I haven't been able to make the Streams due to a change in schedule and today I was lucky enough to catch the latter half... Only to ask a question that had been asked and answered earlier in the stream!
I guess great minds do think alike!
So I'm looking forward to going back and catching the full thing!
Thanks as always to Trent and Phil for being so open, entertaining and hands on with the streams!
@JuliusBorisov as I watch it live I did not see the recap. The only reason that I knew there was no stream was because I saw it on twitter. I don't follow BD on Facebook (aka spam central - yes I have experienced the spam bomb that is FB).
It's Beamdog Stream day! Wooooooo!
Here's the recap of today's stream (with all the needed links
I haven't been able to make the Streams due to a change in schedule and today I was lucky enough to catch the latter half... Only to ask a question that had been asked and answered earlier in the stream!
I guess great minds do think alike!
So I'm looking forward to going back and catching the full thing!
Thanks as always to Trent and Phil for being so open, entertaining and hands on with the streams!
All recaps are in the news section.
We've seen what the game can now look like so dying to play with those next gen visuals.
"There will be no stream next week, but watch us at the Stream of Many Eyes. Follow Beamdog on Facebook and Twitter for all the fun!"
Anyway, as you "watch it live", be sure to watch the Stream of Many Eyes!
You just have to see Trent and Phil in their costumes!