.
  • BracchusBracchus Member Posts: 41
    edited March 2021
    Tresset wrote: »
    Rebalanced Poison Weapon ability.

    For a long time (years) I have wanted to make my own attempt to rebalance the Poison Weapon ability of Blackguards and Assassins. Now I have finally gotten around to it!

    Years ago, the Beamdog devs decided that the Poison Weapon ability was too overpowered so they nerfed it. Many people were upset with this at the time, and, when I finally decided to look at exactly what they did, I agree that they went WAY too far with their nerf. They made the ability practically useless. My rebalance aims to scale the ability by level so that it is neither completely pointless, nor gambreakingly overpowered at any level. So without further ado, here is my rebalance of the Poison Weapon ability.
    Poison Weapon
    Each successful hit within the next 5 rounds will inject poison into the target. The amount of poison damage depends on the character's level:

    1st - Target suffers 1 poison damage per second for 6 seconds (Save vs. Death negates)
    5th - Target suffers 1 poison damage per second for 12 seconds (Save vs. Death at -1 negates), and also suffers 1 poison damage per 2 seconds for 6 seconds (no save)
    10th - Target suffers 1 poison damage per second for 18 seconds (Save vs. Death at -2 negates), and also suffers 1 poison damage per 2 seconds for 12 seconds (no save)
    15th - Target suffers 1 poison damage per second for 24 seconds (Save vs. Death at -3 negates), and also suffers 1 poison damage per 2 seconds for 18 seconds (no save)
    20th - Target suffers 1 poison damage per second for 30 seconds (Save vs. Death at -4 negates), and also suffers 1 poison damage per 2 seconds for 24 seconds (no save)

    For those of you who prefer the original ability before it was rebalanced; it can be found here.

    On behalf of my new Blackguard I would like to say that your usefulness as a pawn in my schemes has been greatly extended, therefore I shall decline to slay you out of hand... For now. On behalf of myself I would like to say: F-ING THANK YOU!!!!! I hated the developer's decision on this ability because as we all know and have been saying time and again in this community, the scaling for higher level gameplay is garbage. You fixed it, bless your soul for doing this dude.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited June 2021
    Improved Rods of Lordly Might and Terror.

    Sometimes I get great ideas on a whim. One day I was just rambling to the other moderators here about how I thought some of the rod artifacts in BG2 were completely useless. Before I knew it, I was making a mod to rebalance the Rods of Terror and Lordly Might so that they were actually decent weapons worth using. Both of these rods had balance issues that made them virtually useless. The Rod of Terror, of course, had a relatively high chance of permanently draining a character's charisma, even to the point of killing them instantly and irrevocably if they lost too much charisma. The Rod of Lordly Might, actually 3 separate weapons, was just plain underpowered for being found roughly 2/3 of the way through SoA. The sword and mace had piddly enchantment bonuses, especially for the stage of the game where the rod is found. The spear had a decent enchantment, but its effect left much to be desired, and furthermore, it was completely overshadowed by another spear that could be found, quite literally, not even 15' away in game (The Impaler+3). The effects of all the weapons were decent, but way too easy to resist with such high saving throw bonuses offered.

    Here are the upgraded descriptions of the 4 weapons:

    Lordly Spear +3
    This spear has been created via the Rod of Lordly Might. Use this item's special use to change it back into the Rod to choose another weapon.


    THAC0: +3
    Damage: 1d6+3, +2d4 magical damage
    Damage type: Piercing
    Speed Factor: 3
    Proficiency Type: Spear
    Type: Two-handed
    5 Strength

    Weight: 5

    Lordly Mace +3
    This mace has been created via the Rod of Lordly Might. Use this item's special use to change it back into the Rod to choose another weapon.


    Combat abilities:
    – Target must save vs. Spell at +2 or panic for 4 rounds

    THAC0: +3
    Damage: 1d6+4 +2 acid
    Damage type: Crushing
    Speed Factor: 5
    Proficiency Type: Mace
    Type: One-handed
    10 Strength

    Weight: 7

    Lordly Flaming Long Sword +3
    This sword has been created via the Rod of Lordly Might. Use this item's special use to change it back into the Rod to choose another weapon.


    Combat abilities:
    – Target must save vs. Death at +3 or be held for 5 rounds

    THAC0: +3
    Damage: 1d8+3 +2 fire damage
    Damage type: Slashing
    Speed Factor: 4
    Proficiency Type: Long Sword
    Type: One-handed
    6 Strength

    Weight: 4

    Rod of Terror
    When activated, this rod may be used as a staff +3. Any creature hit by the rod must make a Saving Throw vs. Spell or flee in terror, fearing the wielder as if he or she were a flesh-eating demon from the Abyss. There is a drawback to using this rod, however: Each time the rod is used, there is a 20% chance that the wielder loses one point of Charisma for 8 hours.


