Not sure if this one has been mentioned, but the thief outside High hedge... Plans greatest heist of all time, meets Charname, changes his mind about heist... Then proceeds to walk straight through the front doors of High hedge.
@Permidion_Stark - stop being such a quitter. Go steal some arrows+1 and kite those meatsacks.
Not sure if this one has been mentioned, but the thief outside High hedge... Plans greatest heist of all time, meets Charname, changes his mind about heist... Then proceeds to walk straight through the front doors of High hedge.
@Permidion_Stark - stop being such a quitter. Go steal some arrows+1 and kite those meatsacks.
I owe you some thanks because I took your advice and got myself some +1 arrows (I couldn't think of anywhere I could steal them so I had to buy them off Thunderhammer) and went to hit the joint.
First I met myself and told myself the plan:
Then I followed myself into High Hedge:
Here my doppelganger disappeared and I started turning the flesh golems into pin cushions:
I didn't want to fight two at once so I lured the first one outside:
Then I thought I had run into a problem because the second golem disappeared into Thalantyr's inner sanctum:
However, it turned out it wasn't an issue because Thalantyr doesn't react even if you slaughter his guardians in front of his eyes (he didn't even seem annoyed by the fact that I had to keep pushing him out of the way while I ran round the room kiting):
However, despite the fact that I had single handedly killed two flesh golems he still didn't seem very impressed with me:
It turned out to be one of the easiest fights I have ever had (the only problem I had was when I led the first golem outside and ran into a skeleton who started chucking throwing daggers at me). It was probably the easiest 4,000 XP I have ever earnt:
Yeah, the fun thing is that killing the golems BEFORE talking to Thalantyr is totally fine, Thalantyr will never say a word about that and 4000xp are juicy... if you kill the golems after, he becomes hostile, due to the fact that golems in that moment are neutral.
@mlnevese So Cyric said that Helm said that Mystra said that Bane heard from Bhaal that Waukeen saw Gorion's ward kill Thalantyr. But you didn't hear that from me, tee hee.
Baldur's Gate Logic: "This will not be a quick death!" shouts Dorn before swinging his two handed sword at a Xvart who immediately explodes into chunks.
Baldur's Gate Logic: "This will not be a quick death!" shouts Dorn before swinging his two handed sword at a Xvart who immediately explodes into chunks.
Perhaps the blade has an event horizon so to the xvart it will take forever?
Another odd thing about Kagain is that all he cares about is money but he will let you loot his shop without even trying to stop you.
I always roleplay he takes his belongings with him before leaving his shop to travel with Charname. I don't take anything from his shop if he's not in the party.
Baldur's Gate Logic: "This will not be a quick death!" shouts Dorn before swinging his two handed sword at a Xvart who immediately explodes into chunks.
Dorn loves torture but he's really bad at it. Doesn't know his own strength.
Baldur's Gate Logic: "This will not be a quick death!" shouts Dorn before swinging his two handed sword at a Xvart who immediately explodes into chunks.
Dorn loves torture but he's really bad at it. Doesn't know his own strength.
Reminds me a bit of the encounter in the Pocket Plane with the alternate Charname. I had Sarevok in my party, and when the fight started, he immediately made a beeline for the alternate me.
Sarevok: "DIE!"
Alt. Me: 200 damage from Deathbringer Assault. *Explodes*
Me: "So, uh... You're obviously still sore over losing to me back in Baldur's Gate, aren't you, Sarevok?"
It bothers me that you can bash a chest with a huge hammer and then retrieve unharmed potion bottles.
Also: Scripts triggered by clearing an area, even if you're invisible. Like having invisible Imoen clear the dungeon of Firewine Bridge (yes, I still go there... don't ask why, no idea) of traps, and suddenly the kobolds walk away and attack the nearest visible character, even if he happens to be on the opposite side of the map.
by the way a npc can be roasted by a barrage of fireballs that roast his flesh to ashes or melted by some acid trap, but you will be able to recover every potion and scroll not damaged at all.
it would be great that if a fireball hits you there is a chance that your precious scrolls burn and your potions boil and become not working, alchemy is an art, you use fire, but only in the right way and moment.
It bothers me that you can bash a chest with a huge hammer and then retrieve unharmed potion bottles.
My assumption has always been that you're just bashing the lock. Not like smashing the chest itself to pieces or anything.
In the IE games for sure.
In NWN where you see the chest literally smash into pieces, it's not as believable that a potion bottle would survive.
Exactly. When I played NWN for the first time, I was shocked and thought "oh no, I've destroyed the chest!" Especially because it takes a moment for the remains to appear.
