If you want to insult Muslims, don't wear shirts claiming you are an 'infidel'.You know what's an infidel? An Atheist. Christians and Jews, to Muslims, are "People of the Book", i.e. they all share what Christians call "The Old Testament", and what Jews call "The Torah". Christianity also uses the word infidels to describe enemies of their own God.
It is possible that the State Legislature in Virginia might get around to ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment this coming legislative session. If it does, Virginia will become State 38 and cross the 2/3 boundary necessary for a Constitutional Amendment to become ratified.
Does the fact that the last time limit extension for ratifying the ERA expired back in the late 1980s matter? Does ratification still take effect? Is the ERA even necessary given that the Fourteenth Amendment already guarantees equal protection under the law for all citizens?
We don't need to drill on public lands more than we are already doing. The United States is already the leading producer of oil and natural gas in the world--we surpassed Russia only a few months ago--so as long as we continue to be the number one producer that should be sufficient. I can see increasing production a little more so that we become a net exporter of those products, but sinking wells somewhere just because we can is not a legitimate reason for sinking a well.
I'd prefer to see more investment in nuclear power. Despite the outdated stereotype, nuclear energy is one of the absolute cleanest and safest forms of energy we've got, and a nuclear power plant can be started up anywhere.
There's a conference next month in Poland intended to develop more detailed plans on how to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement for tackling climate change. Although Trump indicated he wanted to pull out of that, he's apparently decided that the US delegation should take part in order to ensure the decisions reflect US concerns. What those concerns are is perhaps best reflected by the fact that, at a conference dedicated to seeing how CO2 can be reduced, the US will be hosting a side event promoting the use of coal as a fuel. Frankly I think it's a pity that Trump was not legally able to immediately withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement ...
But today I went to a GM dealership and told the salesman 'Merry Christmas'. He said, "Happy Holidays, sir", I smiled and said "You don't have to be afraid anymore. President Trump gave us Christmas back" he started crying tears of joy and said "Merry Christmas" and then everyone in the place applauded????
It is possible that the State Legislature in Virginia might get around to ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment this coming legislative session. If it does, Virginia will become State 38 and cross the 2/3 boundary necessary for a Constitutional Amendment to become ratified.
Does the fact that the last time limit extension for ratifying the ERA expired back in the late 1980s matter? Does ratification still take effect? Is the ERA even necessary given that the Fourteenth Amendment already guarantees equal protection under the law for all
All interesting questions. The only one I can respond to is the "is the ERA necessary because we have the 14th amendment"? -
probably. One of Scalia's arguments in his dissent on Obergefell v Hobb was that a Same Sex ban in 1866 wouldn't have been seen as unconstitutional then, and shouldn't be seen as unconstitutional now.
As long as originalists believe that the only valid interpretation of an amendment is the one made at the time of its passage, we will need to continually adopt new amendments to confront modern issues.
Mind you - that's regardless if you agree that originalism is a valid or invalid approach to determining constitutionality - it's a simple consequence of it.
(FWIW - I've heard that the dissents against O v H are generally regarded as weak, legally speaking. Similarly - the majority opinion that upheld the ACA is usually seen pretty weak, legally).
This will be the story of the industrialized Midwest's swing toward Trump. Throwing a molotov cocktail into our political system for what ends up being no reason whatsoever:
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia (through the proxy of a separatist movement in Eastern Ukraine) has so far cost about 10,000 lives. Though that conflict has never stopped it's been out of the news for a while now. That might change following clashes in the Sea of Azov, where Russia has just forcibly annexed 3 Ukrainian ships.
This story gives some background, but I think it's too early to judge who is responsible for this escalation. The obvious answer would be Russia, but it's certainly not impossible that Ukraine has been deliberately provocative. That could help the Ukrainian President Poroshenko, who has been losing popularity over time, by both stoking up nationalist sentiments and getting the conflict with Russia back into international focus.
