I don't understand the issue with the Michigan judge throwing out the case of FGM. He says it was unconstitutional for congress to make it a federal crime in 1996. But it is also a state issue as Michigan made it a state crime last year. So what is the real story? The judge also says it's a local thing to this particular religious sect. Local? He also mentions that it is a form of physical assault and even sexual assault, but does nothing.
What the heck is the story then? Both the UN and WHO have condemned the practice. And 200 million people does not make it a small localized event.
The Ford story does not surprise me. Trump has been throwing the company under the bus almost every step of his presidency, even as he attempts to save auto sector jobs.
The steel and aluminum tariffs was the start. This just increases their cost of production, and to stay competitive with foreign made cars, they really couldn’t jack up their prices. Everyone thought these tariffs would be temporary, but they are still there months later to save a few 100 jobs somewhere.
Then USMCA comes along and throws automakers under the bus one more time, effectively raising their cost of labour within the new rules on their business only. If this clause passes as is, expect cuts somewhere as other people take on more responsibility in its manufacturing process.
It’s the first trickle IMO. Something needs to change soon or more is going to break.
A good read about why increasing a minimum wage is a bad thing, with mentions of other methods to help those in poverty such as raising the basic income tax exemption:
I don't understand the issue with the Michigan judge throwing out the case of FGM. He says it was unconstitutional for congress to make it a federal crime in 1996. But it is also a state issue as Michigan made it a state crime last year. So what is the real story? The judge also says it's a local thing to this particular religious sect. Local? He also mentions that it is a form of physical assault and even sexual assault, but does nothing.
What the heck is the story then? Both the UN and WHO have condemned the practice. And 200 million people does not make it a small localized event.
I was puzzled about this as well. It makes no more sense when you live here in Michigan I'll tell you that. That ruling was from way out in left field. Female genital mutilation is a disgusting custom. This judge isn't a female (I'm sure you're shocked).
I don't understand the issue with the Michigan judge throwing out the case of FGM. He says it was unconstitutional for congress to make it a federal crime in 1996. But it is also a state issue as Michigan made it a state crime last year. So what is the real story? The judge also says it's a local thing to this particular religious sect. Local? He also mentions that it is a form of physical assault and even sexual assault, but does nothing.
What the heck is the story then? Both the UN and WHO have condemned the practice. And 200 million people does not make it a small localized event.
I was puzzled about this as well. It makes no more sense when you live here in Michigan I'll tell you that. That ruling was from way out in left field. Female genital mutilation is a disgusting custom. This judge isn't a female (I'm sure you're shocked).
I'm in total agreement. I am sympathetic and tolerant of Muslim's rights to practice their religion, but this is just ridiculous. If I'm going to speak out against Christians in North Carolina not immunizing their kids, I'm sure as hell going to speak out against this. There has to be line with all religions and public policy. Mind you, I have ALSO spoken out against the idea that Muslim cashiers or store clerks refusing to handle pork products, in the same way I speak out against pharmacists not filling birth control prescriptions. Your religious rights don't extend to being able to dictate the terms of everyday activities to others, or in the case of vaccination and mutilation, use it as an excuse to cause actual harm. Our deference to religious beliefs cannot be endless.
The Eighth Amendment forbids cruel and unusual punishment, and FGM most definitely qualifies as cruel and unusual--the practice itself is already unconstitutional. I think it's fairly clear that there's no way that a law banning an unconstitutional practice could possibly be unconstitutional.
There is no justification for forcibly mutilating little girls.
I would really like to see the state of Michigan appeal that bad decision and take it all the way to the supreme court if needed. Even with varied rulings the SC has made at times, I would think they could ALL get behind this particular issue.
The Eighth Amendment forbids cruel and unusual punishment, and FGM most definitely qualifies as cruel and unusual--the practice itself is already unconstitutional. I think it's fairly clear that there's no way that a law banning an unconstitutional practice could possibly be unconstitutional.
