Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC) for BG:EE (and BGT and EET) - Download

NTotSC for BGT, BG:EE, and EET
Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC) adds several quests to the BG1 part (with TotSC) to the game. Some are minor encounters with no further impact, but some are larger quests that are also partly connected to each other.
This is a BGT, BG:EE, and EET version of the original mod. As of version 2.0, NTotSC is no longer dependent on DSotSC. If you want to play the two mods together, install DSotSC first. The versions supported are:
-for BGT/EET: Version at SHS
-for BG:EE: version by Red Carnelian (this mod is still beta, too).
To reach the new areas via worldmap, you need to install BP-BGT-worldmap for BGT after NTotSC and start a new game. For BG:EE, this is no longer needed, thank you to AstroBryGuy for providing the worldmap tweak!
Since v2.0, the quests are less restrictive in their order, especially in the order of when to talk to whom, in the sense of no dead ends because a quest character was talked to too early. The only restrictions remaining are: The Northern Citadel Quest will be handed out from Duke Eltan when he summons the PC in the original game. The Temple of the Black Hand will only be revealed after the demon in Ulgoth's Beard is defeated.
All other quests can either be "walked into", received from multiple persons (e.g. "The Field of the Dead"), or received by killing the quest giver instead of going on his fedex quest (e.g. the Ice Slamander or Eldod - they will have the appropriate keys on them.) Also, the mod now uses the prefix "NT". The package comes with a detailed list of Changes including altered variable names. If your mod has crossmod content with NTotSC and you are nervous about the changes, let me know and I will help you concerning compatibility with v2.1.0.
Test reports welcome! I tested myself on all platforms but there is always something one pair of eyes will miss.
Visit the Forum
Read the Readme
Official download at SHS
Official NTotSC GitHub Mirror
Read review from @Caedwyr on NTotSC (v2.x)
Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC) adds several quests to the BG1 part (with TotSC) to the game. Some are minor encounters with no further impact, but some are larger quests that are also partly connected to each other.
This is a BGT, BG:EE, and EET version of the original mod. As of version 2.0, NTotSC is no longer dependent on DSotSC. If you want to play the two mods together, install DSotSC first. The versions supported are:
-for BGT/EET: Version at SHS
-for BG:EE: version by Red Carnelian (this mod is still beta, too).
To reach the new areas via worldmap, you need to install BP-BGT-worldmap for BGT after NTotSC and start a new game. For BG:EE, this is no longer needed, thank you to AstroBryGuy for providing the worldmap tweak!
Since v2.0, the quests are less restrictive in their order, especially in the order of when to talk to whom, in the sense of no dead ends because a quest character was talked to too early. The only restrictions remaining are: The Northern Citadel Quest will be handed out from Duke Eltan when he summons the PC in the original game. The Temple of the Black Hand will only be revealed after the demon in Ulgoth's Beard is defeated.
All other quests can either be "walked into", received from multiple persons (e.g. "The Field of the Dead"), or received by killing the quest giver instead of going on his fedex quest (e.g. the Ice Slamander or Eldod - they will have the appropriate keys on them.) Also, the mod now uses the prefix "NT". The package comes with a detailed list of Changes including altered variable names. If your mod has crossmod content with NTotSC and you are nervous about the changes, let me know and I will help you concerning compatibility with v2.1.0.
Test reports welcome! I tested myself on all platforms but there is always something one pair of eyes will miss.
Visit the Forum
Read the Readme
Official download at SHS
Official NTotSC GitHub Mirror
Read review from @Caedwyr on NTotSC (v2.x)
Post edited by jastey on
- The binaries found in the bin/osx folder are not marked as executables.
- These binaries are not called by WeiDu correctly. For some reason they are called with the path bin/osx/amd64 for the first component and /bin/osx/x86 for the other component.
