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Baldur's Gate Arms and Armour Emporium



  • GwendolyneGwendolyne Member Posts: 461
    @WithinAmnesia What kind of code do you need?

    I mean WeiDU can handle patching most everything, more or less easily. For example, writing a code removing or altering resistance stats in CRE files takes a few minutes, but reading what resistance provided by items that creatures wear and finding a way to alter them may be more tricky and time consuming...
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2019
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Also is there cut content for the Snow troll cave in Cloud Peaks; and if so is it still not added yet? Should an ice cave be added because I can make high quality area art.

    Although a cave could definitely be added there, I'm not sure how often players even go to the Dark Moon Temple area. In order to even access that area, Rasaad needs to be in the party (or have been in the party).


    Although with more levelheadedness: Yeah it would be cool if the cloud peaks could be accessed as a regular area with the temple part perhaps blocked off unless Rasaad is in the party. How would that be mechanically / WeiDU possible? How can a 'door' (lump of snow / rocks) be opened by the presence of Rasaad? What would the mechanics be? Eh it could be something where it detects Rasaad and clears the mountain pass (opens a 'door' linked to Rasaad being in the area OL3000.are).

    Wait how does the Baldur's Gate draw bridge open after quest progression? If something like that could be used but with Rasaad in the party / start of Rasaad quest that would be great. Or even a 'content gate' mechanic script linked to Rasaad's presence that 'content gates' the mountain pass with the Dark Moon Monks (requiring Rasaad). Also what would need to be done is to make make OH3000 (Cloud Peak Mountains) regular discoverable on the travel map (besides Rasaad quest) from AR5500 east side travel region and AR5000 south side travel region. I know it can be done adding new travel areas from preexisting areas to the travel map (Dark Side of Sword Coast).
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2019
    @Gwendolyne The Ghost Knights in Firewine Ruins have 100% resistance to all the stats on their .cre file. I'm wondering if there is a WeiDU way to alter these resistance stats (nerf all of their resistance to like 10%) to make them regular killable. If this can be done the plan B work around where the Ghost Knights are removed and replaced can be scrapped.

    Also how can the Ghost Knight event, quest and journal entry be changed so that the ghost knights stay after the completion of the original quest? Also how can I alter a dialog line (add more quest context) from the Undead Knight (with the cursed Spear +3 'Backbiter')?

    The new Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest would be unlocked after the completion of the altered Undead Knight quest (curse not lifted). Once the altered Undead Knight quest is completed the lead Ghost Knight initiates a shout dialog (that hints the players to find the Idol of Kozah) and starts the new Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest. I am not sure how to make 'quest check points' (globals?); the Undead Knight quest completion would need to be a 'quest check point' for later. Once the player with Idol of Kozah is in sight of the lead Ghost Knight, the lead Ghost Knight initiates a shout dialog and all the Ghost Knights go berserk (turn hostile from the madness onset via Idol of Kozah) after the shout dialog ends. The lead Ghost Knight initiates a shout dialog when is slain only if the Undead Knight quest is completed ('quest check point'); during this dialog the Ghost Knight quest is completed and rewards the player and prompts the journal. With the player killing the hostile Ghost Knights their ethereal corpses are left behind and are lootable.

    Also to have the Ancient Armor be not destroyed but stays in the lead Ghost Knight inventory (I'm not sure if it is deleted on Undead Skeleton quest completion or not). This is so after the new Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest encounter the Ancient Armor can be continued to be used with Ulcaster Ghost The Vampire's Revenge quest.

    I am not sure how to initiate a dialog shout from a slain creature when the player kills a creature (and then completes the new Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest after the dialog is finished). With Ancient Armor not destroyed after the Ghost Knight quest so that the Ulcaster Ghost Vampire's Revenge quest can also be completed. Also how are quest rewards altered for I plan to swap SW1H19 with OLSW1H04 (An expanded version of cursed Long Sword 'The Vampire's Revenge'.

    Basically my request to learn WeiDU:
    I am not sure how alter creature stats with WeiDU.
    I am not sure how to add and alter quests with WeiDU.
    I am not sure how to add and alter journal entries with WeiDU.
    I am not sure how to alter preexisting dialog with WeiDU.
    I am not sure how to initiate a dialog shout from a slain creature when the player kills a creature (and then complete a quest during the shout dialog).
    - [I am not sure how to create this sequences of events: creature (lead Ghost Knight) dies -> shouts dialog at player only if a quest is completed (shouts only if Undead Knight quest is completed) -> A quest is completed during the dialog (Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest is completed) -> Dialog ends.]
    Also I am trying to make an Troll Ice Cave in OH3000.ARE but I am not sure how to make a door (barrier 'content gate' linked to Rasaad located by the mountain stairs) in OH3000.ARE that opens when Rasaad enters the area (OH3000.ARE). Also I am unsure how to make OH3000 regular discoverable on the travel map (besides Rasaad quest) from AR5500 east side travel region and AR5000 south side travel region.
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2019
    Ice cave dungeon (W.I.P. 01 Screenshots) @argent77 @OlvynChuru @Gwendolyne @Very_BigSword @Skitia @swit @Skarose @Arunsun @GemHound @Mikkel @Tuth @Cuv @CrevsDaak @elminster @Avenger_teambg @LavaDelVortel @fluke13 @AionZ @Ravenslight @Ardanis @brus @JuliusBorisov Hmmn I cannot think of anyone else to shake from the tree xD: [Also how to get rid of the map bug lines from tiling?]

    Level One (OL3001.ARE):
    Snow trolls, Ice trolls, Winter Wolves, Polar Bears, Mountain Bears, and Remorhaz' (Containers)

    Level Two (OL3002.ARE):
    Frost Giants (Treasure)
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    The areas look pretty good so far. But Frost Giants and Remorhazes sound a bit too much for Baldur's Gate 1 (sure they'd be beatable with kiting, disabling, or a min-maxed fighter, but they're not the kind of monster you normally encounter this early).
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2019
    @OlvynChuru Yeah I was thinking that this would be an area to go back to (you try and die if too low level) like Durlag's tower (or like Metriod backtracking or dungeons and raids in World of Warcraft). The area is literally tucked away in the corner of the map xD.

    The snow trolls are level 6 (7 and 9 bg2) in OH3000,
    Gamaz is level 9,
    White boars are level 3,
    Ice Mephits are level 3,
    Winter Wolves are level 6,
    Cold wights are level 5 and 6,
    Umber Hulks are level 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12,
    Ice trolls are level 4 and 6,
    Greater ice trolls are level 7,8 and 10,
    Ice Salamander (and clerics) are level 8,
    Frost Salamanders are level 8, 9, 10 and 15,
    Snow Golem is level 9,
    Cold Bones are level 10,
    Cave bears are level 6, 8, and 9,
    Polar bears are level 8 and 9,
    Mountain bears are level 10,
    Yetis (various) are level 5, 7,8, 10 and 11,
    Beetles (various) levels 1-12,
    White Wyrms are level 10 and 14,
    Ice Mist is level 12,
    Iced Bones are level 12,
    Black Ice Knight is level 12,
    Frozen Bones are level 14,
    Remorhazes are level 14,
    Blizzards trolls are level 14,
    Frost giants are level 14 and Frost giant guards are level 16,
    Ice Golem Sentries are level 17,
    Ice Golem is level 18 and 20
    White dragon is level 2 to 21.

    I want this to be a good dungeon though. Hmm, what kind of items should be the loot? Perhaps I should add another level. Maybe I should simplify this and make a new snow area in the mountains and put a small troll cave (whit a box) for OH3000. I could use this and throw an Ettin in there (level 10):
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2019
    I am threatening to make a full scale out side area from a composite patch work of altered Icewind Dale map outdoor areas. I do not know if I can justify this area though with time. Hmmmn, god damn poverty strikes again xD. Also one of those black squares is the full size image pixel area of a full Baldur's Gate map: 5120 x 3840.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2019

    Here is a rough idea of the area so far. Lots of work would be needed to blend, mash and bleed other bits of detail into the scene. Starts top left (don't mind the other exits to the south it should get patched over) and flows in a big anti-clockwise manner, maybe a bit of inter connection in the middle; who knows, we will see eh. The top right would be a dungeon start.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    OL5600.ARE Update (Cloud Peak Mountains Snow Outside Area)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Yeah, it would probably be better to make these areas separate from the Rasaad areas (add another place on the world map).

    Putting those area arts together like that sounds good, but you're probably going to have to do some editing on the borders between them, otherwise it will look really awkward.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2019
    The Frozen Fortress, Icehauptannarthanyx; Hmmn.
    >Click here to zoom in image to read text.<
    "The Frozen Fortress
    Within the Cloudpeak Mountains’ permanently frozen reaches lies a great fortress covered in snow and ice. Set in the mountainside, It is locally known as the “Frozen Fortress” and the reputed home of Frost Giants and even Drakes. Few dare venture near this frozen structure, and with good reason. Even the vicinity of the fortress is dangerous due to roaming Yeti and powerful elementals. Thankfully it is not necessary to pass by the fortress on the way south to Amn and Athkatla, or north to Nashkel and Baldur’s Gate."

    I have also found so more lore on the Frozen Fortress
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2019
    @OlvynChuru Most definitely mate. That work in progress update map image is just a rough hour of work monkeying around with splicing the area together and blending the area into a general uniform design. I am no where happy with releasing it as it is. It is like a car with just the chassis, it needs a body and fine details added.

    Right now I am thinking of putting a frozen fortress architecture wall face in the top right and then making an interior with 3D model assets in Unity and taking isometric photos and using conventional image editing to add in extra detail to save time, be more powerful with my time and hopefully have more area and more unique high quality experience while also learning transferable skills for my other projects.

    I am thinking of the Frozen Fortress wall face using detail bits and pieces of this altered map image:
    (The Upper center left wall looks like a prime candidate).
  • GwendolyneGwendolyne Member Posts: 461

    I will have more time this week.