There is no justification for forcibly mutilating little girls.
I agree that it is cruel, but it is unfortunately neither unusual nor a punishment in the legal sense. So while I agree that it should be illegal and the justice did not render the right judgment, your line of reasoning is not valid. It might be more straightforward to consider FGM a special case of aggravated assault.
In America, Circumcision is a choice, most of the time. If you don't want your child Circumcised, say so. But yeah, it's just as not good as female genital circumcision.
In America, Circumcision is a choice, most of the time. If you don't want your child Circumcised, say so. But yeah, it's just as not good as female genital circumcision.
So male mutilation is a choice of the parents but female is not? Wow.
This twitter thread provides a good analysis and take-down of Trump's statements. Perhaps a crucial point that isn't really made though is that the law saying that illegal immigrants can still claim asylum is clear and specific. Trump's argument that a general power over border security can be stretched to cover asylum cases is already flaky, but even if that were accepted you would not expect a general power to overcome a specific requirement (if that were intended, the specific law should be repealed).
It seems clear to me that Trump is hoping for violence and deaths at the border. It's an open question just how far he will go to provoke that, but I'm glad that Mattis has said military police supporting border officials will be unarmed.
In America, Circumcision is a choice, most of the time. If you don't want your child Circumcised, say so. But yeah, it's just as not good as female genital circumcision.
So male mutilation is a choice of the parents but female is not? Wow.
Lets put it in perspective a bit between the two.
If male circumcision also removed the tip of the head then it'd be the equal of female circumcision.
In America, Circumcision is a choice, most of the time. If you don't want your child Circumcised, say so. But yeah, it's just as not good as female genital circumcision.
So male mutilation is a choice of the parents but female is not? Wow.
Lets put it in perspective a bit between the two.
If male circumcision also removed the tip of the head then it'd be the equal of female circumcision.
Why does that makes a difference?? You are mutilating the genitals of a child without consent in either case. Please explain why one is wrong and the other is not.
In America, Circumcision is a choice, most of the time. If you don't want your child Circumcised, say so. But yeah, it's just as not good as female genital circumcision.
So male mutilation is a choice of the parents but female is not? Wow.
Well, yeah It was touted as being "cleaner" and "discouraging masturbation" in the 1900's. For a while, it became something just done automatically because fathers wanted their sone to be just like them. Now, it's rapidly falling out of favor. Jews still do it as a sign of the covenenant between them and god, I believe. So do Muslims, I think.
Personally, I feel circumcision should not be allowed except for medical reasons or when requested by an-of-age patient.
However, it equating both practice is also wrong. Both the typical adverse events and the motivation are on a completely different scale than for FGM. If it had been that similar, it would not have become as widespread in the US as it is.
I'm also against toddlers getting their ears pierced. But this is again a much lesser issue than both circumcision and FGM. In my opinion: Ear piercing << Circumcision << FGM with the "<<" being of an magnitude, that I think bringing the left side as an "but what about" response to the right side is not appropriate.
That does not mean that each of those should not be discussed and tackled. But equating them is not helpful effectively downplays suffering.
Climate change? Maybe.
US only country in the world to vote against work of UN refugee agency
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/us-votes-against-un-refugee-agency-unhcr-resolution-trump-immigration-asylum-mexico-border-a8633226.html?fbclid=IwAR0g-u1_UGA7V76DpNvMH6kmwUaSbk7KQYmJ8-FBK3g6AZvcJVLgNScGPwIBecause of course "we" did. "We" being Trump, of course.
Barack Obama surprises food bank volunteers ahead of Thanksgiving
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/barack-obama-thanksgiving-2018-volunteers-chicago-illinois-cook-county-food-depository/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6a&linkId=59991005Still missing having a president who isn't an absolute scumbag.
