If you could cast just ONE spell...

What would it be? It can be any spell from the IE games, cleric or druid or mage or innate, or even a spell that's not available to the player without EEKeeper or a mod.
You get to cast the spell once per day as if you were level 10, and it works just like it would in the original game (not in PnP). For the sake of argument, let's say you're picking the spell that would be most enjoyable for YOU personally, just so all you do-gooders out there won't feel obligated to pick Heal so you can cure diseases and be a big humanitarian and stuff.
You get to cast the spell once per day as if you were level 10, and it works just like it would in the original game (not in PnP). For the sake of argument, let's say you're picking the spell that would be most enjoyable for YOU personally, just so all you do-gooders out there won't feel obligated to pick Heal so you can cure diseases and be a big humanitarian and stuff.
I got two kids, so...
But, uh, I'll have to go with Know Alignment.
Without it, there's no way of knowing who the maniacs are.
Arcane: Dimension Door.
Innate: "Intelligence Increase".
Maybe Non-Detection or Luck for thief/mages.
That narrows it down to Charm Person or Mammal, Slow, Disintegrate, Shadow Door, Polymorph Other, Sphere of Chaos, Prismatic Spray, Contagion or Dolorous Decay.
Hard to choose... I guess Sphere of Chaos...?
I teach.
Meaningful distinction that actually changes my answer.
As a level 10 character: Invisibility, as in the Infinity Engine. Even ten minutes of invisibility is enough to do some really neat stuff, and the IE gives some stupidly long invis time.
As a level 10 spell: Secret Chest. Not that that's available but it's still the spell I'd want.
I wish for a million bucks.
Either I get a million dollars, or a million male deer will be herded through my city. Both are entertaining really.
Since it is a once per day spell, I can keep trying until I get it right.
You know, most of the time.
From the game... Protection from Fire would would help me when cooking but Remove Fear would help me to deal with my wife (cast on self when arguing, cast on wife when she watches some scarifying news report about bird flu/ meteor strikes etc.)
Incidently, I'd go with Wish too for IE, or Miracle if not.
Cool fact about Wish, you can replicate other spells without it usually being a 'complicated' wish. Maybe just in 3.x?
Casting PnP spells has some pretty high costs.