    1. Please send me a PM explaining exactly which resistances you want to alter in .cre. files and a list of the cre files.
    2. Also send me a picture of the map showing exactly where you want to add a new door or access.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2019
    Here is a progress update on the items (the first ones need less components and be simplified to have a better player experience). Also to note all of the reforged upgraded items listed are already made and functioning, they just need reforge component recipes (suggestions welcome):
    OLAMUL01 - Necklace of Missiles 'The One Gift Lost' - Ruby x1, Sunstone Gem (MISC18) x20, Potion of Explosions (POTN26) x6, Fireball x6 (SCRL1G), 5,000 Gold
    OLAMUL05 - Shield Amulet 'The Superior Shield' - Diamond (MISC42) x1, Pearl (MISC36) x2, Zircon Gem (MISC25) x10 Lynx Eye Gem (MISC17) x20, Potion of Magic Shielding (POTN35) x1, Potion of Defense (POTN24) x5, Shield (SCRL79) x10, 5,000 Gold
    OLAMUL1A - Amulet of Whispers 'Ulcaster's Peace of Mind' -
    OLAMUL1B - Amulet of Selûne 'Lon's Amulet' -
    OLAMUL16 - Amulet of Metaspell Influence 'The Amplifier' - Beljuril x1, Ziose Gem x10, Garnet Gem x20, Scroll of Haste x1, Oil of Speed x5, Potion of Genius x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLAMUL17 - Greenstone Amulet 'The Big One' - Rogue Stone x1, Emerald x2, Sphene Gem x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Star Gem Diopside x15, Turquoise Gem x20, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Protection x2, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Antidote x3, Potion of Clarity x10, Potion of Mirrored Eyes x1, Scroll of Spirit Armour x1, Scroll of Remove Curse x1, Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability x1, Scroll of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere x1
    OLAMUL2A - Amulet of Protection +2 'The Superior Protector' -
    OLAMUL2B - Amulet of Robust Spirits 'Heart of the Mountain' -
    OLAMUL3B - Medal of Valor 'Waterhavian Bravery' -
    OLAMUL6A - Clasp of Helm 'The Watcher's Protection' -
    OLAMUL7A - Locket of Embracing 'Heartbroken Regret' -

    OLAX1H0A - Throwing Axe +4 'Dragon's Fury' - Chardalyn x1, Rogue Stone x1, King's Tears x1, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x5, Bloodstone Gem x30, Sunstone Gem x60, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Storm Giant Strength x1, Potion of Fire Giant Strength x1, Potion of Fiery Burning x1, Potion of Explosions x1, Potion of Firebreath x1, Potion of Fire Resistance x3, Scroll of Fireball x3, Scroll of Magic Missile x5, 50,000 Gold
    OLAX1H03 - Battle Axe +3 'Battle Axe of Mauletar' - Star Ruby x1, Diamond x2, Black Opal x2, Garnet Gem x3, Bloodstone Gem x5, Sunstone Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x5, Scroll of Tenser's Transformation x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Stone Giant Strength x1, Potion of Hill Giant Strength x1, Potion of Strength x1, Potion of Agility x3, Potion of Fortitude x3, Potion of Heroism x5, 5,000 Gold.
    OLAX1H05 - Throwing Axe +3 'The Reliable Reply' - Star Ruby x1, Beljuril x3, Diamond x5, Aquamarine Gem x5, Water Opal x2, Waterstar Gem x5, Moonbar Gem x1, Moonstone Gem x20, Zircon Gem x5, Andar Gem x20, Lynx Eye Gem x25, Turquoise Gem x50, Iol Gem x1, Oil of Speed x1, Scroll of Magic Missile x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLAX1H07 - Battle Axe +1 'Bala's Axe, Wizard Slayer' - Beljuril x1, Diamond x5, Black Opal x10, Horn Coral Gem x10, Bloodstone Gem x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Jasper Gem x20, Lynx Eye Gem x20, Andar Gem x10, Shandon Gem x5, Ziose Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x3, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Hill Giant Strength x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLAX1H7A - Battle Axe +2 'Bala's Axe, Wizard Slayer' - Rogue Stone x1, Beljuril x2, Diamond x3, Black Opal x1, Horn Coral Gem x1, Bloodstone Gem x1, Chrysoberyl Gem x1, Jasper Gem x2, Lynx Eye Gem x2, Andar Gem x1, Shandon Gem x1, Ziose Gem x1, Tchazar Gem x1, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Stone Giant Strength x1, Potion of Frost Giant Strength x1, Potion of Fire Giant Strength x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x1, 10,000 Gold
    OLAX1H19 - Battle Axe +2 'Golden Axe' - Kings' Tears x2, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x2, Black Opal x5, Pearl x5, Moonstone Gem x7, Zircon Gem x10, Andar Gem x10, Tchazar Gem x15, Sunstone Gem x20, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLAX1H1A - Battle Axe +3 'Golden Axe' - Star Ruby x1, Kings' Tears x1, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x1, Black Opal x5, Pearl x3, Moonstone Gem x3, Zircon Gem x5, Andar Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x10, Sunstone Gem x15, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x5, 10,000 Gold
    OLAX1H3A - Battle Axe +3 'Chill Axe' -

    OLBELT16 - Belt of Antipode 'Protector of the Fateful'- Rogue Stone x3, Kings' Tears x4, Star Sapphire x5, Diamond x6, Shandon Gem x10, Pearl x5, Turquiose Gem x15, Water Opal x4, Waterstar Gem x8, Moonbar Gem x3, Aquamarine Gem x3, Iol Gem x5, Lynx Eye Gem x10, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x2, Potion of Magic Protection x3, Potion of Cold Resistance x10, Potion of Defence x5, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Frost Giant Strength x1, Potion of Fire Resistance x1, Winter Wolf Pelt x7, Protection Scroll of Protection From Fire x3, Protection Scroll of Protection From Cold x5, Protection Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, Scroll of Lower Resistance x1, Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability x3, Scroll of Dispel Magic x5, Scroll of Remove Curse x3, 5,000 Gold
    OLBELT1A - Girdle of Luck 'Cloverleaf' -
    OLBELT2A - Girdle of Sharpness 'Golden Girdle of Urnst' - Kings' Tears x3, Diamond x10, Tchazar Gem x15, Sunstone Gem x20, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Defense x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons x1, Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, Scroll of Armor x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBELT2B - Belt of the Skillful Blade 'Say'an Keenedge's Pride' -
    OLBELT3A - Girdle of Bluntness 'Destroyer of the Hills' - Kings' Tears x3, Diamond x10, Tchazar Gem x15, Sunstone Gem x20, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Defense x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons x1, Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, Scroll of Armor x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBELT4B - Belt of the Cunning Rogue 'Servitude of Mask' -
    OLBELT4A - Girdle of Piercing 'Elve's Bane' - Kings' Tears x3, Diamond x10, Emerald x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Moonbar Gem x3, Shandon Gem x3, Sphene Gem x3, Skydrop Gem x5, Star Gem Diopside x10, Zircon Gem x3, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Defense x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Missiles x1, Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, Scroll of Armor x5, Scroll of Shield x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBELT4B - Girdle of Sharpness 'The Protector of the Unworthy' -

    OLBLN39A - Flail +3 'The Thresher' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, Emerald x1, Diamond x2, Bloodtsone Gem x10, Moonbar Gem x1, Moonstone Gem x1, Shandon Gem x1, Waterstar Gem x1, Water Opal x1, Sphene Gem x2, Star Gem Diopside x4, Sunstone Gem x3, Tchazar Gem x2, Jasper Gem x1, Horn Coral Gem x1, Garnet Gem x3, Chrysoberyl Gem x2, Black Opal x10, Andar Gem x5, Iol Gem x1, Scroll of Blindness x3, Scroll of Identify x15, Scroll of Infravision x2, Scroll of Detect Illusion x10, Scroll of Dispel Magic x1, Scroll of Detect Invisibility x2, Scroll of Farsight x1, Scroll of Wizard Eye x1, Scroll of Oracle x1, Scroll of True Sight x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Infravision x10, Potion of Insight x5, Potion of Invisibility x2, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Potion of Mirrored Eyes x1, Potion of Perception x12, Potion of Power x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN09 - Morning Star +3 'Kiel's Morning Star' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, King's Tears x1, Beljuril x1, Bloodstone Gem x33, Black Opal x15, Tchazar Gem x10, Diamond x7, Jasper Gem x20, Star Gem Diopside x5, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Strength x20, Potion of Hill Giant Strength x15, Potion of Stone Giant Srength x10, Potion of Frost Giant Strength x7, Potion of Fire Giant Strength x5, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength x3, Potion of Storm Giant Strength x1, Antidote x5, Potion of Clarity x3, Potion of Genius x1, Potion of Heroism x5, Potion of insight x3, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Potion of Perception x3, Potion of Power x1, Scroll of Charm Person x1, Scroll of Friends x1, Scroll of Color Spray x1, Scroll of Protection of Evil, Scroll of Sleep x1, Scroll of Strength x5, Scroll of Vocalize x1, Scroll of Resist Fear x1, Scroll of Dire Charm, Scroll of Dispel Magic x1, Scroll of Remove Curse x1, Scroll of Polymorph Self x1, Scroll of Domination x1, Scroll of Tenser's Transformation x1, 10,000 Gold
    OLBlUN10 - Club +2 'The Root of the Problem' - King's Tears x1, Emerald x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Aquamarine Gem x5, Skydrop Gem x3, Sphene Gem x5, Star Gem Diopside x15, Turquoise Gem x30, Water Opal x5, Waterstar Gem x10, Ziose Gem x5, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Healing x1, Potion of Health x1, Potion of Regeneration x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Hill Giant Strength, Potion of Heroism x1, Oil of Speed x1, Anitdote x3, Potion of Absorption x1, Scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN1A - Club +3 'The Root of the Problem' - Star Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, Beljuril x1, Emerald x3, Chrysoberyl Gem x15, Aquamarine Gem x10, Skydrop Gem x5, Sphene Gem x3, Star Gem Diopside x20, Turquoise Gem x40, Water Opal x10, Waterstar Gem x8, Ziose Gem x3, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Healing x20, Potion of Additional Healing x15, Potion of Remarkable Healing x10, Potion of Extra Healthing x5, Potion of Health x3, Potion of Regeneration x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Hill Giant Strength, Potion of Heroism x1, Oil of Speed x1, Potion of Fortidute x1, Anitdote x5, Potion of Absorption x1, Scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN1B - Club +3 'Mosela's Cudgel' -
    OLBLUN2A - Club +2 'Cudgel of Montgomer' -
    OLBLUN2B - Club +3 'Cudgel of Montgomer' -
    OLBLUN37 - Club +3 'Mighty Oak' - Star Ruby x1, Emerald x10, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Sphene Gem x5, Star Gem Diopside x10, Turquoise Gem x100, Potion of Strength x10, Potion of Hill Giant Strength x5 Potion of Stone Giant Strength x1, Antidote x10, Potion of Heroism x10, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Scroll of Shocking Grasp x10, Scroll of Strength x7, Scroll of Hold Person x5, Scroll of Slow x3, Scroll of Hold Undead x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN41 - Mace of Stunning +2 'The Stupefier' - King's Tear Gem x1, Star Sapphire x2, Diamond x4, Lynx Eye Gem x40, Tchazar Gem x20, Turquoise Gem x50, Iol Gem x101, Pearl x3, Bloodstone Gem x1, Potion of Absorption x1, Potion of Heroism x5, Potion of Genius x1, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Murky Oil of Speed x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Perception x3, Potion Stone Giant Strength x1, Scroll of Shocking Grasp x10, Scroll of Ghoul Touch x7, Scroll of Web x5, Scroll of Hold Person x3, Scroll of Hold Undead x1, Scroll of Slow x5, Scroll of Greater Malison x3, Scroll of Otluke's Resiliant Sphere x1, Scroll of Hold Monster x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN4A - Mace of Stunning +3 'The Stupefier' - Star Ruby x1, King's Tear Gem x4, Star Sapphire x3, Diamond x6, Lynx Eye Gem x30, Tchazar Gem x15, Turquoise Gem x30, Iol Gem x420, Pearl x3, Bloodstone Gem x10, Potion of Absorption x1, Potion of Heroism x5, Potion of Genius x1, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Murky Oil of Speed x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Perception x3, Potion Stone Giant Strength x1, Scroll of Shocking Grasp x10, Scroll of Ghoul Touch x7, Scroll of Web x5, Scroll of Hold Person x15, Scroll of Hold Undead x1, Scroll of Slow x5, Scroll of Greater Malison x3, Scroll of Otluke's Resiliant Sphere x1, Scroll of Hold Monster x1, 10,001 Gold
    OLBLUN4B - Morning Star +3 'Martyr's Morning Star' -
    OLBLUN5B - Flail +3 'The Hydra' -
    OLBLUN7B - Club +3 'Backwacker' -
    OLBLUN8B - Club +3 'Glimmer of Hope' -

