You have now given Trump and the American government a reason (and an out) to slow down and even stop processing asylum claims.
The cost of housing and keeping track of all the migrants now also falls on Mexico, not to mention the violent gangs that these people are fleeing are present in Northern Mexico.
Tabletop Tuesday – RPGs are Done with Edgelords and Bigots The fact that the OSR boils down to a specific approach to playing RPGs doesn’t detract from those reprehensible people who associate themselves with, or champion, the concept. Too many OSR blogs or books included bigoted and hateful language and evidence of harassment by OSR “fans” existed. "Because of modern Gender Confusion, a lot of females will often assume that they can join an unmoderated all-male group and nothing will change." Actual quote from from an OSR forum. In 2015, White Wolf (which hadn’t really been an independent company since 2006) came back as a subsidiary of Paradox Interactive, with the goal of starting the 5th Edition of Vampire: the Masquerade. Although ended by the original company in 2004, the line was so popular it spawned a 20th-anniversary version in 2011 (by Onyx Path Publishing), and the reins were handed over to “new” leadership. Unfortunately, by 2017, the controversy had already begun with an Alpha Playtest that included a pre-generated character that was essentially a pedophile. Further Beta releases of material only furthered the backlash, with the use of charged language (like “triggered”), false equivalencies (comparing neo-Nazis to social justice advocates), and similar passages that seemed to cater to the faux-centrist, Internet troll, and alt-right crowds. White Wolf defended itself vehemently, denying association with any bigoted movements, ideologies, or groups; instead, contributors (like VtM founder, Mark Rein-Hagen) doubled-down that they were just being edgy and presenting Vampires as monsters. They even promised to make alterations and include new chapters encouraging responsible and inclusive gameplay; of course, it was too late for the books already on shelves, so everyone would have to wait for the PDFs, or later print runs. Suffice to say, the “fixed” books didn’t really do the job, and the added material was often full of the same dog-whistles and snarl words. The authors left in much of the charged language (and made even worse mistakes), crossed lines the OWoD avoided (like blaming real-world atrocities on the supernatural), and even encouraged irresponsible, “edgelord” gameplay because “it’s just a game” and “no one will judge you.” White Wolf once more promised to do better, but when another sneak peek came out where the author (Rein-Hagen, again) used the real-life Chechnyan gay genocide as a plot point and cover-up for Vampires, the RPG industry was done. The backlash was swift, and Paradox stated it was looking into addressing the issue and “restructuring” leadership of their subsidiary. Recently, Paradox announced the future V5 products were on hold, the offensive material was thrown out, and the subsidiary would be rolled back into the parent company. White Wolf was dead once more, and the “edgelords” who’d created this travesty were (probably) jobless.
Only i think that cold climate can contribute to higher development and less crime? The most developed countries in Europe are in Northern Europe, the coldest area. On Americas, despite USA being richer than Canada, Canada have the lowest crime and on USA, cities on North are more safer, on Latin America, the most developed countries like Argentina and Chile are far more developed than Caribbean countries such as Jamaica. And even in Argentina, the area with Tundra climate on Patagonia are far more safer and developed than the North Area. You can say that the North Area suffers a lot from illegal immigration but why immigrants don't just move to richer cities?
@Kamigoroshi Information is necessarily lost when projecting a sphere onto a 2-D map. If you want to preserve sizes you lose something else. The projection we commonly use preserves directions for navigation at the expense of correct sizing.
@LadyRhian Far far too many people use religion simply as an excuse to be raging buttheads. I can't speak for any other religions but too many Christians are too afraid to call these people out when they blatantly bigoted behavious from their peers. Somewhere along the line, the culture has changed to the point where "confrontation" is seen as a bad thing in all cases.
@LadyRhian Far far too many people use religion simply as an excuse to be raging buttheads. I can't speak for any other religions but too many Christians are too afraid to call these people out when they blatantly bigoted behavious from their peers. Somewhere along the line, the culture has changed to the point where "confrontation" is seen as a bad thing in all cases.
