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[MOD LIST] Mods by AionZ/Artemius_I

 TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
edited July 2019 in General Modding
Since the number of mods I have created has reached the point where I have a dozen threads that require maintaining and need to compete with other threads at the same time for visibility, I have created this list of all the mods I have created in order to have a condensed thread where I can post notices for new updates or mods that don't need their own threads.
  • My larger mods, namely NPC and kit mods will still maintain their threads in the case of news or updates, but my smaller mods will hopefully receive a little more attention here.
  • I will not post anything on unfinished or concept mods in this post. Information on those can be found either in their own threads or on my site.
  • I do not (directly) design or support mods for IWD:EE, PST:EE or any pre-EE Infinity Engine games, and have no plans for adapting my mods (this obviously applies to any kit, item or spell mods that I create) for any of the aforementioned engines. I do support EET, but only via assistance from others. Please don't ask for compatibility patches.
  • Most of my mods have been designed using v2.0+ versions of EE. Therefore, they will probably not work for those still on v1.3. Again, please don't ask.
  • Link to my mod site:
  • Link to my Discord:

A lawful good female tiefling paladin of Ilmater. Banters, friendship, romance for both genders and a custom-designed kit.
A neutral good male human priest of Tyr with an irreverent and sarcastic attitude. Banters, friendship and original voicing.
A true neutral female half-drow hivemaster. An expansion of the original BG2 minor character with banters and friendship. No voicing.
A lawful good gnome artificer thief. Banters, friendship, quest, new items and hints towards a romance with a female PC.

This mod adds a collection of custom-made kits and reworks of existing kits for various classes and is a compilation of Arcane Archer, Pale Master, Mystic Fire, Hivemaster, Warhorn Shaman and Way of the Assassin.
Adds five new bard kits to the game, each with specialized custom bard songs. Additionally, a new store that sells bardic items is added to a BG2:EE install.


A rough implementation of the 3e warlock as a unique class.

Adds a new school of magic to the game. Play as a Shadow Adept with a selection of 100+ exclusive Shadow Weave spells, some with similarities with Weave magic while others are completely original. Shadow Magic is more powerful than regular magic but also dangerous as it drains the user's life force. Includes new kits with exclusive spells, items and familiars.

Assorted personalized tweaks that fit no particular category

Patches up all empty animations for Sarevok's model, allowing it to be used without crashing or disappearing models.
Post edited by TheArtisan on


  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    This will certainly be handy.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Pai'Na has been updated to v1.4, improving the hivemaster kit and providing an option for the PC to become a hivemaster as well through unusual means.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Convenient Dialogue Tweaks has been renamed Convenience Tweaks for BG1 in light of its recent update to v1.2.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Aura for BG:EE (not SoD yet) is now available as a beta release
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Shadow Magic has been updated to v0.95.
    • Shadow Disciple (sorcerer) and Nightsinger (bard) added
    • 3 new spells
    • 2 new items
    • various bugfixes
    Aura for BG:EE and BG:SoD has been updated to v0.3.
    • added SoD Banters
    • fixes bugs and typos
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited January 2018
    Aura BG1 has been updated to v0.5.
    • Changes the rune descriptions
    • If installed after Spell Revisions, runes cast SR-versions of spells
    • Fixes a few timers causing some SoD talks to fire too quickly
    • Disables banters in dungeons
    • Adds a few ambient comments in SoD
    • Fixes kicking out dialogue in SoD
    • Improved explosive visuals
    • Improved icons
    • Fixed a few dialogue triggers
    • Fixed banter timers
    Drake BG1 has been updated to v0.5.1.
    • Fixed dialogue loop after talking to Delainy/Durlyle
    • Fixed SoD dialogue bugs
    • SoD - Fixed bug that causes Drake to disappear during ruby wine quest.
    Way of the Assassin has been updated to v1.2.
    • Analysis changed to +2 at 1st level and an additional +1 at 5th level + every 5 levels thereafter
    • Analysis buildup should hopefully be more consistent now
    • Description has been updated to hopefully be easier to read, with ability descriptions put at the bottom
    • Poison Weapon changed to deal 2-10 flat poison damage per round rather than several instances of one damage
    • New icons for abilities
    • Poison Weapon (and Death Attack HLA) make weapons glow while active
    • Deathblow, Greater Deathblow and Critical Strike are replaced with three unique HLAs: Expose Weakness, Assassin's Blade and Death Attack
    • New component: make Imoen an assassin
    True Berserker Minsc has been updated to v1.5.1.
    • Fixed bug with Mighty Blow stacking uses
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Aura-BG1 has been updated to v0.6.

