I also would like to axe for extension of a deadline. For I have seen @Buttercheese stream and I think it would be a shame for it to not be recognized as an entry.
Greetings! Once I saw the competition announcement on Facebook I decided to participate. Recently I started to draw with pen and ink and I try to ink everyday. This is my first drawing competition. I created this Bhaalspawn poster yesterday. Hope you'll like it.
I will post it today on my Instagram @imaginesolo (after posting it here)
Oh boy. It was a tough choice first picking a game out of all the enhanced favorites, then narrowing it down to a character to do a portrait on. Annah came a close second, buuut I tend to be forever biased when it comes to Dynaheir. Especially when I think about her approximately four and a half seconds away from tossing a spell at Edwin's face.
Love all the entries I've seen! ...or to better put it-
"Gorion would be proud of your actions"!
So I got very excited when I found out about custom character portraits but never got to use one! So for my entry I decided to paint my favorite NPC, Jaheira!
..fav quotes
"You are amusing, in a 'what the hell is wrong with you' kind of way."
"If a tree falls in the forest... I'll kill the bastard what done it."
I think she's a riot
In BG 1 she had brown hair, in BG 2 she had blonde hair, but to me, she needed to have red hair (:
Here's 2 dropbox links to all the files you need to use the portrait (crosses fingers) Hope I did all the file naming correctly!
While hacking away monsters, solving quests or pondering philosophical dilemmas we often miss to appreciate the work of the artists that have made the backgrounds and all the characters come to life. Going from map to map of Baldur’s Gate 2 and tracing the lines that compose them is something that I would recommend to any fan. Truly, a game has a great influence on you if you can hear the Waukeen's Promenade music by just looking at its map.
Guess I have to put my culinary skills to the test.
Bhaalin' Stuffed Avocados
How to Make:
Two large eggs
Half an avocado
Cayenne Pepper
Sundried Tomatoes
White Onion
garlic powder
Step 1. Hard boil the eggs. Cut the hard boiled eggs in half and scoop out the egg yolk. Step 2. In a small mixer, add egg yolk, mayo, cayenne pepper and garlic and mash together. Step 3. Roll egg mixture into a ball and shape into a skull, using your fingers to make eye and nose holes Step 4. Cut avocado in half, and remove the pit. Place egg skull into whole. Step 5. Using a small piece of paper, cut out a hole of a tear of Bhaal. Carefully place cut out on avocado and sprinkle on Cayenne pepper. Carefully remove the paper by lifting up and away to expose Cayenne tear. Repeat until all tears are on the avocado Step 6. Take one strip of sun dried tomato and cut in half. Roll each half into a ball and place in eye sockets. Step 7. Cut onion into small pieces and place into the egg skull as teeth. Step 8. Plate and enjoy as a part of a healthy meal.
Hello! I finally finished my entry for this contest - magnificent Firkraag watching over his domain:
It's actually my third illustration featuring dragons from Baldur's Gate II. The other two - Thaxll'ssillyia and Adalon have already been published before so I can't submit them to the contest. But to get the full dragon experience you can check them on my DeviantArt page.
@deltago I swear I planned to do something, but I have been terribly busy with RL work, translation projects and a demanding husband. I will do a Bhaal's cake. Eventually
Huzzah, I made it in time! I had to cut some corners on the cleaning and had to skip the colours and proper shading, but I hope you guys will still enjoy it.
I guess I'll just need to improvise.
Once I saw the competition announcement on Facebook I decided to participate. Recently I started to draw with pen and ink and I try to ink everyday. This is my first drawing competition. I created this Bhaalspawn poster yesterday. Hope you'll like it.
I will post it today on my Instagram @imaginesolo (after posting it here)
Yowzaa! That's the best portrait of Dynaheir (my waifu) I've ever seen.
I'm still working on my main entry but I'm worried I won't finish in time, and it says you can enter multiple times so like.
Here's a drawing of Xan I did a couple days ago. I like how it turned out so I figured why not submit it?
"Gorion would be proud of your actions"!
So I got very excited when I found out about custom character portraits but never got to use one! So for my entry I decided to paint my favorite NPC, Jaheira!
..fav quotes
"You are amusing, in a 'what the hell is wrong with you' kind of way."
"If a tree falls in the forest... I'll kill the bastard what done it."
I think she's a riot
In BG 1 she had brown hair, in BG 2 she had blonde hair, but to me, she needed to have red hair (:
Here's 2 dropbox links to all the files you need to use the portrait (crosses fingers) Hope I did all the file naming correctly!
Since I got myself some new pens I decided to try them out with one more entry.
Planescape Torment this time
and also more plain version
Thanks again to @JuliusBorisov for inviting me
Awesome work so far - I think we are all inspired
This one is mine, hope you like it!
Planescape: Torment - "Gehenna"
Everyone's work are amazing!
So I thought I might try my luck and I drew something from Icewind Dale game
Coming out of my comfort zone a lot, since the tehcniques I used differ from what I usually do. But I think I learned a lot.
I hope this tribute will be to your liking.
Guess I have to put my culinary skills to the test.
Bhaalin' Stuffed Avocados
- Two large eggs
- Half an avocado
- Cayenne Pepper
- Mayonnaise
- Sundried Tomatoes
- White Onion
- garlic powder
Step 1. Hard boil the eggs. Cut the hard boiled eggs in half and scoop out the egg yolk.Step 2. In a small mixer, add egg yolk, mayo, cayenne pepper and garlic and mash together.
Step 3. Roll egg mixture into a ball and shape into a skull, using your fingers to make eye and nose holes
Step 4. Cut avocado in half, and remove the pit. Place egg skull into whole.
Step 5. Using a small piece of paper, cut out a hole of a tear of Bhaal. Carefully place cut out on avocado and sprinkle on Cayenne pepper. Carefully remove the paper by lifting up and away to expose Cayenne tear.
Repeat until all tears are on the avocado
Step 6. Take one strip of sun dried tomato and cut in half. Roll each half into a ball and place in eye sockets.
Step 7. Cut onion into small pieces and place into the egg skull as teeth.
Step 8. Plate and enjoy as a part of a healthy meal.
(I can add step by step pictures if needed.)
It's actually my third illustration featuring dragons from Baldur's Gate II. The other two - Thaxll'ssillyia and Adalon have already been published before so I can't submit them to the contest. But to get the full dragon experience you can check them on my DeviantArt page.
I swear I planned to do something, but I have been terribly busy with RL work, translation projects and a demanding husband.
I will do a Bhaal's cake. Eventually
Here are some more arts devoted to Baldur's Gate. I really love all BG series. Hope you like it
Nalia de'Arnise
Edwin the Red wizard
Boo Mighty Hamster
#Elistraie work is awesome too
I had to cut some corners on the cleaning and
had to skip the colours and proper shading,
but I hope you guys will still enjoy it.