Many moons ago, I was on holiday with my parents and our car broke down on the actual Black Isle in Scotland. It was a Sunday evening, when everything is closed in puritan haggis-land, and we had to wait about 4-5 hours for a repair van from Edinburgh.
Cromarty, the fishing village at the eastern end of the isle (which is technically a peninsula) is old fashioned enough to not look out of place in a fantasy game. One of the largest buildings is a masonic temple.
I would love a new companion, but 5 mln are a lot! I do not think we can reach such a high goal.
There's been some confirmation that even if it starts after the Fig campaign, PayPal backers will count towards stretch further goals once that system is online. $5M isn't too far off...
There are still almost 700k worth of Fig funds that aren't showing in the campaign total. Plus eg. if everyone who has backed so far just added the DLC to their pledge that would alone be over half a million. So 5 mil isn't completely impossible, and honestly I think this will be a great game even without 8th companion.
There are still almost 700k worth of Fig funds that aren't showing in the campaign total. Plus eg. if everyone who has backed so far just added the DLC to their pledge that would alone be over half a million. So 5 mil isn't completely impossible.
Well, I bit the bullet and backed the basic digital download... and the Black Isle Bastards. Wow, there was a lot of alliteration in that last line. And... hmmm. Anyway! I have to admit I'm pretty psyched about this game now, it's looking like the sequel may well surpass its predecessor, as some people choose to believe BG2 did vs. BG1. =P
.... surpass its predecessor, as some people choose to believe BG2 did vs. BG1. =P
BG1??? Oh! You mean the BG2 flashback prequel that they happened to release first for some reason.
Mmmmm-hmmmm, snarkity Snarf snark. They learned some of their lessons about overdeveloping storyline at the cost of exploration and an adventure atmosphere, so they were able to fix that when they did the flashback prequel. ^_~
I'm a bit concerned over the fact that [i]any[/i] class can be multiclassed with any other. Fighter/wizard, fighter/rogue, or chanter/priest, sure, but I would think combinations like wizard/druid or fighter/paladin would dilute the flavor of both classes--a wizard with another set of spells, or a fighter with another set of feats.
Also I don't like the fact that the player's level will be reset to 1. Part of what made the BG series special, after all, was that there was not only continuity in your character's choices, but in the mechanical aspects of your character as well--your character at the start of BG2 is almost exactly (or in the EE, is exactly) the same as your character at the end of BG1 down to the last experience point and spell. There will be no seamless transition from a level 1 character at the beginning of PoE1 to a level 30 character at the end of PoE2 and that makes me kind of sad.
Multiclassing: if you don't like a certain combination, then don't play it. There is nothing forcing you. As for wizard/druid, that is permitted as a dual class under 2nd edition rules. You can't play it in BG because of game engine limitations only. And PoE Paladins are much more different to fighters than the D&D class that happens to share the same name.
Level restart: only avoided in BG because the level cap was so very very low, and even then by the end of BG2 levels had to be extended well beyond what the PnP rules where designed for, complely breaking the game for things like thac0 vs AC.
Given that by the end of PoE you where level 16 and crushing gods and dragons there was no way to design a fun game without a level reset. Although my personal preference would have been to kill off the original protagonist and start a new character.
[Well, it is a Miniature Giant Space Piglet, right?
Cromarty, the fishing village at the eastern end of the isle (which is technically a peninsula) is old fashioned enough to not look out of place in a fantasy game. One of the largest buildings is a masonic temple.
Also I don't like the fact that the player's level will be reset to 1. Part of what made the BG series special, after all, was that there was not only continuity in your character's choices, but in the mechanical aspects of your character as well--your character at the start of BG2 is almost exactly (or in the EE, is exactly) the same as your character at the end of BG1 down to the last experience point and spell. There will be no seamless transition from a level 1 character at the beginning of PoE1 to a level 30 character at the end of PoE2 and that makes me kind of sad.
Level restart: only avoided in BG because the level cap was so very very low, and even then by the end of BG2 levels had to be extended well beyond what the PnP rules where designed for, complely breaking the game for things like thac0 vs AC.
Given that by the end of PoE you where level 16 and crushing gods and dragons there was no way to design a fun game without a level reset. Although my personal preference would have been to kill off the original protagonist and start a new character.