Does the fact that the last time limit extension for ratifying the ERA expired back in the late 1980s matter? Does ratification still take effect? Is the ERA even necessary given that the Fourteenth Amendment already guarantees equal protection under the law for all
All interesting questions. The only one I can respond to is the "is the ERA necessary because we have the 14th amendment"? -
probably. One of Scalia's arguments in his dissent on Obergefell v Hobb was that a Same Sex ban in 1866 wouldn't have been seen as unconstitutional then, and shouldn't be seen as unconstitutional now.
As long as originalists believe that the only valid interpretation of an amendment is the one made at the time of its passage, we will need to continually adopt new amendments to confront modern issues.
The problem with originalists is that as time passes our understanding of things should change and grow. We aren't supposed to have the same outlook today that we did in 1866, much less 1966--an American citizen is an American citizen and they should all have the same rights. In my opinion the 14th suffices to guarantee this but if the ERA becomes the 28th Amendment and provides extra guarantees of equal treatment under the law then I see no problem with it.
The bailout that they received back in 2009 had a 6 year clause that said they were not allowed to reduce the amount of positions in Canada. That has now expired. GM also paid back the loan(s) awhile ago.
All the plants that closed were operating below capacity.
Even though the company turned a 2.5 billion profit, they have offered workers buyout packages due to the concern of future losses because of the steel tariffs.
As shitty as this is, the decision was made for the good health of the company. Losing 10,000 jobs now is better than losing 100,000 after the company bleeds money hoping things turn around.
No Mexican plant was closed down.
I kinda want to know how long GM was sitting on this and if they were asked to wait until after the election. Trump was using them as leverage over Canada during the NAFTA renegotiations.
A region’s (municipal, state/provincial) reliance on one company’s success is the fault of that region’s inability to attract other businesses and not the fault of the company if it feels it is no longer profitable to operate in the region.
Besides offering tax breaks and other subsidies, a goverment has no control over a companies internal policies. They can however hinder it by passing restrictive labour laws.
As I said when Ford announced layoffs early this month, this is the beginning of the trickle. It’s only going to get worse from here (but that’s ok, with The Dems in Congress, Trump has an easy target to blame for the next round of job losses, and sadly, people will buy it).
As I said when Ford announced layoffs early this month, this is the beginning of the trickle. It’s only going to get worse from here (but that’s ok, with The Dems in Congress, Trump has an easy target to blame for the next round of job losses, and sadly, people will buy it).
Oh the naivete. Clearly any job loss would be due to the Clinton-Soros anti-Trump pedo-ring conspiracy. Obviously.
The problem with originalists is that as time passes our understanding of things should change and grow. We aren't supposed to have the same outlook today that we did in 1866, much less 1966--an American citizen is an American citizen and they should all have the same rights. In my opinion the 14th suffices to guarantee this but if the ERA becomes the 28th Amendment and provides extra guarantees of equal treatment under the law then I see no problem with it.
Yeah. I agree that the ERA should be fundamentally covered by the Equal Protections clause in the 14th amendment. There really ought not be any reason to apply it to ensure gender equality when gender neutral terms are used in the amendment itself (Well. Section 1. The voting part? Not so much...)
After seeing Scalia's (and Roberts, Thomas's and Alito's) dissent, I had to go re-read section 1 of the 14th amendment. I'm amazed at how hard some people will go to contort the concept of the 14th amendment to serve their political agenda.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
Her most valuable skill is she instinctively knows how to respond to bullshit right-wing arguments made in bad faith, and that she challenges the go-to centrist narrative on everything. It's probably due to the fact that she is young (meaning not 40+ years old like nearly everyone else in Congress) and that she frankly doesn't give a f**k how she is perceived by people who would never support her anyway. She was a bartender just over a year ago.
I'd prefer to see more investment in nuclear power. Despite the outdated stereotype, nuclear energy is one of the absolute cleanest and safest forms of energy we've got, and a nuclear power plant can be started up anywhere.
Interesting. In the wake of the Fukushima disaster many countries have been phasing out nuclear power as a baseline source of energy e.g. Germany. The Japanese prime minister at that time Kan has commented that at one point there was a danger that Tokyo could have been rendered uninhabitable. Of course one lesson there is not to run aging nuclear power plants on earthquake fault lines, but it can be hard to balance those potential risks vs. the environmental damage caused by some other baseline sources of energy.
