The little things you miss

It's easy to forget that the IE games have changed quite a bit since the original release. So here's a thread for those little things that you liked in earlier versions of the games that have disappeared/changed and are not in the EEs anymore. Not a thread to bash on what should or should not be in the EE versions though.
Kind of like how I liked the look of mirror image before ToB and patches. Back when the mirror images appeared in a straight line to the left and right of the caster. It looked neat.
I also miss Imoen's original look in SoA. When she didn't have her hood unless you put armor on her. After playing through that version of the game countless of times that is just how Imoen looks to me.
Kind of like how I liked the look of mirror image before ToB and patches. Back when the mirror images appeared in a straight line to the left and right of the caster. It looked neat.
I also miss Imoen's original look in SoA. When she didn't have her hood unless you put armor on her. After playing through that version of the game countless of times that is just how Imoen looks to me.
Those silly wiffle ball globes for Spell Immunity and the Cloak of Mirroring.
The shinier icons for Protection from Magical Weapons and other abjuration spells.
The spider gnome trick and potion swap glitch.
Seeing the skull's eyes light up during the loading screen, and the cute little messages the loading screen would display.
The old blue and white CDs for the original version of BG2.
The days when Kensai/Mages were cool and new and clever.
Wait, you're serious?
The rare, rare error, because told you the line in the particular C++ file where exception was caught.
And the BG1 discs that were green and beige and one of the disc (4?) had a picture of a wyvern on it and I was like "damn, cant wait to get to thos disc!" Still have those.
I do moss the Beregost cut scene with the woman shaking out the carpet onto the homeless guy below and the kobold's sneaking up to the farm house in Nashkel.
And the feeling of sprucing your game up with the widescreen mod and the fixpack^^
I miss Volo's colorful map of Baldur's gate that came with the game. I probably still have it somewhere though. Somewhere.
The things you hate you grow to love sometimes.
I miss the original inventory icon behavior of only showing the hilt of a weapon when in a slot, and its entire body when picked up. It was really nice touch.
I miss the original, non-mirrored BG1 sprites and the "grounded" fantasy art design that mimicked the aesthetic of the source P&P AD&D material. Those inventory icons really "popped" and actually tried to look like the material items were made of.
Hearing so many people's recollections, though, here is what I don't understand: why do we treat it as forever-vanished antiques? Instead of shedding tears, why don't we demand, or strongly indicate, that Beamdog brings those things back? Or something similar. I know I don't miss anything that was actually crude or clumsy about the original editions, not at all. But the many things that were not - well, why were they taken away? Why do we settle for garish spell effects with all those flying doves rising... and so on? Maybe the people at Beamdog really believe those changes are improvements, but look - clearly, they are not liked.
How we could make a difference? By not buying stuff that we dislike. For one, I uninstalled SoD soon after starting it. And the main reason was that the backgrounds were so unbearably garish and swamped with acidic light. I did not want to pretend that this was handsome. Later I looked at many of the models separately, the items and so on, to get the idea of what was added, but I did not play very much of it. That's how you make your opinion felt.
Personally, I love the new environments in SoD. They don't have the low-res, plasticky look of BG1 and BG2 areas. SoD environments are much more detailed and luminous, much like those of IWD and IWD2.
One person's opinion does not equate everyone's opinion. The way graphics look is and always will be an individual preference.
It's a shame that you didn't like the look of SoD, but I can relate. When I first bought BG2, I did not like the new art style they adopted for the sequel. The pastel like colour scheme grated me and pulled me out of my immersion but I stuck with it, and the art style eventually grew on me to the point I don't notice it anymore.
Also the cut-scenes to BG1.
Also, the sheer sense of wonder the first play-through, of diving in the deep end and discovering just what the game was.
You want to argue in random nonsensical analogies like you're fond of doing all the time? Fine. It's like drinking soup with a fork when a spoon does the same and better.
Then again this is the same guy that made a post crying for attention, claiming people are "consumeristic" because they don't enjoy his mods, so clearly I shouldn't expect any better. I'm the opposite here, I love the new BGEE comic-style cutscenes and would love for them to make some for BG2EE too