Head of Russian spy agency accused of U.S. election hack, U.K. spy poisoning dies
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/head-russian-spy-agency-accused-u-s-election-hack-u-n939261?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma&fbclid=IwAR17MBt2q1ZRiYLtOE6OAhx5KPFtUCjvTsNlcBurf2N5aAc-fUgJbS8igB4Illness, or "Illness"? I wish I knew, but I can't trust the Kremlin to tell the truth.
Oldest U.S. military survivor of Pearl Harbor dies at age 106
Ray Chavez would not talk about the attack for decades. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder that left him anxious and shaking.https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/oldest-us-military-survivor-pearl-harbor-dies-age-106-n939201?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma
I salute him, and his service.
Ford Prepares for Mass Layoffs After Losing $1 Billion to Trump's Trade Tariffs, Report Says
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ford-prepares-mass-layoffs-losing-002618564.html?soc_src=community&soc_trk=fb&fbclid=IwAR3reL6FLOU74tbdzfalo1lB8NRFFta8YEOy3BmSmQ855-oa19RFVzoCA0kI am wondering how Trump will manage to blame the Democrats, or Barack Obama for this...
Trump politicizes Thanksgiving call with troops to attack migrants, judges
https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/22/politics/trump-troops-border-thanksgiving-teleconference/index.html?no-st=1542929132I knew this was coming, but I still find myself surprised. There is no bottom to how low Trump will go.
What the heck is the story then? Both the UN and WHO have condemned the practice. And 200 million people does not make it a small localized event.
The steel and aluminum tariffs was the start. This just increases their cost of production, and to stay competitive with foreign made cars, they really couldn’t jack up their prices. Everyone thought these tariffs would be temporary, but they are still there months later to save a few 100 jobs somewhere.
Then USMCA comes along and throws automakers under the bus one more time, effectively raising their cost of labour within the new rules on their business only. If this clause passes as is, expect cuts somewhere as other people take on more responsibility in its manufacturing process.
It’s the first trickle IMO. Something needs to change soon or more is going to break.
https://www.wired.com/story/the-science-is-clear-dirty-farm-water-is-making-us-sick/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=wired&utm_brand=wired&mbid=social_fb&utm_source=facebook&utm_social-type=owned&fbclid=IwAR2RRc-UBMWxa6SqDiViEnI5yuQhn6cSAUl5-1BCf9NH8Sd1p3jEv8TYx7AFertilizer, as was mentioned earlier.
Trump calls 9th Circuit a 'big thorn in our side,' accuses judges of imperiling US security
https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/22/politics/trump-chief-justice-john-roberts-judges/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2vT18HAnW-7ag17XA8kCmC8AY-sW0VXLj-Vh6rn9kHCgpw6X87v3WuXmQAnd by "our", he means his.
Oh, and I adore Ben Folds:
I'm in total agreement. I am sympathetic and tolerant of Muslim's rights to practice their religion, but this is just ridiculous. If I'm going to speak out against Christians in North Carolina not immunizing their kids, I'm sure as hell going to speak out against this. There has to be line with all religions and public policy. Mind you, I have ALSO spoken out against the idea that Muslim cashiers or store clerks refusing to handle pork products, in the same way I speak out against pharmacists not filling birth control prescriptions. Your religious rights don't extend to being able to dictate the terms of everyday activities to others, or in the case of vaccination and mutilation, use it as an excuse to cause actual harm. Our deference to religious beliefs cannot be endless.
There is no justification for forcibly mutilating little girls.
If male circumcision also removed the tip of the head then it'd be the equal of female circumcision.
However, it equating both practice is also wrong. Both the typical adverse events and the motivation are on a completely different scale than for FGM. If it had been that similar, it would not have become as widespread in the US as it is.
I'm also against toddlers getting their ears pierced. But this is again a much lesser issue than both circumcision and FGM. In my opinion:
Ear piercing << Circumcision << FGM
with the "<<" being of an magnitude, that I think bringing the left side as an "but what about" response to the right side is not appropriate.
That does not mean that each of those should not be discussed and tackled. But equating them is not helpful effectively downplays suffering.