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Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium

WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
edited July 2018 in BG:EE Mods
Hello I am looking for some moral support in making some new Baldur's Gate content (instead of feeling like a troglodyte).

The idea: Baldur's Gate should have a proper arms and armour shop in the trade district (seems weird without one eh?).

Here is the project so far:




More useful information: Custom sound files are already made from this guy's voice for the Dwarven blacksmith: (I didn't ask him I just ripped them off of youtube and made them more 'Baldur's Gate-y' in Audacity). The upstairs sells +2 standard magical weapons and armour and some +1 exotic and rare weapons and armour as well as some other exotic magical equipment.

Progress: Currently I am being a lazy bastard and want to talk to people about this project. I feel that I should do a small mod first and get some stuff into the community from my work pile of new Baldur's Gate high quality content. It seems that I must finish up brushing / blending and gutting and adding nice looking arms and armour do-dads from other Infinity Engine games. Such as Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II; I have some appropriate do-dads picked out I just need to work more (Any do-dad suggestions?) Also I want to add a chimney to the roof out side (and I got one picked out):

If you like reading: Here is an interesting chunk of additional information:


  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited July 2018

    ...Progress: Currently I am being a lazy bastard and want to talk to people about this project. I feel that I should do a small mod first and get some stuff into the community from my work pile of new Baldur's Gate high quality content.

    Yeah, I get you. Personally, I find it impossible to work on something that I'm not 100% into at any given moment. Heh, I have 3 mods that I should be updating, and another major mod that I should be starting on, but instead I've decided to start two more projects, but I'm only really working on one of them-- of course, it's the one that has the smallest chance of seeing the light of day. Of course. :P

    One compromise that I've found that works is I have found small ways to extend my work from one mod to make it work in other mods. Okay, that was an awkward sentence. Let me explain with an example.

    I need to update a component that I made in Tome and Blood (magic item crafting). The mod that I'm actually working on involves creating new wands, so I'm going to use that content in both mods. I'll be able to use a lot of the same content in both.

    So, maybe you are creating this huge, ambitious mod that involves a lot of items, and you've created these items. Well, maybe create a mod with these items, place them wherever, and release an 'item pack' to get them into the wild, as camdawg likes to say.

    You'll get some feedback on the items themselves-- balance, bugs, typos, etc.-- and perhaps the reception will motivate you to work on that big project

    Edit: this really is a great idea
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    When I'm low on motivation, I still try to do at least one thing each day. And, I'll do it in my "currently favorite" project. If I feel like doing more, I do more. But, I don't push myself. You can get a lot done that way.

    Also, if you were to just release (say) that Viking helmet with full animations, I'm sure people would love that
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    I know Stone of Askavar uses that island hill cave shown above Nashkel, so those would definitely conflict.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited July 2018
    Heck, if you just want to do art, you could donate art assets to the community. I know that I'd almost certainly make use of some of those items

    Edit: I almost forgot: I came here for another reason.

    One thing that I'm finding to be Very inspiring is working on the Readme. I'm doing that now with FnP, and I find it to be Very motivating.

    Also, just getting something done that you actually release is very motivating. That's especially true once the bug reports and requests start to come in. You start to feel a sense of responsibility, and this sense drives you to do more
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Ah I get you, doing *something* everyday is a good way to pile up the work over time, everything counts in large amounts.

    The Stone of Askavar does use that cave (although I made the better cave entrance) and there are a bunch of other game's ripped off art in the mod. I don't know I feel like if there was more social back and forth with the authors of that mod that perhaps we could figure out where to put a new entrance and maybe even make a few better unique non-ripped item B.A.M. icons for the good quality mod (maybe even add more content to the new forest map). I have not really looked for the authors of the mod but I would not mind improving it if I could get in touch with the authors. The more talented passion creative people the better.

    This sounds like a dick move but I would rather keep my items and release them in proper high quality mods. I have no issue with having other people using some of my items if they talk to myself first and work something out. I have more than a few items that could go in any decent mod - like masterwork quality items and the field plate armour items and Potions of Additional Healing and Potions of Remarkable Healing. It just goes down to trust is all. I work hard on them to not be shit and I want my items to be in a good high quality content 'home' and not something that is really wonky. If anyone wants to use something just talk to myself and I am sure something can be figured out. After all I do want to improve the better quality community content and working with people is much better than being alone in cyber space x.x.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    ...This sounds like a dick move but I would rather keep my items and release them in proper high quality mods. I have no issue with having other people using some of my items if they talk to myself first and work something out. I have more than a few items that could go in any decent mod - like masterwork quality items and the field plate armour items and Potions of Additional Healing and Potions of Remarkable Healing. It just goes down to trust is all. I work hard on them to not be shit and I want my items to be in a good high quality content 'home' and not something that is really wonky. If anyone wants to use something just talk to myself and I am sure something can be figured out. After all I do want to improve the better quality community content and working with people is much better than being alone in cyber space x.x.