    OLBOOT03 - Boots of the North 'The Frost's Embrace' - King's Tears x1, Beljuril x2, Star Sapphire x3, Aquamarine Gem x20, Skydrop Gem x10, Shandon Gem x5, Moonbar Gem x3, Moonstone Gem x15, Pearl x10, Lynx Eye Gem x20, Iol Gem x5, Turquoise Gem x25, Water Opal x12, Waterstar Gem x30, Zircon Gem x10, Potion of Agility x1, Potion of Cold Resistance x30, Potion of Defence x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Mirrored Eyes x1, Oil of Speed x1, Potion of Frost Giant Strength x10, Potion of Power x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Cold x12, Scroll of Protection From Cold x10, Scroll of Icestorm x5, Scroll of Cone of Cold x1, Wand of Frost x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT05 - Boots of Grounding 'Talos's Gift' - Rogue Stone x1, King's Tear's x1, Diamond x5, Skydrop Gem x30, Zircon Gem x50, Iol Gem x10, Potion of Insolation x20, Potion of Absorption x10, Potion of Magic Protection x5, Potion of Magic Shielding x3, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength x1, Potion of Storm Giant Strength x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Electricty x20, Scroll of Lightning Bolt x10, Shocking Grasp x20, Scroll of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere x1, Scroll of Protection From Electricity x1, Wand of Lightning x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT1A - Boots of Speed 'The Paws of the Cheetah' - Rogue Stone x1, Ruby x1, Beljuril x1, Iol Gem x12, Lynx's Eye Gem x15, Oil of Speed x17, Potion of Agility x12, Potion of Regeneration x3, Scroll of Grease x5, Scroll of Haste x20, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT1B - 'Luck Boots' - Emerald x2, Chrysoberyl Gem x15, Star Gem Diopside x12, Aquamarine Gem x10, Sphene Gem x5, Potion of Agility x2, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Scroll of Luck x20, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT1C - Boots of Silence 'Soft Feet' -
    OLBOOT1D - Slippers of Fighting 'Sidestep Slippers' -
    OLBOOT2A - Boots of Stealth 'Worn Whispers' - Rogue Stone x1, Kings' Tears's x1, Diamond x6, Block Opal x20, Horn Coral Gem x50, Turquoise Gem x20, Star Gem Diopside x5, Lynx Eye Gem x20, Ziose Gem x10, Jasper Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x1, Iol Gem x1, Scroll of Blur x5, Scroll of Wraithform x1, Scroll of Invisibility x20, Scroll of Improved Invisibility x1, Potion of Invisibility x20, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Perception x20, Oil of Speed x5, Potion of Master Thievery x20, Potion of Infravision x1, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Potion of Agility x15,
    OLBOOT2B - 'Charisma Boots' - Rogue Stone x1, Diamond x2, Garnet Gem x20, Pearl x5, Star Sapphire x1, Potion of Potion of Persuasiveness x15, Scroll of Friends x12, Scroll of Charm Person x10, Scroll of Dire Charm x5, Scroll of Domination x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT2C - Boots of the Mermaid 'Ostentatious Boots' -
    OLBOOT4C - ~Repaired Boot and a Half of Speed~ -

    OLBOW07 - Longbow +3 'The Dead Shot' -
    OLBOW08 - Shortbow +3 'Protector of the Dryads' -
    OLBOW1A - Composite Longbow +3 'Strong Arm' -
    OLBOW1B - Short Bow +2 'Blightbringer' -
    OLBOW1B - Short Bow +3 'Blightbringer' -
    OLBOW2B - Composite Longbow +3 'Corinth's Bow' -
    OLBOW3B - Short Bow +3 'Fleshripper' -
    OLBOW5B - Short Bow +3 'Savage Shortbow' -

    OLBRAC03 - Bracers of Defence AC 6 'Bracers to the Death' -
    OLBRAC04 - Bracers of Archery 'The Dale's Protector' -
    OLBRAC06 - Guantlets of Ogre Power 'Hands of Takkok' -
    OLBRAC07 - Guantlets of Dexterity 'The Brawling Hands' -
    OLBRAC08 - Guantlets of Fumbling 'Elander's Gloves of Misplacement' -
    OLBRAC10 - Guantlets of Weapon Expertise 'Legacy of the Masters' -
    OLBRAC11 - Bracers of Binding 'The Binder' -
    OLBRAC14 - Bracers of Defence AC 5 'The Superior Defence' -
    OLBRAC18 - Gloves of Missile Snaring 'True Catch' -
    OLBRAC1B - Bracers of Blind Striking 'Bracers of the Shuttered Lid' -
    OLBRAC2B - Bracers of Defence AC 5 'Jester's Bracers' -
    OLBRAC4B - Gloves of Gripping 'The Magic Handshaker' -
    OLBRAC5B - Bracers of Perseverance 'The Eventual of Victory' -

    OLBRD1A - Cornetto of Curing 'The Forest Queen's Benediction' -
    OLBRD2A - Flute of the Immaculate Breeze 'The Rains of the Flowers' -
    OLBRD4A - Bagpipes of Sound Burst 'Screaming Bagpipes' -

    OLCHAN03 - Chain Mail +3 'Mail of the Dead' - Star Ruby x1, King's Tears Gem x1, Black Opal x1, Bloodstone Gem x1, Jasper Gem x5, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Mage Scroll of Skull Trap x1, Mage Scroll of Enchanted Weapon x1, Mage Scroll of Animate Dead x1, Cursed Scroll of Summon Monster x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLCHAN06 - Chain Mail +4 'Drizzt's Mithral Chain Mail' -
    OLCHAN07 - Chain Mail +3 'Chain Mail of the Deep' -
    OLCHAN0A - Chain Mail +3 'Darkmail' -
    OLCHAN1A - Elven Chain Mail +2 'Mail of the Evereskan Tomb Guardian' -
    OLCHAN1B - Chain Mail +5 'Crimson Chain' -
    OLCHAN1C - Elven Chain Mail +2 'Superior Mail' -
    OLCHAN1D - Splint Mail +2 'Ashen Scales' -
    OLCHAN1E - Splint Mail +3 'Armor of Faith' -
    OLCHAN2A - Chain Mail +3 'Golden Mail' -
    OLCHAN6B - Splint Mail +2 'Stalwart Scales' -
    OLCHAND1 - Elven Chain Mail +2 'Dark Elven Chain' -

    OLCLCL02 - Cloak of Protection +2 'The Spirit's Shield' -
    OLCLCK04 - Cloak of the Wolf 'Relair's Mistake' -
    OLCLCK05 - Cloak of Balduran 'Embrace of the Legend' -
    OLCLCK06 - Cloak of Non-Detection 'Whispers of Silence' -
    OLCLCK08 - Algernon's Cloak 'The Persuasive Charmer' -
    OLCLCK15 - Robe of the Good Archmagi 'Robes of the Selfless' -
    OLCLCK16 - Robe of the Neutral Archmagi 'Robes of the Individual' -
    OLCLCK17 - Robe of the Evil Archmagi 'Robes of the Selfish' -
    OLCLCK20 - Cloak of the Shield 'The Supreme Shield' -
    OLCLCK2A - Cloak of Cold Resistance 'Sable Cloak' -
    OLCLCK4A - Cloak of the Beluir Watch 'Leader by Example' -
    OLCLCK5A - Cloak of the Gargoyle 'Sunwalker' -
    OLCLCK6A - Cloak of Minor Arcana 'The Star Apprentice' -

    OLDAGG03 - Dagger +3 'Heart of the Golem' - Star Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, King's Tear x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability x1, Scroll of Spell Immunity x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLDAGG04 -
    OLDAGG09 -
    OLDAGG1B -
    OLDAGG2B -
    OLDAGG3B -
    OLDAGG3C -
    OLDAGG7B -
    OLDAGGP1 -

    OLDART01 -
    OLDART1A -
    OLDART1B -
    OLDARTP1 -

    OLHALB03 -
    OLHALB13 -
    OLHALB1B -
    OLHALB3B -

    OLHAMM03 - War Hammer +3 'Ashideena' - Star Ruby x1, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x2, Sunstone Gem x20, Potion of Absorption x1, Potion of Insulation x3, Mage Scroll of Shocking Grasp x1, Mage Scroll of Lightning Bolt x1, Mage Scroll of Protection From Electricity x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Electricty x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLHAMM04 -
    OLHAMM13 -
    OLHAMM1B -
    OLHAMM3A -
    OLHAMM4A -

    OLHELM01 -
    OLHELM02 -
    OLHELM03 -
    OLHELM04 -
    OLHELM05 -
    OLHELM06 -
    OLHELM07 -
    OLHELM14 -
    OLHELM18 -
    OLHELM19 -
    OLHELM1B -
    OLHELM1C -
    OLHELM1D -
    OLHELM1E -
    OLHELM1F -
    OLHELM1G -
    OLHELM20 -
    OLHELM21 -
    OLHELM2A -
    OLHELM2B -
    OLHELM2C -
    OLHELM38 -
    OLHELM6B -
    OLHELM7B -

