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The Politics Thread



  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited November 2018

    We regulate cars and they are deadly.

    Are you against car and driver licensing and registration?

    Regulate cars on public places are one thing, but in a private is a way of tyranny.

    Anyway, despite living in a country with Mexican style draconian gun control laws, i usually go on firing ranges and visited "ranges" on neighbor countries

    I don't own any firearm(only a crossbow) but if i wanna an illegal gun, get will be ridiculous easy. Some photos on firing ranges/stores

    Find a semi auto .30-06 rifle on neighbor countries aren't hard.
    Post edited by SorcererV1ct0r on
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited November 2018

    Just for the record, this was a "good guy with a gun". An armed security guard. Cops shot him dead on the spot. So let's rephrase it to what it actually means, which is a good WHITE guy with a gun. There is absolutely nothing you can do as a black man to innoculate yourself against being murdered by the state. Nothing. It's just something you have to flat-out live with everyday of your life.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited November 2018

    Just for the record, this was a "good guy with a gun". An armed security guard. Cops shot him dead on the spot. So let's rephrase it to what it actually means, which is a good WHITE guy with a gun. There is absolutely nothing you can do as a black man to innoculate yourself against being murdered by the state. Nothing. It's just something you have to flat-out live with everyday of your life.
    You din't mentioned that gun control was used mostly to disarm oppressed people in the history, on Ancient China crossbow ban was used to maintain the status quo of elites oppressing peasants. On feudal Japan too. On Brazil Empire, whites, mestizos and indigenous had the right to own guns, but blacks wasn't able to have guns. Only the "capitão do mato"(fugitive hunter) had this right. On Nazi germany, only those with an "Aryan certificated" can have guns. On Colonial USA, there are death penalty to anyone with a long firearm.

    And USA got his independence against the strongest empire in the world at the time with "voting"? Or with guns?

    The difference between noble/peasant, freeman/slave, etc was that only the privileged can own guns, disarming = transforming the population into cattle.

    PS : Police is more likely to kill whites on USA
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    PS : Police is more likely to kill whites on USA

    This is because whites are the vast majority of the population. Blacks are disproportionately likely to be killed by law enforcement. Whites are the majority in many things, but a lot of that is because of their sheer numbers rather than anything else.

    A good example would be that whites earn most of the income in the United States, but Asian-Americans earn more on average than whites. The relative numbers are as important as the absolute numbers.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited November 2018
    Blacks are disproportionately more likely to be killed by law enforcement but they are also disproportionately committing more violent crime, sometimes by vast amounts, and so one would reasonably assume they are getting involved in more dangerous altercations with police. Before we assume police are racist, we should account for this factor.

    Oh yeah, and the Florida elections.

    If nobody has questioned the legitimacy of the Florida election in this thread, just questioned it, not even call it fraud but look at the evidence and consider what is going on rather than dismiss it all cause Trump, I really can't take any more claims of caring about election integrity seriously. Obviously two vastly different standards exist for what constitutes suspicious and the only dividing line is party affiliation. I imagine I will get a lot of replies giving an extraordinary amount of benefit of the doubt to the commissioner, where none would exist otherwise, proving my point. That is all.

    Actually it's not all, here is a history of the shady and illegal practices of this democratic election commissioner in the past going back over a decade and continuing until this year, including destroying ballots early, not mailing ballots out, hiding away uncounted ballots, taking things off the ballot that should have been on them, not updating the state, opening ballots in private.

    Am I saying it's fraud? Not at all, I don't have all the info. Am I saying this thread has consistently cried foul based on 1/10th as much evidence but with the backing of party affiliation behind it? Absolutely. I mean she was only ordered by a court to stop opening mail in ballots in secret 3 months ago, no reason to call anything into question.

    But I don't mean to berate the audience. I merely find it a double standard worth pointing out, as I hope one would point out my blind spots.

    The TL;DR version of my post.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I had heard of the Florida issue and was outraged, but didn't realize there was any real difference between that election and the one in Georgia, and therefore saw no need to comment. It seemed redundant to criticize two cases of the same thing.

