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BG2-Do you side with Bodhi or the Shadow Thieves?



  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180
    Out of the 2, the shadow thieves always seemed the lesser of the 2 evils imo, but I agree with @rdarken, there should have at least been a third choice for all the goody 2 shoes out there
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    It just goes to how that despite the intricacies of the DnD alignment system, the way it's implemented in the BG games is disappointingly binary :(
  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180
    you do have a point there, @Schneidend
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    @Schneidend: I love that, too. Unfortunately, the majority of choices in BG are "I shall be your savior!" vs. "HAHAHA DIE MAGGOTS!", and variations thereof. The Bodhi choice is pretty much as complex and "tough" as it gets in the entire game.
  • ArcticArctic Member Posts: 76
    Loz said:

    Aran Linvail and some of the other Shadow Thieves (remember Narlen Darkwalk?) are actually quite likeable characters. Perhaps a little bit too likeable - I imagine the members of such an organisation would be pretty unpleasant if they existed in real life. But that's what we have fantasy for.

    im sure that in real life they will be nice with the baal's son.

  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Usually Shadow Thieves. Although most of my characters would rather not choose between one evil and another. Cannot be helped, thought.
  • TolkienBardTolkienBard Member Posts: 13
    Almost always the Shadow Thieves. When I was playing through as an evil mage obsessed with the power, I sided with Bodhi. But really, there are just too many reasons to not side with her. The benefit just doesn't exist, and I'm not even talking about from a game-play standpoint. The common sense approach is that the Shadow Thieves provide a much better and more appealing solution, even for evil, sadistic types.

    I'm going to have to go looking around for this Alternatives mod that folks are talking about though. It sounds fun. I just need to figure out how to make it work once I find it.
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 288
    edited September 2013
    Is there no option to take out both sides?

    Vamps - pure evil
    Shadow thieves - slightly less evil, also the group that captures you for irenicus at end of BG1
    The world is a better place if both are exterminated
  • DragonPriestDragonPriest Member Posts: 15
    It depends on your playstyle:
    Vampires: If you feel like you can't resist her and her minions' energy drain(-2 levels) and you feel like you don't have the guts to beat her and her minions, Try taking the mantle of the Vampires.

    Shadow Thieves: If you feel like a pro and you can resist Bodhi's energy drains. You can take the side with the Thieves.

    I prefer vamp for me. 'Cause i'm playing dragon disciple, and besides, my character and my party is complete evil. It depends on you.
  • twillighttwillight Member Posts: 65
    The differences:

    Siding the Shadow Thieves:
    - you are with the better guys
    - you gain one more ally when you return to Amn
    - you have to fight level draining monsters, and for a start no negative plain protection item

    Siding with Bodhi:
    - no need to fight level draining monsters early
    - Ring of Jinn summoning
    - less support against Bodhi when you return to Amn
    - you are with the clearly evil guys



    Shadow Thieves:
    - harder battle earlier
    - slightly easier battle later

    - easier battle earlier
    - slightly harder battle later
    - one more summoning item
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    twillight said:

    - you have to fight level draining monsters, and for a start no negative plain protection item

    Actually you are given a Amulet of Power when you talk to Aran Linvail for the first time.
    And in BG2:EE and vanilla BG2, siding with Bodhi gives less XP, you can of course fix this with aTweaks 'Unbiased Quest Rewards'.
  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    "Shadow Thieves-" just the name. And I didn't want to side with one of my least favorite monsters in Faerun.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Honestly, the penchant is for me to go bad. I couldn't do either one exclusively on every run though—I will happily join the Shadow Thieves after a run or two with Bodhi. I don't wanna do the same thing over and over, and would rather experience all of the content the game has to offer.
  • toshirotoshiro Member Posts: 113
    edited November 2014
    Too bad they don't follow the book more, though they would have too add another love interest Bohdi herself. At least with her you know her favorite position on things, looking up at ceiling.
  • DullSkullTheSecondDullSkullTheSecond Member Posts: 243
    Suits evil characters:
    Join the vampires and help them take down their opposition and ascend the amn criminal underworld. Only to strike them down when you gain their trust/respect and take over as the new leader to use their resources to gain wealth, wenches and the power to take down Irenicus from the comfort of a crypt.

    Sadly the masterplan blows up in charnames face and the dreams of controlling a guild of vampire assassins and thieves had to remain a dream. Meh at least you get to butcher every last guild in amn as a consolation prize and get loads of xp and loot.

    Mohahaha >:]
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    edited November 2014
    I never cared for Bodhi, so i picked Shadow Thieves evertime. Plus why wouldn't i? They are a large network that can benefit me in the long run.
    Post edited by Vasculio on
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited November 2014
    The first time I played, I picked the shadow thieves, every other time after that, I picked Bodhi and her vampires due to the fact that I hate cutting through the same dungeon twice in the same playthrough. :D
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Shadow Thieves approached me first.
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    Orchestrating my first major crime wave with Yoshimo and Potions of Master Thievery, carefully implementing an artful strategy that transgressed the 15,000GP trigger threshold but deftly avoided Valen, finessing the game ala Ocean's Eleven....was fun!!

    And I felt so virtuous for not stooping so low as the cheap trick of Infinite Money.

    Shadow much more interesting as a part of the Body Politic.
  • NihilusNihilus Member Posts: 192
    edited November 2014
    I always side with the Shadow Thieves (my protagonists have always been good or neutral), but I also always go hear Bodhi out first. I just LOVE the part where you get to meet Bodhi in the graveyard district at nighttime: I LOVE the ambient sounds and I LOVE the advice and warnings your party members give you during the discussion. Easily one of my favorite parts of the game.
  • aerefrygtaerefrygt Member Posts: 16
    Shadow Thieves. I like buying a protection scroll vs undead and just whack on stupid vampires (probably a waste of the scroll but it's fun)
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    Shadow Thieves -- I've never sided with the vampires because I don't enjoy playing evil. Although it occurs to me if you judge goodness by results rather than intent that siding with the vampires might actually be better for the citizens of Amn. In the end the vampires are put to rest and the Shadow Thieves are decimated.
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    Loz said:

    Aran Linvail and some of the other Shadow Thieves (remember Narlen Darkwalk?) are actually quite likeable characters. Perhaps a little bit too likeable - I imagine the members of such an organisation would be pretty unpleasant if they existed in real life. But that's what we have fantasy for.

    I always thought of Aran as a businessman who was making an investment in the future. You and he have business together -- no need to be rude, good reason for you to be pleased with the transaction. I think he knows that he is talking to someone who could take up Bhaal's portfolio -- the head of criminal organization wouldn't want to upset the pretender to the throne of assassins. Aran is just more Nucky Thompson than he is Al Capone.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2014
    mlnevese said:

    This is the first time ever I've seen anyone sorry the games are not closer to the books' storyline...

    Minsc needs red hair!


    As for the poll I'm sticking with my original answer. Though I do like to change things up from time to time and back Bodhi.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    elminster said:

    mlnevese said:

    This is the first time ever I've seen anyone sorry the games are not closer to the books' storyline...

    Minsc needs red hair!


    As for the poll I'm sticking with my original answer. Though I do like to change things up from time to time and back Bodhi.
    He also needs to get back in the kitchen!
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