Exactly. When I played NWN for the first time, I was shocked and thought "oh no, I've destroyed the chest!" Especially because it takes a moment for the remains to appear.
There are some mods with custom scripts that will destroy some of the contents of chests if you bash them open, although I think it's best to use them sparingly because melee characters will begin to feel VERY picked on after a while. XD
It bothers me that you can bash a chest with a huge hammer and then retrieve unharmed potion bottles.
In NWN 2, bashing a chest destroys the most valuable item in it, usually a magic item. So, you need your rogue (Neeshka) more than ever, unless your character is a rogue.
It bothers me that you can bash a chest with a huge hammer and then retrieve unharmed potion bottles.
In NWN 2, bashing a chest destroys the most valuable item in it, usually a magic item. So, you need your rogue (Neeshka) more than ever, unless your character is a rogue.
The valuable dragon plate armor +5?
@BelgarathMTH , thank you for the warning. I'm going to play NWN2 soon, I think, and that's good to know.
specially if you carry around hexxatt's coffin and you use it for the purpose.
it is also a good psychological warfare if every time you see a plate armored enemy you pull off a coffin
"this is where you will be at the end of this day buddy, but please jump in for a moment, i only want to check if it has the right size for you...".
EDIT: better to give to charname a couple of pips in carpentry or your friendly vampire can get quite upset
@Permidion_Stark - stop being such a quitter. Go steal some arrows+1 and kite those meatsacks.
You're right! I'll do it! It's going to be the heist of the century. Now where can I steal some +1 arrows ...
I owe you some thanks because I took your advice and got myself some +1 arrows (I couldn't think of anywhere I could steal them so I had to buy them off Thunderhammer) and went to hit the joint.
First I met myself and told myself the plan:
Forgotten Realms: Gossip Girl Edition
Perhaps the blade has an event horizon so to the xvart it will take forever?
That's actually a great idea for a small mod - let the party sleep in his shop/house if he is in the party.
I always roleplay he takes his belongings with him before leaving his shop to travel with Charname. I don't take anything from his shop if he's not in the party.
Dorn loves torture but he's really bad at it. Doesn't know his own strength.
Reminds me a bit of the encounter in the Pocket Plane with the alternate Charname. I had Sarevok in my party, and when the fight started, he immediately made a beeline for the alternate me.
Sarevok: "DIE!"
Alt. Me: 200 damage from Deathbringer Assault. *Explodes*
Me: "So, uh... You're obviously still sore over losing to me back in Baldur's Gate, aren't you, Sarevok?"
Not exactly Baldur's Gate but true anyway
Nashkel Carnival I think for thievery, Thalantyr sells them but that defeats the purpose
There's nothing better for instilling paranoia in your players than saying "You don't THINK there are any traps on the door."
Also: Scripts triggered by clearing an area, even if you're invisible. Like having invisible Imoen clear the dungeon of Firewine Bridge (yes, I still go there... don't ask why, no idea) of traps, and suddenly the kobolds walk away and attack the nearest visible character, even if he happens to be on the opposite side of the map.
it would be great that if a fireball hits you there is a chance that your precious scrolls burn and your potions boil and become not working, alchemy is an art, you use fire, but only in the right way and moment.
My assumption has always been that you're just bashing the lock. Not like smashing the chest itself to pieces or anything.
In the IE games for sure.
In NWN where you see the chest literally smash into pieces, it's not as believable that a potion bottle would survive.
Exactly. When I played NWN for the first time, I was shocked and thought "oh no, I've destroyed the chest!" Especially because it takes a moment for the remains to appear.
There are some mods with custom scripts that will destroy some of the contents of chests if you bash them open, although I think it's best to use them sparingly because melee characters will begin to feel VERY picked on after a while. XD
In NWN 2, bashing a chest destroys the most valuable item in it, usually a magic item. So, you need your rogue (Neeshka) more than ever, unless your character is a rogue.
The valuable dragon plate armor +5?
@BelgarathMTH , thank you for the warning. I'm going to play NWN2 soon, I think, and that's good to know.
a dragon plate armor +5 can take many hits without being damaged if you wear it, but is destroyed if you hit it while is in a chest.
You know what to do when you fight an enemy wearing dragon plate armour +5? Confine him in a chest first of course.
I don't know... I think this goes beyond exploit into cheating realm
it is also a good psychological warfare if every time you see a plate armored enemy you pull off a coffin
"this is where you will be at the end of this day buddy, but please jump in for a moment, i only want to check if it has the right size for you...".
EDIT: better to give to charname a couple of pips in carpentry or your friendly vampire can get quite upset