@StefanO I have just done it with CD Tweaks. Thanks for informing me though.
Clearly, going into SoD overwrote the cap introduced by The Drittz Saga. (Perhaps the reason why that option is deprecated in EET.
Since I had a saved game at the end of BG1, I edited my character to discover what happened with vartious scenarios. If I dual classed a fighter to a cleric just before the death of Saverok, the cleric starts SoD at level 3 and not far from level 4. It would clearly have been better to do the dual-classing immediately upon entering that building, but I can think about any fine-tweaking when I play an actual game.
I've done some experimenting and I can do solo runs if I make a point of moving more slowly and if I use multiple different methods of making mouse inputs. So, using the touchscreen on my laptop minimizes the strain in my hands, but tires out my arms. Using the touchpad below my keyboard requires little arm movement, but can hurt my hands if I rely on it too much. Using the mouse is the only way of dealing with complex, fast-paced fights, but also applies the most strain. If I switch from hand to hand and alternate methods, and if I use auto-attack from AI when kiting to save button presses for pausing and attacking, I can avoid wearing out certain muscles or putting too much strain on certain tendons.
This let me get a solo Sword Dancer into SoD. I played too fast, though, and I got a little hurt today--it's easy to get back into the old rhythm of fast inputs, and forget to slow down and let the next fight wait another day while my hands recover.
Unfortunately, party runs are basically a complete no-go. Managing 6 party members, or even just 2, requires so many more inputs than solo play, and if I tried playing a party run, I'm sure I would end up putting too much pressure on my hands in an attempt to make progress.
I never realized it before, but this game really does require a lot of mouse clicks, and things are very different if you can't make the clicks. I'm not completely out of the game, but I'm still very restricted. I think my best days are past me at this point.
Which I think I'm okay with. The solo LoB Archer run was a nice way to cap off my time as a no-reloader. I'm still quite proud of that run, even if I might never do something like it again.
I wonder if this game really strains mouse&hand more than others. I've never before had any problems with my mouses. But playing this game I first broke my primary gaming mouse, which was less than three years old. It got the double click problem, the button switch was broken and needs replacement. Started using my secondary, cheaper mouse, and it got the same problem in few months. There's no way of playing this game nR with this problem, so I need to buy another mouse before continuing.
I wonder if this game really strains mouse&hand more than others. I've never before had any problems with my mouses. But playing this game I first broke my primary gaming mouse, which was less than three years old. It got the double click problem, the button switch was broken and needs replacement. Started using my secondary, cheaper mouse, and it got the same problem in few months. There's no way of playing this game nR with this problem, so I need to buy another mouse before continuing.
I have never had a problem with dying mice. I wonder if it's the way you use it. I have automatic pause on my games which might put less strain on the poor animal.
I wonder if this game really strains mouse&hand more than others. I've never before had any problems with my mouses. But playing this game I first broke my primary gaming mouse, which was less than three years old. It got the double click problem, the button switch was broken and needs replacement. Started using my secondary, cheaper mouse, and it got the same problem in few months. There's no way of playing this game nR with this problem, so I need to buy another mouse before continuing.
I have never had a problem with dying mice. I wonder if it's the way you use it. I have automatic pause on my games which might put less strain on the poor animal.
Could be, I don't use auto pauses etc. It also could be that my gaming mouse was just poorly built. I did google it and it seems there was people with the same problem with it. And the secondary cheaper one, well maybe it was just too cheaply built. I'm going to switch to another brand to see if they hold up better.
It takes getting used to, but I ended up quite enjoying my no-reload runs on android. At first pausing was such a pain that I let them get on with things like a boss with a light touch.
I've Android tablet but I've always thought it's a lot clumsier than keyboard&mouse? Might try it though.
You are not able to set 1.400 skull traps at the ascension final fight... but who does that anyway? it’s so 2018 btw.
Just noticed that there's some problems buying the BG2 EE for Android currently so I've to wait that. I might buy it anyway even if it feels clumsier, could be nice additional activity for summer cottage etc.