    Na, I completely get that. Not a dick move at all
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited July 2018
    Looks like you have a lot of irons in the fire!

    A couple observations:

    While the armory mod sounds cool, the chimney seems like more trouble than it's worth. The entrance to the building is in AR0800, but the roof is only visible from AR0300. Even then, it is out of visible range from the street in AR0300. It would be a lot of effort to swap out the TIS tiles for something that most people won't even be able to see.

    I kind of just want to make unique new areas for the first eastern wilderness areas that are in Dark Side of the Sword Coast (instead of them reusing existing areas). Then maybe someone could help monkey around with that and the other new content for D.S.o.t.S.C. that I have worked on to make an expansion / super patch to that community content mod.

    Don't work on trying to create replacement areas or patches for someone else's mod, unless you have the original author's (or current maintainer's) blessing. If you want to make areas, items, encounters, quests, and/or NPCs, great! But use them in your own mods instead of creating a patch for someone else's mod.

    Also, Mod "crosstalk" is cool, i.e., creating some banter between your mod's NPCs and another mod's NPCs. That way, an NPC from DSotSC could comment on events in your mod's content. Again, run it by the author of the other mod, as they may object to the dialogues you have written for their NPCs.

    I have no issue with having other people using some of my items if they talk to myself first and work something out.

    This is a fine sentiment, but it seems at odds with your attitude towards the guy whose YouTube videos you "ripped off" the sound clips from:

    More useful information: Custom sound files are already made from this guy's voice for the Dwarven blacksmith: (I didn't ask him I just ripped them off of youtube and made them more 'Baldur's Gate-y' in Audacity).

    PS - If you have more than a flipped screen capture for AR1010, I'd be willing to look at incorporating it as an option for BG1UB's Ice Island. Or, if you plan to make it an independent mod, let me know how to identify your mod for the FORBID_COMPONENT check so both aren't installed together.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    I don't know, I think if you work hard enough and make cool content people are more likely to come around than not, we are all in this thing together doing the same very niche things.

    I don't know what position @swit is in with Dark Side of the Sword Coast but he liked what I did so far with the content so I don't see any harm at working hard on high quality content for the community; what do I have to lose if it is free at the end of the day and fun to play?

    I bet that it would sure beat those copy and paste areas (all the quest stuff would still be there btw) if put to a community vote (if they are not total dogshit). Then again if I make total dogshit areas in the woods and they are never released does anyone care about never released dogshit areas in the woods?

    That is what it is all about at the end of the day right? Improving the gaming experience of the community, working together and trying to make the game better?

    The Michael guy's voice was heavily filtered warped from the original (it really is a new thing but I was too lazy to iterate a proper difference) and it is really just a sign of respect to the guy. The guy was picking through junk yards for parts for his swords at times so it's style is up his ally anyway (hell I got the voice samples from a video of his about fighting for a free internet so if I get in trouble - if that is not irony I do not know what is x.x). If it made a big scene I think it would just work out for the best and bring us closer anyway for we are similar wacky people. Kind of like how some of the best friends you fight to begin with but work it out (if it ever came to that). If I ripped off his stuff directly without change (like make sword B.A.M.s from his work) I would ask him first (that would be kind of a dick move). It was kind of like I just grabbed his trash and made something out of it. Internal conflict of character is how good stories are written!

    I just put my content under "OL" prefix I found out over time (it stands for Osprey Light but it got used for everything; it just worked out like that *shrug*).

    Yeah that chimney is like 'would be nice to have' content; more for like a patch later and get the good stuff first ;-P. Priorities and work efficiency and bla bla bla etc. etc. etc. Iterate, iterate iterate!

    I don't know we kind of inherit the broken dreams of those who came before us; I try to honour those who came before myself and may have left the scene (I tried to save their cool shit before it got lost to the hunger of cyber space).

    I know that dread of having your content besmirched by lower quality content. Yet from this experience I try to grab the standard and at minimum keep it there but I try hard and sacrifice to raise it up. Make the future better than the past, a patch the is truly an 'update', not a 'downdate'.

