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If you could have 18 in one stat, what would it be?



  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714

    Intelligence vs Wisdom

    Suppose you come across a heated political discussion, in either the online or offline world, with three participants.

    The high intelligence character would enter the conversation, point out everyone else's logical flaws, cite scientific studies and/or independent research to verify their own claims, and arrive a solution which the other three participants could not have discovered on their own.

    The high wisdom character sits down, quietly sips a beer, and lets them continue to argue like children.

    Incidentally, the high charisma character got them all engaged in singing drinking songs together

    Wish my DM explained like that two decades ago.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266

    Intelligence vs Wisdom

    Suppose you come across a heated political discussion, in either the online or offline world, with three participants.

    The high intelligence character would enter the conversation, point out everyone else's logical flaws, cite scientific studies and/or independent research to verify their own claims, and arrive a solution which the other three participants could not have discovered on their own.

    The high wisdom character sits down, quietly sips a beer, and lets them continue to argue like children.

    Incidentally, the high charisma character got them all engaged in singing drinking songs together

    The high con character withstood their politically bickering stoically.

    The high dex character can run away from the politicking.

    The high str character can force them all to vote for him.

  • Contemplative_HamsterContemplative_Hamster Member Posts: 844
    I chose Charisma. Dogbert sums it up nicely.

    Edit: Somebody will come along soon and derail my point with a cry of "But Charisma isn't physical beauty! Why, back in First Edition, which incidentally was a much better game than 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th edition and also was launched in the golden years of my youth when I still had all my hopes and aspirations and ideals and a full head of hair and before the entire music industry suddenly stopped making music worth listening to, there was a separate Comeliness score on the character sheet, and (insert long argument)." Yeah, dude, so no one knew you were such a philosopher, knowwhatI'msayin'?
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266

    I chose Charisma. Dogbert sums it up nicely.

    Edit: Somebody will come along soon and derail my point with a cry of "But Charisma isn't physical beauty! Why, back in First Edition, which incidentally was a much better game than 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th edition and also was launched in the golden years of my youth when I still had all my hopes and aspirations and ideals and a full head of hair and before the entire music industry suddenly stopped making music worth listening to, there was a separate Comeliness score on the character sheet, and (insert long argument)." Yeah, dude, so no one knew you were such a philosopher, knowwhatI'msayin'?

    Ok, fine I’ll bite.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I've heard somebody say that even with the Deadpool makeup on, Ryan Reynolds was handsome. And I'm like... "No. You look like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado."
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Nimran said:

    If luck was a stat, it would be my stat of choice.

    In the better game ever made, it is.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    Wisdom, for sure.
  • DaevelonDaevelon Member Posts: 610
    After few months i would like to change my choice (Charisma) with Constitution. The reason? I've just realized that the most valuable thing is the health and a sweet 18 in constitution would make the entire life much better. I've got girlfriend and friends, so charisma is something i would really need to max out.
    P.S. i'm not getting sick, just fat, my health was always pretty good by itself :D
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857

    I've heard somebody say that even with the Deadpool makeup on, Ryan Reynolds was handsome. And I'm like... "No. You look like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado."

    Bone structure is a pretty significant thing, and he still has that as Deadpool.

    I dunno what I'd choose now, but I think I'd be happiest if I was wisest; I am much happier than I was 20 years ago despite having wwwwaaaayyyy less going for me, and its because I am substantially wiser. I actually appreciate what I have, instead of living as an insatiable slave of desire.

    I've known lots of very charismatic poor people, but those that are legit smart are rarely poor their whole life. Ymmv though.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Wisdom is the best choice indeed,but it must be quite fun to be the most charismatic person around. I myself , as a teacher with no acting skills, work my way towards "charming" my students by presenting cool material , making classes more dynamic,making them the center of attention instead of me ... so I suppose I'm more intelligent than charismatic,but it works anyway s2
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    edited December 2018
    With enough charisma, you can convince people that you're smart and wise, and then convince actual smart people to do all the work while you take at least partial credit for bringing the whole thing together.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300

    With enough charisma, you can convince people that you're smart and wise, and then convince actual smart people to do all the work while you take at least partial credit for bringing the whole thing together.

