Pre-made Canon PC: Abdel in Bg1ee vs Bg2ee

What's up with the pre-made "canon" Abdel in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 having such disparate abilities and proficiencies? In BG1 he's only 17 strength and 16 constitution but his dexterity and charisma are not so bad (plus he's chaotic good), and in BG2 he has insanely good strength and con, but terrible everything else, plus he lost one point in his "chosen" weapon style.
Do we have an official "canon" Abdel outside the games that we can compare this to?
Do we have an official "canon" Abdel outside the games that we can compare this to?
(The novelizations sucked.)
How could they f*** up that badly?
In fact, it's hard even to FIND dates. I found only two "dates".
1. The first page of BG2:SOA, where Abdel is hallucinating his return to Candlekeep "Late in the summer in the Year of the Banner". Looking that up, that's 1368.
2. The first page of TOB, in Prologue. Marpenoth, 1368 DR in bold. Looking up the Faerunian calendar, that's basically late fall.
While I can agree that the Baldur's Gate novelizations are not the finest of Forgotten Realms novels, they're not as bad as they're made out to be.
So there y’are
I had avoided this for years out of instinct.
Now, I have seen it. I cannot unsee it.
Someone take my eyes from me. Petrify me. Anything, anything but this. Make it stop.
**covers ears***
The original IE version of Abdel only existed in bg2 and he seems similar to the bg2:ee version you described. He had 18/90 something strength, 18 con, and the other stats gave him no bonuses or penalties. Abdel wasn't a pre-generated character available in the IE version of bg1. Sorry I don't own bg2:ee, only bg:ee and the IE versions of the game.
- since BG1 Abdel has 16 con, and BG2 Abdel has 18 con, and
- since Abdel is canon:
BG1 is 1 manual of bodily health short?
This thread suggests it as well:
(This would indicate the presence of 2 str and 3 con manuals in all).
Abdel from original IE bg2- str 18/94, dex 11, con 18, int 10, wis 9, cha 11. Male human neutral good fighter. (From memory- +++++ in longswords at level 7, + in longbow. I think +++++ may be illegal at level 7 though not sure.)
So go figure...
Imoen: "Look at the waves Abdel."