The Weather Thread.
Apologies to @Rik_Kirtaniya for stealing his thunder, but I decided to start this thread for discussing the weather. Feel free to talk about the weather where you live and other things related to the weather.
Here in Michigan things are WET! I can't recall seeing this much rain in Spring in a very long time (if ever). Makes the yard swampy, the basement dank and the wood doors in the house have warped ever so slightly making them hard to close. I've had to turn on my AC when it's been in the low 70's outside just to get rid of the humidity!
Weather is a perennial topic, diverse, ever-changing, unpredictable, and in the hands of greater powers (whatever you may think that is), with us being mere spectators---- it's just like politics, but much more cooler.
Here in Kolkata and most of the southern parts of West Bengal, we are having a surge of humidity (and that makes the summer heat even more oppressive than it should be), relieved by intermittent thundershowers caused by the Norwesters or as it is known here, the "Kalbaisakhi"s (meaning the darkness in the month of Baisakh). What I enjoy most is the cool breeze that accompanies the rains here, for it's so refreshing in the hot summer months. It's however less hot than it is in most years (and that makes me wonder if global warming is decreasing, though that is highly improbable).
At the moment, the sun is playing hide and seek with the clouds here.
Worse still are the fact that trains, trams and the metro have been thrown into utter chaos. A couple of Talos' lightning javelins had even smited my tram lines street cables, paralyzing a whole city district in Frankfurt am Main with it. What a glorious day that was...
I find that discussions of the weather can be rather... captivating.
usually by this time of year where i live it should be hitting 30+ celsius, so i've been starting work around 5:45 in the morning to "beat the heat"
but recently its being damp and humid ( which is nice because we always get forest fires, as in usually a couple 100+ just in western canada alone, so the rain helps to slow that down, - apparently there were 1300 forest fires in British Columbia last year - )
so here i am in shorts and a t-shirt ready for 30+ weather, when it's been rainy and hovering around 15 celsius
i don't think i've ever seen June this chilly in western canada before
Anyways, we've had 25-30 degrees celcius in large parts of Sweden for a month now, which is extreme. Usually we have like 10-15 such days over a whole period from May to August. Last night it turned though, so now we all wait to see if the heat wave comes back or if summer has ended (before it even started, heh).
In fact the Sahara has gotten some snowfall recently. Its snowed three times in the last 37 years before now. Two of those 3 times were in 2016 and 2017.
Me: “As good as the weather.”
Me working retail:
Random Stranger: “It’s beautiful out today!”
Me: “Don’t remind me.”
Actually is is Beautiful out right now. A bit warm at 24C but blue skies and a slight wind. Definitely patio/beach weather.
I think this May was the hottest on record for the Pacific Northwest, but June has been about average for us. This time of year is normally pretty cloudy. There's a joke in Seattle that Summer doesn't start until July 5th, due to it normally raining on the 4th. The last few years, this hasn't been true, though and it's been getting hotter and drier for longer stretches each year. Next week we're supposed to be looking at temps around 90F, so I think it'll be time to break out the AC or I won't be able to sleep.
Things are getting rather hot and moist, aren't they?
Very hot, and awfully wet...
But I don't have to worry much. I am having my vacations (for a month or two more, before college starts), so I can stay peacefully in my home where it is naturally at least 10°C cooler than outside (due to the tactical placement of our rooms
29 C with a slight wind. A day to enjoy on ther patio with a nice cocktail.