As an aside as someone who's studied linguistics I was interested to read about the question of how to mark nuclear waste so that future generations can recognise how dangerous it is... a field apparently known as nuclear semiotics.
@Mantis37: Excellent point. Japan is indeed a fairly bad place to run nuclear reactors. Most of the world is fine for such plants, but a geologically active area with frequent earthquakes poses a unique threat. They're best kept away from coastlines and fault lines where major ecological disasters could impact them.
This New York store is selling Christmas presents for refugees
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/11/christmas-presents-for-refugees-choose-love-new-york?utm_source=Facebook+Videos&utm_medium=Facebook+Videos&utm_campaign=Facebook+Video+Blogs&fbclid=IwAR2VAOJERKR2QwlVCEqQatk7h3rvx23u3wME75_cXdYvXPIFBJ4YBwD_a4g Tills in Europe will be ringing loudly from Black Friday onwards, as consumers make the most of pre-Christmas sales. But there are two new stores where spending money will leave you empty handed. Choose Love is a pop-up store run by the charity Help Refugees. After a successful opening in London in 2017, which raised over £750,000, the original shop is back, with a new branch opening in New York on Giving Tuesday, 27 November. The stores invite shoppers to “shop your heart out, leave with nothing, and feel the love”. They present a range of essential items and services - from emergency blankets to school bags and legal fees for a separated family. Once ‘purchased’, these will be distributed by the charity and its partners across Europe and the Middle East.
https://www.newsweek.com/disapproval-donald-trump-hits-all-time-high-rising-midterm-election-latest-1232037?amp=1&fbclid=IwAR0BeMj9kmDdKkiO5Eq00q9QYyJGJkO7-vJsFrH6YPjwpPMoQnwbH4SZbVg More Americans than ever dislike the job President Donald Trump is doing in the White House, a new poll indicated on Monday. The latest survey from Gallup showed that Trump's disapproval rating had shot up to 60 percent. That's tied for his all-time high and the sharp 7 percentage point uptick from the week prior. Just before the midterm election, Trump's disapproval stood at 54 percent, according to Gallup. While Trump's disapproval rate has risen, his approval rate has dropped. Only 38 percent of Americans approved of his job performance, according to the new poll from Gallup. That's a 5 percentage point drop from the week prior, and approaches his all-time low of 35 percent.
Stop Saying ‘Migrant Caravan’: They’re Asylum Seekers Escaping a Conflict That the US Created
https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/stop-saying-migrant-caravan-asylum-162246350.html?soc_src=community&fbclid=IwAR2SKguFAPanSmCT5-GiDBj-l-3qeVmxdc20o6myz-hgx1yxFeVXIBA7pOc On Monday evening, journalist and author Steve Silberman tweeted a video interview clip of three white, middle-aged Trump supporters waiting to hear the president speak at a rally in Houston. When asked what they were looking forward to hearing the president address, one woman mentioned the so-called “migrant caravan” as a point of concern. “That’s an invasion of our country,” she said of the travelers, and she was eager to see what the president had to say about it. “But,” she added, “I love everything that comes out of his mouth.” “It doesn’t really matter what he says,” chimed another woman, this one clad in a red MAGA cap and sweatshirt. “We’ll support it.” She then explained, beaming, that she’s a “Trumpette” who will support anything the president says or does. That last paragraph is horrifying.
Why don’t we ever call white extremists terrorists?
https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/3k9k8v/why-dont-we-ever-call-white-extremists-terrorists?fbclid=IwAR3XEtifLeyAQ8IDvpZ0bs11MG75EbCkvFhnEb23BO4kPL3EUZN4jcLZYmM There have been at least 10 acts of terror carried out by white American men in the first 11 months of 2018 alone. But for some reason, we aren't calling these guys terrorists. That's because, according to President Trump's rules of engagement, terrorism seems like a word exclusively reserved for Muslims and immigrants. Earlier this month, in the ramp-up to the 2018 midterm elections, Trump returned to the stump with a similar refrain: “We will keep the criminals, drug dealers, terrorists the hell out of our country.” He even released a comprehensive strategy for fighting terrorism that’s mostly about the border and the Middle East. Mass shooters and bombers are terrorists. They intend to use death to cause terror to the people they are targeting.