    OLLEAT00 - Hide Armor +2 'Connor's Enduring Constitution' - N/A
    OLLEAT0A - Hide Armor +3 'Connor's Enduring Constitution' - Star Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, King's Tears x1, Star Sapphire x1, Skydrop Gem x5, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Regeneration x1, Potion of Insulation x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Electricity x1, Mage Scroll of Protection From Electricity x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLLEAT03 - Leather Armor +3 'Protector of the Second' -
    OLLEAT06 - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Armor of Missile Attraction' -
    OLLEAT07 - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Telbar's Studded Leather' -
    OLLEAT08 - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Shadow Armor' -
    OLLEAT09 - Leather Armor +3 'Karajah's Life and Death' -
    OLLEAT1A - Hide Armor - N/A
    OLLEAT1B - Hide Armor +3 'Cornugon's Revenge' -
    OLLEAT1C - Hide Armor +1 'Korgoth's Inconceivable Strength' - N/A
    OLLEAT2C - Hide Armor +2 'Korgoth's Inconceivable Strength' -
    OLLEAT3C - Hide Armor +3 'Korgoth's Inconceivable Strength' -
    OLLEAT25 - Leather Armor +3 'Rugged Leathers' -
    OLLEAT3B - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Raconteur's Regalia' -
    OLLEAT4B - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Changeling's Vest' -
    OLLEAT5B - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Dragonscale Armor' -
    OLLEAT7B - Leather Armor +3 'The Night's Embrace' -

    OLMIRR01 -

    OLMISC00 - Wizard Robe +1 'Robe of Transformation' - N/A
    OLMISC01 - Wizard Robe +2 'Robe of Transformation' - N/A
    OLMISC99 - Wizard Robe +3 'Robe of Transformation' - N/A

    OLPL15BA -
    OLPL15BW -
    OLPLAT99 - Plate Mail +1 'Plate of Transformation' - N/A
    OLPLAT00 - Plate Mail +2 'Plate of Transformation' - Ruby x1, Star Sapphire x2, Diamond x2, Turquoise Gem x20, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Defence x1, Potion of Potion of Stone Form x1, Mage Scroll of Armor x1, Mage Scroll of Ghost Armor x1, Mage Scroll of Polymorph Self x2, 5,000 Gold.
    OLPLAT01 - Plate Mail +3 'Plate of Transformation' - Star Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, Mage Scroll of Strength x1, Mage Scroll of Vampiric Touch x1, Mage Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, 5,000 Gold.
    OLPLAT02 -
    OLPLAT05 -
    OLPLAT06 -
    OLPLAT08 -
    OLPLAT24 -
    OLPLAT25 -
    OLPLAT26 -
    OLPLAT27 -
    OLPLAT28 -
    OLPLAT3B -
    OLPLAT4B -
    OLPLT24A -
    OLPLT27A -
    OLPLT28A -

    OLRING02 -
    OLRING0A -
    OLRING03 -
    OLRING04 -
    OLRING05 -
    OLRING06 -
    OLRING1A -
    OLRING1B -
    OLRING1C -
    OLRING20 -
    OLRING22 -
    OLRING23 -
    OLRING25 -
    OLRING2A -
    OLRING30 -
    OLRING3A -
    OLRING40 -
    OLRING4A -
    OLRING50 -
    OLRING5A -
    OLRING60 -
    OLRING6A -
    OLRING7A -
    OLRING8A -
    OLRING9A -

    OLROBE2B - Robe of Netheril 'Elemin Vael's Refusal' - Beljuril Gem x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Power x1, Cursed Scroll of Clumsiness x1, Cursed Scroll of Petrification x1, Scroll of Protection from Magic x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLROBE4A - Cleric's Vestments 'Dwarven Nobility' - Ruby Gem x1, Emerald Gem x1, Sunstone Gem x5, Scroll of Protection from Magic x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Insight x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLROBE4B - Cleric's Vestments 'Dwarven Royalty' - Rogue Stone x1, Ruby Gem x1, Emerald Gem x1, Scroll of Protection from Magic x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Insight x3, Potion of Defence x1, 5,000 Gold

    OLSHLD02 -
    OLSHLD07 -
    OLSHLD19 -
    OLSHLD1B -
    OLSHLD20 -
    OLSHLD2A -
    OLSHLD2B -
    OLSHLD33 -
    OLSHLD4B -
    OLSHLD5B -
    OLSHLD6B -
    OLSHLD8B -

    OLSLNG03 - Sling +3, +5 vs. Dragonoids 'Arla's Dragonbane' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, Sphene Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x3, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLSLNG11 - Sling of Unerring Accuracy +2 'Infallable Aim' - Ruby x1, Star Gem Diopside x5, Skydrop Gem x5, Potion of Agility x1, Scroll of Strength x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLSLNG1A - Sling of Unerring Accuracy +3 'Infallable Aim' - Star Ruby x1, Moonbar Gem x5, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Heroism x3, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength x1, 5,000 Gold

    OLSPER03 -
    OLSPER1B -
    OLSPER2A -
    OLSPER2B -
    OLSPER04 - Spear +3 'Starlance' - Star Ruby x1, Star Sapphire x1, Moonbar Gem x1, Skydrop Gem x5, Scroll of Protection from Cold x1, Scroll of Glitterdust x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Cold Resistance x1, 5,000 Gold

    OLSTAF05 -
    OLSTAF06 -
    OLSTAF07 -
    OLSTAF08 -
    OLSTAF1B -
    OLSTAF25 -
    OLSTF25A -

    OLSW1H01 -
    OLSW1H02 -
    OLSW1H03 -
    OLSW1H06 -
    OLSW1H09 -
    OLSW1H10 -
    OLSW1H13 -
    OLSW1H1A -
    OLSW1H15 -
    OLSW1H16 -
    OLSW1H18 -
    OLSW1H19 -
    OLSW1H1B -
    OLSW1H1C -
    OLSW1H1D -
    OLSW1H20 -
    OLSW1H23 -
    OLSW1H24 -
    OLSW1H2A -
    OLSW1H2B -
    OLSW1H2C -
    OLSW1H2D -
    OLSW1H34 -
    OLSW1H3A -
    OLSW1H3B -
    OLSW1H42 -
    OLSW1H4A - Long Sword +3 'The Vampire's Revenge' - Star Ruby x1, Roguestone Gem x1, Beljuril Gem x1, King's Tear Gem x1, Bloodstone Gem x20, Scroll of Feeblemind x1, Scroll of Confusion x1, Scroll of Dire Charm x1, Scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain x5, Cursed Scroll of Stupidity x3, Cursed Scroll of Foolishness x2, Cursed Scroll of Ailment x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Clarity x1, Murky Oil of Speed x1, Murky Potion of Healing x1, Murky Antidote x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLSW1H4B -
    OLSW1H79 -
    OLSW1H7A -
    OLSW1H8A -
    OLSW1H8B -
    OLSW1HN1 -

    OLSW2H03 -
    OLSW2H06 -
    OLSW2H07 -
    OLSW2H08 -
    OLSW2H1B -
    OLSW2H22 -
    OLSW2H2A -
    OLSW2H3B -
    OLSW2H8A -

    OLWAND00 -
    OLWAND01 -
    OLWAND1B -

    OLXBOW03 - Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +6 'The Guide' - Chardalyn x1, Diamond x1, Sunstone Gem x3, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Agility x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLXBOW06 - Light Crossbow of Speed +2 'The Army Scythe' - King's Tears x1, Star Sapphire x1, Water Opal x3, Aquamarine Gem x5, Bolt of Ice +1 x5, Oil of Speed x1, Scroll of Haste x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLXBOW2B - Heavy Crossbow +3 'Harold' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, King's Tears x1, Cursed Scroll of Clumsiness x1, Ray of Enfeeblement x1, Jasper Gem x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLXBOW6A - Light Crossbow of Speed +3 'The Army Scythe' - Star Ruby x1, Beljuril Gem x1, King's Tears x1, Potion of Cold Resistance x1, Bolt of Ice +1 x10, Oil of Speed x1, Scroll of Improved Haste x1, 5,000 Gold

    OLPL15BA - Plate Mail +3 'Stormshield' -

    OLRING0A - Ring of Dispossession 'Ring of the Last Ruamathari Prince' - Ruby x3, Kings' Tears x6, Diamond x12, Sunstone Gem x30, Black Opal x7, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Defense x1, Potion of Heroism x3, Potion of Fortitude x2, Potion of Clarity x1, Antidote x10, Potion of Healing x5, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Mirrored Eyes x1, Potion of Perception x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons x1, Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x3, Scroll of Remove Curse x3, Scroll of Remove Magic x5, Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability x1, Scroll of Armor x10, 5,000 Gold

    OLSW2H22 - Two-handed Sword +2 'Gold Digger' - King's Tears x1, Diamond x3, Sunstone Gem x20, Scroll of Friends x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Absorption x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLSW2H2A - Two-handed Sword +3 'Gold Digger' - Star Ruby x1, King's Tears x3, Diamond x10, Sunstone Gem x60, Scroll of Friends x1, Potion of Firebreath x1, Potion of Clarity x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Absorption x1, 10,000 Gold

    Tables I made to help work on this big o' list of every unique item (and more xD).
    Scrolls of Protection
    Mage Scrolls

    Hmmn It seems some dragons, liches, beholders and demons and beasties are in order for some of these new items need real challenges to obtain and use upon. If only I was paid to make Baldur's Gate content and could justify hiring people. Hmmn who does that sound like eh?xD Eh bit by bit :-).
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2019
    Here is my answer for your first question:
    ->Click here to zoom in image<-
    To remove 100% Resist and replace with 10% in the following resist fields: (basically all of them) Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Magic, Magic Fire, Magic Cold, Slashing, Crushing, Piercing and Missile.

    Second question answer:
    Also I worked it out so that I do not need to vastly modify OH3000 area any more just add a small cave and make a new Cloud Peaks Mountain area (with The Frozen Fortress) for the big Ice cave and dungeon: (Area rough W.I.P.)
    Then also put a small cave (with Snow Trolls, Ice Trolls and an Ettin) in the OH3000 area to round out the journey):-).

  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited July 2019

    6 scrolls of Fireball and 20 potions of explosion looks like a bad trade for 1 necklace of missiles.

    I would go with 1 Ruby, 10 sun gems, 1 scroll of fireball, 5 potions of explosion.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    @Raduziel Yeah any more ideas keep them rolling in. When this module is complete I just want to make every gem and potion and scroll relevant. I mostly want the gems and unpopular potions and scrolls that usually turn into vendor trash to become useful.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @WithinAmnesia Great.

    I'll try to give you a code to patch the knights but I'm on my cellphone now so it can take a while.

