Meantime, on the inside, Vaga unleashes a hailstorm of deadly punches on the door, the fury of fists tries to chip the door to get something so get a grip on.
So Guston presses the indent, and the door opens, just in time for Vaga to start punching.
Vaga: Attack roll: 1+2=3
And he punches Guston in the face. It hurts a lot.
Nate turns toward the door when he hears it opening, and sees the party standing there. “Well, that’s a shame,” he says. “I was hoping to pick you off one at a time.” With that, he casts a spell, and vanishes.
So Guston presses the indent, and the door opens, just in time for Vaga to start punching.
Vaga: Attack roll: 1+2=3
And he punches Guston in the face. It hurts a lot.
Hahahahahahahah!!! Sorry @mashedtaters !! My powah is so great I can punch through a sanctuary spell!
As Vaga's punch by mistake hit Guston in his face, he's surprised and amazed at he same time. He doesn't react quick enough to halt the punch before it connects with the fallen cleric's mushy face and he hears something cracking below his knuckles.
"Oops.. " Vaga doesn't know what to say really and feels embarrassed about the situation.
"Where is Guston? And where is Starlen? And was that... Nate?" While Kaled asks these he goes outside, equips his weapon and has a look around.
“Down here!” says Guston, holding his broken nose and boils while he’s on his back.
“Starlen was really disguised as Nate! He might still be around here!”
Guston, tears steaming down his eyes from the pain but somewhat at peace considering his second chance, stands up and looks around, trying to figure out what happened to Nate. He’s not angry at all at Vaga and instead appears to be incredible glad to see every part of the naked dwarf, including his fists of iron(y).
Erica addresses the party, asking “Is everyone alright? If so, we need to get back into the tomb. But before we do that, you should know, I don’t trust that gnome. He speaks of Chauntea, but the goddess does not know him as one of the faithful. Stay alert.”
Kaiser steps forward and asks Guston “You said Starlen was actually someone else?”
“Dat Nate hath got to be around here thomewhere!” says Guston, not quite able to see clearly through his tearing eyes or talk quite clearly with his pinched off nose. “Evil Nate! Wicked Nate! Trickthy Nate!”
Can I just say it tickles me that this villain’s name is Nate? I know a person by that name whom I’m not particularly fond of... no offense to anyone here in the forum who may have that name. Lol
Erica addresses the party, asking “Is everyone alright? If so, we need to get back into the tomb. But before we do that, you should know, I don’t trust that gnome. He speaks of Chauntea, but the goddess does not know him as one of the faithful. Stay alert.”
Kaiser steps forward and asks Guston “You said Starlen was actually someone else?”
“Yeth it appearth that Thtarlen wath actually Nate in dithguithe,” lisps Guston as puss and blood pours down his face. “I’m not convinthed he’th gone! He could be lurking in the butheth!”
Bushes is so fun to say with a lisp.
“Perhapth the real Thtarlen ith in trouble thomewhere. And what about you, you pethky little Gnome? Were you in cahootth to turn me into a thtiff? It theemths awfully convenient that you chothe ‘forbid’ me and our nemithith from entering the tomb! Very convenient, yeth, ithn’t it? I thay we do thomething about thith!”
Erica runs back down into the tomb and casts Detect Evil. After a short time, she says “It’s farther down, through this passage. We need to find it before that gnome does!”
"Guston, are you okay!?" *A look of sincere worry crosses Fiora face as she Lays Hands (casts lay on hands? Which sounds better/less dirty?) on Guston*
"Kaiser, should someone make sure the real Starlen is okay?"
Holy crap things are happening! In the future when I inevitably can't be present for something major, assume Fiora focuses on protecting her comrades. Or children if present. She will mulch anyone who harms a child.
“I’ll go,” Kaiser says. “You must stay and protect Erica. Keep her safe, and be careful. This Nate fellow may still be nearby.” With that, he hurriedly mounts his horse and rides off towards Callus.
If a combat situation arises when people aren’t here, I’ll just take temporary control, unless that’s not okay with anyone. You can just let me know what you’d do when that situation arises.
“Well my friends, lets head down again with Erica. We got a gnome to stop, an evil to find and a tomb to purge! THIS is our PURPOSE!”
With these words of.. ahem.. wisdom, Vaga runs after Erica.