The left and right click buttons can be switched, allowing you to use the mouse in either hand. I'm uncomfortable using my left hand to work the mouse, but I've done it before when my right hand was injured. (I have used my left hand before to keep playing through a sprained wrist episode and some other right hand problems.)
There is no need to move your arms at all. The pointer is controlled by moving the trackball with your index and middle fingers. Your thumb left-clicks and operates the programmable button on the left (I usually put space on it), and your ring finger right-clicks and operates the programmable button on the right (I usually put Q for quicksave on it.)
You can rest your hand on top of the mouse, and your entire hand is supported all the way across the palm.
You can also pick it up and hold it different ways, that is, it doesn't need to be resting on a surface to work. It makes it very easy to keep changing the position of your mousing arm as needed - which has also helped me with gaming-related shoulder pain.
I suspect that it is only worthwhile looking for Dynaheir's Diary if I have both Dynaheir AND Edwin in the party. Is that correct? (apart from the experience for finding it)
In my heavilly modded installation, I am repeatedly getting crashes particularly when making large changes to the number of items in bags of holding. Any information why this should be happening will be gratefully received.
I am becoming rather paranoid about this happening and as a result am saving an excessive number of times.
I think I've figured out a way to win a no-reload SCS+Ascension restless poverty run. The party makeup is:
Shadowdancer (Charname)
Bounty Hunter
Dark Moon Monk
Totemic Druid
And one empty slot for an extra whatever. The whole thing revolves around the Reform Party trick. First, for general fights, you can have the Totemic Druid and Bounty Hunter spam summons and traps. For harder fights in closer quarters, things get a little more complicated.
The top-tier battle plan is for the Shadowdancer to go invisible, have someone drop a stack of ankheg shells, and then remove every single other character from the party, leaving the enemy with no valid targets. After 6 seconds, you can then have the Shadowdancer talk to the other party members, potentially using the over-encumbrance trick to talk to everyone simultaneously even from long distances. Then, each party members can do whatever they want. The Bounty Hunter can set a trap and the Totemic Druid can summon a new animal. Then the Shadowdancer goes invisible again and kicks the other party members out, screwing with enemy aggro.
The Bounty Hunter sets traps instantaneously. The Shadowdancer hides instantaneously. If the Dark Moon Monk blinds the Bounty Hunter before a fight, you can have the Shadowdancer go invisible every 6 seconds, breaking invisibility only to talk to the Bounty Hunter, bringing the Bounty Hunter back into the party just long enough to set a single trap before vanishing.
The net result? Two thieves are just standing in plain sight, completely ignored by the enemy even while one of them keeps nailing everyone with Special Snares. If the Shadowdancer fails to hide, another party member can join the group to distract the enemy--or you can have the Shadowdancer stand far to the side and speak with the Bounty Hunter at a distance using the ankheg shells. By the time you're fighting enemies that can see through invisibility like Belhifet or the Slayer, you don't need Shadowdancer invisibility anyway: Caelar can buy you time against Belhifet to set up a wall of animals buddies, and the Bounty Hunter will have infinite Maze traps in BG2.
In between fights, the Cavalier can (very slowly) heal everyone with Lay on Hands, the Dark Moon Monk's blindness can enable the blind thief trick, the Totemic Druid can summon new walls, the Bounty Hunter can set traps, and if you use the Quick Save trick to refresh aura, the the Dark Moon Monk can stack Frozen Fists to land instant kills on the first round of combat.
Disablers could be dangerous without an Inquisitor, but nearly all disablers are party-friendly and kicking someone out of the party would make them immune to the projectile. The party would still be inflexible in the sense that it could not resurrect anyone without relying on a finite number of plot-related resurrections like from Shoal or (I think) the post-Hell resurrections.
It's rather dependent on execution, though, and previous testing has found that enemies don't automatically ignore characters who have left the party; kicking someone out of the group doesn't immediately make them invisible to enemies. Implementing the plan would need to be very precise, and I'm not sure I have that precision anymore.
A note on the restless poverty run concept: since critical failures for stealth checks apparently exist, you would need to have an unkitted bard on hand, singing a song offscreen, in order to guarantee that both a Shadowdancer and Bounty Hunter could remain hidden indefinitely. The Dark Moon monk could also stay invisible indefinitely when blinded, though its attacks, however fast, won't be instantaneous like a Bounty Hunter's traps would be.