    Phylosophically that's still not the best way to live your life, though xD
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    DJKajuru said:

    Wisdom is the best choice indeed,but it must be quite fun to be the most charismatic person around.

    The downside is that everyone you know would be less cool and interesting than you. Same goes with Intelligence and Wisdom, now that I think about it. Who would want to be surrounded by people who are all stupider than you?
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited December 2018
    I wouldn't mind. There has to be one person the best of all, might as well be me.
    It will also reduce the struggle of others to surpass me if I would be supreme authority on the matter. They would become diligent students instead which is good for the world.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    I think my IRL Int and Wis are already pretty high, so charisma would be the biggest and most useful boost.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I'm middle-aged so I have a fair amount of wisdom just for being around a long time. I'm quite sure it's nowhere near 18 however, so I'll take the save bonuses against mind-control spells (and fake news).
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    Constitution if that means getting rid of tinnitus, erectile dysfunction, carpal tunnel, eye floaters, and some other wonderful things
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352

    Constitution if that means getting rid of tinnitus...

    Yeah, if the CON18 would remove tinnitus, I'd sacrifice all my other stats for it. It's hard (impossible) to explain to someone who don't have it, the special kind of hell it is to live with it every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every year, and it never get's better, it only get's worse.

    With that said, I'd like to be naturally high CHA. I have enough of the rest of the stats to work for me. To be frank, I don't even think I would like to be more intelligent or wise. More knowledge or more pure int to decipher it wouldn't make me any happier. Higher WIS for it's perceptive parts would be great though. Having a couple of more friends would be great and I am slow to make friends. Lots of acquaintances but few near and dear.

  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    After careful consideration - I would go with Wisdom. It does not help to get anything, but allows to deal calmly with absence of - again - anything else. Healthy nerves are priceless.

    Besides, having a high stat is one thing, be capable to use it to full (or even some) of it's potential - is something else entirely. I saw enough of shy charismatic people, running away from all the attention, or smarts, ignoring their intellects, to cherish something else.
  • WormkingWormking Member Posts: 60
    I always hoping that I was wiser in the past
  • OudynOudyn Member Posts: 74
    I chose Intelligence, not because it's the one I most idolize (that would be Wisdom), but rather because it's the most realistic for me to ever have an 18 in, given that I'm training to be a philosopher. That being said, it would be wonderful if I could increase my Wisdom or Charisma.
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    That is kind of ironic seeing that philosophy in its original form in ancient Greece roughly translates into love of wisdom ?
  • JLeeJLee Member Posts: 650
    @gorgonzola Thank you very much for posting that. I found it one of the most beautiful things I've read in a long time. What a wonderful gift and I thank you for sharing it!
  • StromaelStromael Member Posts: 195
    edited February 2019
    According to my stats are

    STR: 13
    INT: 17
    WIS: 15
    DEX: 16
    CON: 10
    CHA: 15

    (Although the scientific accuracy of this is debatable, I feel it's a pretty fair assessment of me. ;) )

    Hence I could make the biggest gains in CON. Besides, who wouldn't want to be able to drink this guy under the table.
    Post edited by Stromael on
  • ThanatosZeroThanatosZero Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2019
    I have these stats according by the website.


    To be fair, there should have been more questions. Also some questions should be able to be skipped, when they don't apply in RL.

    As for my personal opinion, my stat would be wisdom.

    Unlike DnD, wisdom can but only increase, when people learn from their personal experiences. :tongue:
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    In many DnD editions mental stats can improve. Order of the Stick lampooned this by pointing out that elderly characters are better at Spot and Listen due to Wis bonuses.

    My own stats suggest the test is biased... supposedly I'm about 14 str, but I carry logs that weigh +250lbs on my shoulder over forest ground for a good distance, and that seems pretty strong. *shrug*
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