    I actually wasn't aware the accused in question in Florida was a Democrat.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Rick Scott was right there was fraud in Florida voting.

    A heavily Republican district allowed vote by email and fax.

    Law enforcement issued a statement already that there's no truth to the Trump and Rick Scott conspiracies otherwise.

    By the way Rick Scott oversaw the biggest Medicare and Medicaid fraud in US history. He is the fraud.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    So apparently the scandals behind Snipes are pretty simple:
    CNN said:

    The most recent questions about Snipes have been the most potent for Republicans: A Florida judge ruled that Snipes violated state and federal laws in when she destroyed ballots too soon after the 2016 election, despite one of the Democratic candidates in a primary race taking her to court to preserve the ballots and a federal requirement that mandates ballots be kept for 22 months after an election.
    At the time, Snipes blamed her staff for the "mistake."
    "When I sign, I sign folders filled with information," Snipes said in her testimony. She later said, "I trust my staff. They have the responsibility of giving me information that's correct."
    She was also party to a lawsuit in 2016 regarding a medical marijuana amendment that was missing from some absentee ballots and another decided in 2018 regarding when and how her staff could open absentee ballots.

    As for the "counting unlawful votes" thing, that appears to have only a single witness and no confirmation of the charge. As for the Washington Examiner article... there is no evidence that the wrong date on this (single) person's ballot was due to malicious intent rather than bureaucratic error. And it doesn't actually connect Snipes to the event. Most of the content in that particular article is speculation rather than substance.

    Now that I see the details, I don't see this as quite as scandalous as Kemp's multiple successful attempts to stop tens of thousands of people from voting. Still, that sounds like more than enough evidence that somebody besides Snipes should be in control of this process.

    If you're going to be responsible for the vote count, you can't have any mistakes on your record.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    So apparently the scandals behind Snipes are pretty simple:

    CNN said:

    The most recent questions about Snipes have been the most potent for Republicans: A Florida judge ruled that Snipes violated state and federal laws in when she destroyed ballots too soon after the 2016 election, despite one of the Democratic candidates in a primary race taking her to court to preserve the ballots and a federal requirement that mandates ballots be kept for 22 months after an election.
    At the time, Snipes blamed her staff for the "mistake."
    "When I sign, I sign folders filled with information," Snipes said in her testimony. She later said, "I trust my staff. They have the responsibility of giving me information that's correct."
    She was also party to a lawsuit in 2016 regarding a medical marijuana amendment that was missing from some absentee ballots and another decided in 2018 regarding when and how her staff could open absentee ballots.

    As for the "counting unlawful votes" thing, that appears to have only a single witness and no confirmation of the charge. As for the Washington Examiner article... there is no evidence that the wrong date on this (single) person's ballot was due to malicious intent rather than bureaucratic error. And it doesn't actually connect Snipes to the event. Most of the content in that particular article is speculation rather than substance.

    Now that I see the details, I don't see this as quite as scandalous as Kemp's multiple successful attempts to stop tens of thousands of people from voting. Still, that sounds like more than enough evidence that somebody besides Snipes should be in control of this process.

    If you're going to be responsible for the vote count, you can't have any mistakes on your record.
    Jeb Bush appointed her and Scott himself is the current Governor. They have had no issues with her til the last 7 days.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    True, but I think that does more to condemn Bush and Scott for overlooking valid issues than it does to exonerate Snipes.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Only one more thing about "blackwashing", "whitewashing" is awful too. Like for example, an white woman being the main character of Ghost in the Shell movie(named Motoko Kusanagi), to be fair more important than skin color, is the cultural elements. For example, Avatar was heavily based on Asian martial arts and spirituality but on Legend of Korra, the "republic city" becomes too "new york like" not mention dualistic mentality of "good VS evil" becomed pretty common on the second season if i remember correctly...