I've also thought about an Easy mode run. The +6 luck would open up some interesting opportunities, since nearly all weapons would deal maximum damage almost all the time and almost all spell damage would be reduced to 1's for the party. The bonus to hit rolls would also be a pretty big deal.
I've also thought about a Story mode run with a special exception, like "the run ends if Charname hits 1 HP and any party member has to leave the group at 1 HP." Adding the exception would keep the danger of the run alive while still allowing you to benefit from the other goodies from Story mode, like all your attacks striking as +5 weapons, 25 Strength, and immunity to instant death effects and stat drain kills.
I am wanting to have cleric/mages with appropriate kits for the cleric part depending on race.
I would like the mage part also to have a kit, but know that only one kit is possible at a time.
If I create a mage with a kit such as Illusionist and then use EE Keeper to make it into a cleric/mage with a kit such as Alaghor of Clangeddin for a dwarven cleric/mage, I know that there will be no reference to him being an illusionist.
However, how would the mage part change?
I can foresee three possibilities.
1) He would lose his extra spell slots and would be able to learn spells from all schools.
2) He would keep his extra spell slots and still have the restrictions concerning spells
3) Some combination of the above.
Could somebody inform me which of the above actually happens? I would like it to be option 2, but strongly suspect that it would be 1 or 3.
Does anyone know if HLA's can be gained in BG & SoD with the appropriate experience? I play with the XP cap removed and it's not too hard to reach that lvl solo with a little extra work. I just don't know if they are incorporated into BG class abilities, or can only be gained in BG2 with the same XP.
Does anyone know if HLA's can be gained in BG & SoD with the appropriate experience? I play with the XP cap removed and it's not too hard to reach that lvl solo with a little extra work. I just don't know if they are incorporated into BG class abilities, or can only be gained in BG2 with the same XP.
With EET installed, I would expect that they can, however it is easy enough to check. Open the game up in EE Keeper and increase the experience to the required level. Save the game with a new name in Keeper. Then open the edited game. level up and see what happens. You will then know the answer for your set-up, which could be differeent in another set-up.
Does anyone know if HLA's can be gained in BG & SoD with the appropriate experience? I play with the XP cap removed and it's not too hard to reach that lvl solo with a little extra work. I just don't know if they are incorporated into BG class abilities, or can only be gained in BG2 with the same XP.
In my game, Edventar's gift has the effect of giving freedom of action, which is correct, but also adds 100 hp to the wearer.
Any ideas about what is going wrong and how to correct it.
Weidu log attached.
There are two versions in my installation and both have the same effect.
I have discovered other versions of this ring which have a slightly different name. One works perfectly, so I am using EE Keeper to assign that ring in place of the faulty one that was there previously. The Correct ring is BDRING09.ITM
Thanks for help finding missing mods with SHS being down. I eventually found most of them with a little help. Some may be a bit outdated, but should be OK. I'll have another look at SHS when they are up and running again.
I still have the following files missing.
I don't have the friendship mod for Coran BG1 however I am not sure if it ready for EET.
I don't seem to have LongerRoadEE-1.6.6.zip at all. THIS IS THE MAIN PROBLEM I THINK.
I have bgqe-v19.zip but not v20
I have Fade_v5-2.zip but not Fade v5.4.zip
I have stratagems-v32.3.exe but not v 32.4
I do wish that EET used identical file names to those of the files that are downloaded. Or is somebody else causing the problems.
Since it ia just the Longer Road and the Coran Friendship mods that are missing, I think that I'll just miss out those, and hope that the mods that have been updated since my most recent version are OK.
I am using the automatic installer and am wondering if it would be easiest to change the names of the files to the name that the installer is expecting so I don't have to put in quite so much input during installation.
It was certainly simpler to change their names. Far less input.
Traditionally, the Transmuter has been held to be one of the worst classes in the game, and definitely the worst mage class due to its lack of Spell Immunity and PFMW, both of which are considered instrumental for tackling BG2.
I'm considering trying out a solo run with a Transmuter and I think it's actually pretty realistic.