Minimum wage doesn't cover the rent anywhere in the U.S.
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum-wage-doesnt-cover-the-rent-anywhere-in-the-u-s/?fbclid=IwAR3FAjKgpanwjIFsPuCFrfLzOMKf2oWLcW2UxH-FSNCJfQ8YuROjGOk_F1c A minimum-wage worker would have to put in lots of overtime to be able to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment anywhere in the country. And downsizing to a one-bedroom pad barely helps. Even with some states hiking pay for those earning the least, there is still nowhere in the country where a person working a full-time minimum wage job can afford to rent a decent two-bedroom apartment, according to an annual report released Wednesday by the National Low Income Housing Coalition. Even the $15 hourly wage touted by labor activists would not be enough to make housing affordable in the overwhelming majority of states, the coalition found. Nationally, someone would need to make $17.90 an hour to rent a modest one-bedroom or $22.10 an hour to cover a two-bedroom place.
Canada Post back-to-work legislation passed, comes into effect on Tuesday
Trump, who hates other leaders commenting on his decisions, is perfectly happy to do the reverse. In this case he's said the proposed deal for Brexit is a bad one. I agree with him there, though I don't share his reasoning. In particular he said that the UK might not be able to trade with the US in future. On the face of it that must be up there with the stupidest things I've heard him say, but I guess he could argue that he 'misspoke' and meant the UK might not be able to sign a trade deal with the US. That's still not strictly true, but an ongoing relationship with the EU certainly would make trade deals with other countries more complex - see this article for an explanation why.
Even though it's boring I'll also refer to another Trump comment, that strikes me as stupid. In response to the US government report on climate change he's declared he doesn't believe it. He also said something else, which I thought was telling, that having clean air and water was very important to him. The evidence on that might suggest otherwise, but the point is he seems to think climate change is linked to pollution. There is an element of that, for instance methane induces a strong greenhouse effect, but most of the driver for climate change is coming from carbon dioxide. That's essential for life and not commonly considered a pollutant (other than by climate change scientists ), so it's not on the list of EPA pollutants for instance. However, like so many other things, what is benign at one level can be malign at another. If Trump simply doesn't understand the mechanism for climate change (as opposed to understanding it, but deciding to ignore it on the grounds it won't affect him personally much), then his fixation on using coal for fuel makes a lot more sense.
Trump also went on to amplify that there was no point in the US responding to climate change alone, when other countries like China were not. Of course it's not true that China are not responding (though there are legitimate concerns about the way they are funding fossil fuel projects in 3rd countries) and nor is it true that it would be pointless for the US to act on its own. It is, however, true that a really effective response will need coordinated international action through, let's see - something like the Paris Agreement perhaps ...
Yup. As long as its white people, it's not terrorism. Because so many people think "we" I.e. White Western people, can't be terrorists.
What, you haven't heard of Sinn Fein? Or the Bader-Meinhof Gang? The Oldschool Society? Neo-Nazis?
When I was stationed in Europe in the '80s, Bader-Meinhof and the Red Brigades were our boogymen. We had pictures of them up in the barracks and everything. The Islamic terrorists were just starting to make themselves known outside of the Middle East at that point.
About Bolsonaro. He is not kicking out Venezuelans who wanna live in Brazil, is this the "ultra far extreme right" national socialist white supremacist who won in a white minority country and is married to a castiza(according to some journalists)??? Macri, the Argentine president wanna harsh immigration laws and honestly Argentina don't have much jobs. They were very rich in 1900, but unfortunately now(thanks to peronism) have most third world problems like corruption, inflation, instability and most first world problems like obesity and mass illegal immigration.
About Venezuelans, i particularly don't have any opinion. I live too far on South to be affected by then and don't wanna live in hot as hell states(aka over 80% of the country)
Does the fact that the last time limit extension for ratifying the ERA expired back in the late 1980s matter? Does ratification still take effect? Is the ERA even necessary given that the Fourteenth Amendment already guarantees equal protection under the law for all citizens?