    I don't know why but i remembered this controversial commercial

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    An interesting read between the differences of Canadian political press conferences and American ones in light of the Acosta incident.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited November 2018
    deltago said:

    An interesting read between the differences of Canadian political press conferences and American ones in light of the Acosta incident.

    It's because a very large portion of America values order over freedom. Not just law and order, but anything that upsets their sensibilities at all. Though I will again point people to the video of Barack Obama handling a conservative heckler in the waning days of the 2016 campaign juxtaposed to how Trump treated them and how he treats the press. Obama also willingly sat down for at least TWO interviews in his Presidency with Bill O'Reilly, which aired before the frickin' Super Bowl. Half-hour interviews with someone who couldn't have possibly been more ideologically opposed to him, and was in every sense JUST as rude as Acosta supposedly was, if not more so. And he simply say there and calmly answered his questions. You know, like a grown-up.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    Only one more thing about "blackwashing", "whitewashing" is awful too. Like for example, an white woman being the main character of Ghost in the Shell movie(named Motoko Kusanagi), to be fair more important than skin color, is the cultural elements. For example, Avatar was heavily based on Asian martial arts and spirituality but on Legend of Korra, the "republic city" becomes too "new york like" not mention dualistic mentality of "good VS evil" becomed pretty common on the second season if i remember correctly...

    I don't know why but i remembered this controversial commercial

    That's a pretty stupid commercial, and I didn't see the movie, just like I didn't see Avatar: The Last Airbender, either. I don't spend my money on things which can't possibly be as good as the original. (To be fair, I didn't watch the Cartoon Network Avatar, either. Just not for me. Neither did I watch "Legend of Korra".

    I am quite a fan of anime, and I know what "Kusanagi" is. It's the sword of the Japanese Imperial Regalia. Calling a woman "Mokoto Kusanagi" is like naming a western character "Jane Excalibur". (Kusanagi actually means "Grass-Cutter"). Cultural appropriation is pretty stupid, period.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    So, as I didn't feel well today, I am only posting the Facebook stories now.

    I think it's wonderful that these rabbis are willing to lead with their bodies where their mouths and beliefs go.

    Police Fatally Shoot Black Security Guard Who Detained Shooting Suspect
    This just makes me sick. He's wearing a full security guard uniform and a cop shoots him. Why? Probable reason is because he's black.

    Black Army Vet Blinded In One Eye, Suffers Broken Bones after ‘Misunderstanding’ Leads to Brutal Attack by Police
    What sort of "Misunderstanding" is this? The article doesn't say.

    CNN sues President Trump and top White House aides for barring Jim Acosta
    "Fake News"? Real lawsuit. I guess CNN is finally calling out the Trump White House on its crap.

    Meanwhile, Mueller makes an announcement...

    Mueller Reportedly Ready to Issue New Indictments As Early as Today

    Trump's Tax Cut was supposed to change Corporate Behavior. Here's what really happened
    Not really a surprise. Rich Corporations do what they want.

    Also not a real surprise.

    Sinema wins Arizona Senate race
    Not a surprise, as it was already news, but it's a good victory.

    Racism, conspiracy theories fuel Republicans' Florida strategy
    When one candidate is black, and the other tells voters "not to monkey it up", this is already pretty obvious. Mind you, the Florida state Law Enforcement Bureau says there is nothing there. As Trump would say "A Nothing Burger".
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    The BBC are currently doing a series of programmes and articles on fake news. It's clear from that how easy it is for fake news to have fatal consequences. That's even true in countries like the US and UK where marginalized individuals can be worked up into taking extreme action. In countries with greater existing ethnic and religious tensions though, fake news can result in much more widespread action by communities - see today's update from Nigeria for example.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    Dawnland Documentary Shows How the U.S. Government Took Indigenous Children From Their Homes — and Placed Them With White Families
    Needless to say, this was wrong. Taking kids away from their parents and placing them with white families so they will be raised as white is what the Trump White House wants to do with the children of immigrants now. Needless to say, I think this is wrong.