I know I talk about the Wand of Lightning trick a lot, but it does seem to cover some gaps in a Transmuter's toolbox, and there are other strong alternatives as well. Now, a solo wizard has a decent chance of staving off Remove Magic through levels alone, at least for much of BG2, and stacking Spirit Armor spells can guarantee successful saves against Chaos and so forth. Likewise, stacking Shield Amulet charges can get you -20 AC vs. missiles and give you a decent shot at dodging stuff like Illasera's arrows--which, notably, dispel at level 30, while a solo Transmuter could be at level 31 by ToB even without disabling the XP cap. The Ravager dispels at level 25, which ostensibly should be a 100% failure rate against a level 30+ mage's spells.
As for resistances, there are always potions and green scrolls on hand. And, again, the Wand of Lightning trick can multiply their effects. Last I saw, the WoL trick doesn't multiple Sunfire, but it might still multiple Malavon's Rage.
Perhaps most importantly, it can multiply Wish, which means you have a solid shot at landing the critical Wish-rests, double-length Time Stops, Heal spells, and Hardiness spells with a casting time of 0 if you have both the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power equipped.
The WoL trick also has a 90% chance of letting you duplicate the Book of Daily Spell infinitely, which means unlimited Spell Turning spells, and the Staff of the Magi's Spell Trap can also shore up a Transmuter's defenses a little.
Plus, it can spread the Rift Device across 6 targets, so you could smuggle it out of the Temple sewers with the help of Roger the Fence (dunno if familiars can still smuggle it, but I don't usually get cat and ferret familiars anyway) and then nail Melissan and the Five with it.
If we really want to break things, you can always just use WoL-boosted Potion of Power stacking with the help of the Quick Save trick to survive Slayer Change indefinitely, and in the most recent version of Ascension, a character with 6 million XP or more can switch to the Ravager form and get 50% damage resistance, 5 APR, lots of immunities, -7 THAC0, and +250 HP. I'm not sure if you can perform the trick more than once given a limited number of Potions of Power, though, and I've seen the Slayer trick cause an unstoppable crash, so if you hit a wall and have to return to normal form, you might not be able to go back.
Ascension can also be more forgiving on lower difficulties. I've been on Insane with bonus damage disabled for a while, since SCS v32 only does full pre-buffing on Insane and LoB mode, but if I bumped it down to Core or Normal, I don't think you need to fight any Fallen Solars at the Throne of Bhaal, which means the only dispelling arrows you'd ever have to worry about would be Illasera's. But Illasera, both at the start of ToB and the end, should be easily killable with a whole bunch of Skull Traps stacked in the right place.
In the solo LoB thread, @Grond0 and @histamiini and I have been tooling around with a 1-HP mage build in which you spend all of BG1 and SoD as a level 1 with your Constitution reduced to 1, dropping your base HP to 1 and making you completely immune to damage as long as you're on Insane or LoB mode, have bonus damage enabled, don't level up, and don't get any HP or CON bonuses. Not sure if that's workable here, though, since a level 1 character could very easily struggle to beat BG2 even with immunity to damage. As for staying at level 1 for just BG1 and SoD, that's not really necessary anyway; even a solo Transmuter doesn't need the 1 HP trick to get to Chateau Irenicus. Plus, the CON penalty in BG2 would be much more meaningful since the Girdle of Fortitude is dispellable.
Notably, Improved Alacrity is not dispellable, so if you can get it off the ground, you can actually restore Stoneskins and such if necessary.
Time Stop can take the place of PFMW in most contexts. Without Fallen Solars, only a few Ascension enemies could stand up to INT drain (mind flayer attacks strike as +2 normally, but +3 with Enchanted Weapon), and some of those could be dealt with using Black Blade of Disaster instead, or the Firetooth dagger. The Scorcher Ammunition would be a solid kiting tool, though most of the damage for a single-classed mage would be fire damage (not counting Emotion, Hope and Emotion, Courage, which would increase the physical damage but are also dispellable).
Clearly, going into SoD overwrote the cap introduced by The Drittz Saga. (Perhaps the reason why that option is deprecated in EET.