    Once you know the model it is quite simple to do what you want.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2019
    Here is an updated Item Reforge Components List (more items added, recipes):
    OLAMUL01 - Necklace of Missiles 'The One Gift Lost' - Ruby x1, Black Opal x1, Tchazar Gem x5, Sunstone Gem (MISC18) x10, Fire Agate Gem x5, Potion of Explosions (POTN26) x5, Mage Scroll of Fireball x1 (SCRL1G), 5,000 Gold
    OLAMUL05 - Shield Amulet 'The Superior Shield' - Diamond (MISC42) x1, Pearl (MISC36) x2, Zircon Gem (MISC25) x10 Lynx Eye Gem (MISC17) x20, Potion of Magic Shielding (POTN35) x1, Potion of Defense (POTN24) x5, Shield (SCRL79) x10, 5,000 Gold
    OLAMUL1A - Amulet of Whispers 'Ulcaster's Peace of Mind' -
    OLAMUL1B - Amulet of Selûne 'Lon's Amulet' -
    OLAMUL16 - Amulet of Metaspell Influence 'The Amplifier' - Beljuril x1, Ziose Gem x10, Garnet Gem x20, Scroll of Haste x1, Oil of Speed x5, Potion of Genius x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLAMUL17 - Greenstone Amulet 'The Big One' - Rogue Stone x1, Emerald x2, Sphene Gem x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Star Gem Diopside x15, Turquoise Gem x20, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Protection x2, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Antidote x3, Potion of Clarity x10, Potion of Mirrored Eyes x1, Scroll of Spirit Armour x1, Scroll of Remove Curse x1, Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability x1, Scroll of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere x1
    OLAMUL2A - Amulet of Protection +2 'The Superior Protector' -
    OLAMUL2B - Amulet of Robust Spirits 'Heart of the Mountain' -
    OLAMUL3B - Medal of Valor 'Waterhavian Bravery' -
    OLAMUL6A - Clasp of Helm 'The Watcher's Protection' -
    OLAMUL7A - Locket of Embracing 'Heartbroken Regret' -

    OLAX1H0A - Throwing Axe +4 'Dragon's Fury' - Chardalyn x1, Rogue Stone x1, King's Tears x1, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x5, Bloodstone Gem x30, Sunstone Gem x60, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Storm Giant Strength x1, Potion of Fire Giant Strength x1, Potion of Fiery Burning x1, Potion of Explosions x1, Potion of Firebreath x1, Potion of Fire Resistance x3, Scroll of Fireball x3, Scroll of Magic Missile x5, 50,000 Gold
    OLAX1H03 - Battle Axe +3 'Battle Axe of Mauletar' - Star Ruby x1, Diamond x2, Black Opal x2, Garnet Gem x3, Bloodstone Gem x5, Sunstone Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x5, Scroll of Tenser's Transformation x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Stone Giant Strength x1, Potion of Hill Giant Strength x1, Potion of Strength x1, Potion of Agility x3, Potion of Fortitude x3, Potion of Heroism x5, 5,000 Gold.
    OLAX1H05 - Throwing Axe +3 'The Reliable Reply' - Star Ruby x1, Beljuril x3, Diamond x5, Aquamarine Gem x5, Water Opal x2, Waterstar Gem x5, Moonbar Gem x1, Moonstone Gem x20, Zircon Gem x5, Andar Gem x20, Lynx Eye Gem x25, Turquoise Gem x50, Iol Gem x1, Oil of Speed x1, Scroll of Magic Missile x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLAX1H07 - Battle Axe +1 'Bala's Axe, Wizard Slayer' - Beljuril x1, Diamond x5, Black Opal x10, Horn Coral Gem x10, Bloodstone Gem x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Jasper Gem x20, Lynx Eye Gem x20, Andar Gem x10, Shandon Gem x5, Ziose Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x3, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Hill Giant Strength x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLAX1H7A - Battle Axe +2 'Bala's Axe, Wizard Slayer' - Rogue Stone x1, Beljuril x2, Diamond x3, Black Opal x1, Horn Coral Gem x1, Bloodstone Gem x1, Chrysoberyl Gem x1, Jasper Gem x2, Lynx Eye Gem x2, Andar Gem x1, Shandon Gem x1, Ziose Gem x1, Tchazar Gem x1, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Stone Giant Strength x1, Potion of Frost Giant Strength x1, Potion of Fire Giant Strength x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x1, 10,000 Gold
    OLAX1H19 - Battle Axe +2 'Golden Axe' - Kings' Tears x2, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x2, Black Opal x5, Pearl x5, Moonstone Gem x7, Zircon Gem x10, Andar Gem x10, Tchazar Gem x15, Sunstone Gem x20, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLAX1H1A - Battle Axe +3 'Golden Axe' - Star Ruby x1, Kings' Tears x1, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x1, Black Opal x5, Pearl x3, Moonstone Gem x3, Zircon Gem x5, Andar Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x10, Sunstone Gem x15, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x5, 10,000 Gold
    OLAX1H3A - Battle Axe +3 'Chill Axe' -

    OLBELT16 - Belt of Antipode 'Protector of the Fateful'- Rogue Stone x3, Kings' Tears x4, Star Sapphire x5, Diamond x6, Shandon Gem x10, Pearl x5, Turquiose Gem x15, Water Opal x4, Waterstar Gem x8, Moonbar Gem x3, Aquamarine Gem x3, Iol Gem x5, Lynx Eye Gem x10, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x2, Potion of Magic Protection x3, Potion of Cold Resistance x10, Potion of Defence x5, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Frost Giant Strength x1, Potion of Fire Resistance x1, Winter Wolf Pelt x7, Protection Scroll of Protection From Fire x3, Protection Scroll of Protection From Cold x5, Protection Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, Scroll of Lower Resistance x1, Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability x3, Scroll of Dispel Magic x5, Scroll of Remove Curse x3, 5,000 Gold
    OLBELT1A - Girdle of Luck 'Cloverleaf' -
    OLBELT2A - Girdle of Sharpness 'Golden Girdle of Urnst' - Kings' Tears x3, Diamond x10, Tchazar Gem x15, Sunstone Gem x20, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Defense x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons x1, Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, Scroll of Armor x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBELT2B - Belt of the Skillful Blade 'Say'an Keenedge's Pride' -
    OLBELT3A - Girdle of Bluntness 'Destroyer of the Hills' - Kings' Tears x3, Diamond x10, Tchazar Gem x15, Sunstone Gem x20, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Defense x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons x1, Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, Scroll of Armor x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBELT4B - Belt of the Cunning Rogue 'Servitude of Mask' -
    OLBELT4A - Girdle of Piercing 'Elve's Bane' - Kings' Tears x3, Diamond x10, Emerald x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Moonbar Gem x3, Shandon Gem x3, Sphene Gem x3, Skydrop Gem x5, Star Gem Diopside x10, Zircon Gem x3, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Defense x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Missiles x1, Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, Scroll of Armor x5, Scroll of Shield x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBELT4B - Girdle of Sharpness 'The Protector of the Unworthy' -

    OLBLN39A - Flail +3 'The Thresher' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, Emerald x1, Diamond x2, Bloodtsone Gem x10, Moonbar Gem x1, Moonstone Gem x1, Shandon Gem x1, Waterstar Gem x1, Water Opal x1, Sphene Gem x2, Star Gem Diopside x4, Sunstone Gem x3, Tchazar Gem x2, Jasper Gem x1, Horn Coral Gem x1, Garnet Gem x3, Chrysoberyl Gem x2, Black Opal x10, Andar Gem x5, Iol Gem x1, Scroll of Blindness x3, Scroll of Identify x15, Scroll of Infravision x2, Scroll of Detect Illusion x10, Scroll of Dispel Magic x1, Scroll of Detect Invisibility x2, Scroll of Farsight x1, Scroll of Wizard Eye x1, Scroll of Oracle x1, Scroll of True Sight x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Infravision x10, Potion of Insight x5, Potion of Invisibility x2, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Potion of Mirrored Eyes x1, Potion of Perception x12, Potion of Power x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN09 - Morning Star +3 'Kiel's Morning Star' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, King's Tears x1, Beljuril x1, Bloodstone Gem x33, Black Opal x15, Tchazar Gem x10, Diamond x7, Jasper Gem x20, Star Gem Diopside x5, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Strength x20, Potion of Hill Giant Strength x15, Potion of Stone Giant Srength x10, Potion of Frost Giant Strength x7, Potion of Fire Giant Strength x5, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength x3, Potion of Storm Giant Strength x1, Antidote x5, Potion of Clarity x3, Potion of Genius x1, Potion of Heroism x5, Potion of insight x3, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Potion of Perception x3, Potion of Power x1, Scroll of Charm Person x1, Scroll of Friends x1, Scroll of Color Spray x1, Scroll of Protection of Evil, Scroll of Sleep x1, Scroll of Strength x5, Scroll of Vocalize x1, Scroll of Resist Fear x1, Scroll of Dire Charm, Scroll of Dispel Magic x1, Scroll of Remove Curse x1, Scroll of Polymorph Self x1, Scroll of Domination x1, Scroll of Tenser's Transformation x1, 10,000 Gold
    OLBlUN10 - Club +2 'The Root of the Problem' - King's Tears x1, Emerald x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Aquamarine Gem x5, Skydrop Gem x3, Sphene Gem x5, Star Gem Diopside x15, Turquoise Gem x30, Water Opal x5, Waterstar Gem x10, Ziose Gem x5, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Healing x1, Potion of Health x1, Potion of Regeneration x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Hill Giant Strength, Potion of Heroism x1, Oil of Speed x1, Anitdote x3, Potion of Absorption x1, Scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN1A - Club +3 'The Root of the Problem' - Star Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, Beljuril x1, Emerald x3, Chrysoberyl Gem x15, Aquamarine Gem x10, Skydrop Gem x5, Sphene Gem x3, Star Gem Diopside x20, Turquoise Gem x40, Water Opal x10, Waterstar Gem x8, Ziose Gem x3, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Healing x20, Potion of Additional Healing x15, Potion of Remarkable Healing x10, Potion of Extra Healthing x5, Potion of Health x3, Potion of Regeneration x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Hill Giant Strength, Potion of Heroism x1, Oil of Speed x1, Potion of Fortidute x1, Anitdote x5, Potion of Absorption x1, Scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN1B - Club +3 'Mosela's Cudgel' -
    OLBLUN2A - Club +2 'Cudgel of Montgomer' -
    OLBLUN2B - Club +3 'Cudgel of Montgomer' -
    OLBLUN37 - Club +3 'Mighty Oak' - Star Ruby x1, Emerald x10, Chrysoberyl Gem x10, Sphene Gem x5, Star Gem Diopside x10, Turquoise Gem x100, Potion of Strength x10, Potion of Hill Giant Strength x5 Potion of Stone Giant Strength x1, Antidote x10, Potion of Heroism x10, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Scroll of Shocking Grasp x10, Scroll of Strength x7, Scroll of Hold Person x5, Scroll of Slow x3, Scroll of Hold Undead x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN41 - Mace of Stunning +2 'The Stupefier' - King's Tear Gem x1, Star Sapphire x2, Diamond x4, Lynx Eye Gem x40, Tchazar Gem x20, Turquoise Gem x50, Iol Gem x101, Pearl x3, Bloodstone Gem x1, Potion of Absorption x1, Potion of Heroism x5, Potion of Genius x1, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Murky Oil of Speed x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Perception x3, Potion Stone Giant Strength x1, Scroll of Shocking Grasp x10, Scroll of Ghoul Touch x7, Scroll of Web x5, Scroll of Hold Person x3, Scroll of Hold Undead x1, Scroll of Slow x5, Scroll of Greater Malison x3, Scroll of Otluke's Resiliant Sphere x1, Scroll of Hold Monster x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBLUN4A - Mace of Stunning +3 'The Stupefier' - Star Ruby x1, King's Tear Gem x4, Star Sapphire x3, Diamond x6, Lynx Eye Gem x30, Tchazar Gem x15, Turquoise Gem x30, Iol Gem x420, Pearl x3, Bloodstone Gem x10, Potion of Absorption x1, Potion of Heroism x5, Potion of Genius x1, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Murky Oil of Speed x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, Potion of Perception x3, Potion Stone Giant Strength x1, Scroll of Shocking Grasp x10, Scroll of Ghoul Touch x7, Scroll of Web x5, Scroll of Hold Person x15, Scroll of Hold Undead x1, Scroll of Slow x5, Scroll of Greater Malison x3, Scroll of Otluke's Resiliant Sphere x1, Scroll of Hold Monster x1, 10,001 Gold
    OLBLUN4B - Morning Star +3 'Martyr's Morning Star' -
    OLBLUN5B - Flail +3 'The Hydra' -
    OLBLUN7B - Club +3 'Backwacker' -
    OLBLUN8B - Club +3 'Glimmer of Hope' -