    Combat abilities:
    – Target must save vs. Spell or flee in terror for 4 rounds
    – 20% chance per use of the wielder losing 1 point of Charisma for 8 hours

    THAC0: +3
    Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
    Type: Two-handed

    Weight: 3

    In addition to the listed changes, I added several visual effects and feedback messages to the Lordly weapons because they were missing and because I could. I also changed the appearance of the Lordly Flaming Long Sword +3 to that of an actual flaming sword.

    Now to explain in more detail about some of these balance changes I made. For the Rod of Terror I decided not to remove the charisma draining entirely, but rather to limit to an 8 hour duration. This makes the rod still a bit risky to use, but not worthlessly risky. It can still kill you if you use it too much, but taking breaks between using it will allow it to be used again. Still, I thought that a +4 bonus for the signature terror effect of the rod was too much to have such a risk associated with it, so I removed the save bonus. For the Lordly weapons I first boosted their enchantment to a reasonable level. Then I reduced the save bonuses for the sword and mace to a more reasonable level, and removed the spear's save entirely since it didn't have any disabling effect. After changing the sword's appearance to a flaming longsword, I figured it should also do some fire damage, so I added some. Then I realized that only the mace had no bonus damage so I put some acid damage on it for good measure (could have been any damage type, honestly, but I couldn't think of other blunt weapons with acid damage on them at the time other than the Flail of Ages (I forgot about Blackblood)). Here's hoping you all enjoy this tweak!
  • StonebearStonebear Member Posts: 9
    Thanks for all the fixes.
    I wonder if it'd be possible for you to do anything about the double HP roll bug/change that's been been present the last several patches, described here:
    So far, I haven't found any workaround short of a set of actual dice and a copy of nearinfinity. Thanks.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @Stonebear Sorry. That is a hardcoding issue. Hardcoding issues of that nature are well beyond my ability (or any other modder for that matter) to fix. Only the game's developers could fix an issue like that.
  • StonebearStonebear Member Posts: 9
    Guess I'll stick with the dice, then. Thanks for responding
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Hi @Tresset
    Since we are talking hitpoints…
    The CDtweaks has an option that allows rolling for HP up to level 20. A cool feature that doesnt seem to work, since it doesnt add the con bonus from level 9/10 - I have reported the issue elsewhere.

    But the feature in the CD tweaks have left me thinking. Would it en possible to give the option for HP Rolls? For instance up to level 5,15, 20, 30, 40 and 50. It would be a fun feature that goes both ways - not that I have any intention og breaking the game..
  • ShiraZenShiraZen Member Posts: 1
    @Tresset Hey, friend! I've been looking through your tweaks and they look great. Are these compatible with IWDEE, by chance? I'm looking to start a Heart of Fury playthrough with some mods/tweaks, and some EEKeeper shenanigans, and I was very interested in the Werewolf and Poison changes to be specific.

  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @StummvonBordwehr I have done some preliminary looking at your request already. I found the files that control HP rolls and am unsure why constitution bonuses would not add to rolls at higher levels; unless perhaps that is controlled elsewhere. I will have to do some further looking and some testing eventually...

    @ShiraZen I am not very familiar with IWD, but I assume the Poison Weapon tweak should work just fine in IWD:EE. The werewolf claws one is one of my older ones and likely will have issues if used in IWD:EE. I suppose I should look into updating some of my older tweaks eventually, but that can be such a pain...
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    Tresset wrote: »
    Added a bigger bard song tweak at the request of @JuliusBorisov. I also reached a character limit in this discussion so I will put the description of this tweak here.

    This tweak will give bard songs a much larger area of effect. In version 2.0 the devs changed all of the bard songs so that they only affected those within a 30' radius of the singing bard, which is about the same area of effect as a fireball. In version 1.3 and earlier all of the songs (excluding the jester's) would automatically hit only the 6 party members no matter how far away they were or even if they were in a different area. While I do like how the bard song was changed to an area of effect, a 30' radius was a massive nerf to the songs that seriously changed the balance of the bard class. I decided to change the radius of the songs to 235', which is the same as the True Seeing spells. This is as large as I felt comfortable making the area of effect without switching it back to the old behavior. The main advantage of keeping the area of effect is that summoned creatures and non-party allies will now also be able to benefit from the song's effects. I also changed the jester's song to make it have a 60' radius. Thanks to @Troodon80 for helping a bit with the weidu coding!

    2 questions.

    1. Does anyone know if Bigger Bard Song works with IWD:EE?
    2. If it does work with IWD:EE, does anyone know if it works on a BG1/2:EE game with IWDification component "IWD Class Updates: Bard: Add IWD Bard Songs" and "IWD Class Updates: Bard: Selectable Bard Songs for Jesters and Skalds"?

    Based on Tresset's .tp2, I think the answer to 2 will be "no" - but I'm not very good at reading weidu, so hoping someone with experience can chime in.
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