Since I had a saved game at the end of BG1, I edited my character to discover what happened with vartious scenarios. If I dual classed a fighter to a cleric just before the death of Saverok, the cleric starts SoD at level 3 and not far from level 4. It would clearly have been better to do the dual-classing immediately upon entering that building, but I can think about any fine-tweaking when I play an actual game.
This let me get a solo Sword Dancer into SoD. I played too fast, though, and I got a little hurt today--it's easy to get back into the old rhythm of fast inputs, and forget to slow down and let the next fight wait another day while my hands recover.
Unfortunately, party runs are basically a complete no-go. Managing 6 party members, or even just 2, requires so many more inputs than solo play, and if I tried playing a party run, I'm sure I would end up putting too much pressure on my hands in an attempt to make progress.
I never realized it before, but this game really does require a lot of mouse clicks, and things are very different if you can't make the clicks. I'm not completely out of the game, but I'm still very restricted. I think my best days are past me at this point.
Which I think I'm okay with. The solo LoB Archer run was a nice way to cap off my time as a no-reloader. I'm still quite proud of that run, even if I might never do something like it again.
I have never had a problem with dying mice. I wonder if it's the way you use it. I have automatic pause on my games which might put less strain on the poor animal.
You are not able to set 1.400 skull traps at the ascension final fight... but who does that anyway? it’s so 2018 btw.
Android is a bit easier to mod than iOS, and you can even get Gusinda to set up the mods if it’s a problem.
iOS can be modded as well - just a bit trickier. But with a new SCS and ascension it’s manageble.
Just noticed that there's some problems buying the BG2 EE for Android currently so I've to wait that. I might buy it anyway even if it feels clumsier, could be nice additional activity for summer cottage etc.
The left and right click buttons can be switched, allowing you to use the mouse in either hand. I'm uncomfortable using my left hand to work the mouse, but I've done it before when my right hand was injured. (I have used my left hand before to keep playing through a sprained wrist episode and some other right hand problems.)
There is no need to move your arms at all. The pointer is controlled by moving the trackball with your index and middle fingers. Your thumb left-clicks and operates the programmable button on the left (I usually put space on it), and your ring finger right-clicks and operates the programmable button on the right (I usually put Q for quicksave on it.)
You can rest your hand on top of the mouse, and your entire hand is supported all the way across the palm.
You can also pick it up and hold it different ways, that is, it doesn't need to be resting on a surface to work. It makes it very easy to keep changing the position of your mousing arm as needed - which has also helped me with gaming-related shoulder pain.
Too late!
I am becoming rather paranoid about this happening and as a result am saving an excessive number of times.
Shadowdancer (Charname)
Bounty Hunter
Dark Moon Monk
Totemic Druid
And one empty slot for an extra whatever. The whole thing revolves around the Reform Party trick. First, for general fights, you can have the Totemic Druid and Bounty Hunter spam summons and traps. For harder fights in closer quarters, things get a little more complicated.
The top-tier battle plan is for the Shadowdancer to go invisible, have someone drop a stack of ankheg shells, and then remove every single other character from the party, leaving the enemy with no valid targets. After 6 seconds, you can then have the Shadowdancer talk to the other party members, potentially using the over-encumbrance trick to talk to everyone simultaneously even from long distances. Then, each party members can do whatever they want. The Bounty Hunter can set a trap and the Totemic Druid can summon a new animal. Then the Shadowdancer goes invisible again and kicks the other party members out, screwing with enemy aggro.
The Bounty Hunter sets traps instantaneously. The Shadowdancer hides instantaneously. If the Dark Moon Monk blinds the Bounty Hunter before a fight, you can have the Shadowdancer go invisible every 6 seconds, breaking invisibility only to talk to the Bounty Hunter, bringing the Bounty Hunter back into the party just long enough to set a single trap before vanishing.
The net result? Two thieves are just standing in plain sight, completely ignored by the enemy even while one of them keeps nailing everyone with Special Snares. If the Shadowdancer fails to hide, another party member can join the group to distract the enemy--or you can have the Shadowdancer stand far to the side and speak with the Bounty Hunter at a distance using the ankheg shells. By the time you're fighting enemies that can see through invisibility like Belhifet or the Slayer, you don't need Shadowdancer invisibility anyway: Caelar can buy you time against Belhifet to set up a wall of animals buddies, and the Bounty Hunter will have infinite Maze traps in BG2.
