If you choose to train solely as a warrior and later completely retrain as a wizard, cleric or thief, never again improving as a warrior, you can later become a grandmaster in weaponry.
But if you train as both a warrrior and a mage, cleric or thief, and continue to do so until you become a very high level warrior with high level abilities, you will never become good enough to grandmaster a weapon.
You can never travel with more than 5 people - even when some of those people:
Might otherwise be left in a mine that is about to be flooded
Would be left vulnerable after their home had been invaded by trolls, who had murdered their family, and being at the mercy of a family of corrupt nobles
Would otherwise be left alone in a mental asylum for wizards who you have just spent months trying to rescue and is your sister
Would be summarily abandoned after having been with you for months and having risked their life helping you to rescue your sister
Would be left in a pocket plane in hell after having travelled and fought with you to help you and your sister regain your souls
Would be handy to have around bearing in mind you are about to fight The Five, who have large armies backing them up
Most of those, yeah - there should have been an RP way to get around that. I'm a bit surprised that there wasn't. The situation in Spellhold is probably the most asinine, and I think there were mods that fixed that. Of course, this is a game that doesn't always give you a polite way to turn down an NPC in the event your party is full and you don't want to swap anyone out. I was upset that there was no way to tell Dynaheir that she wasn't needed in a nicer way, for instance.
Howeer, you can resolve at least one of those if you are willing to take the time - you can have people follow you out of the pocket plane, dismiss them in the prime material, and repeat until the only one left is Mr. C - and he seems to have made a living there somehow anyway.
... but, for some reason, he doesn't let you rest when he strings that bow. Helping to string a bow is more tiring than helping to forge any of the other legendary weapons and armor Cromwell deals in.
also, even if he is probably the best armorer and weapon builder of the plane, if you bring to him the flail heads from d'arnise keep he is not able to forge flail of ages.
while you, whatever class charname is, can easily do it in the castle forge.
strange enough if you manage to get the WK flail head while in SoA, both you, at the keep forge, and him are unable to attach it to the flail, only cespenar know how to do it.
also i never did try, but i bet that if you bring to ToB the 3 heads from the keep cespenar will be not able to build the flail, and/or if you bring to him only the WK and ToB heads, that he is able to attach to the flail, but not FoA (+1, 2, or 3) he can not build a FoA+2 (electric and poison damage only) with them.
by the way cespenar states clearly that he is only able to follow some recipes that he knows, so there is some logic in how he behaves, while cromwell brags to be a super skilled weapon and armor builder, so being not able to assemble the flail has not logic at all. or better has a perfect "baldur's gate logic" .
also, even if he is probably the best armorer and weapon builder of the plane, if you bring to him the flail heads from d'arnise keep he is not able to forge flail of ages.
while you, whatever class charname is, can easily do it in the castle forge.
strange enough if you manage to get the WK flail head while in SoA, both you, at the keep forge, and him are unable to attach it to the flail, only cespenar know how to do it.
also i never did try, but i bet that if you bring to ToB the 3 heads from the keep cespenar will be not able to build the flail, and/or if you bring to him only the WK and ToB heads, that he is able to attach to the flail, but not FoA (+1, 2, or 3) he can not build a FoA+2 (electric and poison damage only) with them.
by the way cespenar states clearly that he is only able to follow some recipes that he knows, so there is some logic in how he behaves, while cromwell brags to be a super skilled weapon and armor builder, so being not able to assemble the flail has not logic at all. or better has a perfect "baldur's gate logic" .
This, IMO, was a pretty glaring oversight in the original games. I remember being especially frustrated at finding a fourth head in WK and not being able to make the FoA+4. I ended up consoling it in as a result, because by any reasonable thinking, it should have been available. I did NOT consider that a cheat.
The developers probably just didn't want to re-write old code in the De'Arnise keep, and assumed players would only ever forge the flail at the castle itself. Cespenar not being able to add the poison head without first adding the electric head is probably just lazy programming. There's a mod somewhere that lets you add the poison head first, and also give Cromwell and Cespenar access to the same recipes.
has to be told that originally SoA was created then ToB with WK was added as an expansion, so the WK head did not exist when the d'arnise forge was coded and at that time the games was distributed using physical supports, cd rom, it was not like now that the games are downloaded and easily patched, at that time many internet connections was still working at Kbytes speed, not mega or giga like now...
i don't know if the forge patch, or a cromwell one, could have been included in the ToB cd rom, possibly it could, so @semiticgod is right, it is only lazy programming. and also i don't consider a cheat to add the head in a not conventional way (mod, console or eekeeper).
but here i was focusing on the silly logic, not on its cause, the best armorer in amn not able to attach a head to an existing flail, an head that was created for that flail so a work that every blacksmith should do without any problem.