Something I noticed is that some "Christians" take positive delight in being "holier-than-thou" and using their so-called exalted position to look down on everyone around them. When it comes to servers, it means they get abused, because they should have been in church. :P
Like I once heard, "God may love you, but everyone else thinks you're a buttmunch."
@Kamigoroshi Information is necessarily lost when projecting a sphere onto a 2-D map. If you want to preserve sizes you lose something else. The projection we commonly use preserves directions for navigation at the expense of correct sizing.
That's fine, but who is using paper maps for navigation in 2018?? If they are necessary for navigation that's fine, but for educational purposes, it seems far more important to not make it look like Greenland is the size of Africa.
I might agree that the 10 statements in the list are false, but this article is more about insulting Trump supporters than discussing facts. The contempt in the article is palpable--the intended message is clearly just "conservatives are stupid." I've never understood that kind of attitude towards one's fellow Americans.
@LadyRhian Far far too many people use religion simply as an excuse to be raging buttheads. I can't speak for any other religions but too many Christians are too afraid to call these people out when they blatantly bigoted behavious from their peers. Somewhere along the line, the culture has changed to the point where "confrontation" is seen as a bad thing in all cases.
Something I noticed is that some "Christians" take positive delight in being "holier-than-thou" and using their so-called exalted position to look down on everyone around them. When it comes to servers, it means they get abused, because they should have been in church. :P
Like I once heard, "God may love you, but everyone else thinks you're a buttmunch."
Exactly, it should be the responsibility of fellow Christians to straighten them out. Unfortunately we are turning into 1 of 2 things:
1.Wee little babbies that are afraid of conflict. 2. Using religion as a cover to justify bigotry.
If we can all get off our butts and fix problem 1, then 2 will be less than an issue, as those with actual sincere faith would crack down on the hypocrites.
I might agree that the 10 statements in the list are false, but this article is more about insulting Trump supporters than discussing facts. The contempt in the article is palpable--the intended message is clearly just "conservatives are stupid." I've never understood that kind of attitude towards one's fellow Americans.
There are two of them where I find it pretty hard to come to any other conclusion than that they ARE false, and if you believe them, you might as well start walking around telling people that the moon is made of asiago cheese. They are 1.) that MILLIONS of illegal immigrants are voting in our elections and 2.) that Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States. These aren't contentious issues that are up for debate. Clearly both of them are OBJECTIVELY untrue in the same way that saying 2+2=5 is, also, untrue. So having an ''opinion" that they are isn't really a position that should be treated with any respect or deference. A position on marginal tax rates is an opinion. These two issues are just not. And believing either of them simply means you are flat-out, 100% incorrect. I see no more point to debating these topics than arguing whether gravity exists. This is a neat little trick of the Trump era, where deliberate or (in the case of Obama's birthplace) flat-out insane lies are thrown into the political and cultural eco-system and are then treated as a legitimate "side" of a debate.
Imagine tuning into TV tomorrow morning and hearing this:
"Welcome to Meet the Press, this Sunday, the hot topic in the nation is centered on the debate on whether water freezes at 32 degrees. We'll hear from both sides of the argument in this hour."
Any debates on these two subjects (and a myriad of others) are functionally no different than my over-the-top example above. All 3 of them are giving credence to "viewpoints" that are equally untrue. And I'd show the same contempt for a position held by a liberal who thinks Building 7 was a controlled demolition.
Trump’s Approval Rate Among Active-Duty Troops Drops to 44%, Military Times Poll Says Lowest among women in the military, Highest among the Marines and Navy. I know, Navy is mentioned twice, so it's hard to tell where it actually falls... Female respondents, who made up 11% of the total, were more likely to disapprove of Trump, with 28% showing support and 69% disapproving. Among male respondents, 47% approved of Trump while 38% disapproved. Trump’s support was strongest in the Marine Corps and Navy, while those in the Air Force and Navy were more critical. Around 21% of respondents from the Army were neither favorable nor unfavorable, making it the most undecided branch of the armed forces.