Within an hour or so I will be in bead. @nimran. It’s ok to take control of Vaga whenever. As said before, he will try to avoid aggression up to the point where is necessary to save himself, the mission or his comrades. The he will go ballistic and unleash his fists of fury (flurry of blows in IWD2?). He will try to deal unlethal damage if the enemy is not overly evil, if so, he will untie the padded wraps around his knuckles and go for the kill. He also has his club but that’s a secondary weapon. Also, if we meet ranged attacker Vaga will bullrush since his deflect arrows will make the first attack miss automatically.
What to do when battle commences and I am not here OR a treatise on being Anduin. Anduin in this story fears the point of when life, disappears or snuffs out (this needs explaining... but I cannot reveal more) He will not kill because of this. He will however dish out, pain, pleasure, anger, joy and the whole spectrum of emotion as this is what the dead and the majority of the undead do not have. His adversaries do not know this however. Anduin will always act in his own selfish interests and perhaps to the selfish interests of others if they are in kilter with his own. Chauntea wants this taint out. Anduin possibly wants the taint is an example of how that would work... Okay I reveal too much. BACK TO THE ACTION!!!
*Anduin follows the trail of red pulsating in his vision showing the where-abouts of traps. Careful not to tread on any he continues*
Really... No bodies to animate and protect my rear? Bah! What kind of tomb is this!
I'll have to improvise... Who said cantrips aren't useful...
*Anduin looks for a large trap in the middle of the corridor... It pulses a deep, dark blood red... A powerful trap. Near the middle he spies a pebble*
“Thanks Fiora!” says Guston as his bleeding stops. But his nose is still broken and is plastered to the side of his face, pressing right up against a large, red boil.
Searching for trap as quickly as he can, Guston takes the lead as they follow down into the crypt, searching for the gnome and the taint that Chauntea and Erica warned of.
So many things have happened in the last few real-time hours while I was absent!
And he punches Guston in the face. It hurts a lot.
Nate turns toward the door when he hears it opening, and sees the party standing there. “Well, that’s a shame,” he says. “I was hoping to pick you off one at a time.” With that, he casts a spell, and vanishes.
As Vaga's punch by mistake hit Guston in his face, he's surprised and amazed at he same time. He doesn't react quick enough to halt the punch before it connects with the fallen cleric's mushy face and he hears something cracking below his knuckles.
"Oops.. " Vaga doesn't know what to say really and feels embarrassed about the situation.
“Starlen was really disguised as Nate! He might still be around here!”
Guston, tears steaming down his eyes from the pain but somewhat at peace considering his second chance, stands up and looks around, trying to figure out what happened to Nate. He’s not angry at all at Vaga and instead appears to be incredible glad to see every part of the
nakeddwarf, including his fists of iron(y)."Eeh.. sorry I was.. ooh.. gonna, ahem.. fists.. door.. it opened? eeh sorry.. "
Guston can’t quite see any signs of Nate’s whereabouts.
Kaiser steps forward and asks Guston “You said Starlen was actually someone else?”
“Perhapth the real Thtarlen ith in trouble thomewhere. And what about you, you pethky little Gnome? Were you in cahootth to turn me into a thtiff? It theemths awfully convenient that you chothe ‘forbid’ me and our nemithith from entering the tomb! Very convenient, yeth, ithn’t it? I thay we do thomething about thith!”
[Spoiler]This also explains my lack of responses whilst at work! [/spoiler]
*Anduin loses himself in the dark maze of the tomb.*
*A look of sincere worry crosses Fiora face as she Lays Hands (casts lay on hands? Which sounds better/less dirty?) on Guston*
"Kaiser, should someone make sure the real Starlen is okay?"
*Anduin casts Find Traps*
*active searching*
If I see red,
All of a glow,
That is the path,
That I must go...
They never guard the bodies... Hehe...
That reminds me... I need to find some...
*active searching for traps, secret doors and the deceased*
With these words of.. ahem.. wisdom, Vaga runs after Erica.
Really... No bodies to animate and protect my rear? Bah! What kind of tomb is this!
I'll have to improvise... Who said cantrips aren't useful...
*Anduin looks for a large trap in the middle of the corridor... It pulses a deep, dark blood red... A powerful trap. Near the middle he spies a pebble*
*Anduin casts Light on pebble*
Lets see what mischief this causes...
*Anduin continues following the red... smirking*
Searching for trap as quickly as he can, Guston takes the lead as they follow down into the crypt, searching for the gnome and the taint that Chauntea and Erica warned of.