    Progressive Dems back off "Abolish ICE" at first meeting since midterms
    No, just no. Your constituents should speak out on this, and speak loudly.

    Publishers of Vampire tabletop game ponder ‘a change in leadership’ after more missteps

    Ongoing persecution of the LGBTQ community in Chechnya became fodder for its latest role-playing book
    They claimed that the persecution was fake in the book, which fed into a narrative within white nationalist groups who also do RPGs.

    Stan Lee Already Filmed His 'Avengers 4' Cameo
    A good thing. I can't wait to see it. :)

    Jewish Rabbis aren't the only ones opposed to anti-immigrant rhetoric

    US autoworkers oppose anti-immigrant campaign

    “Someone is getting paid millions to provoke racism and hatred”

    Solidarity with the migrant caravan!
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    LadyRhian said:

    Only one more thing about "blackwashing", "whitewashing" is awful too. Like for example, an white woman being the main character of Ghost in the Shell movie(named Motoko Kusanagi), to be fair more important than skin color, is the cultural elements. For example, Avatar was heavily based on Asian martial arts and spirituality but on Legend of Korra, the "republic city" becomes too "new york like" not mention dualistic mentality of "good VS evil" becomed pretty common on the second season if i remember correctly...

    I don't know why but i remembered this controversial commercial

    That's a pretty stupid commercial, and I didn't see the movie, just like I didn't see Avatar: The Last Airbender, either. I don't spend my money on things which can't possibly be as good as the original. (To be fair, I didn't watch the Cartoon Network Avatar, either. Just not for me. Neither did I watch "Legend of Korra".

    I am quite a fan of anime, and I know what "Kusanagi" is. It's the sword of the Japanese Imperial Regalia. Calling a woman "Mokoto Kusanagi" is like naming a western character "Jane Excalibur". (Kusanagi actually means "Grass-Cutter"). Cultural appropriation is pretty stupid, period.
    Well, i mentioned Kusanagi only to mention that she is obvious Japanese(at least descendant), i don't know why they din't hired an Asian woman to be her...

    About the commercial, i agree that is a pretty stupid but even in the most racist state of USA, this commercial have zero chances to be on air without a massive backlash. I linked this commercial to show how the mindset can be different in different cultures
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    LadyRhian said:

    Only one more thing about "blackwashing", "whitewashing" is awful too. Like for example, an white woman being the main character of Ghost in the Shell movie(named Motoko Kusanagi), to be fair more important than skin color, is the cultural elements. For example, Avatar was heavily based on Asian martial arts and spirituality but on Legend of Korra, the "republic city" becomes too "new york like" not mention dualistic mentality of "good VS evil" becomed pretty common on the second season if i remember correctly...

    I don't know why but i remembered this controversial commercial

    That's a pretty stupid commercial, and I didn't see the movie, just like I didn't see Avatar: The Last Airbender, either. I don't spend my money on things which can't possibly be as good as the original. (To be fair, I didn't watch the Cartoon Network Avatar, either. Just not for me. Neither did I watch "Legend of Korra".

    I am quite a fan of anime, and I know what "Kusanagi" is. It's the sword of the Japanese Imperial Regalia. Calling a woman "Mokoto Kusanagi" is like naming a western character "Jane Excalibur". (Kusanagi actually means "Grass-Cutter"). Cultural appropriation is pretty stupid, period.
    Well, i mentioned Kusanagi only to mention that she is obvious Japanese(at least descendant), i don't know why they din't hired an Asian woman to be her...

    About the commercial, i agree that is a pretty stupid but even in the most racist state of USA, this commercial have zero chances to be on air without a massive backlash. I linked this commercial to show how the mindset can be different in different cultures
    Heck, let's not forget the backlash against HoneyMaid for making a commercial with biracial, and homosexual families and tagging it "This is Wholesome". I swear some people's heads exploded.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    Why So Many White Supremacists Are into Veganism

    Apparently, it has to do with beliefs in "Blood and Soil", and that Hitler was also Vegetarian...