White House admits Trump climate policies will cost Americans $500 billion a year
It is scary, but the White House has certainly not admitted that. The report was funded by the government (as a result of the 1990 law requiring them to do that), but that doesn't mean it represents the position of the government ...
It is scary, but the White House has certainly not admitted that. The report was funded by the government (as a result of the 1990 law requiring them to do that), but that doesn't mean it represents the position of the government ...
Well, not of the President or his administration, no.
This amounts to little more than flat-out stealing money from these people. Anyone who has ever gotten screwed out a paycheck knows just how low and scummy this is. This should be front page news.
Edit: It appears this was an old story, and about 3 million dollars in fines were paid a few months later, and settlements were reached just as and after he was taking office. But it reiterates a point that has been brought up over and over. How are we ok with someone sitting in this office who doesn't pay the people who work on his buildings as a tactic?? You wanna talk about screwing working people over?? Trump was literally withholding their paychecks.
ForAmerica ― whose mission is to “reinvigorate the public with the principles of American exceptionalism: freedom, prosperity and virtue” — accused Macy’s and NBC of blindsiding parents Thursday by airing the kiss between actresses Caitlin Kinnunen and Isabelle McCalla during a rendition of musical “The Prom.”
Right. Neo Nazi or racist views? No sweat Conservatives got your back, "FREE SPEECH!"
But a same sex kiss, that's something to get upset about.
ForAmerica ― whose mission is to “reinvigorate the public with the principles of American exceptionalism: freedom, prosperity and virtue” — accused Macy’s and NBC of blindsiding parents Thursday by airing the kiss between actresses Caitlin Kinnunen and Isabelle McCalla during a rendition of musical “The Prom.”
Right. Neo Nazi or racist views? No sweat Conservatives got your back, "FREE SPEECH!"
But a same sex kiss, that's something to get upset about.
I liked some of the responses on twitter, which was along the lines of, "Our children's innocence has already been stolen by gun violence. Aren't you going to protest that?"
You have now given Trump and the American government a reason (and an out) to slow down and even stop processing asylum claims.
The cost of housing and keeping track of all the migrants now also falls on Mexico, not to mention the violent gangs that these people are fleeing are present in Northern Mexico.
It seems that was a Trump lie to excuse his denying speedy asylum.
"Uh they can stay in Mexico because I made a deal, the best deal, a tremendous deal, that they stay there until we figure out what the hell is going on." *Waves stubby fingers back and forth*
First of all, where does US law enforcement get the authority to lob tear gas into Mexican territory?? This can and should be seen as an act of aggression by the United States. Second of all, the use of tear gas in this way against civilians is a war crime:
Drill drill drill. Maybe the state of California being on fire and Florida being hurricaned all to hell every year should be your first clue to take this climate change stuff seriously.
Or forget it, just take your political bribes "campaign donations" and "money is speech" that's more important right.
Republicans Must Choose Between Trump and the Rule of Law The president’s actions Wednesday portend a choice for GOP officials: Is their greater loyalty to the president or to the public’s right to know what he’s done? After Wednesday, elected officials in the Republican Party should have no doubt that Donald Trump will force them to choose in coming days, weeks, and months between loyalty to him and loyalty to the rule of law, between the public’s right to the truth and Trump’s efforts to hide it. The president began the day with an extraordinary threat on Twitter: “If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level,” he wrote, “then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!” It would be nakedly corrupt to hinge a Senate investigation on partisan game theory or retaliation rather than on the substance of the law and the public interest. Yet the tweet was quickly overshadowed by even bigger news—Trump’s ouster of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Trump has told more than 6,420 lies as president, and his total abandonment of truth is eroding American democracy as we know it
You have now given Trump and the American government a reason (and an out) to slow down and even stop processing asylum claims.
The cost of housing and keeping track of all the migrants now also falls on Mexico, not to mention the violent gangs that these people are fleeing are present in Northern Mexico.