    Of that Ice Island Second Dungeon Level Map I might have to make a new area from scratch (not sure if I lost the file on my old computer or not) but I have already been through the process to make a new area like that before so it is just a matter of motivation. Eh maybe I can throw in some items like a Hide Armour +2 or something to go with the wintry theme, throw in an ice lance spell and bodda bing etc. etc. etc. - I don't know just another Iron in the Fire eh :-P?

    I am tried of walls of text so here is something that won't make your head nod off and fall asleep (and something that is actually not an assault on the eyes like the earlier staging work on the areas >.>)

    So I took a free grass tile and modified it:

    Then I figured out how to scale and tile it for a 5120 x 3840 area (64 times 80 and 60 pixels, a typical Baldur's Gate Wilderness Area) and I have this boring map after 4-5 hours of crappy failed prototypes and software plugin ying yangs:

    So basically this is the base layer for things that go on top like all of the doo-dads and trees and rocks and other grass and vegetation and shading and blending and yada yada yada bla bla bla; it is a start. Look at the top right corner of Baldur's Gate, it looks like this map kinda; it is a start okay:-P.

    Does anyone have some Original Baldur's Gate trees and wilderness tiles anywhere by chance? I am really going after that authentic Baldur's Gate visual style. Also a big scary Green Dragon.
  • ClubbothClubboth Member Posts: 60
    Ambitious! I may not get Your point with the cave entrance of the Stone of Askavar mod, but leave it to this modification, because it is mentioned in an item and translated into several languages.

    The Mysteries of the Sword Coast modification has an extra cave east of the sarcophagus on AR4101. There is an other ankheg-cave in this mod, but I never found it. I wish, White Agnus were still active, because for one reason he tried to make this gem EE-compatible. And I could gave him some tra-files to look at.

    An other non compatible EE mod is Aurora's Shoes and Boots that adds a cave to AR4300 east of the fireplace. Deep Gnomes of the Sword Coast is an extract of this modification made by Roxanne only for EET, I think.

    But please take a look at Rasaad's OH3000. There is an unused cave entrance (unfinished business by Beamdog), that will fit Your Underdark-scenario much better than a map north of Nashkel. You can tie it to the monks who lived there once or not.

    I am not an English man, so it is hard for me to understand You, but much harder to explain You, what I like to say. So take it easy. Continue Your good work.

    Stone of Askavar has two new maps, The Drizzt Saga has four maps, if the travel trigger option is used and more if not. I have no idea what Northern Tales and Dark Side of the Sword Coast are adding to the world map but Elminster posted a world map here in the forum with those new areas on. Lava del Vortel has access to an unfinished mod that adds new maps to the world map too. Ask him for more information.

    Well, others were faster than me.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @Clubboth there is a working beta of Mysteries of the Sword Cost for BGEE here:

    Just download first (.exe) or second (.rar) file from the first post. Please note, that this version is still labeled as beta, so may contain EE-specific bugs that were not squashed yet by the autor.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961

    Here is a *very rough* (it needs A LOT of work still with blending, shading and general quality refining) W.I.P. update to the downstairs of the Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium. More do-dads and an arms and armour store that actually looks like it sells common place arms and armour!:D
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Before the previous post I had the forums eat a long reply comment and I have been too withered with work to retype it up again in full. So in brief:

    @Red_Carnelian that is pretty interesting. Where did you get the trees? Also I might just add a few new 3D details to the new areas with probably mostly franken-areas to make the new wilderness areas.

    @Grammarsalad @AstroBryGuy You know people steal things, everyday all around us; big things, small things. Yet whether one notices or can defend one's self is a different matter (thus why nations have a military). Yet when people steal they usually want to keep what they do not have, so they hide and or defend their theft. If a person is not stupid while being honest about using someone else's item without breaking the law; perhaps there is integrity there, perhaps not it depends you know?

    Working with people is good but without money or local friends it fades out over time. I don't call most mods dogshit (unless for good reason), just my stuff if I don't like it (usually it is not released / shown content - I demand a high standard of quality from myself). Hardly anyone creates content so we need to encourage creative people, not discourage creative people.

    Theft is bad, and homage is okay, succeeding something without permission is a risky move (in general try to do things with permission ~9 out of 10 times unless it is a dire situation) due to stepping on toes and failing to win legitimacy and thus being at risk to become ostracized. It comes down to if you are bound to the people you succeed or not out of respect or by other means. Try diplomacy first (it is usually more productive) before going to war etc. etc. etc. Basically if people give something legitimacy in rule, the 'usurper' usually stays in power - good or bad. People may disagree but history and human nature may say otherwise. Life is kind of a savage graceful bastard; you know, to everyone?