Both problems can be fixed by changing lines 48:49 of NTofSC.tp2 toAT_NOW ~chmod +x %MOD_FOLDER%/bin/%WEIDU_OS%/tileconv~ EXACT AT_NOW ~chmod +x %MOD_FOLDER%/bin/%WEIDU_OS%/tile2ee~ EXACT
Both NTofSC and bp-bgt-worldmap report near the end of the installation
NTotSC/language/english/prompts.tra file not found. Skipping...
I only have Windows so I couldn't test the other OS versions.
Regarding prompts.tra: I see (now) that the file is missing, but I don't find the report in my DEBUG. That's weird. I'll comment the tra files for now - it would be WeiDU prompts, or is it for something more complex?
[NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2] parsed NTotSC/language/english/prompts.tra file not found. Skipping... [NTotSC/language/english/setup.tra] parsed [NTotSC/language/english/setup.tra] has 352 translation strings [NTotSC/language/english/journal.tra] parsed [NTotSC/language/english/journal.tra] has 110 translation strings [SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2] parsed [bp-bgt_worldmap/language/english/worldmap.tra] parsed [bp-bgt_worldmap/language/english/worldmap.tra] has 153 translation strings SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons
Same for setup-ntotsc.debug:
NTotSC/language/english/prompts.tra file not found. Skipping... [NTotSC/language/english/setup.tra] parsed [NTotSC/language/english/setup.tra] has 352 translation strings [NTotSC/language/english/journal.tra] parsed [NTotSC/language/english/journal.tra] has 110 translation strings 129407 characters, 1061 entries added to DIALOG.TLK [./lang/en_us/dialog.tlk] created, 107898 string entries SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC)
The attached file contains both debug files.
NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 0 Installed NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 1 Installed NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 2 Installed NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 3 Installed NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 4 Installed NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 5 Installed NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 6 Installed SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2 0 0 Installed ~Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons~ [bg2fixpack/languages/english/setup.tra] has 147 translation strings [bgt/language/english/prompts.tra] has 85 translation strings [bgt/language/english/setup.tra] has 82 translation strings [bgt/language/english/dialog.tra] has 113 translation strings [bgt/language/english/journal.tra] has 319 translation strings [bgt/language/english/scripts.tra] has 22 translation strings [infinityanimations/english/setup.tra] has 186 translation strings [cdtweaks/languages/english/description_updates.tra] has 14 translation strings [cdtweaks/languages/english/setup.tra] has 1009 translation strings [NTotSC/language/english/setup.tra] has 352 translation strings [NTotSC/language/english/journal.tra] has 110 translation strings [bp-bgt_worldmap/language/english/worldmap.tra] has 153 translation strings SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons
NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 0 Installed ~Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC)~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 1 Installed ~Keelor the Dwarf~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 2 Installed ~Llindellyn's Lucky Arrow~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 3 Installed ~Nim Furlwing's Hunting Hounds~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 4 Installed ~Pilar and Gheldehar~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 5 Installed ~Svlast's Torment~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 6 Installed ~Will O'Hara NPC~ [bg2fixpack/languages/english/setup.tra] has 147 translation strings [bgt/language/english/prompts.tra] has 85 translation strings [bgt/language/english/setup.tra] has 82 translation strings [bgt/language/english/dialog.tra] has 113 translation strings [bgt/language/english/journal.tra] has 319 translation strings [bgt/language/english/scripts.tra] has 22 translation strings [infinityanimations/english/setup.tra] has 186 translation strings [cdtweaks/languages/english/description_updates.tra] has 14 translation strings [cdtweaks/languages/english/setup.tra] has 1009 translation strings [NTotSC/language/english/setup.tra] has 352 translation strings [NTotSC/language/english/journal.tra] has 110 translation strings SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC)
Is this a Windows thing or is it something I can influence?
As for the prompts.tra - it is indeed a missing file, so I will comment it. It's just weird I don't get a message about it (I triple checked whether I am looking at the right file.) EDIT: Done.
If the file isn‘t used in BGT it is probably not needed in BG:EE and the error message is a cosmetic issue.