Watch a former assistant Attorney General mock Rudy Giuliani’s ‘off the rails’ plan for Trump to duck a Mueller subpoena to say, Giuliani is now a loon!
Here are 10 incredibly fake facts that Trump supporters think are true shook my head at everyone of these.
Here’s how the philosophers of selfishness came to use Christianity as their cover story, the only thing religion has left to justify itself is that it provides cover for people who want to have bigoted, selfish beliefs but want to believe they are good people anyway. As these social trends continue, we can expect the alignment between public piety and grotesquely selfish political beliefs to get worse, not better.
Tabletop Tuesday – RPGs are Done with Edgelords and Bigots fact that the OSR boils down to a specific approach to playing RPGs doesn’t detract from those reprehensible people who associate themselves with, or champion, the concept. Too many OSR blogs or books included bigoted and hateful language and evidence of harassment by OSR “fans” existed.
"Because of modern Gender Confusion, a lot of females will often assume that they can join an unmoderated all-male group and nothing will change." Actual quote from from an OSR forum.
In 2015, White Wolf (which hadn’t really been an independent company since 2006) came back as a subsidiary of Paradox Interactive, with the goal of starting the 5th Edition of Vampire: the Masquerade. Although ended by the original company in 2004, the line was so popular it spawned a 20th-anniversary version in 2011 (by Onyx Path Publishing), and the reins were handed over to “new” leadership.
Unfortunately, by 2017, the controversy had already begun with an Alpha Playtest that included a pre-generated character that was essentially a pedophile. Further Beta releases of material only furthered the backlash, with the use of charged language (like “triggered”), false equivalencies (comparing neo-Nazis to social justice advocates), and similar passages that seemed to cater to the faux-centrist, Internet troll, and alt-right crowds.
White Wolf defended itself vehemently, denying association with any bigoted movements, ideologies, or groups; instead, contributors (like VtM founder, Mark Rein-Hagen) doubled-down that they were just being edgy and presenting Vampires as monsters. They even promised to make alterations and include new chapters encouraging responsible and inclusive gameplay; of course, it was too late for the books already on shelves, so everyone would have to wait for the PDFs, or later print runs.
Suffice to say, the “fixed” books didn’t really do the job, and the added material was often full of the same dog-whistles and snarl words. The authors left in much of the charged language (and made even worse mistakes), crossed lines the OWoD avoided (like blaming real-world atrocities on the supernatural), and even encouraged irresponsible, “edgelord” gameplay because “it’s just a game” and “no one will judge you.”
White Wolf once more promised to do better, but when another sneak peek came out where the author (Rein-Hagen, again) used the real-life Chechnyan gay genocide as a plot point and cover-up for Vampires, the RPG industry was done. The backlash was swift, and Paradox stated it was looking into addressing the issue and “restructuring” leadership of their subsidiary.
Recently, Paradox announced the future V5 products were on hold, the offensive material was thrown out, and the subsidiary would be rolled back into the parent company. White Wolf was dead once more, and the “edgelords” who’d created this travesty were (probably) jobless.
Most developed area of Africa?
Like I once heard, "God may love you, but everyone else thinks you're a buttmunch."
1.Wee little babbies that are afraid of conflict.
2. Using religion as a cover to justify bigotry.
If we can all get off our butts and fix problem 1, then 2 will be less than an issue, as those with actual sincere faith would crack down on the hypocrites.
Imagine tuning into TV tomorrow morning and hearing this:
"Welcome to Meet the Press, this Sunday, the hot topic in the nation is centered on the debate on whether water freezes at 32 degrees. We'll hear from both sides of the argument in this hour."
Any debates on these two subjects (and a myriad of others) are functionally no different than my over-the-top example above. All 3 of them are giving credence to "viewpoints" that are equally untrue. And I'd show the same contempt for a position held by a liberal who thinks Building 7 was a controlled demolition.