    Added extra bear-related dialogue
    Fixed repeating dialogue bug
    Fixed rank III Sunshooter creating five Lightning Arrows instead of two
    Added hard cap to number of runes per session
    Added optional mage/thief and cleric/thief dual-kit alternates
    Added restrictions to upgraded Idol of Kozah
    Made the Undercellar battle easier
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Aura BG1:
    • Added illusionist restrictions to mage/thief Aura
    • Added learned spells for mage/thief Aura at higher levels
    • Made the Undercellar battle easier again
    • Fixed SoD-versions of Aura having too many skill points
    • Fixed C/T Aura reverting to cleric animations in SoD
    • Fixed erroneous scripts that caused dialogues to trigger too early
    • Fixed Artificer-only item restrictions
    • Fixed single-class Aura's loss of Set Snare
    • Added alternate portrait by Pantalion
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Shadow Magic:
    • Merged sorcerer, bard and familiar into main component (each can still be chosen separately)
    • Added Hit Point cost as an alternative resource (cost = spell level*2)
    • Added 4 new spells: Cursed Flames (lv1), Hallucinate (lv2), Void Edge (lv3), Pain Mirror (lv4)
    • Fixed sorcerer spell progression (overall nerf)
    • Shadow adepts (and other kits) get sequencers and contingencies for free
    • HLAs now have Constitution/Hit Point costs
    • Fixed bugs on Pain Mirror
    • Fixed kit descriptions for Hit Point cost option
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Shadow Magic:
    • Added dialogue to Kryn and his apprentices
    • Added hints to apprentices' locations to Bub Snikt, Oublek and Tethtoril
    • Fixed Nightsinger's familiar to level up with the player
    • Fixed Nym appearing twice instead of Chang
    • Fixed Sorcerer spell progression and charisma-based spell gains (huge net nerf)
    • Fixed disappearing Sequencers and Contingencies
    • Added Merciless Blizzard (8th level) and Fiery Pandemonium (9th level)
    • Reworked Oblivion Pull
    • Added 8d8 damage to Shadow Dragon Breath
    • Altered several spells to ignore magic resistance
    • Buffed a few spells' saving throw modifiers
    • Buffed a few spells' durations
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Added the warlock (v0.1)
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47
    Please excuse this question
    I vaguely remember discussion about a possible Caelar mod. I can't find that topic anymore but know you were in that discussion. Not sure if it was you who wanted to do the mod or just provided input.
    Is there such a plan?
    Please forgive if I'm all wrong here.
  • MateoFrozenMateoFrozen Member Posts: 83
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2018
    Thank you. (Even if it is just a preview cutscene I found, no further information).
    Something seems to be happening.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Yes, there is more than what was presented. I too helped with some bits of that mod. It will take time, but it is not a dead project. If anything changes, I believe Artemius will inform people who may be waiting for the mod to be released.
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2018

    Yes, there is more than what was presented. I too helped with some bits of that mod. It will take time, but it is not a dead project. If anything changes, I believe Artemius will inform people who may be waiting for the mod to be released.

    Do you know by chance if that mod is for Caelar in later parts of the game after SoD or also adds some alternative for protagonist to deal with her during SoD?
    Just asking if that is not too spoilerish. The background to ask is a discussion about a missing alternative in SoD. There are dialogue options but they are all railroaded to not ally with Caelar. Some mod may want to add it but avoid overlap or incompatible content. Related to this
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    edited February 2018
    There is a thread for this project here.
    There is some info there. It's been a while since author's last post in there and as some might have noticed, he released some stuff/updates since then. All I know is that the project is not dead. I believe that Artemius will tell more once he has a moment and he will share new stuff once he's ready to show more. Same goes for the information to share with people. Mods transform when they are worked on. Artemius is the one who should share most up-to-date information about his project. I'm just some guy who helps with some details.
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47

    There is a thread for this project here.
    There is some info there. It's been a while since author's last post in there and as some might have noticed, he released some stuff/updates since then. All I know is that the project is not dead. I believe that Artemius will tell more once he has a moment and he will share new stuff once he's ready to show more. Same goes for the information to share with people. Mods transform when they are worked on. Artemius is the one who should share most up-to-date information about his project. I'm just some guy who helps with some details.

    Thank you very much.
    In fact the link was the topic I was searching all the time *Fallen Light* never turned up in any searches for Caelar.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    This is not the thread to discuss my works in progress, there is a thread where you can discuss The Fallen Light if you want to:

    Just bear in mind that I'm not willing to disclose too much right now because things are still very subject to change but it is a BG2-only mod. I am not modifying SoD's plot and it would actually make things harder for me since I would then have to take any changes in SoD into account as well.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Warlock updates:

    Fixed the glabrezu's glitchy AI
    Fixed a few spell errors. Hellfire Blast - Hideous Blow works correctly, Leaps and Bounds grants AC as intended
    Fixed Eldritch Chain's game-breaking bug. Secondary projectiles are no longer area of effect and causing exponential damage with the number of targets around.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Warlock and Way of the Assassin have both been traify-ed. Thanks to @LavaDelVortel for giving me the resources. If anyone wants to translate the mod to another language, go ahead.

