Favorite Wand

- Favorite Wand42 votes
- Wand of Fire23.81%
- Wand of Frost  0.00%
- Wand of Cloudkill14.29%
- Wand of Magic Missile  0.00%
- Wand of Monster Summoning11.90%
- Wand of the Heavens11.90%
- Wand of Paralyzation26.19%
- Wand of Fear  0.00%
- Wand of Sleep  4.76%
- Wand of Lightning  7.14%
That being said, the Wand of Lightning trick, exclusive to BG2 and Item Revisions in BG, can multiply all on-self spells and all quick items by six times, from Sunfire to Mass Cure to Boon of Lathander to the Efreeti Bottle, Book of Daily Spell, and all manner of scrolls, potions, and even other wands. It's easily the most powerful and versatile item in the game, with the possible exception of the Staff of the Magi.
Wand of Sleep - sends all your trouble to the slumberland.
I love the randomness of malus and bonus. Best used on allies that are protected from elements and petrification.
In SoD I just bombard everything from a safe distance..So I'll probably go for wands of fire there. You are swarmed with enemies very often there.
Yeah, easily my 2nd favorite wand and fast approaching 1st. I paralyzed Aec'Lectec with that wand
Care to explain how it works?
Although if the Rez wand was an option, I'd've hands done voted that one.
It can work for quick slot items or any on-self spell. This is how to use it to duplicate the effects on-self spells, using the example of a Sunfire spell:
1. Grab a Wand of Lightning from Chateau Irenicus, the Crooked Crane Lich, or behind the painting in the Temple Ruins in the Umar Hills questline. You can also get one via Wish, though the odds are very slim. It doesn't need many charges, but if you make a mistake, you might use up a charge and potentially destroy the wand if it only has one charge left.
2. Put it in one of your quick slots.
3. Leave the inventory screen and pause the game.
4. Click the Wand of Lightning, once. You'll see the normal moon-and-star cursor indicating you can target something with it, but unlike the normal cursor, it will have the number "6" next to it.
5. Click on the user six times. Don't do it to fast if you're using the mouse or it won't work at full strength. I prefer to just press the user's number six times (that is, for a party member in the first slot on the right side of the screen, I press the "1" key six times). This causes your character to target him or herself six times.
6. While still paused, have your character start casting Sunfire.
7. Unpause the game. The character will cast Sunfire six times simultaneously. You'll lose a single level 5 spell slot, but no charges from the Wand of Lightning.
This is how to use it to duplicate the effects of quick slot items, using the example of a Potion of Firebreath:
1. See above.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. See above.
5. Click on your intended target six times. Or, if you want to target multiple things at once, distribute the clicks as you see fit. This causes your character to target everything you just clicked.
6. Go back to the inventory. Pick up the Wand of Lightning and switch it with the Potion of Firebreath.
7. Unpause the game. The character will use the Potion of Firebreath on all the targets you selected. You'll lose the Potion of Firebreath, but no charges from the Wand of Lightning.
If you're duplicating a quick slot item, the target can be anything the Wand of Lightning can target. You can't target a point on the ground, but you can target any living creature or any item lying on the ground. You can even select targets from out of the character's field of vision, as long as either the first target or the last (I forget which) is within his or her vision. Thus, you can drop arrows around a Beholder hive and use the Wand of Lightning to throw Wand of Cloudkill charges from all the way across the map.
If you're duplicating a spell, however, the spell has to be on-self only. Thus, Boon of Lathander will work with the Wand of Lightning trick, but Fireball and Flame Arrow cannot, as Fireball and Flame Arrow can be cast on other targets as well as the caster. On-self spells also need to stack: spells like Blur no longer stack in EE even with the Wand of Lightning trick, and effects like Stoneskin and Time Stop will not stack even in the non-EE games. In addition to on-self spells, on-self items like Ras also work with the Wand of Lightning trick.
For more fun with wands, here is a NSFW Buzzfeed article about wands.
It may increase the chance of getting past magic resistance, however.
The only reason I didn't put an "Other" response, is because I ran out of opinions to add to the poll.
Yeah, that would've been a great idea in hindsight. However I was trying my best to present as many of the "main" wands as possible, and the rest is history.
For now, everyone vote your favorite wand out of the 10, and if applicable, explain your favorite wand out of them all.
- you can fire bomb targets from out of sight, often allowing you to kill enemies without showing yourself.
- cloudkill may do the above as well, but isn't much good if enemies react to being attacked. That's where the scorcher function comes into its own. The fact that the scorcher also does more than double the damage from a fireball provides some extra sweetness to that option.
Yeah, I've never been a fan of scorcher though because my party members always end up getting in the way and taking sometimes fatal fire damage.
(Recipe when Applicable)
Step 1: Cloudkill
Step 2: Close Door
Step 3: Wait patiently as your enemies suffer
Step 4: Experience
Yeah, I'm glad that Monster Summoning cheese isn't allowed anymore, it made certain parts of the game too easy.