    OLBOOT03 - Boots of the North 'The Frost's Embrace' - King's Tears x1, Beljuril x2, Star Sapphire x3, Aquamarine Gem x20, Skydrop Gem x10, Shandon Gem x5, Moonbar Gem x3, Moonstone Gem x15, Pearl x10, Lynx Eye Gem x20, Iol Gem x5, Turquoise Gem x25, Water Opal x12, Waterstar Gem x30, Zircon Gem x10, Potion of Agility x1, Potion of Cold Resistance x30, Potion of Defence x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Mirrored Eyes x1, Oil of Speed x1, Potion of Frost Giant Strength x10, Potion of Power x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Cold x12, Scroll of Protection From Cold x10, Scroll of Icestorm x5, Scroll of Cone of Cold x1, Wand of Frost x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT05 - Boots of Grounding 'Talos's Gift' - Rogue Stone x1, King's Tear's x1, Diamond x5, Skydrop Gem x30, Zircon Gem x50, Iol Gem x10, Potion of Insolation x20, Potion of Absorption x10, Potion of Magic Protection x5, Potion of Magic Shielding x3, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength x1, Potion of Storm Giant Strength x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Electricty x20, Scroll of Lightning Bolt x10, Shocking Grasp x20, Scroll of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere x1, Scroll of Protection From Electricity x1, Wand of Lightning x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT1A - Boots of Speed 'The Paws of the Cheetah' - Rogue Stone x1, Ruby x1, Beljuril x1, Iol Gem x12, Lynx's Eye Gem x15, Oil of Speed x17, Potion of Agility x12, Potion of Regeneration x3, Scroll of Grease x5, Scroll of Haste x20, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT1B - 'Luck Boots' - Emerald x2, Chrysoberyl Gem x15, Star Gem Diopside x12, Aquamarine Gem x10, Sphene Gem x5, Potion of Agility x2, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Scroll of Luck x20, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT1C - Boots of Silence 'Soft Feet' -
    OLBOOT1D - Slippers of Fighting 'Sidestep Slippers' -
    OLBOOT2A - Boots of Stealth 'Worn Whispers' - Rogue Stone x1, Kings' Tears's x1, Diamond x6, Block Opal x20, Horn Coral Gem x50, Turquoise Gem x20, Star Gem Diopside x5, Lynx Eye Gem x20, Ziose Gem x10, Jasper Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x1, Iol Gem x1, Scroll of Blur x5, Scroll of Wraithform x1, Scroll of Invisibility x20, Scroll of Improved Invisibility x1, Potion of Invisibility x20, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Perception x20, Oil of Speed x5, Potion of Master Thievery x20, Potion of Infravision x1, Potion of Mind Focusing x1, Potion of Agility x15,
    OLBOOT2B - 'Charisma Boots' - Rogue Stone x1, Diamond x2, Garnet Gem x20, Pearl x5, Star Sapphire x1, Potion of Potion of Persuasiveness x15, Scroll of Friends x12, Scroll of Charm Person x10, Scroll of Dire Charm x5, Scroll of Domination x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLBOOT2C - Boots of the Mermaid 'Ostentatious Boots' -
    OLBOOT4C - ~Repaired Boot and a Half of Speed~ -

    OLBOW07 - Longbow +3 'The Dead Shot' -
    OLBOW08 - Shortbow +3 'Protector of the Dryads' -
    OLBOW1A - Composite Longbow +3 'Strong Arm' -
    OLBOW1B - Short Bow +2 'Blightbringer' -
    OLBOW1B - Short Bow +3 'Blightbringer' -
    OLBOW2B - Composite Longbow +3 'Corinth's Bow' -
    OLBOW3B - Short Bow +3 'Fleshripper' -
    OLBOW5B - Short Bow +3 'Savage Shortbow' -

    OLBRAC03 - Bracers of Defence AC 6 'Bracers to the Death' -
    OLBRAC04 - Bracers of Archery 'The Dale's Protector' -
    OLBRAC06 - Guantlets of Ogre Power 'Hands of Takkok' -
    OLBRAC07 - Guantlets of Dexterity 'The Brawling Hands' -
    OLBRAC08 - Guantlets of Fumbling 'Elander's Gloves of Misplacement' -
    OLBRAC10 - Guantlets of Weapon Expertise 'Legacy of the Masters' -
    OLBRAC11 - Bracers of Binding 'The Binder' -
    OLBRAC14 - Bracers of Defence AC 5 'The Superior Defence' -
    OLBRAC18 - Gloves of Missile Snaring 'True Catch' -
    OLBRAC1B - Bracers of Blind Striking 'Bracers of the Shuttered Lid' -
    OLBRAC2B - Bracers of Defence AC 5 'Jester's Bracers' -
    OLBRAC4B - Gloves of Gripping 'The Magic Handshaker' -
    OLBRAC5B - Bracers of Perseverance 'The Eventual of Victory' -

    OLBRD1A - Cornetto of Curing 'The Forest Queen's Benediction' -
    OLBRD2A - Flute of the Immaculate Breeze 'The Rains of the Flowers' -
    OLBRD4A - Bagpipes of Sound Burst 'Screaming Bagpipes' -

    OLCHAN01 - Elven Chain Mail +1 'Mail of the Evereskan Tomb Guardian' - N/A
    OLCHAN03 - Chain Mail +3 'Mail of the Dead' - Star Ruby x1, King's Tears Gem x1, Black Opal x1, Bloodstone Gem x1, Jasper Gem x5, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Mage Scroll of Skull Trap x1, Mage Scroll of Enchanted Weapon x1, Mage Scroll of Animate Dead x1, Cursed Scroll of Summon Monster x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLCHAN06 - Chain Mail +4 'Drizzt's Mithral Chain Mail' -
    OLCHAN07 - Chain Mail +3 'Chain Mail of the Deep' -
    OLCHAN0A - Chain Mail +3 'Darkmail' -
    OLCHAN18 - Splint Mail +3 'Armor of Faith' -
    OLCHAN1A - Elven Chain Mail +2 'Mail of the Evereskan Tomb Guardian' -
    OLCHAN1B - Chain Mail +5 'Crimson Chain' -
    OLCHAN1C - Elven Chain Mail +2 'Superior Mail' -
    OLCHAN1D - Splint Mail +2 'Ashen Scales' -
    OLCHAN1E - Splint Mail +3 'Armor of Faith' -
    OLCHAN2A - Chain Mail +3 'Golden Mail' -
    OLCHAN6B - Splint Mail +2 'Stalwart Scales' -
    OLCHAND1 - Elven Chain Mail +2 'Dark Elven Chain' -

    OLCLCL02 - Cloak of Protection +2 'The Spirit's Shield' -
    OLCLCK04 - Cloak of the Wolf 'Relair's Mistake' -
    OLCLCK05 - Cloak of Balduran 'Embrace of the Legend' -
    OLCLCK06 - Cloak of Non-Detection 'Whispers of Silence' -
    OLCLCK08 - Algernon's Cloak 'The Persuasive Charmer' -
    OLCLCK15 - Robe of the Good Archmagi 'Robes of the Selfless' -
    OLCLCK16 - Robe of the Neutral Archmagi 'Robes of the Individual' -
    OLCLCK17 - Robe of the Evil Archmagi 'Robes of the Selfish' -
    OLCLCK20 - Cloak of the Shield 'The Supreme Shield' -
    OLCLCK2A - Cloak of Cold Resistance 'Sable Cloak' -
    OLCLCK4A - Cloak of the Beluir Watch 'Leader by Example' -
    OLCLCK5A - Cloak of the Gargoyle 'Sunwalker' -
    OLCLCK6A - Cloak of Minor Arcana 'The Star Apprentice' -

    OLDAGG03 - Dagger +3 'Heart of the Golem' - Star Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, King's Tear x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability x1, Scroll of Spell Immunity x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLDAGG04 -
    OLDAGG09 -
    OLDAGG1B -
    OLDAGG2B -
    OLDAGG3B -
    OLDAGG3C -
    OLDAGG7B -
    OLDAGGP1 -

    OLDART01 - Dart +2 'Zaldor's Mage Slayer' - N/A
    OLDART1A - Dart +3 'Zaldor's Mage Slayer' - [W.I.P.] Star Ruby x1,
    OLDART1B -
    OLDARTP1 -

    OLHALB03 -
    OLHALB13 -
    OLHALB1B -
    OLHALB3B -

    OLHAMM03 - War Hammer +3 'Ashideena' - Star Ruby x1, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x2, Sunstone Gem x20, Potion of Absorption x1, Potion of Insulation x3, Mage Scroll of Shocking Grasp x1, Mage Scroll of Lightning Bolt x1, Mage Scroll of Protection From Electricity x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Electricty x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLHAMM04 -
    OLHAMM13 -
    OLHAMM1B -
    OLHAMM3A -
    OLHAMM4A -

