@Necromanx2 It is in the original post of this thread, on page 1.
Again, I am clearly blind as I believe you that it is there. I have looked through that original post a bunch of times and all I see are descriptions of what the mod does. I do not see a down load link on the original post.
@Tresset: In case you feel like expanding the collection, the 7th level priest spell Fire Storm makes a very offending noise. IIRC it's the same sound Grease has. Since you already fixed that one, I guess reducing the sound damage caused by this one should be straightforward for you.
What is the recommended install order for this mod?
My mods are Tweaks Anthology, SCS, Portraits everywhere, Lighting pack, Jimfix, EE UI Tweaks, Ammoless, Tresset’s choice tweaks and Inferno.
In case you don't know, Inferno is a little gem of a mod that fixes the bug where a caster immune to some kind of damage has his spell disrupted when attacked with that kind of damage. Ammoless is another little gem, it fixes an issue with ranged weapons that have unlimited ammo.
@Alonso since they're not Weidu-based but just individual files (replacing .spl or .cre or whatever), you can just drag-and-drop and overwrite the existing files in your override folder. Though you may want to make backups to be safe.
I'm using these ~40 hours into a massive EET install. No problems.
It should work so, and if you want to get rid of the mod(s) you just delete the files from the folder.
The engine checks that folder and uses that file instead of the original one and if the mod is a single file it is simple as that.
@Alonso since they're not Weidu-based but just individual files (replacing .spl or .cre or whatever), you can just drag-and-drop and overwrite the existing files in your override folder. Though you may want to make backups to be safe.
I'm using these ~40 hours into a massive EET install. No problems.
There is already a version of all the files in Tresset's tweaks (or at least the ones I'm interested in) in my override folder. Installing Tresset's tweaks means overwriting those files. My guess is that overwriting those files will break the other mods. After all, if those mods put those files in the override folder it probably means that they need those files to work, right?
if you want to get rid of the mod(s) you just delete the files from the folder
For the reason explained above I'm not sure that would actually work. In order to leave my installation as it was I would have to make backups of those files before I overwrite them with Tresset's files and then restore those backups if I want to "uninstall" Tresset's tweaks. Which is OK, but the question stands of whether overwriting those files will break my other mods.
When you put a file in the override folder when the game is started that folder is checked and the file is used instead of the original one, that is not in that folder, but elsewhere.
So if you put let's say in the override folder a file with a modified Flail of Ages that uses a different opcode, so gives a "player friendly" free action that let you haste yourself as long as the file is in the folder whe free action of the flail works like that, but as you remove the file from the override folder and start again the game the vanilla behavior is re established, no need to make a backup of anything.
But if you use other mods, that also put files in the override folder, it is possible that the file that you put directly in the folder overwrites a file from some other mod, if they happen to have the same name. In that case it is a good idea to make a backup of the override folder before you put files directly in it, or once you erase the file that you did put in the behavior is reverted to a vanilla condition, for what matters that file, and not to the one of the other mod.
WEIDU remembers the order you install the mods, so if you uninstall a certain mod it before uninstall all the mods installed after it, then uninstalls that one and installs back the other mods to avoid problems.
But WEIDU is not aware of anything that is in the override folder if it was not put there by WEIDU itself, so the need to make backups before you put directly files in the override folder, as long as you are using WEIDU installed mods (and it is needed only if occurs that both a WEIDU installed file and the one you put in the folder yourself share the very same name (internal one, name of the file, not the name of an item or spell as it shows in the game).
@gorgonzola and @southfla79 and @tl1942 I appreciate the help you are giving people for me. I have been rather busy lately, but I do still look at everything that goes on here.
These tweaks seem like they would best best compiled and distributed in a Weidu mod hosted on the GitHub for Gibberlings3 or Spellhold Studios for ease of access.
Thank you for your detailed explanation, Gorgonzola. I'm already aware of what you've explained, but it doesn't really answer my question: Will Tresset tweaks break my other mods? (It looks like the answer is yes). And if so, is there any way to use Tresset tweaks and my other mods at the same time without breaking anything?