    Warlock v0.5:
    • Traify-ed mod.
    Way of the Assassin v1.3:
    • Traify-ed mod. Added a couple of bugfixes, Poison-immune enemies now properly resist all effects (damage and constitution loss). Enhanced Backstab effects no longer work on undead and elementals. Improved two HLA icons.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Warlock v0.5 had issues with the dialogue from being traify-ed. It's now been fixed.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Aura v1.0
    • This can be considered the first stable release. As far as I can tell the mod is fully playable without any major bugs. The automaton has been updated to use the PST model with improved attacks (slashing mainhand, crushing offhand with chance to stun). A couple of bugs have been fixed.
    • Fixes a banter related issue in BG1 (repeating banter with Alora) and a gamebreaking banter bug in SoD where Aura permastutters after running out of banters with certain characters. Sorry.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    So, I did a complete mod reinstall to try Aura out on my next playthrough. The same day, you post 1.0 update. I think "no big deal I'll keep playing". Restartitis hits hard (due to a glitch) so I re-install again. Now here we are and 1.1 with a gamebreaking bug fix. Not complaining, I find this hilarious. Everytime I start a new run, some mod I'm using gets updated as soon as I finish my mod install.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    Just posting to say that I think you're one of the most talented modders around here Artemius_I and I really appreciate the work you put in here.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited May 2018
    Convenience Tweaks
    • Convenience Tweaks --> renamed to House Rules. This mod will contain assorted tweaks that I've made for my own use.
    • Shoal dialogue and Neera joining tweaks removed as v2.5 patch add changes that serve the same purpose.
    • Added Vanguard Kit component
    • Added Adventurer Kit component
    • Added Increased Constitution Bonuses component
    • Added Warrior HLAs component
    • Added Good-Aligned Roleplay Options component (BG2:EE)
    • Added Cloak of Dragomir only decreases stats in daylight component (BG2:EE)
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited May 2018
    House Rules v1.1
    • Added Divine Champion Paladin Kit component
    • Added Expanded Racial Enemies component
    Sirene BG1 v2.4
    • Merged BG:EE and SoD components
    • Enabled Martyr kit for player characters
    • Added extra uses of Lay on Hands to Martyr kit
    • Fighter/Cleric alternate class removed
    • Added optional Divine Champion alternate kit (requires House Rules mod)
    • Added two alternate portraits
    • Added crossmod banters with Aura
    • SoD banter scripts made more reliable
    Sirene BG2 v1.8
    • Merged main component with RE crossmod
    • Enabled Martyr kit for player characters
    • Added extra uses of Lay on Hands to Martyr kit
    • Added alternate kit options
    • Added two alternate portraits
    • Rebalanced a few items
    Shadow Magic v1.6
    • Familiar stat growths have been streamlined and they scale much better.
    • Familiar's spells now benefit from INT and WIS bonuses like the shadow adept
    • Yin’rou now has Favored Enemy: Shadow
    • Ka’Shai now sings the Nightsinger’s Song
    • Nyx has improved thieving skills and more uses of Shadowstep
    • Familiar weapons all have unique effects
    • Familiars gain HLAs (or higher level spells) at summoner level 26
    • v1.6.1 - Shade Wolf gets his HLAs properly and uses a new animation.
    • v1.6.2 - Shade Wolf attack drains levels on hit instead of erroneously increasing levels
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Shadow Magic
    • Improved visual effects
    • Added minor interactions with familiars in Temple Ruins
    • Added maximum hit point cost subcomponent
    • Added no cost subcomponent
    • Added minor crossmod content with Foundling - Foundling may use Shadow Magic items and player gains extra dialogue options
    • Shadow Monk may now use IWD:EE sneak attacks
    • Shadow Adept multi-classes have been updated to proper multi-class kits in order to give them the correct HLA tables. Kit names:
    • Fighter/Mage -> Shade Warrior
    • Mage/Thief -> Nightblade
    • Cleric/Mage -> Nightbringer
    • Fighter/Mage/Thief -> Shadow Enforcer
    • Fighter/Mage/Cleric -> Dark Justiciar
    • Shadow Orb's been updated to provide the multi-class kits above for the corresponding classes. Shadow Adept stat requirements (12 CON, 9 INT, 9 CHA) are now required for successful kit change. The shadow orb is destroyed after use, whether successful or not.
    • The randomly occurring SoA starting bug should be fixed
    • Shadow Monk can now use Shadow Adept items
    • Shadow Double and Invoke Reflection simulacrums have AI
    • Improved and fixed a few visuals
    • v1.81 - All shadow kits get familiars as intended.
    • v1.81 - Collapsed all optional subcomponents in component 1.
    • v1.82 - See here.
    House Rules
    • Added Expanded Shapeshifting component
    • v1.21 - Fixed Divine Champion's priest spell restriction
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