    @Clubboth If you said nothing I would not known that you are not a native English speaker; it is good! Do you have any links for those mods, they sound interesting to check out. Just make something and people like water can flow into it. Anyone can look at something and make comments but creating something worth playing is a difficult usually lonely undertaking; it requires sacrifice.
  • ClubbothClubboth Member Posts: 60
    Hi, WithinAmnesia!

    I remembered Zanso's mod in progress: The Enemy Within

    And Cahir gave the other link. Thank You, Cahir!
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2018

    Here is an updated yet VERY ROUGH draft of the upstairs of the Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium. Enjoy fresh of the tonight!
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Here is another Work in Progress rough draft of the Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium; this time with a video and working areas and merchants!
    Also here is an Archive of the work so far on the module and perhaps some other bits and pieces added in from my override file (perhaps missing some files too but if so please feel free to let myself know):!vBoQmQpJ!Y_E8S7vd6GR9sFxk6kmxD7_0EgWTjwyElqABVYVS6YU
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Update 1.2(?): I added the following items to the Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium:
    Ring of Accurate Striking +1 [x2] (Melee T.H.A.C.0. +2):

    Ring of Accurate Striking +2 [x1] (Melee T.H.A.C.0. +3):

    Flail +2 'The Thresher' [x1] (Removed from Sorcerous Sundries and added to Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium).
    Improved inspired by Helm. +1 Cold Damage (via Faiths & Avatars - Helm's Cone of Cold shot from lifting his visor; an homage to the champions of Helm doing battle on the wooden shaft as described by the item description), +2 Crushing Damage vs. Undead (an homage to the Mace of Odo Priest of Helm spell with increased damage to undead but not increased T.H.A.C.O to undead while still keeping roughly the same damage increase ratio from the base damage amount intact from the Mace of Odo via Faiths and Avatars source book), 5550 Gold Value (up from 3000; it was previously the same gold value as the generic Flail +2), 60 Lore to Identify (up from 20 lore value; it was previously below the generic Flail +2), BLUN14F Item Icon BAM (Red and Green flail heads representing the twin headed flail with flail heads of steel and bronze respectively represented from the item description). The item colours are BLUN14F red and green with BLUN39 grip colour.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2018
    This is not really related to this project but I want to post it anyway to archive it etc.

    "Tempting Temples Module Item Upgrade Requirements

    +1 Saving Throws bonus, Good or Neutral or Evil Alignment Restriction: Potion of Stoneform (500 gold) [POTN46.ITM]
    +2 Saving Throws bonus, Good or Neutral or Evil Alignment Restriction: Potion of Invulnerability (1200 gold) [POTN11.ITM]
    +3 Saving Throws bonus, Good or Neutral or Evil Alignment Restriction: Potion of Magic Shielding (1250 gold) [POTN46.ITM] and Potion of Power (1700 gold) [POTN41.ITM]

    -Matthew Gordon Roulston 1:38 AM 09(Monday)/07(July)/2018

    Tempting Temples Module Item Upgrade Requirements(Expanded)

    Imbued to +1 enchanted armour suits: +1 Saving Throws bonus
    Good or Neutral or Evil Alignment Restriction: 1,000 Gold, Potion of Stoneform (500 gold) [POTN46.ITM], a few semi-precious gems [Total Gold Value: ~1,500 gold]

    Imbued to +2 enchanted armour suits: +2 Saving Throws bonus, +5% Magic Resistance
    Good or Neutral or Evil Alignment Restriction: 3,000 Gold, Potion of Stoneform x2 (500 x2 gold) [POTN46.ITM], Potion of Magic Protection (1,000 gold), a precious gem [Total Gold Value: ~5,000 gold]

    Imbued to +3 enchanted armour suits: +3 Saving Throws bonus, +10% Magic Resistance, +5 Hit Points
    Good or Neutral or Evil Alignment Restriction: 9,000 Gold, Potion of Invulnerability (1,200 gold) [POTN11.ITM], Potion of Magic Shielding (1,250 gold) [POTN46.ITM], Potion of Fortitude (500 gold), a few precious gems [Total Gold Value: ~11,950 gold]