It looks like @tl1942 has just overwritten the files that his other mods put in his override folder and he hasn't experienced problems, but I don't feel very comfortable with the idea of doing that. Maybe he has broken some of his other mods and he hasn't even noticed it. In many cases it is virtually impossible to notice that the functionality of a mod has been broken. For instance, let's say one of Tresset's files overwrites a file that SCS uses to improve the AI of enemy mages (probably that's not the case, but this is just an example to illustrate). With that file overwritten, enemy mages can no longer use Dispel Magic intelligently. However, their AI still works well for everything else. You will hardly notice something like that. Your SCS installation is now broken, but you don't even know it.
@Alonso to answer to you is impossible without analyzing all the files that are in that folder to see what each one does. But it does not matter if you put directly the file in the override folder like with @Tresset ones or you put them trough WEIDU, not all the mods are compatible, they are not so when a file overwrites a file of a different mod, but also when 2 files with different names give to the engine opposite procedures about the same issue. This is why in the readme of some mods is clearly stated that they are or are not compatible with some other mods.
The only difference in our case is that if compatibility problems rise between 2 WEIDU installed mods you can roll back simply uninstalling them trough WEIDU, while here you have to backup the override folder before you put there the files from @Tresset to be able to easily roll back.
Then to know if compatibility issues are there, and are never caused by a mod not being WEIDU, are caused of overlapping between mods, you can analyze each file in every mod you use, thing that is time consuming and needs a good modder level knowledge, or just give to it a try in the game, if problems rise is not a big deal, you revert the override folder to the back up and don't put there the file that you suspect that causes the problem and try again.
Without installing and testing, I would say most likely since the new files would be overwriting whatever changes the prior mod made. The only real way to be sure, as gorgonzola said would be install both and see what happens. I would suggest installing the tresset override files first then the weidu mod since the weidu install can be rolled back.
I would try both ways as the Weidu mods can be rolled back but to make a backup of the override folder and roll back that way is just as easy and maybe even faster.
both ways as it is possible that to avoid problems the @Tresset 's file has to override the Weidu mod one, but it is possible that the opposite is true, so the way to go should be to install first one mod, then if there are problems revert and install first the other one. If there are still problems there is no way to assure compatibility if not modifying the mods and they should not be used in the same installation.
@Alonso For what it's worth, my override folder has thousands of files, and I've painstakingly tweaked my mods (with my own person ui, .cre, and other edits). It's true that I'm just overriding particular files with tresset's tweaks, but I'm careful to make sure to do so only when I want tresset's tweaks to take priority over anything else. I think it's a reasonable trade-off as it would just be way too complicated to figure out compatibility with all the other mods I'm using AFAIK.
I'm just overriding particular files with tresset's tweaks, but I'm careful to make sure to do so only when I want tresset's tweaks to take priority over anything else.
But when you do this, do you know what effect it has? You are overwriting a file that another mod put there. Do you know how it affects that other mod to overwrite its file with Tresset's file?
@Alonso Since I know the exact files that are being replaced, I know exactly where I can expect to see Tresset's tweak *instead* of anything any other mod put into the file.
The bottom line is that this isn't much different than any other conflict between multiple mods (which are definitely not all perfectly compatible with each other); it would be resolved by simply deciding the order in which to install them. Arguably, it's even better in this case because you don't have to guess about where exactly you'll see the preferred mod's impact.
@tl1942: I see. It looks like you do this with confidence because you have good knowledge of what each file does. I don't have that knowledge, so it can be trickier for me. Can you give an example of one of Tresset's mods overwriting files from another mod and how it affects that other mod?
This is a magical club item which I made at the request of @Zaghoul about a year ago. I recently showed the item to @JuliusBorisov and he thought it would make a good addition to my tweaks list, so here it is. So as not to spoil everyone, I will include further details in spoilers.
