New Quest Material: Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II or Icewind Dale?

If you had the choice would you rather have Beamdog create a new adventure expansion (a la Trials of the Luremaster, Tales of the Sword Coast, or Watcher's Keep) for Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, or Baldur's Gate II?
- New Quest Material: Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II or Icewind Dale?37 votes
- Icewind Dale45.95%
- Baldur's Gate II43.24%
- Baldur's Gate10.81%
BG2ee: Real Men Don't Teleport
It was Bhaalspawn Highlander, and the epic conclusion to the Bhaalspawn saga that I wanted. When you think about it, Irenicus was kind of a massive side-plot (though an incredible one).
BG1/2 are already big enough as it is. I vaguely remember having this conversation in another thread before. Sure, little things could be added to BG2, for example, the SoD companions would be a very nice addition. A quest to finish off the whole Soultaker Dagger thing, and another to rescue Caelar from hell. But a full-blown expansion? No, please no.
IWD, however, could benefit from more expansions. Something like TotSC would be more than welcome, to make the game feel less railroaded.
"Right, so I can deduct wear and tear on cambions, imps, and off-world halflings, but Solamnian Knights are subject to rule 3456b3a of the Krynn Tax Code, which takes precedence when they're working abroad .."
For anyone who doesn’t know, the ‘ferrets’ in these games don’t have their own sprite, they use the groundhog sprite. It’s quite clear that they are really groundhogs pretending to be ferrets in order to mislead the public into thinking that ferrets are being fairly represented in video games, when they’re really not. Disgusting.
But for BGII I would like to see the SoD NPCs & some quests related to BGI/SoD loose ends.
What I really miss in IWD is NPC interactions, besides those optional side-quests and transition areas. It's really quite linear and straightforward. Feels much desolate there, compared to the Sword Coast. But maybe that's to suit the theme of the bleak Northern wilderness...
Though I will say, I was sad to find out the Planescape game/expansion ended up being rumor. That would be my top choice if it were in the poll.
I would like to see new quest material in IWD because it needs it the most. It is a much more exhaustive game than BG, and really wants for a bit more action around the edges. The game is, essentially, a straight line with no deviation on replay.