Everyone in the Sword Coast is panicked over the iron shortage crisis, when I don't know how they're planning on transporting any of it due to the horse shortage crisis.
Two thirds of all the horses in the entire Sword Coast are in the hands of Iron Throne thugs at Cloakwood Mines, and the last horse is standing next to Farmer Brun north of the Friendly Arm Inn.
Tales of the Sword Coast went on to double the number of horses by adding a whopping THREE at Ulgoth's Beard! Honestly this is the kind of quality expanded content worth paying for.
Everyone in the Sword Coast is panicked over the iron shortage crisis, when I don't know how they're planning on transporting any of it due to the horse shortage crisis.
Two thirds of all the horses in the entire Sword Coast are in the hands of Iron Throne thugs at Cloakwood Mines, and the last horse is standing next to Farmer Brun north of the Friendly Arm Inn.
Tales of the Sword Coast went on to double the number of horses by adding a whopping THREE at Ulgoth's Beard! Honestly this is the kind of quality expanded content worth paying for.
Siege of Dragonspear adds another 41 horses to the game.
@OlvynChuru so that "we must stop crusade" propaganda is simply a deception to hide true economical motivations of the coalition - accumulation of wealth by seizing horses!
You cannot become a cleric when you were originally a fighter unless you are extraordinarily wise - but Anomen can become a cleric after being a fighter even though his behaviour is extremely unwise and his stats are insufficient
Gorch: Hello, can I help you?
Charname: Yes, I am here to see Mae'Var.
Gorch: Why didn't you simply say so earlier??!
Charname: Because this conversation started five seconds ago?
So this is rather specific pet peeve of mine: when characters in games think you are weird/dumb for not giving them a certain piece of information earlier, even though you told them at the earliest possible opportunity. Screw you Gorch, you're the weird one!
Honestly we could keep this board alive just by looking at illegal character stats. But I always enjoy a good jab at Anomen even though unlike everybody else I actually like the character.
And Gorch will constantly act clueless even after your first encounter. They could've at least changed his dialogue to indicate that he had already met you.
You cannot become a cleric when you were originally a fighter unless you are extraordinarily wise - but Anomen can become a cleric after being a fighter even though his behaviour is extremely unwise and his stats are insufficient
I headcanon it like this: Anomen used to be wise enough to dual-class but his personal problems and his doubts decreased his wisdom. He gets some of it back if you help alleviate his doubts so he can become a member of the Order.
While on the topic:
Baldur's Gate / D&D 2nd Edition logic: You need a mediocre primary stat to become a certain class; for example you need 9 wisdom to become a cleric and a 9 strength to become a fighter. But to dual class, you need a very high stat in your original class and an extremely high stat in your new class. For example you need 15 STR and 17 WIS to dual from fighter to cleric.
Think of it like college: Any idiot can go to college (basic class). It takes somewhat higher qualifications to have a difficult major (Paladin, Ranger). Only those who are truly capable can double-major (dual-class).
Not sure if this one has been mentioned, but the thief outside High hedge... Plans greatest heist of all time, meets Charname, changes his mind about heist... Then proceeds to walk straight through the front doors of High hedge.
Not sure if this one has been mentioned, but the thief outside High hedge... Plans greatest heist of all time, meets Charname, changes his mind about heist... Then proceeds to walk straight through the front doors of High hedge.
He just wants to apologize in person to Thalantyr for even considering it and let him know he's not going to bother him in the future. It's the honorable thing to do.
Not sure if this one has been mentioned, but the thief outside High hedge... Plans greatest heist of all time, meets Charname, changes his mind about heist... Then proceeds to walk straight through the front doors of High hedge.
It's to throw off the scent. My dear Thalantyr, if I were to rob, why would I enter through front doors?
@mlnevese So Cyric said that Helm said that Mystra said that Bane heard from Bhaal that Waukeen saw Gorion's ward kill Thalantyr. But you didn't hear that from me, tee hee.
Well if the missiles can't hit you then it is not actually protecting you... It's logic. Twisted but logic
A spell that makes you appear as a nymph in the eyes of enemies for just a brief moment is a 7th-level spell.