Item stats:
Combat abilities:
- 10% Chance to cast Burning Hands at level 5 on each hit. If the target is wielding a weapon and fails a save vs. spell, they will drop it on the ground.
THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing), +2 fire damage
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
5 Strength
Where the club can be found in game:
It can be purchased from the Temple of Yondalla in Gullykin.
I will have to check out whether some of the fixes are still necessary after the recent patches. There are likely some that are now obsolete in 2.6, yes, and if so I will probably remove those once 2.6 is fully released. In the mean time, I will leave them up for people who want to play 2.5 still.
I think one or two of my fixes have been used by Beamdog in official patches before, though (at least in terms of my inspiring their method for fixing something, even if they did not make a direct copy of my fix), such as in the case of Adalon's Drow Illusion fix (see here). I know for certain that Beamdog was inspired to fix this bug in a similar way to mine for a previous patch due to how well I managed to fix it. (Not that I intend to brag or anything, but you did ask about it.) Other than that, I think it is just that we both know about the bugs, but I can make an individual hotfix a lot faster than they can roll out a whole patch.
Hi @Tresset
While we are at suggestions.... How about fixing the potion of speed bug? Aka the inconsistency bug Beamdog decided not to fix after some beta test feedback.
The ingame description states that the potion of speed doubles your movement speed and attacks. That’s how it should be, but not how it is. Could it be fixed?
Hi @Tresset
While we are at suggestions.... How about fixing the potion of speed bug? Aka the inconsistency bug Beamdog decided not to fix after some beta test feedback.
The ingame description states that the potion of speed doubles your movement speed and attacks. That’s how it should be, but not how it is. Could it be fixed?
And I am not taking about fixing the text
Easy enough, I guess... but given the duration of the potion, it sounds incredibly OP... not something I would include in my tweaks here really... but I do make a point of fulfilling requests if they are doable... So here you go!
Again, I am clearly blind as I believe you that it is there. I have looked through that original post a bunch of times and all I see are descriptions of what the mod does. I do not see a down load link on the original post.
I was looking for one link for them all.
Does this conflict with Isandir's mod that causes the Drow illusion to change the portraits of your companions?
Also, just want to say: These tweaks are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I never stumbled onto these before. Absolutely incredible work. Bravo.
How do we download your tweaks?
My mods are Tweaks Anthology, SCS, Portraits everywhere, Lighting pack, Jimfix, EE UI Tweaks, Ammoless, Tresset’s choice tweaks and Inferno.
In case you don't know, Inferno is a little gem of a mod that fixes the bug where a caster immune to some kind of damage has his spell disrupted when attacked with that kind of damage. Ammoless is another little gem, it fixes an issue with ranged weapons that have unlimited ammo.
I'm using these ~40 hours into a massive EET install. No problems.
The engine checks that folder and uses that file instead of the original one and if the mod is a single file it is simple as that.
For the reason explained above I'm not sure that would actually work. In order to leave my installation as it was I would have to make backups of those files before I overwrite them with Tresset's files and then restore those backups if I want to "uninstall" Tresset's tweaks. Which is OK, but the question stands of whether overwriting those files will break my other mods.
So if you put let's say in the override folder a file with a modified Flail of Ages that uses a different opcode, so gives a "player friendly" free action that let you haste yourself as long as the file is in the folder whe free action of the flail works like that, but as you remove the file from the override folder and start again the game the vanilla behavior is re established, no need to make a backup of anything.
But if you use other mods, that also put files in the override folder, it is possible that the file that you put directly in the folder overwrites a file from some other mod, if they happen to have the same name. In that case it is a good idea to make a backup of the override folder before you put files directly in it, or once you erase the file that you did put in the behavior is reverted to a vanilla condition, for what matters that file, and not to the one of the other mod.
WEIDU remembers the order you install the mods, so if you uninstall a certain mod it before uninstall all the mods installed after it, then uninstalls that one and installs back the other mods to avoid problems.