    The Bike-Based, Anarchist Public Health Project That’s Keeping People Alive On Olympia's Streets
    This seems like a very good thing. Regardless of how you feel about the homeless and drug addicts, keeping them alive is a good thing.

    What the Artist Behind a Comics-Style History of Anti-Fascist Resistance Thinks You Should Know About Antifa
    I found this interesting and worth the read. I am definitely on the Anti-Fascist (Antifa) side.

    Florida Recount Finally Wraps Up, Al Gore Declared President
    Well, finally! :D
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    LadyRhian said:

    Why So Many White Supremacists Are into Veganism

    Apparently, it has to do with beliefs in "Blood and Soil", and that Hitler was also Vegetarian...
    Curious. Vegetarianism and veganism is usually more associated with left-leaning types. I suppose the influence of vegetarianism among the Nazi leadership might account for it. Funnily enough, it wasn't a few weeks ago that we had some white nationalists proudly drinking lots of milk to boast of their lactose tolerance--vegetarian, perhaps, but definitely not vegan.

    I suppose there's no reason white nationalists would have a unified ideology. Maybe it's just that white nationalism has grown enough that there are lots of different strains of it.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @semiticgod This is true. I wasn't aware of this particular strain of it, to be sure.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    LadyRhian said:

    Only one more thing about "blackwashing", "whitewashing" is awful too. Like for example, an white woman being the main character of Ghost in the Shell movie(named Motoko Kusanagi), to be fair more important than skin color, is the cultural elements. For example, Avatar was heavily based on Asian martial arts and spirituality but on Legend of Korra, the "republic city" becomes too "new york like" not mention dualistic mentality of "good VS evil" becomed pretty common on the second season if i remember correctly...

    I don't know why but i remembered this controversial commercial

    That's a pretty stupid commercial, and I didn't see the movie, just like I didn't see Avatar: The Last Airbender, either. I don't spend my money on things which can't possibly be as good as the original. (To be fair, I didn't watch the Cartoon Network Avatar, either. Just not for me. Neither did I watch "Legend of Korra".

    I am quite a fan of anime, and I know what "Kusanagi" is. It's the sword of the Japanese Imperial Regalia. Calling a woman "Mokoto Kusanagi" is like naming a western character "Jane Excalibur". (Kusanagi actually means "Grass-Cutter"). Cultural appropriation is pretty stupid, period.
    Well, i mentioned Kusanagi only to mention that she is obvious Japanese(at least descendant), i don't know why they din't hired an Asian woman to be her...

    About the commercial, i agree that is a pretty stupid but even in the most racist state of USA, this commercial have zero chances to be on air without a massive backlash. I linked this commercial to show how the mindset can be different in different cultures
    I also sort of noticed that it kind of resembled this one...
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297

    A politician can ruin a lot of lives, the state murdered much more people on last century than all mercenary armies on the history combined.

    The role of the politician is not the flaw in your logic. Some politicians may have a lot of power over me, but they do not have it because just one person voted for them. On an individual level the responsibility of having a vote is much lower than the responsibility of running around with a loaded gun. Your analogy would work if the President was picked totally randomly.

    Another completely separate point:

    A lot of the states that murdered people did so only after being taken over by armed revolutionaries. It's also not true what many people state that the first thing dictatorships do is disarm the population. For example, the Nazis specifically disarmed the Jews, but in general relaxed gun legislation for the rest of the population substantially.

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited November 2018

    Colorado Abolishes Prison Slavery in Huge Win for Prisoners Rights
    Nobody should be forced to work in Prison, nor should they be mistreated while doing so.

    Whitaker abandoned taxpayer-funded project in Iowa in 2016
    DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — While in private business, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker walked away from a taxpayer-subsidized apartment-rehabilitation project in Iowa after years of cost overruns, delays and other problems, public records show.

    The city of Des Moines ultimately yanked an affordable housing loan that Whitaker’s company had been awarded, and another lender began foreclosure proceedings after Whitaker defaulted on a separate loan for nearly $700,000. Several contractors complained they were not paid, and a process server for one could not even find Whitaker or his company to serve him with a lawsuit.

