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Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition FAQ



  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Nice interview. Had not realized the toolset was written with C++Builder - I have fond memories of that environment as it is what we used for the pitlane software, back in my Formula 1 days. Sadly, it had its own set of bugs and issues you had to be familiar with to workaround, and only really got stable as I moved on to pastures new.

    Did you manage to upgrade the version of C++Builder you are using, or is it still tied to a seriously old version, like v3 or 4? My fondest memories were with v5 and v6 - although still have nightmares from some of the upgrade processes ;)
  • nivniv Member, Moderator, Developer Posts: 410
    We're using 5/6, yes; but it's not exactly the newest thing either, and upgrading would mean replacing the whole UI as the toolkit has changed in the versions after. No idea how you managed to keep fond memories of that thing.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    It was an amazing tool for its day if you wanted to create GUIs using C++. We certainly wrote our own share of components and controls that integrated nicely into the environment. The steady drag of compiler bugs we uncovered did take its toll, but it was not until gcc and Clang pushed the expectation of C++11 that it really started to age.

    IIRC, the nastiest bug that killed most of the Boost library support (a common reference) was finally fixed around XE2 or XE3, but I had moved onto another business by then.

    One of our early(ish) decisions that I think paid off was to do as much work as possible in standard C++, and map to Borland types like AnsiString only in the forms themselves, where we had to interact with the Borland controls. OTOH, I also remember having fun writing iterator adaptors so that we could manipulate the contents of list boxes and list views using standard algorithms - I definitely needed a better hobby back then!

    Unfortunately, I agree that upgrading from such an old version would be hard now - upgrades got trickier the more versions you skipped.

    (Sorry, waxing nostalgic here)
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Apologies if this is not the place to ask this question, but I read through the pdf of intended changes. It all looks great, but I was wondering if you guys will be able to fix the issue whereby 'Attack Bonus' on a weapon functions exactly as 'Enhancement Bonus' does? Attack Bonus should not be able to pierce DR, though at the moment there's no distinction between the two weapon properties. :(
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Shandaxx said:

    Is there already a planned release date for NWN:EE ?

    In the sense that when will the pre-order period end?

    The game is still pretty early in the beta. If you follow the livestreams, it looks like the Trello cards system will last for a while.
  • CaupoCaupo Member Posts: 3
    What is the difference between normal and deluxe editions?
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    Caupo said:

    What is the difference between normal and deluxe editions?

    The digital deluxe version contains:

    Premium Modules
    1. Pirates of the Sword Coast
    2. Infinite Dungeons
    3. Wyvern Crown of Cormyr
    1. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Official Soundtrack
    2. Premium Adventures Official Soundtrack
    Additional DLC
    1. The Heroes of Neverwinter Portrait Pack
  • CaupoCaupo Member Posts: 3
    Ahh, thank you Doubledimas.
  • TranscendedOneTranscendedOne Member Posts: 25
    Considering the amount of effort that beamdog is putting in with new content, fixes and better implementation of modding (Such as workshop) Will you be supporting this pet project for a long time? indefinitely if you continue to garner support?
  • mangamusclemangamuscle Member Posts: 30
    > Pirates of the Sword Coast

    If I remember correctly the tileset included in this premium module was different from the one released later on to the public (a problem with walkpaths I think), If I am right I hope this problem is finally fixed.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Perhaps you mean the separate download from the old nwn.bioware site. They can be found here under "1.67 Demos"

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772

    Considering the amount of effort that beamdog is putting in with new content, fixes and better implementation of modding (Such as workshop) Will you be supporting this pet project for a long time? indefinitely if you continue to garner support?

    I think this has been addressed a few times during the livestreams. The ongoing support for the project has been promised. Beamdog are still supporting Baldur's Gate: EE, after 5 full years.
    - Will Beamdog provide ongoing server system support for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition like BioWare did for the original game?
    - Yes.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    What is that "new content" Beamdog hints every time? Because it sounds a lot like some big campaign. Could it be true? o:)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Mirandel said:

    What is that "new content" Beamdog hints every time? Because it sounds a lot like some big campaign. Could it be true? o:)

    There's now a Trello board where you can vote for cards. A few of them relate to new content.

    There's also another Treallo board which gives an insight into what is happening with the game currently.

    You can read about it in our Friday's recap: (this one is a must-read for all NWN fans).
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Recap (though very interesting and useful) does not say anything specific. And on Trello board campaigns are among "most wished for" not something "planned" or "in development". No confirmation anywhere yet :( But I can still hope. THAT would be an instabuy for me.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    I bought the $40 version in hopes of what might come. So far, though, I really haven't seen any improvements over the basic GOG Diamond version.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    Yeah, I keep telling myself that it's still really early beta and that it's still too soon to have "Sucker" tattooed upon my forehead.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    The game is in the early beta. If you are interested in making NWN:EE the game you want it to be, hurry up to the Trello boards and vote!

    Want to know more about the Trello boards for NWN:EE - read here.
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    ben0914 said:

    I noticed the FAQ says the Aurora Toolset is still going to be Windows-only, at least for now. Are you going to look at options to get it to work for Mac/Linux. I wouldn't mind too much if it was just basically Wine wrapped, or if you guys would be willing to look into issues if we ran it in Wine ourselves. I would just be happy to have it usable in Linux. I assume most Mac users would appreciate this too.

    The 1.69 toolset works using 'play on linux', just fyi.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772

    Any chance of a Director's Cut in the future? Trent previously posted about it when trying to get the rights.

    Neverwinter Nights:EE is on indefinite hold due to the licensing rights around the Neverwinter name. I can't see us creating an HD or EE version in the near future. As for re-creating the original campaign, I wouldn't do it, for an NWN:EE I'd wanted to do a "Director's Cut" and delete about half the content. I think we were all very focused on the tools during the NWN development and the story suffered as a result. I'm proud of the Hordes of the Underdark story as we actually managed to do it well.

    Answered on streams: no revamping of the original campaign.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    The FAQ in the OP is updated to include all the recap and patch notes links, as well as Steam-related links.
  • drdeacondrdeacon Member Posts: 20
    So I as wondering if the critical rebuild 1.69 is redundant to the EE of NWN or if it is still something we should download for its fixes? the same goes for the Community patch 1.71?
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    edited February 2018
    drdeacon said:

    So I as wondering if the critical rebuild 1.69 is redundant to the EE of NWN or if it is still something we should download for its fixes? the same goes for the Community patch 1.71?

    1.69 is not needed for EE, check this thread for the Community patch (v1.72 already) to see if you want to install it.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    With the March 27 Steam release less than two weeks away, the team is locking down features and fixes. Build 8164 is now available on Steam and the Beamdog Client.
  • raz651raz651 Member Posts: 175
    edited March 2018
    I can confirm that the update code works. :)

    edit: Well I updated to the deluxe edition and it updated to the current patch. -8164.

    I guess steam automatically updates without having to do anything. So now I wait until the PW I play catches up.
    Post edited by raz651 on
  • VivienneLVivienneL Member Posts: 52
    I updated to -8164 and was really happy to see that the toolset is finally working in wine. At the same time I was really disappointed that the top down camera mode seems to not be working. It says top down but looks almost identical to the chase camera mode. I can't even scroll farther away or close up anymore. I'm finding this so annoying that I quit playing. Anybody else having this problem?
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