We don't need to drill on public lands more than we are already doing. The United States is already the leading producer of oil and natural gas in the world--we surpassed Russia only a few months ago--so as long as we continue to be the number one producer that should be sufficient. I can see increasing production a little more so that we become a net exporter of those products, but sinking wells somewhere just because we can is not a legitimate reason for sinking a well.
probably. One of Scalia's arguments in his dissent on Obergefell v Hobb was that a Same Sex ban in 1866 wouldn't have been seen as unconstitutional then, and shouldn't be seen as unconstitutional now.
As long as originalists believe that the only valid interpretation of an amendment is the one made at the time of its passage, we will need to continually adopt new amendments to confront modern issues.
Mind you - that's regardless if you agree that originalism is a valid or invalid approach to determining constitutionality - it's a simple consequence of it.
(FWIW - I've heard that the dissents against O v H are generally regarded as weak, legally speaking. Similarly - the majority opinion that upheld the ACA is usually seen pretty weak, legally).
This story gives some background, but I think it's too early to judge who is responsible for this escalation. The obvious answer would be Russia, but it's certainly not impossible that Ukraine has been deliberately provocative. That could help the Ukrainian President Poroshenko, who has been losing popularity over time, by both stoking up nationalist sentiments and getting the conflict with Russia back into international focus.
The bailout that they received back in 2009 had a 6 year clause that said they were not allowed to reduce the amount of positions in Canada. That has now expired. GM also paid back the loan(s) awhile ago.
All the plants that closed were operating below capacity.
Even though the company turned a 2.5 billion profit, they have offered workers buyout packages due to the concern of future losses because of the steel tariffs.
As shitty as this is, the decision was made for the good health of the company. Losing 10,000 jobs now is better than losing 100,000 after the company bleeds money hoping things turn around.
No Mexican plant was closed down.
I kinda want to know how long GM was sitting on this and if they were asked to wait until after the election. Trump was using them as leverage over Canada during the NAFTA renegotiations.
A region’s (municipal, state/provincial) reliance on one company’s success is the fault of that region’s inability to attract other businesses and not the fault of the company if it feels it is no longer profitable to operate in the region.
Besides offering tax breaks and other subsidies, a goverment has no control over a companies internal policies. They can however hinder it by passing restrictive labour laws.
As I said when Ford announced layoffs early this month, this is the beginning of the trickle. It’s only going to get worse from here (but that’s ok, with The Dems in Congress, Trump has an easy target to blame for the next round of job losses, and sadly, people will buy it).
After seeing Scalia's (and Roberts, Thomas's and Alito's) dissent, I had to go re-read section 1 of the 14th amendment. I'm amazed at how hard some people will go to contort the concept of the 14th amendment to serve their political agenda.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
It's pretty cut and dry.
As an aside as someone who's studied linguistics I was interested to read about the question of how to mark nuclear waste so that future generations can recognise how dangerous it is... a field apparently known as nuclear semiotics.
This New York store is selling Christmas presents for refugees
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/11/christmas-presents-for-refugees-choose-love-new-york?utm_source=Facebook+Videos&utm_medium=Facebook+Videos&utm_campaign=Facebook+Video+Blogs&fbclid=IwAR2VAOJERKR2QwlVCEqQatk7h3rvx23u3wME75_cXdYvXPIFBJ4YBwD_a4gTills in Europe will be ringing loudly from Black Friday onwards, as consumers make the most of pre-Christmas sales.
But there are two new stores where spending money will leave you empty handed.
Choose Love is a pop-up store run by the charity Help Refugees. After a successful opening in London in 2017, which raised over £750,000, the original shop is back, with a new branch opening in New York on Giving Tuesday, 27 November.