    President’s no-show disrespects veterans
    If he wants to sulk in his room because his party lost the house and did badly in the election, or, if you follow the line of thought that he didn't want to be out in the rain because he wouldn't look good, and he hates to look bad, he can't dodge the fact that he disrespected the troops he claims to love so much.

    Florida man dressed as Fred Flintstone pulled over for speeding in footmobile
    Not sure how hard to laugh at this...

    Thousands Of Immigrant Children Held In Texas Tent Cities, Detention Centers
    This is embarrassing. As a country, with this stuff, I am *not* proud to be an American when I see things like this.

    No, White Friend—You Weren’t “Embarrassed” by Barack Obama
    Which goes directly to this opinion piece, I agree with it completely. If you (you, collectively) were 'embarrassed' by Barack Obama and are *not* embarrassed, or even ashamed by Donald Trump and his actions, then that says something about you. And it's not complimentary at all.
    Post edited by LadyRhian on
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Ammar said:

    A lot of the states that murdered people did so only after being taken over by armed revolutionaries. It's also not true what many people state that the first thing dictatorships do is disarm the population. For example, the Nazis specifically disarmed the Jews, but in general relaxed gun legislation for the rest of the population substantially.

    See Ronald Reagan and the right in California IMMEDIATELY calling for gun control once the Black Panthers starting trying to exercise the same rights as white people in the '60s. See Philando Castile getting shot to death by a cop while legally carrying a firearm and informing the cop in the exact way you are supposed to. See the security guard shot on sight by a cop a few days ago for doing his job. See the man shot to death in a Wal-Mart for examining a BB gun. See the dozens of black men shot just for having their hands somewhere in the general vicinity of their waist when around a cop, whether they were armed or not. It is very clear African-Americans don't have the same gun rights as white Americans. They can TRY to exercise them, but they risk being gunned down on the spot for doing so.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Let me guess...

    The answer is we need a good white guy with a gun to protect the good black guy with a gun.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Ammar said:

    A politician can ruin a lot of lives, the state murdered much more people on last century than all mercenary armies on the history combined.

    The role of the politician is not the flaw in your logic. Some politicians may have a lot of power over me, but they do not have it because just one person voted for them. On an individual level the responsibility of having a vote is much lower than the responsibility of running around with a loaded gun. Your analogy would work if the President was picked totally randomly.
    Having an gun and walking on streets with an loaded gun are not the same thing.

    About not wanting someone to have power over you, spoiler : Everyone already have. If someone wanna an illegal gun, the person will get, if someone wanna kill you, the person will be able to have an illegal firearm... According to forbes on Canada only 13% of homicides was committed with registered firearms( )

    As for nazi germany disarming "non aryans", this only shows how gun control is a tool to control the population and turn itself into a livestock, like other examples that i've mentioned.

    LadyRhian said:

    Why So Many White Supremacists Are into Veganism

    Apparently, it has to do with beliefs in "Blood and Soil", and that Hitler was also Vegetarian...
    Curious. Vegetarianism and veganism is usually more associated with left-leaning types. I suppose the influence of vegetarianism among the Nazi leadership might account for it. Funnily enough, it wasn't a few weeks ago that we had some white nationalists proudly drinking lots of milk to boast of their lactose tolerance--vegetarian, perhaps, but definitely not vegan.

    I suppose there's no reason white nationalists would have a unified ideology. Maybe it's just that white nationalism has grown enough that there are lots of different strains of it.
    Not all white nationalists are nazis. Some of then criticize nazism and say that no more regime killed more whites than nazism... To be honest, i saw even some ancaps who are WN on reddit. There are also some who are anarcho-tribalists like Varg for eg.

    Anyway, nazism = National socialism, is a type of non marxist socialist( ), is right wing by most definitions but like most socialist doctrines, can't work on the long run. Right and left wing authoritarianism are both awful.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Varg Vikernes is definitely a character
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