    OLHELM00 - Helmet - N/A
    OLHELM01 - Helm of Discipline 'The Visage of Gilgeam' - N/A
    OLHELM02 -
    OLHELM03 -
    OLHELM04 -
    OLHELM05 -
    OLHELM06 -
    OLHELM07 -
    OLHELM14 -
    OLHELM18 -
    OLHELM19 -
    OLHELM1B -
    OLHELM1C -
    OLHELM1D -
    OLHELM1E -
    OLHELM1F -
    OLHELM1G -
    OLHELM20 -
    OLHELM21 - Band of Protection +1 'Band of the Missing Page' - N/A
    OLHELM2A - Band of Protection +2 'Band of the Missing Page' - [W.I.P.]
    OLHELM2B -
    OLHELM2C -
    OLHELM38 -
    OLHELM3A - Band of Protection +3 'Band of the Missing Page' - [W.I.P.] Star Ruby x1,
    OLHELM6B -
    OLHELM7B -

    OLLEAT00 - Hide Armor +2 'Connor's Enduring Constitution' - N/A
    OLLEAT0A - Hide Armor +3 'Connor's Enduring Constitution' - Star Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, King's Tears x1, Star Sapphire x1, Skydrop Gem x5, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Regeneration x1, Potion of Insulation x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Electricity x1, Mage Scroll of Protection From Electricity x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLLEAT03 - Leather Armor +3 'Protector of the Second' -
    OLLEAT06 - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Armor of Missile Attraction' -
    OLLEAT07 - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Telbar's Studded Leather' -
    OLLEAT08 - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Shadow Armor' -
    OLLEAT09 - Leather Armor +3 'Karajah's Life and Death' -
    OLLEAT1A - Hide Armor - N/A
    OLLEAT1B - Hide Armor +3 'Cornugon's Revenge' -
    OLLEAT1C - Hide Armor +1 'Korgoth's Inconceivable Strength' - N/A
    OLLEAT2C - Hide Armor +2 'Korgoth's Inconceivable Strength' -
    OLLEAT3C - Hide Armor +3 'Korgoth's Inconceivable Strength' -
    OLLEAT25 - Leather Armor +3 'Rugged Leathers' -
    OLLEAT3B - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Raconteur's Regalia' -
    OLLEAT4B - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Changeling's Vest' -
    OLLEAT5B - Studded Leather Armor +3 'Dragonscale Armor' -
    OLLEAT7B - Leather Armor +3 'The Night's Embrace' -

    OLMIRR01 -

    OLMISC00 - Wizard Robe +1 'Robe of Transformation' - N/A
    OLMISC01 - Wizard Robe +2 'Robe of Transformation' - N/A
    OLMISC99 - Wizard Robe +3 'Robe of Transformation' - N/A

    OLPL15BA -
    OLPL15BW -
    OLPLAT99 - Plate Mail +1 'Plate of Transformation' - N/A
    OLPLAT00 - Plate Mail +2 'Plate of Transformation' - Ruby x1, Star Sapphire x2, Diamond x2, Turquoise Gem x20, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Defence x1, Potion of Potion of Stone Form x1, Mage Scroll of Armor x1, Mage Scroll of Ghost Armor x1, Mage Scroll of Polymorph Self x2, 5,000 Gold.
    OLPLAT01 - Plate Mail +3 'Plate of Transformation' - Star Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, Mage Scroll of Strength x1, Mage Scroll of Vampiric Touch x1, Mage Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, 5,000 Gold.
    OLPLAT02 -
    OLPLAT05 -
    OLPLAT06 -
    OLPLAT08 -
    OLPLAT24 -
    OLPLAT25 -
    OLPLAT26 -
    OLPLAT27 -
    OLPLAT28 -
    OLPLAT3B -
    OLPLAT4B -
    OLPLT24A -
    OLPLT27A -
    OLPLT28A -

    OLRING02 - Ring of Dispossession 'Ring of the Last Ruamathari Prince' - N/A
    OLRING0A - Ring of Dispossession 'Ring of the Last Ruamathari Prince' - Ruby x1, King's Tear Gem x2, Moonbar Gem x1, Black Opal x1, Tchazar Gem x3, Sunstone Gem x5, Japser Gem x1, Blood Stone Gem x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Protection Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, Mage Scroll of Remove Curse x2, Mage Scroll of Remove Magic x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLRING03 - Ring of Accurate Striking +4 - N/A
    OLRING04 - Ring of Accurate Striking +3 - N/A
    OLRING05 - Ring of Accurate Striking +2 - N/A
    OLRING06 - Ring of Accurate Striking +1 - N/A
    OLRING1A -
    OLRING1B -
    OLRING1C -
    OLRING20 -
    OLRING22 -
    OLRING23 -
    OLRING25 -
    OLRING2A -
    OLRING30 -
    OLRING3A - Ring of Animal Friendship 'Druid's Ring' - Emerald x1, Water Opal x1, Sphene Gem x1, Star Diopside Gem x1, Turquoise Gem x1, Chrysoberyl Gem x1, Iol Gem x1, Fire Agate Gem x1, Sunstone Gem x1, Potion of Persuasiveness x1, Potion of Clarity x1, Potion of Insight x1, Mage Scroll of Friends x1, Mage Scroll of Charm Person x1, Mage Scroll of Dire Charm x1, 5,000 Gold.
    OLRING40 -
    OLRING4A -
    OLRING50 -
    OLRING5A - Ring of Invisibility 'Sandthief's Ring' - Roguestone Gem x1, King's Tear Gem x1, Beljuril Gem x1, Star Sapphire x1, Diamond x1, Black Opal Gem x1, Iol Gem x1, Turquoise Gem x1, Sunstone Gem x1, Potion of Invisibility x3, Mage Scroll of Invisibility x1, Mage Scroll of Improved Invisibility x8, 5,000 Gold.
    OLRING60 -
    OLRING6A -
    OLRING7A -
    OLRING8A -
    OLRING9A -

    OLROBE2B - Robe of Netheril 'Elemin Vael's Refusal' - Beljuril Gem x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Power x1, Cursed Scroll of Clumsiness x1, Cursed Scroll of Petrification x1, Scroll of Protection from Magic x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLROBE4A - Cleric's Vestments 'Dwarven Nobility' - Ruby Gem x1, Emerald Gem x1, Sunstone Gem x5, Scroll of Protection from Magic x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Insight x1, Potion of Stone Form x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLROBE4B - Cleric's Vestments 'Dwarven Royalty' - Rogue Stone x1, Ruby Gem x1, Emerald Gem x1, Scroll of Protection from Magic x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Insight x3, Potion of Defence x1, 5,000 Gold

    OLSHLD02 - Buckler +2 'Buckler of Unexpected Might' - N/A
    OLSHLD07 - Large Shield +2 'Shield of the Falling Stars' - King's Tears Gem x1, Star Sapphire x1, Skydrop Gem x10, Star Diopside Gem x1, Moonbar Gem x1, Moonstone Gem x1, Sunstone Gem x5, Blackopal Gem x1, Waterstar Gem x1, Ziose Gem x1, Shandon Gem x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Stoneform x1, Mage Scroll of Shield x1, Mage Scroll of Protection From Normal Missiles x1, 5,000 Gold.
    OLSHLD19 -
    OLSHLD1B -
    OLSHLD20 -
    OLSHLD2A -
    OLSHLD2B -
    OLSHLD33 -
    OLSHLD4B -
    OLSHLD5B -
    OLSHLD6B -
    OLSHLD7A - Large Shield +3 'Shield of the Falling Stars' [W.I.P.]- Star Ruby x1, King's Tears Gem x1, Beljuril Gem x1, Star Sapphire x1, Skydrop Gem x10, Star Diopside Gem x1, Moonbar Gem x1, Sunstone Gem x5, Blackopal Gem x1, Waterstar Gem x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Heroism x1, Potion of Stoneform x1, Mage Scroll of Shield x1, Mage Scroll of Protection From Normal Missiles x1, 5,000 Gold.
    OLSHLD8B -

    OLSLNG03 - Sling +3, +5 vs. Dragonoids 'Arla's Dragonbane' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, Sphene Gem x5, Tchazar Gem x3, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLSLNG11 - Sling of Unerring Accuracy +2 'Infallable Aim' - Ruby x1, Star Gem Diopside x5, Skydrop Gem x5, Potion of Agility x1, Scroll of Strength x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLSLNG1A - Sling of Unerring Accuracy +3 'Infallable Aim' - Star Ruby x1, Moonbar Gem x5, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Heroism x3, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength x1, 5,000 Gold

    OLSPER03 -
    OLSPER04 - Spear +2 'Ice Lance' - N/A
    OLSPER1B -
    OLSPER2A -
    OLSPER2B -
    OLSPER4A - Spear +3 'Star Lance' - Star Ruby x1, Star Sapphire x1, Moonbar Gem x1, Skydrop Gem x5, Scroll of Protection from Cold x1, Scroll of Glitterdust x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Cold Resistance x1, 5,000 Gold.

    OLSTAF05 -
    OLSTAF06 -
    OLSTAF07 -
    OLSTAF08 -
    OLSTAF1B -
    OLSTAF25 -
    OLSTF25A -

    OLSW1H01 - Bastard Sword +2 'Vindicator' - N/A
    OLSW1H0A - Bastard Sword +3 'Vindicator' - [W.I.P.] Star Ruby x1,
    OLSW1H02 - Bastard Sword +2 'The Chromatic Sword' - N/A
    OLSW1H03 -
    OLSW1H06 -
    OLSW1H09 -
    OLSW1H10 -
    OLSW1H13 -
    OLSW1H1A -
    OLSW1H15 -
    OLSW1H16 -
    OLSW1H18 -
    OLSW1H19 -
    OLSW1H1B -
    OLSW1H1C -
    OLSW1H1D -
    OLSW1H20 - Bastard Sword +3 'The Chromatic Sword' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, Rogue Stone x1, Star Sapphire x1, Beljuril x2, Fire Agate Gem x5, Chrysoberyl Gem x1, Shandon Gem x1, Sphene Gem x1, Star Diopside Gem x1, Water Opal x1, Pearl x1, Iol Gem x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Cursed Scroll of Ailment x1, Mage Scroll of Chromatic Orb x1, 5,000 Gold.
    OLSW1H23 -
    OLSW1H24 -
    OLSW1H2A -
    OLSW1H2B -
    OLSW1H2C -
    OLSW1H2D -
    OLSW1H34 -
    OLSW1H3A -
    OLSW1H3B -
    OLSW1H42 -
    OLSW1H4A - Long Sword +3 'The Vampire's Revenge' - Star Ruby x1, Roguestone Gem x1, Beljuril Gem x1, King's Tear Gem x1, Bloodstone Gem x20, Scroll of Feeblemind x1, Scroll of Confusion x1, Scroll of Dire Charm x1, Scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain x5, Cursed Scroll of Stupidity x3, Cursed Scroll of Foolishness x2, Cursed Scroll of Ailment x1, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Clarity x1, Murky Oil of Speed x1, Murky Potion of Healing x1, Murky Antidote x1, 5,000 Gold.
    OLSW1H4B -
    OLSW1H79 -
    OLSW1H7A -
    OLSW1H8A -
    OLSW1H8B -
    OLSW1HN1 -
    OLSW1HT0 - N/A failed prototype of OLSW1H02 'Bastard Sword +2 'The Chromatic Sword''