Staring at a naked nymph can give you a heart attack. Even if you're female...
But if you train as both a warrrior and a mage, cleric or thief, and continue to do so until you become a very high level warrior with high level abilities, you will never become good enough to grandmaster a weapon.
Not with Tweaks Anthology you don't! Fixes that problem right up.
Most of those, yeah - there should have been an RP way to get around that. I'm a bit surprised that there wasn't. The situation in Spellhold is probably the most asinine, and I think there were mods that fixed that. Of course, this is a game that doesn't always give you a polite way to turn down an NPC in the event your party is full and you don't want to swap anyone out. I was upset that there was no way to tell Dynaheir that she wasn't needed in a nicer way, for instance.
Howeer, you can resolve at least one of those if you are willing to take the time - you can have people follow you out of the pocket plane, dismiss them in the prime material, and repeat until the only one left is Mr. C - and he seems to have made a living there somehow anyway.
while you, whatever class charname is, can easily do it in the castle forge.
strange enough if you manage to get the WK flail head while in SoA, both you, at the keep forge, and him are unable to attach it to the flail, only cespenar know how to do it.
also i never did try, but i bet that if you bring to ToB the 3 heads from the keep cespenar will be not able to build the flail, and/or if you bring to him only the WK and ToB heads, that he is able to attach to the flail, but not FoA (+1, 2, or 3) he can not build a FoA+2 (electric and poison damage only) with them.
by the way cespenar states clearly that he is only able to follow some recipes that he knows, so there is some logic in how he behaves, while cromwell brags to be a super skilled weapon and armor builder, so being not able to assemble the flail has not logic at all. or better has a perfect "baldur's gate logic"
This, IMO, was a pretty glaring oversight in the original games. I remember being especially frustrated at finding a fourth head in WK and not being able to make the FoA+4. I ended up consoling it in as a result, because by any reasonable thinking, it should have been available. I did NOT consider that a cheat.
i don't know if the forge patch, or a cromwell one, could have been included in the ToB cd rom, possibly it could, so @semiticgod is right, it is only lazy programming. and also i don't consider a cheat to add the head in a not conventional way (mod, console or eekeeper).
but here i was focusing on the silly logic, not on its cause, the best armorer in amn not able to attach a head to an existing flail, an head that was created for that flail so a work that every blacksmith should do without any problem.
The hammer was already forged in the form of the Hammer of Thunderbolts; it just needed to be refined in some way using the other components.
Two thirds of all the horses in the entire Sword Coast are in the hands of Iron Throne thugs at Cloakwood Mines, and the last horse is standing next to Farmer Brun north of the Friendly Arm Inn.
Tales of the Sword Coast went on to double the number of horses by adding a whopping THREE at Ulgoth's Beard! Honestly this is the kind of quality expanded content worth paying for.
Siege of Dragonspear adds another 41 horses to the game.
Charname: Yes, I am here to see Mae'Var.
Gorch: Why didn't you simply say so earlier??!
Charname: Because this conversation started five seconds ago?
So this is rather specific pet peeve of mine: when characters in games think you are weird/dumb for not giving them a certain piece of information earlier, even though you told them at the earliest possible opportunity. Screw you Gorch, you're the weird one!
Honestly we could keep this board alive just by looking at illegal character stats. But I always enjoy a good jab at Anomen even though unlike everybody else I actually like the character.
And Gorch will constantly act clueless even after your first encounter. They could've at least changed his dialogue to indicate that he had already met you.
I headcanon it like this: Anomen used to be wise enough to dual-class but his personal problems and his doubts decreased his wisdom. He gets some of it back if you help alleviate his doubts so he can become a member of the Order.
While on the topic:
Baldur's Gate / D&D 2nd Edition logic: You need a mediocre primary stat to become a certain class; for example you need 9 wisdom to become a cleric and a 9 strength to become a fighter. But to dual class, you need a very high stat in your original class and an extremely high stat in your new class. For example you need 15 STR and 17 WIS to dual from fighter to cleric.
He just wants to apologize in person to Thalantyr for even considering it and let him know he's not going to bother him in the future. It's the honorable thing to do.
This only happens if you encounter Permedion Stark before you open High Hedge. Otherwise he just wanders off
Yeah. If he does that, Thalantyr would absolutely kill him.
It's to throw off the scent. My dear Thalantyr, if I were to rob, why would I enter through front doors?