In between fights, the Cavalier can (very slowly) heal everyone with Lay on Hands, the Dark Moon Monk's blindness can enable the blind thief trick, the Totemic Druid can summon new walls, the Bounty Hunter can set traps, and if you use the Quick Save trick to refresh aura, the the Dark Moon Monk can stack Frozen Fists to land instant kills on the first round of combat.
Disablers could be dangerous without an Inquisitor, but nearly all disablers are party-friendly and kicking someone out of the party would make them immune to the projectile. The party would still be inflexible in the sense that it could not resurrect anyone without relying on a finite number of plot-related resurrections like from Shoal or (I think) the post-Hell resurrections.
It's rather dependent on execution, though, and previous testing has found that enemies don't automatically ignore characters who have left the party; kicking someone out of the group doesn't immediately make them invisible to enemies. Implementing the plan would need to be very precise, and I'm not sure I have that precision anymore.
I have picked up the healing potions found in a cave just south of Beregost, near where the hobgoblin with the boots is found.
However, I cannot put them in my item quick slot.
In previous games there has been no problem and I haven't installed or tried to install any mods.
They won't go in the quick slot of any of my characters. Any ideas?
I closed the game and opened it again. Problem solved.
I've also thought about an Easy mode run. The +6 luck would open up some interesting opportunities, since nearly all weapons would deal maximum damage almost all the time and almost all spell damage would be reduced to 1's for the party. The bonus to hit rolls would also be a pretty big deal.
I've also thought about a Story mode run with a special exception, like "the run ends if Charname hits 1 HP and any party member has to leave the group at 1 HP." Adding the exception would keep the danger of the run alive while still allowing you to benefit from the other goodies from Story mode, like all your attacks striking as +5 weapons, 25 Strength, and immunity to instant death effects and stat drain kills.
I would like the mage part also to have a kit, but know that only one kit is possible at a time.
If I create a mage with a kit such as Illusionist and then use EE Keeper to make it into a cleric/mage with a kit such as Alaghor of Clangeddin for a dwarven cleric/mage, I know that there will be no reference to him being an illusionist.
However, how would the mage part change?
I can foresee three possibilities.
1) He would lose his extra spell slots and would be able to learn spells from all schools.
2) He would keep his extra spell slots and still have the restrictions concerning spells
3) Some combination of the above.
Could somebody inform me which of the above actually happens? I would like it to be option 2, but strongly suspect that it would be 1 or 3.
With EET installed, I would expect that they can, however it is easy enough to check. Open the game up in EE Keeper and increase the experience to the required level. Save the game with a new name in Keeper. Then open the edited game. level up and see what happens. You will then know the answer for your set-up, which could be differeent in another set-up.
Hi @Zaghoul
There is a mod that brings the HLA to life:
They are not otherwise there as I recall
Any ideas about what is going wrong and how to correct it.
Weidu log attached.
There are two versions in my installation and both have the same effect.
I have discovered other versions of this ring which have a slightly different name. One works perfectly, so I am using EE Keeper to assign that ring in place of the faulty one that was there previously. The Correct ring is BDRING09.ITM
I still have the following files missing.
I don't have the friendship mod for Coran BG1 however I am not sure if it ready for EET.
I don't seem to have LongerRoadEE-1.6.6.zip at all. THIS IS THE MAIN PROBLEM I THINK.
I have bgqe-v19.zip but not v20
I have Fade_v5-2.zip but not Fade v5.4.zip
I have stratagems-v32.3.exe but not v 32.4
I do wish that EET used identical file names to those of the files that are downloaded. Or is somebody else causing the problems.
Since it ia just the Longer Road and the Coran Friendship mods that are missing, I think that I'll just miss out those, and hope that the mods that have been updated since my most recent version are OK.
I am using the automatic installer and am wondering if it would be easiest to change the names of the files to the name that the installer is expecting so I don't have to put in quite so much input during installation.