Saving This Log: NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 0 Installed ~Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC)~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 1 Installed ~Keelor the Dwarf~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 2 Installed ~Llindellyn's Lucky Arrow~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 3 Installed ~Nim Furlwing's Hunting Hounds~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 4 Installed ~Pilar and Gheldehar~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 5 Installed ~Svlast's Torment~ NTOTSC/NTOTSC.TP2 0 6 Installed ~Will O'Hara NPC~ [NTotSC/language/english/setup.tra] has 352 translation strings [NTotSC/language/english/journal.tra] has 110 translation strings SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC)
I guess the differences in our DEBUG structure is something obvious but I just don't know it yet. EDIT: This remark was not meant sarcastically!
Thank you very much for reporting!
Following fixes were done since the initial release:
I made a few tweaks to the code to allow modding the BGEE Worldmap. To make a little room, I added some code to move Ulgoth's Beard (AR1000) to its proper location west of Baldur's Gate. I also moved the Farmland area (AR0400) a bit south down the Chiontar, closer to Wyrm's Crossing. That opened up some room for the NotSC areas in the northeast of the Worldmap (except the Northern Coast, which is on the Coast, north of Ulgoth's Beard). Finally, I did not add any map icons. All the NotSC areas just reuse existing icons.
A render of the modded worldmap in Near Infinity is in the spoiler tags below.
This is how it looks in my current EET install (still using the NTotSC-interim, but I guess area coordinates have not changed?):
(Picture taken from NI to have areas identified easily)
Yes, a pull request would be great but I still need to learn how to tagg release versions, preferably before I integrate changes I would like to try out first. Currently, the download goes from the repository directly.. (I'm still a GHN - GitHubNoob.
EDIT: Checked the BGEE version of DSotSC. No conflicts with DSotSC locations.
Latest change:
-Nadalin will also take the PC with his boat if the leader of the Black Hand cult is already dead.
Next I'll be working on integrating AtroBryGuy's cool worldmap tweak. I already tested it in my game, it's awesome!
Will add it to the first post.
Any news on integrating AstroBryGuy's BG1 map? This is a great mod and thanks on your work converting it.
Thank you for the kind words!
IIRC you can update the world map in your save game folder, if you're halfway through a game. It's a bit of a workaround - as in you can visit the areas but the map in your game is reset and you have to revisit everywhere again to get the icons to reappear.
If you need area reference codes for the various games, they are here under the headline
Filename Mappings:
BG1: TotS || BG2: ToB || IWD1: TotL || PST
The references are for vanilla game - The EET has prefix BGxxxx instead of ARxxxx for the BG1:TotS areas.
SoD areas are here
Link to latest release: Latest NTotSC Release on jastey's GitHub
This release introduces AstroBryGuy's BG:EE worldmap solution and various bugfixes. Unless there are bugs, this will be the final version from my side.
BG:EE: bp-bgt-worldmap mod is no longer needed to visit the new areas from the worldmap. Thank you to AstroBryGuy for providing this tweak!
Further changes:
-"dead rat" item no longer has a dead cat for description BAM
-Nadalin: after returning to his boat, he will ship the PC to the salamandr island any time (even if quest is finished).
-Olivia now transforms as planned after receiving the potion of freedom (spell wasn't copied into override)
-entrance to AR52PB.are now also accepts a light gem from a not-yet-released BGII mod
-reduction of experience by 5000 points if Gotha's sword is brought into the crypt now plays correctly and is also announced as string.
-General Ghota will no longer drop Sarevok's chaos sword
-General Ghota at the entrance will teleport away during the fight, then the player has to fight the second one inside the dungeon ("NTGGHOT1")
-removed unused script ghotale.baf
-reduced number of cultists in AR61PB.are (temple of Black Hand) for difficulty lower than hard
-AR51PB.are (dungeon in Firewine Bridge) exit to Firewine area now requires whole party, as well
-Once entered Firewine dungeon, the scroll will disappear and the entrance will stay open.
-German version completed (two lines in setup.tra were still in English)
-update to weidu v243