But WEIDU is not aware of anything that is in the override folder if it was not put there by WEIDU itself, so the need to make backups before you put directly files in the override folder, as long as you are using WEIDU installed mods (and it is needed only if occurs that both a WEIDU installed file and the one you put in the folder yourself share the very same name (internal one, name of the file, not the name of an item or spell as it shows in the game).
I hope that now it is more clear to you
These tweaks seem like they would best best compiled and distributed in a Weidu mod hosted on the GitHub for Gibberlings3 or Spellhold Studios for ease of access.
It looks like @tl1942 has just overwritten the files that his other mods put in his override folder and he hasn't experienced problems, but I don't feel very comfortable with the idea of doing that. Maybe he has broken some of his other mods and he hasn't even noticed it. In many cases it is virtually impossible to notice that the functionality of a mod has been broken. For instance, let's say one of Tresset's files overwrites a file that SCS uses to improve the AI of enemy mages (probably that's not the case, but this is just an example to illustrate). With that file overwritten, enemy mages can no longer use Dispel Magic intelligently. However, their AI still works well for everything else. You will hardly notice something like that. Your SCS installation is now broken, but you don't even know it.
The only difference in our case is that if compatibility problems rise between 2 WEIDU installed mods you can roll back simply uninstalling them trough WEIDU, while here you have to backup the override folder before you put there the files from @Tresset to be able to easily roll back.
Then to know if compatibility issues are there, and are never caused by a mod not being WEIDU, are caused of overlapping between mods, you can analyze each file in every mod you use, thing that is time consuming and needs a good modder level knowledge, or just give to it a try in the game, if problems rise is not a big deal, you revert the override folder to the back up and don't put there the file that you suspect that causes the problem and try again.
both ways as it is possible that to avoid problems the @Tresset 's file has to override the Weidu mod one, but it is possible that the opposite is true, so the way to go should be to install first one mod, then if there are problems revert and install first the other one. If there are still problems there is no way to assure compatibility if not modifying the mods and they should not be used in the same installation.
The bottom line is that this isn't much different than any other conflict between multiple mods (which are definitely not all perfectly compatible with each other); it would be resolved by simply deciding the order in which to install them. Arguably, it's even better in this case because you don't have to guess about where exactly you'll see the preferred mod's impact.
This is a magical club item which I made at the request of @Zaghoul about a year ago. I recently showed the item to @JuliusBorisov and he thought it would make a good addition to my tweaks list, so here it is. So as not to spoil everyone, I will include further details in spoilers.
Item stats:
- 10% Chance to cast Burning Hands at level 5 on each hit. If the target is wielding a weapon and fails a save vs. spell, they will drop it on the ground.
THAC0: +2
Damage: 1d6+2 (crushing), +2 fire damage
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
5 Strength
Where the club can be found in game:
The item code for the club is Torch.itm
I will have to check out whether some of the fixes are still necessary after the recent patches. There are likely some that are now obsolete in 2.6, yes, and if so I will probably remove those once 2.6 is fully released. In the mean time, I will leave them up for people who want to play 2.5 still.
I think one or two of my fixes have been used by Beamdog in official patches before, though (at least in terms of my inspiring their method for fixing something, even if they did not make a direct copy of my fix), such as in the case of Adalon's Drow Illusion fix (see here). I know for certain that Beamdog was inspired to fix this bug in a similar way to mine for a previous patch due to how well I managed to fix it. (Not that I intend to brag or anything, but you did ask about it.) Other than that, I think it is just that we both know about the bugs, but I can make an individual hotfix a lot faster than they can roll out a whole patch.
While we are at suggestions.... How about fixing the potion of speed bug? Aka the inconsistency bug Beamdog decided not to fix after some beta test feedback.
The ingame description states that the potion of speed doubles your movement speed and attacks. That’s how it should be, but not how it is. Could it be fixed?
And I am not taking about fixing the text
Easy enough, I guess... but given the duration of the potion, it sounds incredibly OP... not something I would include in my tweaks here really... but I do make a point of fulfilling requests if they are doable... So here you go!