    Imbued to +4 enchanted armour suits: +4 Saving Throws bonus, +15% Magic Resistance, +10 Hit Points, 1 Hit Point per 1 Turn
    Good or Neutral or Evil Alignment Restriction: 27,000 Gold, Potion of Invulnerability x2 (1,200 x2 gold) [POTN11.ITM], Potion of Magic Blocking (1,500 gold), Potion of Heroism (800 gold), Potion of Regeneration (500 gold), Some type of quest / monster item(s) and lots of precious gems [Total Gold Value: ~32,200 gold]

    Imbued to +5 enchanted armour suits: +5 Saving Throws bonus, +20% Magic Resistance, +15 Hit Points, 2 Hit Points per 1 Turn, Armour of Faith 15% damage absorption (as a 10th level caster)
    Good or Neutral or Evil Alignment Restriction: 81,000 Gold, Potion of Invulnerability x3 (1,200 x3 gold) [POTN11.ITM], Potion of Magic Blocking x2 (1,500 x2 gold) [POTN46.ITM], Potion of Power (1,700 gold) [POTN41.ITM], Potion of Regeneration x2 (500 x2 gold) x2, Some kind of Good / Neutral / Evil 'faith' artifact and or symbol and or epic monster item(s) and heaps of precious gems [Total Gold Value: ~180,600 gold]

    -Matthew Gordon Roulston 9:19 PM 20(Friday)/07(July)/2018"

    I then went and made every +1 and +4 suit of armour in the Original Baldur's Gate have 3 extra 'blessed' versions:
    Holy ______ (Good aligned only), Divine ______ (Neutral aligned only) and Unholy _______ (Evil aligned only)

    Then just add the corresponding +1 to +5 item enchantment imbued power from a Good / Evil / Neutral temple to the item's already preexisting abilities and bingo! Magical Armours that out compete default armours and Rings / Amulets / Cloaks of Protection +1 / +2 / +3.

    Now magical suits of armour feel like treasure again with a bit of scale-able investment!:-D
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961

    Now the downstairs Infinity Engine Assets are blended yay!

    This took so much time with copious amounts of Microsoft paint using the mouse with the Natural Pencil Brush to blend these assets better into the background and make the scene look more natural. All done by hand and high zoom!

    Now I just have to finish the upstairs in the same manner.
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    looks great!
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    It's looking good so far. You might want to try adjusting the contrast on the tilesets so they blend into the scene a little better.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961

    It's looking good so far. You might want to try adjusting the contrast on the tilesets so they blend into the scene a little better.

    Huh, I am wondering how I am going to get some of the really well, 'contrasting' asset pieces better blended into the scene. It is all one layer so I guess I can make a new version with more layers and adjust the contrast around some of the 'popping' assets to see how that works. I am kind of scratching my head as to how I am going to blend that dark shadowed armoured mannequin upstairs with the moderately well lit background around it. It is worth a tinker I suppose. Is there an example or guide to doing this?
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Hey I am still alive, I am just working a lot and building a house. While the weather is a bit naff I usually end up puttering around on projects like this. In want to get this done as a proper high quality community module that I can share with people finally after all these years of monkeying around with Baldur's Gate content and Near Infinity; like a proof of work and or sacrifice.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Here is an Update on the Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium project; the downstairs!
    Look at all the containers! Containers everywhere! There are too many containers!?
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited November 2018
    I do not know if the other update was eaten by cyberspace or not here but this the update where the Master Smith: Michael of Baldur's Gate can now Reforge +2 unique items into more powerful +3 reforged variants!

    It is still early days on the prototype and there is a high need for more work to be completed (and more items reforged) but the Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium Forge is functional!

    Big Help was given by @Arunsun and this could not have been achieved without the help offered. I hope that I can deliver this content of high quality to the community some time soon™.

    Also this is the third update, a new reforged item Two-handed Sword +3 'Spider's Bane':

    Two-handed Sword +3 'Spider's Bane' In Action Slaying Monsters in the Streets of Baldur's Gate!

    Two-handed Sword +3 'Spider's Bane'

    *Additional Item Description needs further expansion*


    Special Abilities:

    - Once per day cast Hold Monster (at a 40 foot range cast as level 12)

    Damage 1D10+3 (slashing)
    THAC0 +3
    Speed Factor 7
    Weight 9 lbs.
    Requires 12 Strength
    Value: 24,000 Gold

    Take care everyone and until next time have a good one folks! (Hopefully sometime soon)!
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Glad to see you are making progress!
This discussion has been closed.