The stores invite shoppers to “shop your heart out, leave with nothing, and feel the love”. They present a range of essential items and services - from emergency blankets to school bags and legal fees for a separated family. Once ‘purchased’, these will be distributed by the charity and its partners across Europe and the Middle East.
https://www.newsweek.com/disapproval-donald-trump-hits-all-time-high-rising-midterm-election-latest-1232037?amp=1&fbclid=IwAR0BeMj9kmDdKkiO5Eq00q9QYyJGJkO7-vJsFrH6YPjwpPMoQnwbH4SZbVgMore Americans than ever dislike the job President Donald Trump is doing in the White House, a new poll indicated on Monday.
The latest survey from Gallup showed that Trump's disapproval rating had shot up to 60 percent. That's tied for his all-time high and the sharp 7 percentage point uptick from the week prior. Just before the midterm election, Trump's disapproval stood at 54 percent, according to Gallup.
While Trump's disapproval rate has risen, his approval rate has dropped. Only 38 percent of Americans approved of his job performance, according to the new poll from Gallup. That's a 5 percentage point drop from the week prior, and approaches his all-time low of 35 percent.
Stop Saying ‘Migrant Caravan’: They’re Asylum Seekers Escaping a Conflict That the US Created
https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/stop-saying-migrant-caravan-asylum-162246350.html?soc_src=community&fbclid=IwAR2SKguFAPanSmCT5-GiDBj-l-3qeVmxdc20o6myz-hgx1yxFeVXIBA7pOcOn Monday evening, journalist and author Steve Silberman tweeted a video interview clip of three white, middle-aged Trump supporters waiting to hear the president speak at a rally in Houston. When asked what they were looking forward to hearing the president address, one woman mentioned the so-called “migrant caravan” as a point of concern.
“That’s an invasion of our country,” she said of the travelers, and she was eager to see what the president had to say about it. “But,” she added, “I love everything that comes out of his mouth.”
“It doesn’t really matter what he says,” chimed another woman, this one clad in a red MAGA cap and sweatshirt. “We’ll support it.” She then explained, beaming, that she’s a “Trumpette” who will support anything the president says or does.
That last paragraph is horrifying.
Why don’t we ever call white extremists terrorists?
https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/3k9k8v/why-dont-we-ever-call-white-extremists-terrorists?fbclid=IwAR3XEtifLeyAQ8IDvpZ0bs11MG75EbCkvFhnEb23BO4kPL3EUZN4jcLZYmMThere have been at least 10 acts of terror carried out by white American men in the first 11 months of 2018 alone. But for some reason, we aren't calling these guys terrorists.
That's because, according to President Trump's rules of engagement, terrorism seems like a word exclusively reserved for Muslims and immigrants.
Earlier this month, in the ramp-up to the 2018 midterm elections, Trump returned to the stump with a similar refrain: “We will keep the criminals, drug dealers, terrorists the hell out of our country.” He even released a comprehensive strategy for fighting terrorism that’s mostly about the border and the Middle East.
Mass shooters and bombers are terrorists. They intend to use death to cause terror to the people they are targeting.
Following Trump's money exposes the awful truth: Our president is a 'financial vampire'
https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-johnston-trump-cons-and-cheats-20181004-story.html?fbclid=IwAR0jVJ11PlZgwzLseaTr8vmNVWNtHXYY_e1G1fgccEtNK2CZwZ-MWxRxwqEHe sucks up other people's money to feed his own. Naturally.
https://www.newsweek.com/defeated-state-republicans-scramble-pass-unpopular-laws-1221052?fbclid=IwAR175GXwyc-Wz5nIu-nMvJiSQs8M44__vPNd2JayxY_kerT8xptghKgFzVAAka "The Scorched and Salted Earth" tactic.
'Tent cities' for migrant children reportedly cost much more than detaining families together
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/20/migrant-kids-tent-cities-cost-more-than-detaining-families-report.html?fbclid=IwAR1dNqeZku_p84QP_zUb4BTDXEaEkXd1e6k4VHFU9Torcef5e7nq8h6Q9-YBut hey, they have to be penalized somehow, right?