    OLSW2H01 - Two-Handed Sword +1 'Osprey's Two-Handed Sword' - N/A
    OLSW2H02 - Two-Handed Sword +2 'Osprey's Two-Handed Sword' - [W.I.P.]
    OLSW2H03 -
    OLSW2H06 -
    OLSW2H07 -
    OLSW2H08 -
    OLSW2H1B -
    OLSW2H20 - Two-Handed Sword +3 'Osprey's Two-Handed Sword' - [W.I.P.] Star Ruby x1,
    OLSW2H22 -
    OLSW2H2A -
    OLSW2H3B -
    OLSW2H8A -

    OLWAND00 -
    OLWAND01 -
    OLWAND1B -

    OLXBOW03 - Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +6 'The Guide' - Chardalyn x1, Diamond x1, Sunstone Gem x3, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Agility x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLXBOW06 - Light Crossbow of Speed +2 'The Army Scythe' - King's Tears x1, Star Sapphire x1, Water Opal x3, Aquamarine Gem x5, Bolt of Ice +1 x5, Oil of Speed x1, Scroll of Haste x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLXBOW2B - Heavy Crossbow +3 'Harold' - Star Ruby x1, Ruby x1, King's Tears x1, Cursed Scroll of Clumsiness x1, Ray of Enfeeblement x1, Jasper Gem x5, 5,000 Gold
    OLXBOW6A - Light Crossbow of Speed +3 'The Army Scythe' - Star Ruby x1, Beljuril Gem x1, King's Tears x1, Potion of Cold Resistance x1, Bolt of Ice +1 x10, Oil of Speed x1, Scroll of Improved Haste x1, 5,000 Gold

    OLPL15BA - Plate Mail +3 'Stormshield' -

    OLRING0A - Ring of Dispossession 'Ring of the Last Ruamathari Prince' - Ruby x3, Kings' Tears x6, Diamond x12, Sunstone Gem x30, Black Opal x7, Potion of Power x1, Potion of Invulnerability x1, Potion of Defense x1, Potion of Heroism x3, Potion of Fortitude x2, Potion of Clarity x1, Antidote x10, Potion of Healing x5, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Mirrored Eyes x1, Potion of Perception x1, Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons x1, Scroll of Protection From Magic x1, Scroll of Dispel Magic x3, Scroll of Remove Curse x3, Scroll of Remove Magic x5, Scroll of Spirit Armor x1, Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability x1, Scroll of Armor x10, 5,000 Gold

    OLSW2H22 - Two-handed Sword +2 'Gold Digger' - King's Tears x1, Diamond x3, Sunstone Gem x20, Scroll of Friends x1, Potion of Magic Protection x1, Potion of Absorption x1, 5,000 Gold
    OLSW2H2A - Two-handed Sword +3 'Gold Digger' - Star Ruby x1, King's Tears x3, Diamond x10, Sunstone Gem x60, Scroll of Friends x1, Potion of Firebreath x1, Potion of Clarity x1, Potion of Magic Blocking x1, Potion of Magic Shielding x1, Potion of Absorption x1, 10,000 Gold
    Any suggestions are welcome, bit by bit I am getting this list more and more complete. Cheerio!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited July 2019
    Raduziel wrote: »
    @WithinAmnesia Great.

    I'll try to give you a code to patch the knights but I'm on my cellphone now so it can take a while.

    Once you know the model it is quite simple to do what you want.

        COPY_EXISTING ~%creature%.cre~ ~override~
         WRITE_BYTE 0x059  10 //Fire
         WRITE_BYTE 0x05a  10 //Cold
         WRITE_BYTE 0x05b  10 //Electricity
         WRITE_BYTE 0x05c  10 //Acid
         WRITE_BYTE 0x05d  10 //Magic
         WRITE_BYTE 0x05e  10 //Magic Fire
         WRITE_BYTE 0x05f  10 //Magic Cold
         WRITE_BYTE 0x060  10 //Slashing
         WRITE_BYTE 0x061  10 //Crushing
         WRITE_BYTE 0x062  10 //Piercing
         WRITE_BYTE 0x063  10 //Missile

    I have no idea of what byte handles the poison damage resistance. Couldn't find at the IESDP or using NearInfinity.

    @kjeron Can you save us from our ignorance? Thanks in advance.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Raduziel wrote: »
    I have no idea of what byte handles the poison damage resistance. Couldn't find at the IESDP or using NearInfinity.

    @kjeron Can you save us from our ignorance? Thanks in advance.
    There isn't one, it has to be supplied through the opcode, same for Magic Damage (the stat in the CRE file is for Magic Resistance).
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Poison can be left out (it already works), it was the vanilla damage types that were getting in the way of most play-styles being able to kill the ghost knights. I will try out your code @Raduziel .
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @WithinAmnesia Based on @kjeron 's advice, remove this line:
    WRITE_BYTE 0x05d  10 //Magic
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2019
    @Raduziel something is not quite right:
    Can you please look over this .zip file package with what I am currently working with and see if you can monkey around with it so that it run on a fresh Siege of Dragonspear. Sorry that I am not very good with WeiDU I could just throw new KNIGHT1-6 .cre files in the override that would as well although I am interested if they can be patched; it would be a lot more clean.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    The weidu exe needs to be named "Setup-GhostKnightTest.exe".
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Ah it was something really simple I was thinking.
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2019
    Okay it works now great :-D! Yet I am wondering how to change saving throws, hitpoints, attacks per round, base armour class, weapon proficiencies, attributes and dialog and other statistics?

    Also another problem to solve is making a new quest and changing the Undead Knight quest so that the ghost knights hang around for the new Idol of Kozah quest. Is there a tutorial on how to add new quests into Baldur's Gate? So far I have not learned WeiDU quests. I am trying to patch the original Undead Knight quest and add a new quest although I am not sure how to patch a quest and how to add a new one with proper journal entries and all of the important parts.

    @Raduziel @kjeron The magic line worked as well:
    Although I am trying to make the rest of the statistics to be in line with a level 13 warrior (102 hit points etc. to try and make the game content a bit more 'legal').

    P.S. I tested these knights (in Candlekeep xD) and yes they do work and can be killed by regular play style strategies although I wish to make them in-line with a level 13 Warrior so the player does not have to deal with -20 A.C. xD. Hey should I just use Override versions of the KNIGHT1-6.cre (they work the same but are more messy) to save you guys more work? I know you guys did a great job although I would like to learn how to alter all of the stats in WeiDU although I do not want to ask too much :-S.
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2019
    @jastey I am trying to make a new quest and alter an original quest. I do not know how to do this and I am mucking around trying to reverse engineer your Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounter module. Although I figured to ask you for you are much more talented in making quest than I am :-P.

    @Arunsun @CamDawg Hey I have a new project (well a piece of a bigger picture for the title module) for a quest with the the Ghost Knights in the Firewine dungeon: I was wondering if you could take a look at what I should do with the Dialog and WeiDU? I am trying to learn how to work on quests so I can add more encounters for the new upgraded items. The plan is that +3 items need worthy optional encounters to use them against and earn more components for more +3 item upgrades from their loot; 'Star Ruby' is used to upgrade +2 items into +3 items. If I can pull this off I can make many more like it with Dragons, Liches, Demons, Beholders, Mind Flayers, Werewolves, Vampires, Beasties and more:-D! Although I need to learn how to work on quests with small steps bit by bit.

    Here are some more in depth details if you are interested
    How can the Ghost Knight event, quest and journal entry be changed so that the ghost knights stay after the completion of the original quest? Also how can I alter a dialog line (add more quest context) from the Undead Knight (with the cursed Spear +3 'Backbiter')?

    The new Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest would be unlocked after the completion of the altered Undead Knight quest (curse not lifted). Once the altered Undead Knight quest is completed the lead Ghost Knight initiates a shout dialog (that hints the players to find the Idol of Kozah) and starts the new Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest. I am not sure how to make 'quest check points' (globals?); the Undead Knight quest completion would need to be a 'quest check point' for later. Once the player with Idol of Kozah is in sight of the lead Ghost Knight, the lead Ghost Knight initiates a shout dialog and all the Ghost Knights go berserk (turn hostile from the madness onset via Idol of Kozah) after the shout dialog ends. The lead Ghost Knight initiates a shout dialog when is slain only if the Undead Knight quest is completed ('quest check point'); during this dialog the Ghost Knight quest is completed and rewards the player and prompts the journal. With the player killing the hostile Ghost Knights their ethereal corpses are left behind and are lootable.

    Also to have the Ancient Armor be not destroyed but stays in the lead Ghost Knight inventory (I'm not sure if it is deleted on Undead Skeleton quest completion or not). This is so after the new Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest encounter the Ancient Armor can be continued to be used with Ulcaster Ghost The Vampire's Revenge quest.

    I am not sure how to initiate a dialog shout from a slain creature when the player kills a creature (and then completes the new Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest after the dialog is finished). With Ancient Armor not destroyed after the Ghost Knight quest so that the Ulcaster Ghost Vampire's Revenge quest can also be completed. Also how are quest rewards altered for I plan to swap SW1H19 with OLSW1H04 (An expanded version of cursed Long Sword 'The Vampire's Revenge'.

    Basically my request to learn WeiDU:
    I am not sure how to add and alter quests with WeiDU.
    I am not sure how to add and alter journal entries with WeiDU.
    I am not sure how to alter preexisting dialog with WeiDU.
    I am not sure how to initiate a dialog shout from a slain creature when the player kills a creature (and then complete a quest during the shout dialog).
    - [I am not sure how to create this sequences of events: creature (lead Ghost Knight) dies -> shouts dialog at player only if a quest is completed (shouts only if Undead Knight quest is completed) -> A quest is completed during the dialog (Ghost Knight Idol of Kozah quest is completed) -> Dialog ends.]

    Hmm I suppose if I use the override to swap KNIGHT1-6.cre I can skip the alter the original quest dialog (make it so the original version of the quest does not start) and use my own version of the Undead Knight quest with an altered version of the original quest dialog and then also simplify the process. I could then make new dialog and *somehow* make a new quest for the Idol of Kozah follow up quest (I still new to learn how to properly make a quest). Yet this is plan B and I want to see if plan A works; if I can make it more clean that would be better although it is good to have options. Also I like working with people it gets awfully lonely working on projects with yourself x-D.
    Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,796
    I'm not available to code your quest for your, sorry.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @WithinAmnesia I'll send a PM with some details about how to do what you wanna do if those Knights about stat, saving throw, AC... just the dialogue that you'll be on your own as I'm also clumsy with it.

    But basically all you'll have to do is add more lines to that previous code.

    I'll try to send the PM tomorrow, but real life is being very demanding lately.
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