It was certainly simpler to change their names. Far less input.
I'm considering trying out a solo run with a Transmuter and I think it's actually pretty realistic.
I know I talk about the Wand of Lightning trick a lot, but it does seem to cover some gaps in a Transmuter's toolbox, and there are other strong alternatives as well. Now, a solo wizard has a decent chance of staving off Remove Magic through levels alone, at least for much of BG2, and stacking Spirit Armor spells can guarantee successful saves against Chaos and so forth. Likewise, stacking Shield Amulet charges can get you -20 AC vs. missiles and give you a decent shot at dodging stuff like Illasera's arrows--which, notably, dispel at level 30, while a solo Transmuter could be at level 31 by ToB even without disabling the XP cap. The Ravager dispels at level 25, which ostensibly should be a 100% failure rate against a level 30+ mage's spells.
As for resistances, there are always potions and green scrolls on hand. And, again, the Wand of Lightning trick can multiply their effects. Last I saw, the WoL trick doesn't multiple Sunfire, but it might still multiple Malavon's Rage.
Perhaps most importantly, it can multiply Wish, which means you have a solid shot at landing the critical Wish-rests, double-length Time Stops, Heal spells, and Hardiness spells with a casting time of 0 if you have both the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power equipped.
The WoL trick also has a 90% chance of letting you duplicate the Book of Daily Spell infinitely, which means unlimited Spell Turning spells, and the Staff of the Magi's Spell Trap can also shore up a Transmuter's defenses a little.
Plus, it can spread the Rift Device across 6 targets, so you could smuggle it out of the Temple sewers with the help of Roger the Fence (dunno if familiars can still smuggle it, but I don't usually get cat and ferret familiars anyway) and then nail Melissan and the Five with it.
If we really want to break things, you can always just use WoL-boosted Potion of Power stacking with the help of the Quick Save trick to survive Slayer Change indefinitely, and in the most recent version of Ascension, a character with 6 million XP or more can switch to the Ravager form and get 50% damage resistance, 5 APR, lots of immunities, -7 THAC0, and +250 HP. I'm not sure if you can perform the trick more than once given a limited number of Potions of Power, though, and I've seen the Slayer trick cause an unstoppable crash, so if you hit a wall and have to return to normal form, you might not be able to go back.
Ascension can also be more forgiving on lower difficulties. I've been on Insane with bonus damage disabled for a while, since SCS v32 only does full pre-buffing on Insane and LoB mode, but if I bumped it down to Core or Normal, I don't think you need to fight any Fallen Solars at the Throne of Bhaal, which means the only dispelling arrows you'd ever have to worry about would be Illasera's. But Illasera, both at the start of ToB and the end, should be easily killable with a whole bunch of Skull Traps stacked in the right place.
In the solo LoB thread, @Grond0 and @histamiini and I have been tooling around with a 1-HP mage build in which you spend all of BG1 and SoD as a level 1 with your Constitution reduced to 1, dropping your base HP to 1 and making you completely immune to damage as long as you're on Insane or LoB mode, have bonus damage enabled, don't level up, and don't get any HP or CON bonuses. Not sure if that's workable here, though, since a level 1 character could very easily struggle to beat BG2 even with immunity to damage. As for staying at level 1 for just BG1 and SoD, that's not really necessary anyway; even a solo Transmuter doesn't need the 1 HP trick to get to Chateau Irenicus. Plus, the CON penalty in BG2 would be much more meaningful since the Girdle of Fortitude is dispellable.
Notably, Improved Alacrity is not dispellable, so if you can get it off the ground, you can actually restore Stoneskins and such if necessary.
Time Stop can take the place of PFMW in most contexts. Without Fallen Solars, only a few Ascension enemies could stand up to INT drain (mind flayer attacks strike as +2 normally, but +3 with Enchanted Weapon), and some of those could be dealt with using Black Blade of Disaster instead, or the Firetooth dagger. The Scorcher Ammunition would be a solid kiting tool, though most of the damage for a single-classed mage would be fire damage (not counting Emotion, Hope and Emotion, Courage, which would increase the physical damage but are also dispellable).