‘Risking ourselves’ from hunger, corruption, migrants in caravan heading for U.S. border say
https://globalnews.ca/video/4576845/risking-ourselves-from-hunger-corruption-migrants-in-caravan-heading-for-u-s-border-say?fbclid=IwAR3qLj6rC9bKNIAwndjlcOOsTSxY3Oe_lWyNAAh_Kdxt39kvscV1XFDcfZABut Trumpettes will believe whatever spews out of the President's mouth
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement
https://thehill.com/regulation/national-security/418341-manafort-violates-plea-agreement?fbclid=IwAR3757WK8Hs8P8WNqeUdx3794MxRp6k19HChScpk7T8rHyzRHC-rB-LSrIAManafort lied to the FBI, again, violating his plea agreement. Not brightest of bulbs, is he?
Susan Collins goes all in for Trump, refuses to protect the Mueller investigation
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/11/20/1814204/-Susan-Collins-goes-all-in-for-Trump-refuses-to-protect-the-Mueller-investigationAfter Kavanaugh, I am really not surprised.
Minimum wage doesn't cover the rent anywhere in the U.S.
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum-wage-doesnt-cover-the-rent-anywhere-in-the-u-s/?fbclid=IwAR3FAjKgpanwjIFsPuCFrfLzOMKf2oWLcW2UxH-FSNCJfQ8YuROjGOk_F1cA minimum-wage worker would have to put in lots of overtime to be able to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment anywhere in the country. And downsizing to a one-bedroom pad barely helps.
Even with some states hiking pay for those earning the least, there is still nowhere in the country where a person working a full-time minimum wage job can afford to rent a decent two-bedroom apartment, according to an annual report released Wednesday by the National Low Income Housing Coalition.
Even the $15 hourly wage touted by labor activists would not be enough to make housing affordable in the overwhelming majority of states, the coalition found. Nationally, someone would need to make $17.90 an hour to rent a modest one-bedroom or $22.10 an hour to cover a two-bedroom place.
Canada Post back-to-work legislation passed, comes into effect on Tuesday
https://globalnews.ca/news/4701352/canada-post-back-to-work-legislation-passed-senate/?utm_source=notification/For @deltago
How ‘Strange Fruit’ Killed Billie Holiday
https://progressive.org/dispatches/strange-fruit-caused-the-murder-of-billie-holiday-180220/?fbclid=IwAR2dDNOzok_g0Qcfg8Yep7IaM_xzKHb2PvT6PwDGTHMlDEgw_i2wm9m1bdg#.W_RM6oivYC1.facebookThis song always makes me feel a strange feeling. Sad and Angry all at once. Beautiful song. Horrible actions inspired it.I can barely listen to it without crying. But I do, because such things must be remembered and preserved, so that we as a country don't repeat them.
Even though it's boring I'll also refer to another Trump comment, that strikes me as stupid. In response to the US government report on climate change he's declared he doesn't believe it. He also said something else, which I thought was telling, that having clean air and water was very important to him. The evidence on that might suggest otherwise, but the point is he seems to think climate change is linked to pollution. There is an element of that, for instance methane induces a strong greenhouse effect, but most of the driver for climate change is coming from carbon dioxide. That's essential for life and not commonly considered a pollutant (other than by climate change scientists
Trump also went on to amplify that there was no point in the US responding to climate change alone, when other countries like China were not. Of course it's not true that China are not responding (though there are legitimate concerns about the way they are funding fossil fuel projects in 3rd countries) and nor is it true that it would be pointless for the US to act on its own. It is, however, true that a really effective response will need coordinated international action through, let's see - something like the Paris Agreement perhaps ...
What, you haven't heard of Sinn Fein? Or the Bader-Meinhof Gang? The Oldschool Society? Neo-Nazis?
About Bolsonaro. He is not kicking out Venezuelans who wanna live in Brazil, is this the "ultra far extreme right" national socialist white supremacist who won in a white minority country and is married to a castiza(according to some journalists)??? Macri, the Argentine president wanna harsh immigration laws and honestly Argentina don't have much jobs. They were very rich in 1900, but unfortunately now(thanks to peronism) have most third world problems like corruption, inflation, instability and most first world problems like obesity and mass illegal immigration.
About Venezuelans, i particularly don't have any opinion. I live too far on South to be affected by then and don't wanna live in hot as hell states(aka over 80% of the country)