Trump’s Approval Rate Among Active-Duty Troops Drops to 44%, Military Times Poll Says among women in the military, Highest among the Marines and Navy. I know, Navy is mentioned twice, so it's hard to tell where it actually falls...
Female respondents, who made up 11% of the total, were more likely to disapprove of Trump, with 28% showing support and 69% disapproving. Among male respondents, 47% approved of Trump while 38% disapproved. Trump’s support was strongest in the Marine Corps and Navy, while those in the Air Force and Navy were more critical. Around 21% of respondents from the Army were neither favorable nor unfavorable, making it the most undecided branch of the armed forces.
White House admits Trump climate policies will cost Americans $500 billion a year's the charts here that show how scary this is going to be... Between 4 and 8 points of average temperature change. Now, that's damn scary.
This amounts to little more than flat-out stealing money from these people. Anyone who has ever gotten screwed out a paycheck knows just how low and scummy this is. This should be front page news.
Edit: It appears this was an old story, and about 3 million dollars in fines were paid a few months later, and settlements were reached just as and after he was taking office. But it reiterates a point that has been brought up over and over. How are we ok with someone sitting in this office who doesn't pay the people who work on his buildings as a tactic?? You wanna talk about screwing working people over?? Trump was literally withholding their paychecks.
But a same sex kiss, that's something to get upset about.
The incredible U.S.-to-China soybean nosedive, in one chart nosedive. Not a big surprise.
Black Man Killed By Police During Alabama Mall Shooting Was Mistaken As A Suspect about the above shooting:
New American Nazis"Uh they can stay in Mexico because I made a deal, the best deal, a tremendous deal, that they stay there until we figure out what the hell is going on." *Waves stubby fingers back and forth*
Mexico: uh no that never happened.
First of all, where does US law enforcement get the authority to lob tear gas into Mexican territory?? This can and should be seen as an act of aggression by the United States. Second of all, the use of tear gas in this way against civilians is a war crime:
US agents fire tear gas at migrants in start of border clashes with Mexico Joe’s, Walmart, Kroger and Others Recall All Sorts of Food Products salads to taquitos to tikka masala and more, ready-to-eat food in your refrigerator or freezer might be part of a massive recall.
Nothing beats the convenience of ready-made meals. It’s true especially for wraps, sandwiches and salads when you don’t have time to make lunch. But before you eat any ready-to-eat foods in your refrigerator or freezer, please be aware: There’s a massive recall in effect due to Salmonella and Listeria poisoning concerns.
Seems Russia thinks it can start escalating things again.
Trump Push For 'Energy Dominance' Boosts Drilling On Public Land, Drill in Yosemite. It'll lose all its beauty, but at least we'll enough oil and coal for 20 more years.
Trump's mother was a refugee...
Or forget it, just take your political bribes "campaign donations" and "money is speech" that's more important right.
This looks to effect 15% of GM's US workforce.
Republicans Must Choose Between Trump and the Rule of Law president’s actions Wednesday portend a choice for GOP officials: Is their greater loyalty to the president or to the public’s right to know what he’s done?
After Wednesday, elected officials in the Republican Party should have no doubt that Donald Trump will force them to choose in coming days, weeks, and months between loyalty to him and loyalty to the rule of law, between the public’s right to the truth and Trump’s efforts to hide it.
The president began the day with an extraordinary threat on Twitter: “If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level,” he wrote, “then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!”
It would be nakedly corrupt to hinge a Senate investigation on partisan game theory or retaliation rather than on the substance of the law and the public interest. Yet the tweet was quickly overshadowed by even bigger news—Trump’s ouster of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Trump has told more than 6,420 lies as president, and his total abandonment of truth is eroding American democracy as we know it's tactics are seen in "electoral dictatorships" — where a society retains the facade of voting without the institutions or trust to ensure that it is an actual democracy.
Citing a 2,000% spike in usage — due to Brexit and the American presidential campaign — they defined post-truth as "relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief."
Ideology, in other words, takes precedence over reality.
About Male and Female bodies and sex genes: