Dumb Ideas Thread

This is a thread for stupid ideas - mods, tweaks etc. - that could be incorporated in the game but almost certainly never will be. List your dumb ideas here people:
1. One slot in every character's inventory should be turned into a 'pocket'. This acts just like a Gem Bag and can only hold small items like gems and jewelry.
1. One slot in every character's inventory should be turned into a 'pocket'. This acts just like a Gem Bag and can only hold small items like gems and jewelry.
I was 10 years old when I first played it and my English was pretty lacking. So make half of the text gibberish. I had never heard of D&D before and knew nothing of the system. So remove spell descriptions and give spells random symbols and names that gives you a vague idea of what they do. Or force players to memorize magical stone and other useless spells. Give random stats and classes for all companions so you actually have to take them into the party to check if they're good or not. Have companions wield weapons they aren't proficient with.
SCS got nothin' on my first time through that game.
5. Add shields that acts as an offhand weapon; shieldbash. 1D4 blunt damage + STR modifier. Or maybe 1D2 for buckler, 1D4 for small shield, 1D6 for medium shields, 1D8 for large and 1D10 for tower shields. Could also add THAC0 penalty for larger shields for being "unwieldy".
Edit: Shield bashing is more about distracting or pinning your opponent down. A stun similar to monk stun would make much more sense. Even spiked shields are not primarily meant to inflict damage but rather catch the opponents weapon or shield.
Edit: Even shuriken and throwing daggers are not designed to deal damage, but to distract. Kind of like this (skip to 1:15, look at the keys).
I have tried to make an item unidentified again after being identified but u could not get that to work. Maybe a Takeitemreplace could work but I have not pushed further with it yet.
Practically I would replace all scrolls with dummy scrolls that have no activation. Then when you put them in the inventory of an appropriate user you do a Takeitemreplace with a real version of the scroll.
But how do you do the clocks advancement in a paused inventory screen?
Your thoughts?
Only downside is that we can't simulate smells in computer games. For now.
Critical misses should have the character falling prone, damaging themselves or breaking their equipment.
8 haste should give +1 AC to shield welders and the improved one double the AC bonus of the shield.
it is very logic imo, as moving fast makes you attack more times it makes you also faster and more effective in blocking attacks with the shield.
9 a +1apr weapon, a mace, usable only by clerics. every other class can use a +1apr weapon and most can stack 2 of them. is time that this injustice ends. (@subtledoctor will never agree on that
Make it so that the spell Strength of One, rather than setting allies' Strength to 18/76, sets enemies' Strength to 1 (Sphere: Numbers).
Make it so that Magic Missile lets you choose a target for each missile (like BG2's Wand of Lightning).
Make it so that Skull Trap summons a skull creature (with demilich sprite) that can be controlled, moved around, and detonated using an innate ability of the skull, or upon taking damage.
Make it so that Mirror Image and Reflected Image create Mislead-like controllable decoys (but without the invisibility).
Make it so that Flesh to Stone can turn a flesh golem into a stone golem, and Stone to Flesh can turn a stone golem into a flesh golem.
Make it so that Earthquake deals extra damage indoors (due to falling debris).
Make it so that Bolt of Glory uses the lightning bolt projectile (so it can bounce off walls and hit creatures multiple times).
Make it so that the victims of Emotion: Hopelessness actually say things like "I lay down and die."
Make it so that Command charms the target for a round.
Make it so that the Shout and Great Shout spells from Icewind Dale knock the targets back (like Wing Buffet).
Utterly useless, perhaps. But much lulz will be read at the end.
the OP ask about stupid ideas - mods, tweaks etc. - that could be incorporated in the game.
and an anglish localization of the game can be interesting for some players, i give it to you.
but there is really no RP reason to assume that the language they talk in faerun should be based on german language or that the ethnic and genetic composition of the faerun human population should be germanic, and even if so why then use anglish, a not existent language, and not german or dutch? the faerun people speak english cause who invented DnD and who created the computer games was english speaking and also cause it gives access to the game to more people than every other language as in this modern times is somehow the lingua franca of the world, like before french was and even before latin. but afaik there is no reason out of it why faerun population or population should be germanic.
i find also quite silly, and this is a personal opinion, the whole idea of an anglish. it assumes that uk population is a pure germanic one, so let's go back to the roots and wipe out the language from foreign influences. but it is so?
in my opinion the answer is not. great britain is a melting pot of genes as the original population was celtic and then every invader left its influence on the language as well as on the genetic pool. in the video you linked it shows up when we see that the latin originated part of the vocabulary is higher in percentage than the germanic one and as latins were in great britain before the germans latin is surely in the roots of english, is not a corruption of it that happened later.
but this can drive the whole thread ot... let's not do it
Call it Weapon Style : Passive-Aggressiveness.